Chereads / Being Vegito after defusion / Chapter 28 - Sight of the above

Chapter 28 - Sight of the above

Elder Kai's pov:

I've been watching him since the moment he came into existence.

When those Potara earrings joined two Saiyans, creating something beyond what either could have become individually, I felt the ripple across the cosmos.

A power that made even me, an ancient Kai who has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations beyond counting, pause and take notice.


The name itself holds power - a perfect fusion of his component parts, yet something entirely new. Just as he is.

From my vantage point in the Sacred World of the Kais, I've observed his journey with particular interest.

Not simply because of his extraordinary power - though that alone would warrant attention - but because of what he chose to do with it.

After defeating Majin Buu - a feat impressive enough on its own - he sought me out, asking me to unlock his latent potential as I had once done for Gohan.

I was skeptical at first. His power was already beyond anything I had encountered in millennia.

What more could there be to unlock? But I performed the ritual nonetheless, curious to see what might emerge.

The results were... unsettling.

With his potential unlocked, Vegito's base power increased dramatically. But that was merely the beginning.

When he later restored his Saiyan tail and achieved the Super Saiyan 4 transformation, the resulting energy surge sent ripples through the very fabric of reality.

It happened during what should have been a routine mission.

Vegito was traversing the outer reaches of the galaxy, investigating an anomalous energy signature that had appeared on the fringes of what would eventually become his empire.

The signature turned out to be a cosmic anomaly - a tear in space-time that was gradually expanding.

Such phenomena are rare but not unprecedented. They typically resolve themselves without intervention.

But this particular anomaly was different. It was actively drawing in surrounding matter, growing stronger with each absorption.

Vegito recognized the danger immediately. If left unchecked, the anomaly could potentially consume entire star systems.

Even for a being of his extraordinary power, closing such a tear would be challenging—perhaps impossible in his base form.

"This calls for something more," I heard him mutter as he observed the swirling vortex from the safety of his ship.

What followed was a calculated risk.

Vegito transformed directly into Super Saiyan 4 - not from necessity in combat, but as a deliberate application of overwhelming force against a cosmic threat.

The crimson fur, the lengthened hair, the extraordinary power that radiated from him as he approached the anomaly - it was magnificent to behold.

Using techniques that combined precise ki control with raw power, he began to manipulate the energy of the tear itself, gradually forcing it to collapse inward rather than expand outward.

The process took hours, requiring sustained power and concentration that would have exhausted any lesser being.

When it was finally done - the anomaly sealed, the threat neutralized—Vegito remained in his Super Saiyan 4 form for several minutes, ensuring the closure was stable.

It was during this time that the energy signature of his transformation radiated unimpeded through space, a beacon of power unlike anything the universe had witnessed in millennia.

I felt it immediately - a power spike so intense that it made the Sacred World itself tremble.

Not merely a transformation, but an evolutionary leap that connected to the primal roots of Saiyan potential in ways I hadn't witnessed since... well, since before my unfortunate imprisonment in the Z Sword.

"Oh my," I whispered, nearly spilling my tea. "This could complicate matters."

Supreme Kai looked alarmed. "Is something wrong? That power spike was extraordinary, but surely it's a good thing for our universe to have such a protector?"

I didn't answer immediately. My mind was racing through calculations and ancient prophecies, trying to determine the implications.

"It's not the power itself that concerns me," I said finally. "It's who might notice it."

I kept more information to myself initially, watching with growing interest as Vegito, seemingly unaware of the divine attention he may attract, embarked on a new mission.

Having achieved unprecedented power, he turned his gaze outward, to the chaos left in Frieza's wake.

"What do you make of his empire-building?" Supreme Kai asked me one day, as we watched Vegito negotiate the peaceful submission of a former Frieza outpost.

"Is it merely a Saiyan's natural inclination toward conquest, manifesting in a more benevolent form?"

I considered this as I sipped my tea, watching the events unfold on my viewing crystal.

The local warlord who had seized control after Frieza's death was kneeling before Vegito, not out of fear - though fear was certainly present - but in recognition of a superior vision.

"No," I replied finally. "This is something else entirely. Look at the terms he's offering."

The terms were indeed remarkable. Protection without subjugation. Resource sharing rather than exploitation.

Self-governance within a framework of universal laws designed to ensure basic rights for all sentient beings.

"He's not building an empire in the traditional sense," I explained to my younger counterpart. "He's creating a system - a structure to replace the chaos. Filling the vacuum Frieza left behind with something better."

