SCENE: Meeting room, La rose Mansion
Kyle and Neil stare down at the three intruders, whom are tied to chairs. In Laz's bedroom, Emilia continues watching over him. She had already treated Neil arm with a first aid kit, a row of bandages now wrapped around his arm, covered by the sleeve of his jacket. Kyle pours iced water on them to wake them up. They practically jump awake because of the sudden— and unpleasant— awakening. Once woken, the interrogation begins.
Kyle: Alright, start talking. Why are you after Laz? Why did you poison him? Talk!
Intruder 3: We're not saying anything. Good luck making us talk.
Kyle: (linking his fingers together and pulling on them against one another to stretch them) Good luck staying tight-lipped for long.
Scratch Mark: I see, this is what's taking so long. (his voice dark and deep, his tone menacing and uninviting)
Intruder 1: (relieved) Boss.
Intruder 2: (excited) Scratch Mark, sir. You came to recuse us.
Scratch Mark: (glares at his underlings in disappointment) All three of you were defeated by a couple of neutralized rug-rats?
His minions look down in shame. The exchange between the masked man— now known as Scratch Mark— and his underlings piques the two boys' interests, particularly certain words.
Neil: (under his breath) Neutralized?
Kyle: Scratch Mark? You mean the notoriously murderous supervillain, Scratch Mark?
Scratch Mark: (taking a dramatic bow) The one, and the only. In the flesh.
Kyle and Neil: (both making equal 'we're screwed' expressions) Oh sh*t.
Scratch Mark is a tall adult man, with a fit, athletic body, and at a full height of about 7'1", an overwhelming presence. He has a pale complexion, short purple hair and silver eyes. His outfit, all black, a high-neckline top under an open long-coat and a pair trousers with matching slip-ons. A bowler hat to complement the attire, giving him a 20th-century vibe, and a black mask, not too unlike his subordinates' own; covering his nose and mouth in a manner akin to a traditional ninja mask.
Scratch Mark's fingernails extends into razor-shape claws, 6 inches in length each.
Scratch Mark: (practically oozing bloodlust) Well, it's like they always say, if want something done right, do it yourself.
Intruder 1: That's it boss, show them who's-- (he never had a chance to finish that sentence…)
…like lightning, Scratch Mark slides pass the five, his left-hand swiping right through the three intruders as crossed, decapitating them in one fell swoop. Their heads hitting the floor with respective thuds, the three dead before they even realized it. The look of shock and terror was clear as day on Kyle and Neil's faces. While the two weren't exactly new to the concept of witnessing death right in front of them, this was the first time they've met someone cold-blooded enough to kill their own subordinates without even a shred of emotion.
Scratch Mark: Now it's your turn. (he lunges at them at high speed, the two too frozen with fear to dodge or even move; until…)
A counter-collision interrupts the elimination, launching the murderous villain back.
All three look up to see, standing in front of the boys, a tall man, holding a metal baseball bat. The man looks like a minotaur, having a humanoid-bull body of red skin-color, complete with a long tail and a pair of black horns. He is bulky and large, at least a head above Scratch Mark, and had full head of short, spiky white hair that swiped down and grey eyes. On the face of his left hand was a solitaire black dot, the same as Draco's. As clothing, he wears no more than a pair of long pants, very clearly sewn directly from animal fur. This is accompanied by a pair of black combat boots and fur wristbands. In his left hand, slung against his shoulder, is a large and heavy-looking baseball bat, one either made of a solid dark silver metal, or painted to look dark silver.
All three were surprised to see him there.
Scratch Mark: Taurus? Where did you come from?
Taurus: Sup Scratch Mark, didn't think they'd send you for this mission, good! This'll make the night a little fun. (chuckles)
Empath: (flying— or rather fluttering— down with butterfly wings made of pink energy) Slow down Taurus. Remember our objective, we're here to secure the target, not start an all-out brawl.
Taurus: (chuckles) I can do both.
