I've always been a perfect child, yet I don't understand the so-called struggle of being one. People are just exaggerating. Being without mistakes is how everyone should be, and it shouldn't be a choice. They say no one is perfect and that's how it should be, yet if everyone was perfect then wouldn't the world be also without flaws?
High nobles and even royalty have even complimented my behavior. They set me as an example for their children so I could say I've made enemies in my youth. My parents were always proud of me, but who wouldn't? I had no flaw. At the age of eight, I acted more grown-up than some adults.
Growing up I had a quest to learn every martial art and how to use every weapon effectively. Meanwhile, I was able to achieve that, I can't say I excel in any of them, none sparked my interest in continuing to learn them. Hand to hand, long-range weapons, short-range weapons, name it, and I would know how to use it.
My name is known through nobility, Alberta Zoltry, the perfect. And I didn't even want to do it, happen by accident. Can't say I dislike it though, it serves as the fuel for my ego.
Whenever the news about the war started flying around, I didn't think twice before preparing a plan and supplies. I would look at the people around me panicking and I would want to vomit. They ran around crying, praying to this King of Creatures guy when they could be preparing to survive. Everyone wants to live, but whenever it's at stake, only some actually do something about it.
I chose to go to the Enubis kingdom for one reason, to show my perfection. It felt bad only showing humanity my perfection, everyone should be able to see it.
Whenever I told my father about that decision, he seemed proud, which is why I respect him. Many parents would beg their child not to go to such a dangerous place, but by my guess, he was thinking the same thing as me.
Parents always love showing around their children, comparing them to others like valuables. Their eyes fill with greed and they just can't stop their mouth from moving, they talk and talk about how their kid is better at that or that. And my father was no exception.
But he did have a warning for me.
"To the Enubis kingdom I see, well there's no reason to hold you back." His laughter was filled with pride. But is soon stopped, signaling his seriousity. "But be careful, I've heard the Monster Of the Alter Kingdom is the lieutenant for one of the parties."
I was caught by surprise by his sudden warning, he usually isn't the person to help their children in a tough situation, instead, he would let them resolve it on their own, growing their character.
My confusion grew bigger hearing who he was worried about, I had never heard of him, so I thought It was just a nobody that he was just exaggerating over.
'I see, thank you, father. But I must be honest and tell you that I don't quite know who this person is.'
He raised his eyebrow, not quite expecting me to not know something that was such a simple thing to him.
"You don't? Well, dear, his real name is Max Solutus. And he's a damn monster, a baster who committed genocide in the prison he was sentenced in."
'And they made him a lieutenant? They should have given him a death sentence!'
My anger could be heard, I was mad at the guild for allowing such a disaster into our army. A monster like him should be put down.
"I know, darling, but the guild can be corrupt sometimes. I advise you to stay away from him, don't trust him even a bit, and if you can..." He seemed hesitant to make his last request, but he isn't a man who keeps his mind captive. "Find a way to kill him, it would only serve as a favor to everyone. Exterminate that pest."
Max put his feet on the table and with a piercing look, spoke with anger.
'Answer me, Alberta, what's your relationship with that dragon!'
She crossed her arms and sighed. "Fine I admit it, I was the one who told him your location. My plan was for him to kill him, but I see he couldn't do that, you rat."
Max got up and pointed the remaining of his sword at her. His voice now even more mad than before. 'I dare you to call me that again.'
She put her hand up, and a cocky grin curled on her face. "Wow calm down, you let Elizabeth say it so I thought I could. You rat."
He took a deep breath to calm himself, but it wasn't working very well, his patience was running low, like a glass full of water ready to spill.
He put up a face smile to not add more wood to the fire.
'Alright then, what can I do to acquire your trust oh dear friend.'
"First we are not friends, and as for what you could do, let me think." Her one cocky grin, now turning had an evil face. "You know I've heard a general is somewhere in the kingdom, find him and well come after and help you."
He started chuckling, but that chuckling quickly turned into a hysteric laugh. Making Alberta feel uncomfortable. 'So you're basically sending me on a suicidal mission.' He sat down and banged his feet back, his fake smile now covered up by a massive grin. 'But hell, why not! It's not like it's going to be my first time meeting a general.'
Alberta backed away a bit, her expression once full of pride, now had a sense of fear.
'Did you not hear me? I said that I'll go on your little suicidal mission, and I will come back. Stay alive until then, I don't want my cool arrival after such an impossible mission to get ruined.'