And so the Paradis Empire was born.

I had watched with growing interest as months ago Vegito established his first outpost, then another, and another.

Each world he brought into his sphere received immediate benefits - security from raiders, access to technology, medical assistance for populations that had suffered under Frieza's neglect.

Most remarkable were the laws he instituted. Universal access to essential resources - water, basic nutrition, medical care, education.

These weren't provided as charity but established as fundamental rights, with systems designed to ensure sustainable implementation.

"He's applying Earth concepts to interstellar governance," Supreme Kai observed with surprise. "But adapted for the specific needs of each world and species."

Indeed, Vegito's approach showed an understanding of diverse needs that went beyond simple goodwill.

Species with unique biological requirements received tailored provisions. Cultures with specific social structures were accommodated within the broader framework.

The empire's laws bent where necessary to ensure true justice rather than mere uniformity.

Even the punishment systems showed this nuanced approach.

Yes, there was a death penalty - in a universe where beings of planet-destroying power existed, such measures were sometimes necessary.

But it was applied with careful discernment, not casual brutality as under Frieza's regime.

"He's raising the mortal level," I murmured one day, almost to myself, as I watched a formerly destitute world begin to flourish under Paradis protection.

"The what?" Supreme Kai asked, his youthful face confused.

I waved away his question. Some knowledge wasn't yet necessary for him to carry.

The concept of mortal levels - the metric by which universes were ultimately judged by those even higher than ourselves - was a burden he would bear soon enough.

But I knew what I was seeing.

With each world that improved under Vegito's governance, with each population that moved from mere survival to genuine development, the overall mortal level of Universe 7 was incrementally rising.

Our universe, long ranked near the bottom among the twelve, was showing signs of improvement for the first time in millennia.

It was during my observation of Vegito's third planetary integration - a particularly challenging negotiation with a species that communicated primarily through color changes rather than sound - that I felt it.

A presence so powerful it made the very air of our sacred realm tremble.

"Well, well, well," came a languid, vaguely feline voice from behind me. "If it isn't the old man I sealed in a sword."

I turned slowly, my ancient heart beating faster despite my efforts to remain calm. There he stood - tall, purple-skinned, with the distinctive ears and features of his kind.

Beside him, as always, his attendant Whis watched with that perpetually amused expression.

"Lord Beerus," I acknowledged with a formal bow, trying to mask my discomfort at facing the being who had imprisoned me for fifteen million years. "This is... an unexpected honor."

The God of Destruction yawned, showing sharp teeth. "Skip the formalities, old man. We both know why I'm here."

Supreme Kai had gone pale, his body frozen in a half-bow. He had never personally encountered Beerus before, but the legends and warnings were part of every Kai's education.

"Perhaps you could enlighten us anyway," I suggested carefully. "It has been many years since you graced us with your presence."

Beerus flicked his tail in annoyance. "Don't play dumb. I felt it - that power surge. Something woke me from my slumber decades early." His eyes narrowed.

"Something originating from that little mud ball - the one where those rude lizards once wandered before I erased them."

"Earth, yes," I confirmed, choosing my words with extreme care. "The development you sensed originated there, indeed."

"Show me," Beerus demanded, gesturing toward my viewing crystal.

With a sigh, I adjusted the crystal to display Vegito in his base form, currently engaged in diplomatic discussions with the color-changing species.

No need to immediately show the God of Destruction the full extent of what we were dealing with.

Beerus leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he studied the image. "Who is that? I don't recognize this Saiyan."

"His name is Vegito," I explained. "A Potara fusion of two Saiyans from Earth."

"A fusion?" Beerus's ears perked up with interest. "Permanent?"

"Yes," I confirmed. "Though through unusual circumstances, the original Saiyans also continue to exist separately. The dragon balls were involved," I added, seeing his confused expression.

"Fascinating," Whis commented, speaking for the first time. "A permanent fusion entity existing simultaneously with its component parts. Most irregular."

Beerus circled the viewing crystal, studying Vegito from different angles. "And he's the one who achieved that transformation? The one that woke me from my slumber? Show me."

Reluctantly, I adjusted the crystal to display footage from Vegito's use of Super Saiyan 4 against the space-time anomaly.

The transformation was magnificent - crimson fur covering his upper body, his hair lengthened and wild, his power radiating with an intensity that even the crystal could barely contain.

"Impressive," Beerus admitted, his tail swishing with what might have been excitement. "Very impressive indeed. It's not divine energy, but it's... something primal. Ancient. I've never felt the like of it before."