The three then turned to see a second character descend to the ground next to the first, this one female. 'Empath' is a woman of average height, about the same height as Emilia. A woman with soft, hot-pink hair that is straight and shoulder-length, a single strand down her face, stopping just below the nose. She has light, sand-colored skin. On her face is a blue-tinted visor, similar to a mask, covering her eyes, gold ring-shaped earrings, and a green hairpin, designed like a heart-shaped ring, hooked into the left side of her hair. She wears a form-fitting, two-piece, spandex suit. It consists of a black torso that stretches into a short skirt, a pink belt wound tightly around her waist. Dark-gray upper-arms, and legs, her forearms and short-heeled boots are also pink, and she wears black nail polish. Her energy wings dissipated upon landing.
All three are surprised to see the two newcomers, Kyle and Neil were more surprised having never seen or heard of either of them before.
Scratch Mark: (flashing an evil, toothy grin) Well, well, well…if it isn't the famous walking mountain, Taurus, and his daring partner, the queen of hearts and the emotions they feel, herself, the lovely Empath.
Taurus grins cockily at Scratch Mark, while Empath glares determinedly at him.
Neil: Taurus and Empath? Who're they, more villains?
Kyle: (shrugs) Got me, I've never even heard of them. (to the duo) Hey, just who are you two and what's your connection with this guy? And more importantly, what are you people even doing here.
Empath: (not even sparing them a glance) You two, leave this place now! This no longer concerns you.
Neil: Say what?
Kyle: (adamant) Hell to that logic, we got involved the second our friend was attacked, we're seeing this to the end.
Empath: (taken aback, mutters under her breath) Attacked?! So, we're already too late. (to Taurus) Taurus, take care of Scratch Mark, I'll get the boy.
Taurus: (nods) Got it.
Kyle and Neil: Boy? (inwardly gasp) Laz?!
Taurus charges at Scratch Mark, swinging his bat like a double-handed sword to crush him, only for the bloodthirsty murderer to block it with his left claws and swing back with the right for a counterattack. The claws slash at his skin, leaving a five-fingered mark on his chest; Taurus' bull-like Hyde being the only thing to stop it from being fatal. Scratch Mark then begins attacking from all sides, slashing all over at Taurus, who although surpassed him in strength and defense, is severely inferior in terms of speed and dexterity. Meanwhile, Empath generates another pair of pink energy-wings, this time, bird wings before taking off into the air and flying off to search for Laz.
Kyle: (shouting as he and Neil run after her) HEEYYY! Why are so many people after Laz all of a sudden? (they both slide past the two battle brawlers and ran the stairs)
Empath: Hmm… (closes her eyes to focus her thoughts and senses nearby sorrow) There. (barges into Laz's room, startling Emilia)
Emilia: (screams, scared) W-who are you?
Empath: (not bothering to even answer, she looks to see Laz) There he is, the boy, give him to me.
Emilia: (entering mama bear mode, she runs up to stand in between Laz's bed and Empath, spreading her arms apart to form a 'T' shape) NO!
Empath: (sighs) Look, I want to do this peacefully, so give me the boy now. (Emilia refuses to move, the look of resolve evident on her face. Sighs again) Fine, have it your way. (extends her left hand out and releases pink light sparkles at Emilia) 'FAKE DESIRE MANIFESTATION: BLISSFUL SLUMBER'
Upon being hit, Emilia collapsed to the floor instantly, dozing off in seconds.
Emilia: (dozing off) No…Master Lazarus…I…have to… (dozes off completely)
Empath then flies straight to Laz's bed, picking him up and slinging over her shoulder, just as Kyle leaps on stage, double-foot kicking her into a nearby wall, and catching Laz as he fell.
Empath: (rubbing the side of her head) …! Guh! Those two are becoming a real nuisance. I thought I told you to leave.
Kyle: (carrying Laz bridal style) And I thought we told you, we're not going anywhere.
Neil walks up beside him, pulling out a pair of twin knives from hammerspace. The knives have snow-white handles and finely sharpened, blue crystal blades. Empath takes off into the air, hovering a few metres above the floor, facing them.
