What a view.' He said while looking at the endless snow, painted by the blood of once brave and hopeful warriors. 'All of these to kill one?' He kneeled down at the dead dragon the adventurers died killing. 'Well, at least you could say they passed killing a powerful rank dragon.' A Humanoid, a dragon powerful enough to choose itself a vessel and take over its mind.
'I hope you weren't sent to a better place.' He covered his nose, maybe it was a part of respect, or just him not liking the smell of blood, and started walking towards the closest city in the kingdom.
'How did missions work again? Oh yeah right, for you to participate in a mission you have to have a minimum of three people, then find at least one more party to go with you. I'm sure Fay took care of that. She better not have chosen some weak adventurers.'
'This Inn is where they should be'
'Rest in peace' He said while leaving the bodies in the unknown.
His leather boots penetrating the snow with no effort, causing the satisfying sound of every child loves. Deep in thought, he didn't see a rock sticking out of it and stumbled face-first into the icy snow.
'This brings back memories.' He said while wiping his face.
As soon as he stepped inside the city, he tried finding the Inn, but this was one of his worst ideas, as he got lost in the big city. So he gave up, and withholding all of his pride back, he asked for directions. 'Battle lost!'
He opened the rusty door of the Inn, making a screeching noise that attracted everyone's attention. As soon as he got a good look at his surroundings, his eyes stopped on one person.
'Hey look, the ugly princess.'
"Says the oversized Rat." She said while laughing. This girl was the princess of the Alter Kingdom, her blonde hair was known through humanity, to blind you, and her violet eyes, holding the entire cosmic within, make you want to see what star you can find in them.
She wore a light armor set covering her chest and waist, which looked like it was made from a very expensive material. Considering she was a princess, it was fitting.
She and Max have had a... friendly relationship since they were kids, they weren't friends, but they weren't strangers either.
'I didn't think you, such a beautiful princess would come to the most dangerous place at the moment.' He teased.
But he was then taunted back "And I didn't think you were still alive, I thought you died with your parents that day."
'Rats aren't easy creatures to get rid of.'
"Oh trust me, I know!"
Getting caught up in their conversation, they completely forgot about their third member.
"I'm sorry to break your little reunion, but I think it would be great if we got to know each other first."
The girl had a pair of black hair with an orange contrast on the left part of her head, her black eyes didn't stand up very much, but they were not to be underestimated. Unlike the princess, she didn't wear any armor. But it wasn't like they would be fighting on their first day.
"I'll start first, My name is Alberta Myber. My drive is trap, and since I'm the oldest I think I should be the leader of this party."
'Trap?' Max asked confused, by his guess it was probably a mutated type drive.
"Yes trap, I can make different types of traps, with different effects and attributes." Meanwhile, normally this would sound lame to Max, as he was someone who fights at close range, but he can't deny that it would be useful in a war.
"Then I'll continue, you probably already know me, I am Elizabeth Alter, princess of the Alter kingdom, and my drive is healing, I am also part of the Guiding Light trial." Max looked unsurprised, he had already known this.
'My name is Max Solutus, my drive is Blue Electricity, and I am the lieutenant of this party.'
"Why did you lie about your drive?"
'Shut up Azel. It wasn't a complete lie.'
"Wasn't it Max Rose?" She chuckled.
'It hasn't been for some time now. What about the other party, where are they.'
"In the other room, we stayed and waited for you, meanwhile they said they didn't care to wait."
'Well, they sound like some cocky bastards.'
"One of them is actually the princess of this kingdom. But I don't think you know her."
Max raised an eyebrow, the royal families are really not joking around, just making their heirs fight on the battlefield. Or is it that the guild's leaders have a higher order at the moment?
An ear-bleeding noise emerged as a door opened, and out of it, a beautiful girl appeared, her hair had a white color, that if put beside the snow would camouflage like a chameleon, and her eyes were blue like Max's. She was wearing a white chemise and some tight black pants. She also wasn't wearing any armor, making Elizabeth a little embarrassed, being the only one covered by armor.
"Ah, Evelyn, I was just talking about you. This is Evelyn Frost, the princess of the Enubis kingdom."
The girl looked around, and as her eyes spotted Max, she raised her eyebrows and blinked twice.
"Max, what are you doing here?" A smug look appeared on her face. "Did the Alter Kingdom kick you out like last time? Don't worry I'm always here for you."
Max frowned, it was clear he didn't like being teased. 'Do I have to remind you again that the only reason you are alive right now is because of me?'
Elizabeth, now jaw dropped, was as confused as it gets.
"Wait you know this brat? This annoying child? And why are you acting like your best friends? I'm so confused."
Alberta, who was just watching, finally spoke again. "You sure have your way around royalty. What do you have in store for the future, the elf princess." She laughed.
'Well then.' He yawned 'Im going to sleep, tomorrow I want to see everyone up and ready to discuss.'
He went to his room in the Inn and fell asleep on the hard bed.
"Wake up!" He jumped out of bed immediately, and still confused he looked at the slash of fire coming towards him. Behind that stood a man, his eyes were red, and his pupils were in the shape of vertical slits, he had a pair of red wings and a tail.
'A dragon? And probably a fire drive!'
From his feet, electricity emerged, flashing and moving with fast speed around them like a storm. Its blue color indicates its power. His blood flowed faster, like in a fatal situation. This was the Blue Lightning drive.
With the help of his drive, he was able to avoid the attack. He took a breath, now fully awake.
'And here I thought the first day was going to be easy.' A big grin appeared on his face.