"It's called Super Saiyan 4," I explained. "A transformation that combines the Oozaru's primal power with the focused energy of the Super Saiyan state."

"And now he's building an empire?" Beerus asked, gesturing to the diplomatic scene still playing in the crystal.

"A governance system he's established in regions formerly controlled by Frieza," Supreme Kai explained, finding his voice.

"It's quite remarkable, actually. He's implementing universal rights, sustainable resource management, educational systems-"

"Boring details," Beerus interrupted with a dismissive wave. "What matters is that he's bringing order to chaos. Stability where there was none." He turned to Whis.

"What would you estimate the impact on our mortal level to be?"

Whis tapped his staff thoughtfully. "Based on current trajectories, Lord Beerus,

Universe 7's mortal level could increase by as much as 2 entire points within the next century if Vegito's empire continues its expansion and development at the current rate."

"Two entire points?" Beerus's eyes widened dramatically. "That would put us ahead of Universe 6 and possibly even Universe 2!"

"Indeed," Whis confirmed with a serene smile. "Quite an improvement for a universe that has languished near the bottom for so long."

I watched this exchange with growing interest. Beerus's concern for our universe's mortal level was something I had only theorized about - for he always appeared too lazy to care.

"So," I ventured carefully, "you're pleased with these developments, Lord Beerus?"

The God of Destruction turned to me, his expression unreadable. "Pleased? That's not exactly the word I'd use. Intrigued, perhaps.

This Vegito has power beyond what I've sensed from a mortal in millions of years."

"And his governance model appears quite effective," Whis added. "Most impressive for a being so young."

Beerus paced around the crystal, his tail swishing thoughtfully. "I want to fight him," he declared suddenly.

My heart sank. "Lord Beerus, if I may suggest-"

"But not yet," he continued, ignoring my attempted intervention. "He's strong, but not strong enough to give me a proper challenge. I want to see how far he can go."

I blinked in surprise. This was... unexpected. Beerus was not known for his patience.

"You're willing to wait?" Supreme Kai asked, clearly as surprised as I was.

Beerus fixed him with a sharp gaze. "Don't mistake my restraint for disinterest. I'm simply... investing in future entertainment."

"And in Universe 7's mortal level," Whis added with a knowing smile.

Beerus shot his attendant an irritated glance. "That's a secondary consideration."

"Of course, my lord," Whis agreed placidly.

I studied Beerus carefully. There was something he wasn't telling us - something beyond his usual battle-seeking behavior.

"Lord Beerus," I said cautiously, "may I ask what specifically about this Super Saiyan 4 transformation disturbed your slumber? Your sleep cycle wasn't due to end for at least another decade."

The God of Destruction's ears flattened slightly - a tell that my question had struck a nerve. "The energy signature was... familiar," he admitted reluctantly.

"Reminiscent of something I encountered long ago, before your current Supreme Kai's time."

"You mean... Yamoshi?" I ventured, referencing the ancient Saiyan whose spirit Beerus had once sought to draw out through the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

Beerus's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You presume much, old man."

"Forgive me," I said quickly, bowing my head. "I merely recall your interest in the legend of the first Super Saiyan God."

"This isn't about that," Beerus snapped, though his agitation suggested otherwise. "This Super Saiyan 4 form isn't divine.

It's primal - connected to the most ancient roots of Saiyan power. But it's... adjacent to what I've been seeking."

"Adjacent?" Supreme Kai questioned, then immediately regretted it as Beerus shot him a withering glare.

"What I mean," Beerus continued, his tone making it clear he was choosing his words carefully,

"is that if these Saiyans can achieve this level of transformation, perhaps the prophetic dreams that led me to instruct you to watch Earth weren't entirely meaningless."

Ah, so that was it. Centuries ago, Beerus had experienced a series of dreams - visions of a warrior with godly power who might someday challenge him.

Those dreams had prompted him to order us to keep watch over Earth, a planet that by all normal metrics should have been beneath his notice.

Later, when those same dreams intensified, he had ordered Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta, hoping to draw out Yamoshi's spirit and confirm his visions.

But nothing had come of it - until now, perhaps.

"It's of no importance now," Beerus said dismissively. "What matters is that this Vegito has achieved something unusual. Something worth investigating."

He turned back to the viewing crystal, watching Vegito with renewed interest. "Has he shown any signs of accessing god ki?"

The question caught me off guard. "He's been experimenting with ki compression techniques," I admitted. "The foundations of divine energy manipulation. But he hasn't achieved true god ki yet."