Empath: (extends her left hand) 'FAKE DESIRE--' (Neil interrupts her by throwing one his knives at her, impaling her hand) …?! (screams in pain)
Neil throws the other knife. It pierces through her right wing, causing it to dissipate, she screams as falls, not being able to fly with only one wing. She lands with a hard 'thud', hitting the carpeted floor back-first, the other wing dissipating as well. Kyle lays Laz back down on his bed as Neil towers over Empath and stomps her left shoulder, using the weight of his foot to hold her down the best he could, despite her higher level of strength at the moment. He pries the bloody knife out her hand and points it at her threateningly.
Neil: (menacingly) Now talk. (she raises her right hand to attack, only for him to slice it clean off her wrist, causing her to let out yet another scream) I said talk.
Empath: …! (glares at them hatefully) We intercepted intel of an operation to abduct Lazarus La rose.
Kyle and Neil: (surprised) Abduct?!
Empath: The two of us were assigned to prevent it and protect him from Terror.
Kyle: Hmph! You're clearly good at job, (pointing angrily at the unconscious boy) he's been stuck as a vegetable for the pass five hours.
Empath: According to the intel, the operation was supposed to be carried out tomorrow, during his photoshoot. But for some reason, they attacked today instead. I guess by the time we found out, it was already too late. But we still have a chance to save him before it really becomes too late.
Kyle: What do you mean by 'really becomes too late'?
Empath: You probably already know that he's been poisoned, that's why he isn't waking up, we need to take him with us to cure him now, or he'll never wake up.
The two, unsure, looked at eachother. While it is true that Laz was indeed poisoned, Candy, a seasoned healer, said it herself, and it is also true that he still isn't waking up, and the poison might be the cause of it, they don't know anything about the woman, her bovine companion or what was going on as a whole. Infact, they know less about them than the literal serial killer/supervillain just downstairs, and all they know about him is that he is just that. Could they really risk trusting them?
Neil: (shrugs) Do we really have a choice?
Kyle: (turning to face her, expression becoming serious) Alright, we'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but if you try to cross us even once, you're history.
Empath gulps, she doesn't know why but she feels she shouldn't mess with these two, a powerful tier-bishop fighter, a triangle meta no less, yet she still lost to a couple of teenagers, two who were probably neutralized on top of it. Or were they even really neutralized? Neil gets off of her and helps her up, just at that moment, Taurus smashes right through the door and entire doorway, leaving a large hole where the doorpost once was, covered in scars and scratch marks from his fight with the villain of the same name.
Taurus: (frantic, panting) EMPATH!
Kyle: (annoyed) Ah come on son, that door wasn't even shut.
Taurus: (sees Empath's defeated state and becomes furious) Empath! What have you done?!
Empath: Taurus wait, I fine--(clearly not listening, he charges straight at them) …! (raises her still injured hand, gritting her because of the pain) 'MOOD SWING: PERFECT SERENITY' (a ball of orchid-yellow light fires from her hand, hitting him square and stopping his rampage)
Taurus: (a flurry of yellow sparkles envelope him, causing his anger to dissipate and making him stop his charge) Huh, I feel so peaceful.
Kyle and Neil: (surprised at the sight of her halting a 300 lb. minotaur in mere seconds, despite her injuries) …!
Kyle: "Emotional Manipulation", a cluster skill, she can manipulate the emotions of others to alter their actions and desires, a truly unique skill.
Neil: That's one frightening ability, and in possession of someone who's clearly strong, good thing I was able stop her attempts at using it on us, or we would've been in trouble.
Empath: Taurus, where's Scratch Mark?
Taurus: Oh, I finally managed to get in a good hit and sent him flying out the house with one hit, he won't be back for a while.
Empath: (sighs) Alright, let's go, there's not much time left.
SCENE: Enforcement Branch Office, New York Branch
Empath teleports all five of them to the entryway of a large office building in a flash of pink light. She leans on Neil for support, an arm slung over his shoulder. Laz being carried bridal style by a still pacified Taurus.
Kyle: (looks around) Where are we?
Empath: Enforcement Headquarters, New York Branch at least. This is where we work.
They walk towards the large double-doors but Kyle stops abruptly, a look of surprise on his face, like he just saw…or sensed something unexpected.
Kyle: ...! We're not alone.
Neil: Huh?
Security Guard: (disembodied male voice) Freeze! Intruders detected.
A whole battalion of well-armed security guards materialize into visibility, pointing their rifle-like blasters at them. They wear very dark-gray two-piece uniforms, complete with bulletproofing, metal paddings on their shoulders, wrists and knees, and black helmets consisting of orange visors and black nose masks of rigid material which conceal their faces.
Security Guard: We have you surrounded, move and we'll open fire.
Kyle: Open fire? They do see that two of their own guys are with us, right?
Empath: Stand down, they're with us.
The guards look hesitant, but ultimately relent. They lead them into the building, into a room where they met three other people waiting for them. There were three people in all, two males and one female.
Security Guard: Master Draconic, sir, Mr. Bomb Blast, Ms. Warlady. Agents Empath and Taurus have returned with the boy but…they're not alone.
The five walk in.
Empath: (weakly) Winifred, Blake, Master Dann.
The man, "Master Dann", appears middle-aged, he is of average-height for one, about 5'10", and had a rather strong build. He has short, neatly-combed dark haired, pecan skin, and gray eyes. A well-trimmed moustache under his nose and a pointed chin on his face. He wears a black, skin-tight body suit, complemented with dark-silver armor on his shoulders, torso, elbows, wrists and hips. A matching metal belt around his waist, and matching boots. On his hands, are black gloves.
The second one looks younger, "Blake", he has long, straight, pale-coral hair that goes down his back, dark, porcelain skin, and hazel eyes. He wears a skin-tight outfit, one consisting of a royal blue top and black bottom, a silver belt around his waist, white boots, and a dark blue-gray long-coat overall, left open.
The girl, "Winifred", much like Empath, looks like a young adult, something Kyle could very well tell with one glance. She seems to be 18, maybe 20 years of age, whether or not she really is or it is just in physical appearance, he doesn't know. She's about a few inches taller than him, her hair, long and tied into a tail-length braid, both her hair and eyes being navy colored. She wears a suit similar to Empath's, it being white with sea-blue accents, no skirt though.
The three don't seem happy to see Kyle and Neil, and they look even less happy to see the states of their teammates.
Winifred: (shocked at Empath's condition) Elaine! Tylen! What did you--?
Elaine: We're fine, don't-- (winces in pain)
Winifred: (angry) You're clearly not fine. (her eyes begin glowing) You two, what did you do?
Kyle and Neil: …!
Kyle and Neil both get their guard up, though Neil is hindered at moment, due his injury, not to mention supporting Empath— now also known as "Elaine"— meaning Kyle has to protect him as well. Kyle takes up a defensive stance as Winifred takes up an offensive one. Master Dann, however, stops the fight before it could start by putting a hand on Winifred's shoulder. She turns to face him.
Master Dann: Calm down Winifred. If they were enemies, they wouldn't have helped them back here.
Winifred: But we don't even know them--
Kyle: We're Laz's friends. Kyleo Kalahan and Neil Matrix. Now, tell us who you are and what all this is about.
Blake: Yeah right! Like we're telling you pipsqueaks anything--
Bishop: (sounding calm and collective, speaking in a male robotic voice) Allow me to explain things.
Everyone turns to see a man standing behind Taurus— now also known as Tylen. His body appears to be mechanical, not unlike that of a robot. It's made out of chrome armor, with neon-blue accents. On his face, a visor-shaped screen, in the place of eyes, projecting neon-green rings with smaller, inner dots on a black background. He wears a white lab coat over a dark-gray t-shirt and black jeans.
Blake: Bishop?! What?! But we can't just--
Bishop: (raises a mechanical hand) I'll bear whatever consequences ensure, but the important things first, that blond one has clearly been injected, he needs treatment now or he won't make it. The same could be said for the other four as well, it seems.
Blake and Winifred reluctantly relent.
Bishop: Alrighty then, (several people in protective surgery uniforms arrive to offer assistance) take him to the emergency room, and the others to the recovery room.
SCENE: HQ Emergency Room
Laz, laying on a hospital bed, or at least what looks like it, is surrounded by a whole team of at least six medical workers, working as fast as they can to save his life. The hook him up to several machines as they begin to check his pulse and other vital signs.
Doctor: How are his vitals?
Nurse 1: Not good, they're unstable. He's been contaminated too long.
Nurse 2: Breathing is becoming haggard, heart rate dropping.
Nurse 3: I'm detecting high levels of organ failure and cell deterioration. He isn't going to last much longer.
Nurse 1: Sir look, (points to Laz's meta-mark, which was now almost completely white, with just the tips left) he won't last the next few minutes.
Doctor: We don't have a choice, we need to begin disabling now.
The nurses all look appalled at this statement, not that one could easily tell, due to the surgical masks covering a great majority of their faces.
Nurse 4: But sir, we need to wake him up first to get his consent--
Doctor: There's no time! He'll be dead by then. Get to work now.
SCENE: HQ Recovery Room 1
Kyle, Neil, Elaine and Tylen all lay in different beds, resting as the medical team treats their wounds. The healers among them closing up the four's wounds and repairing any internal damage. Elaine's hand is reattached, and Tylen and Neil's cuts and stab wounds are healed also, leaving behind not even the scars.
Neil: (takes off his bandages to check his arm) Alright! Nice to finally be fully healed. (turns his wrist left and right)
Kyle: (looks down at his hand and manifests a ball of fire around it) Hmm, seems my skills are working again. (turns to Neil) Which means his must be too. (turns to Elaine and Taurus, shuts his hand to quench the flame) Alright, start talking. We want our answers.
Elaine still looks a bit concerned about the two boys, Tylen on the other hand, Elaine's spell having already since worn off, is visibly furious at them again.
Tylen: You want answers? I'll give you pain! (leaps out of bed to charge but is interrupted by Bishop once again timely entry)
Bishop: (calm and collected as always) That's quite enough, Tylen. You just focus on your recovery. (gestures to Kyle and Neil) You two, right this way.
They share a look before leaping of their own beds to follow him outside, Tylen reluctantly getting back into bed. Bishop leads the two into an elevator, pushing the button to take it down.
Bishop: I assume Elaine has already told you about Terror and why your friend needed to brought here as soon as possible.
Kyle: Yeah, but what is Terror? And what is this Enforcement too.
Bishop: Let's introduce ourselves first. My name is Prof. Jacob Cunnycut, but you can call me Bishop.
Kyle: Kyleo.
Neil: Neil.
Bishop: (nods to them without turning back to them) Greetings. As you know, in this world, we metahumans are beings born with extraordinary powers, and the most powerful amongst us usually use their power to become great public figures that influence the world around them in some way. Either as high political figures, influential business people, or members of a special task force such as the authorities, superheroes or even supervillains.
Kyle: Yeah, but--
Bishop: Six Hundred years ago, a corrupt villain organization called "Terror" arose, made up of some of the most vile and despicable villains, the solar system could offer. While their main objective itself is still unknown, we've uncovered that their means to that end is to increase their forces.
Neil: Increase their forces? (Bishop nods) You mean like hire more villains?
Bishop: (shakes his head) If it were just simple recruitment, it would have been fine. But instead, they've been forcibly recruiting innocent civilians, high-ranking nobility and even heroes and other villains to their side.
Kyle and Neil: (alarmed) …?! Forcibly recruiting?!
Bishop: Indeed. For decades, they've been targeting powerful fighters, tier-knights to tier-queens, influential public figures, anyone with the strength or connections needed to help make as big an impact as possible. (elevator stops and they leave, walking through the hallway) To that end, they have a number of ways, each more despicable than the last. Bribery, abduction, defamation, blackmail, forced mutation, coercion, and now with their contaminator drug, they're able to literally hold a person's own special skills hostage.
Neil: (appalled) Holding their skills hostage?!
Kyle: (equally appalled) How is that even possible?
Bishop: The contaminator drug works by poisoning the target. Once the drug has been injected, it begins to slowly but surely shut down all internal functions and deteriorate cell reanimation and bodily recovery. It starts by paralyzing the target's mental lobes, putting them in a comatose-like state, so that their death can be slow but painless. Effectively, you'll be dead in a few hours before you even realize it, six being limit. I'm sure you already know that for all our strength and recovery, poison is one of the very few things metas have no protection from.
Kyle: But our friend can't die of poison. His skill makes him practically immortal. Granted, it requires conscious effort, but it still nullifies all status effect automatically.
Bishop: Perhaps, but, unfortunately, had it been any old poison he probably wouldn't be in danger. However, this is no ordinary poison. Unlike others that directly target the victim's health and life force, this one targets their minergy.
Kyle and Neil: (once again shocked) THEIR MINERGY?!
Kyle: (voice over) Minergy. The special, versatile power energy that gives us our skills, it's what separates us from the ancient humans. In a nutshell, it's a special force energy that works as fuel for special skills. As it flows through our bodies, it grants us our physical and mental enhancements, such as speed, strength, intellect and memory. Metahumans utilize special skills by subconsciously or fully consciously harnessing the flow within our bodies and manifesting it out as a skill effect. The stronger the skill or the technique performed with it, the more minergy is required. Same goes for the number of times a skill is used at a time, the more a skill is used, the more minergy is used. Of course, however, it is advised that skills— and by extension, minergy— are used in moderation. Although minergy is ever-flowing, each person only has a set amount of minergy that they have access to at a time, which varies from person to person, no matter how strong you get, the amount never changes. You could have a very powerful skill but little minergy, or a weak skill with an abundance of minergy, and some people had insurmountable amounts of minergy, purely by virtue of their skill. If you run out of minergy, you're left completely powerless until it replenishes itself. But we'd be powerless without it at all.
Bishop: Indeed. It works by corrupting one's minergy reserves, turning it into a powerful toxin with no cure, it turns your own skills against you, even if your skill gives you god-level immortality, if the very power source of that skill is turned against you, then your fate is sealed.
Kyle: Hey wait, you just said it had no cure. How can you save Laz if the poison can't be cured?
Neil: Also, how is this Terror organization supposed to hold people's skills hostage if their dead?
Bishop: In order for Terror to recruit these victims, they've developed a method that not only allows them to save the person's life but also ensures that they have to do what they want from there on out.
They reach the door to a room, the room Laz is currently resting in.
SCENE: HQ Recovery Room 2
They walk in to see a medical worker doing a last-minute check-up on a sleeping Laz. She turns to look at them.
Bishop: How is he doing?
Nurse: He's stable now. The surgery was a success. He should be waking any min--
Laz: (yawns and stirs awake) Hmm? Where am I?
Kyle and Neil: (ecstatic) Laz!
Kyle runs up to his friend to wrap him in an embrace from both sides, Neil, smiling warmly, despite his ever-apathetic face, walks calmly to the other side of the bed.
Kyle: (laughs happily, tearing up a bit) You're awake, you're finally awake.
Laz: (confused) Finally, what do you mean? How long was I out?
Neil: Thank goodness you're not dying anymore.
Laz: (surprised) Huh, Dying? What are you too talking about, and who are these people?
Bishop: (gives a slight bow) I am Prof. Jacob Cunnycut, but please, call me Bishop.
Laz: Okay? (turns to Kyle) Hey, where are we and what are we doing here? The last thing I remember was getting attacked, then…that's it.
Kyle: That's…a long story.
Neil: (eyes widen in surprised) Uh Laz, where's your meta-mark?
Laz and Kyle: (look down at Laz's hand) Huh?
The 6-point star mark on Laz's left wrist is completely…gone.
Laz: (horrified) My…my meta-mark! What happened to it?
Bishop: Yes well, we had to do what we had to, to save your life.
Laz: What?
Bishop: You were injected with the contaminator drug, the only way to save you, was to…disable your minergy.
Laz: (confused) Dis-able? You mean--?
Bishop: We had to remove your special skills, completely.
All three become shocked at the sound of this. His shock turning to anger, Kyle rushes to Bishop with inhuman speed and grabs him by the neck of his t-shirt.
Kyle: (furious) Explain yourself! What have you done?
Bishop: (raises his hands as a show of submission) Once injected, one's entire minergy source becomes contaminated, the only way to save their life is to disable their entire minergy system. Your body can no longer produce or circulate minergy anymore.
Kyle: (more furious) You mean to tell me you made him powers just to save his life?
Neil: (equally furious) So when you said that Terror used the contaminator to force people to join them, this is what you meant?
Laz: Save my life?
Neil: That stuff you were injected with was a chemical supposed to turn skills into a deadly poison, these guys said they'd be able to save you.
Laz: (now understanding the situation, leaps out of bed, also furious) How could you just do that? Did you think I'd just ignore that fact simply because you did it to save my life?
Bishop: (calm and unthreatened through it all) We had no choice. Usually we're able awaken the victim temporarily, just long enough that we can get their consent, but…you had been contaminated too long, we had to do what we had to, to save your life.
Kyle, in a fit of rage, delivers a sharp right hook straight to Bishop's face, launching right through the door, out of the room. He smashes, back first, into the adjacent hallway wall, leaving a large hole halfway through, seven feet away. A dent from the punch on his face.
Nurse: (horrified, runs to his aid) Professor!
Bishop: I'm quite alright.
Kyle: Why you--
Laz: That's enough Kyle.
Kyle: (turns to look at Laz, cools down) Laz.
Laz: (down-casted) I want to be alone.
Neil: But--
Laz: Now! Please. (everyone leaves)
Bishop: (to Kyle and Neil) I'll have a guard escort you to the break room.
SCENE: HQ Break Room
Kyle and Neil are shown to the room by a guard. She opens the door for them as they enter. Kyle stomps in, fists flailing by his sides, while Neil just calmly strolls in behind him; his hands in his pants pockets
Kyle: (still angry) Gah! I'm such a fool! I never should have trusted them.
Neil: It's both our faults. We knew that we shouldn't have trusted this people 100%, yet we still did anyway.
They stop once inside to see all five soldiers, the first two and the other three from earlier. One look and any third party would immediately sense the tension in the air.
Kyle: How 'bout we find another room.
Blake: Well, well, well. If it isn't the pipsqueaks that shouldn't be here.
Kyle: (walking forward) Call us pipsqueaks again, as*holes.
Master Dann: That's enough. Blake, how many times have I told you to watch what you say.
Blake: Oh please, what can this shrimp do?
Kyle: Wanna find out?
Neil: Forget it Kyle, it's not worth it.
Kyle: (shouting in anger) LIKE I CARE! We actually swallowed our egos and gave these as*es a chance just to save our friend and now his completely powerless. You expect me to just take that with grain of salt?
Neil: Bishop said it was the only way.
Kyle: And so? Is he supposed to just live rest of his life powerless?
Winifred: Be glad he even gets to live at all. (scoffs) Such ingratitude.
Kyle: Ingratitude? Correct me if I'm mistaken but weren't you people supposed to have prevented this from happening at all? Maybe I'd be more grateful if you were more competent.
This retort really pisses off Blake, Winifred and Tylen.
Tylen: …! (grabs a large hammer and marches straight to Kyle) I've had just about enough of you.
Master Dann: Tylen--
Tylen: Sorry master, but this kid asked for it. (gets ready to attack Kyle, who just glares at him unrelenting)
SCENE: HQ Rooftop
Laz sits at the edge of the rooftop, looking over at the nighttime city below. Bishop shows up on the roof too, his face already fully fixed.
Bishop: (from behind) If you're looking to kill yourself, there are other ways to do it that doesn't leave a mess for someone else to clean up.
Laz: (not even turning around) What are doing here?
Bishop: Lazarus, if I am not wrong. I understand how you feel, about losing your--
Laz: No, you don't. Unlike me, you still have your skills.
Bishop: Fair enough. But you should know that you're the only one in this boat. Others have been attacked and contaminated and had to be disabled.
Laz: Great, of course I'd be happy to know I'm the one you've deprived of what is basically their very identity as a metahuman.
Bishop: I'm trying to help you--
Laz: I know, and I get you were just doing what could only be done to save me but…
Bishop: Well, if you're interested, I have an offer you likely won't refuse.
Laz turns to look at him.
The scene fades to black as the CHAPTER ends.