"Interesting," Beerus mused. "Very interesting indeed."

"My lord has been quite fascinated by the potential of Saiyans to achieve divine status," Whis explained with his characteristic light tone. "It's become something of an obsession recently."

"It is not an obsession," Beerus snapped. "It is a legitimate area of inquiry for a God of Destruction."

"Of course, my lord," Whis agreed placidly.

I exchanged a glance with Supreme Kai. There was definitely something more to Beerus's interest than he was revealing.

"In any case," Beerus continued, returning his attention to the viewing crystal, "I've decided to allow this Vegito to continue his empire-building undisturbed. For now."

"Most generous, my lord," I said carefully.

"It's not generosity," Beerus corrected sharply. "It's strategy. The stronger he becomes, the more satisfying it will be when I eventually fight him.

And if his governance continues to improve our universe's standing in the meantime... well, that's a convenient side benefit."

"And when do you intend to make your presence known to him?" Supreme Kai asked.

Beerus considered this. "Not yet. Let him continue believing he's the strongest in the universe for a while longer. Pride before the fall, and all that." A predatory smile spread across his face.

"Besides, I'm curious to see what he does with this empire of his. It's been a long time since anyone attempted universal governance with actual competence."

"Frieza's approach was rather lacking in vision," Whis agreed. "Destruction without purpose is so terribly inefficient."

"Coming from the attendant of a God of Destruction, that's rather ironic," I couldn't help but observe.

Beerus shot me a dangerous look, but Whis merely laughed. "Even destruction has its purpose in the cosmic order, Elder Kai. The difference is understanding that purpose."

I nodded, conceding the point. For all his capricious behavior, Beerus did fulfill a necessary function in the universal balance.

His destruction, while sometimes seemingly random, followed patterns that maintained cosmic equilibrium.

The viewing crystal's image shifted, showing Vegito concluding his diplomatic mission and returning to his ship.

A new figure appeared beside him - a woman with striking features.

"Who is that?" Beerus asked, his attention caught by the newcomer.

"Her name is Chima," Supreme Kai explained. "A fusion of two human women from Earth - who were the wives of Vegito's components - created through similar circumstances to Vegito himself."

"Fascinating," Whis commented. "Two permanent fusions existing simultaneously, both created from related individuals. The statistical improbability is quite remarkable."

"She appears to be serving as his advisor," Beerus observed, watching their interactions. "Interesting dynamic. Is there more between them?"

"That remains to be seen," I replied neutrally, though I had my suspicions based on what I'd observed.

Beerus grunted noncommittally. "Well, it's of no consequence to me who he chooses as companions. So long as he continues to grow stronger and improve our universe's standing, he can do as he pleases."

"Most magnanimous, my lord," Whis commented with just a hint of sarcasm.

Beerus ignored him, continuing to watch the viewing crystal with intense focus. His expression turned contemplative as he suddenly ordered,

"The Super Saiyan God ritual... remind me of its requirements again."

I hesitated, weighing how much to reveal. "It requires five righteous Saiyans to channel their energy into a sixth," I explained carefully.

"And how many Saiyans currently exist on that mud ball planet?" Beerus asked, his eyes narrowing.

I exchanged a glance with Supreme Kai before answering. "Earth now has several Saiyans - Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Broly, Paragus and Vegito himself."

Beerus's ears perked up immediately, his eyes widening with unmistakable interest. "Eight Saiyans..." He turned to Whis. "Are enough of them pure of heart? Would the ritual work with them?"

Whis tapped his staff thoughtfully, the crystal at its top glowing softly. "Based on my observations, most of them would qualify as 'righteous' by the ritual's standards.

Paragus no, he is getting better, but his heart still contains too much malice. Vegeta though remains... complicated, but his heart has softened considerably during his time on Earth."

"Interesting," Beerus murmured, his tail now swishing with barely contained excitement. "And what of the other Saiyan infants we scattered across the universe?

The ones we placed beyond Frieza's reach after I ordered the planet's destruction? How many of those survived?"

This revelation caught me by surprise. I had not known that Beerus had taken such direct action to preserve some of the Saiyan bloodline.

Whis consulted his staff again. "Of the seventeen Saiyan infants we relocated, twelve have survived to adulthood.

Most remain unaware of their heritage, having been raised by the native species of their adopted worlds."

"Twelve survivors, plus the eight on Earth," Beerus calculated. "Twenty Saiyans in total... more than enough for the ritual."

"You deliberately preserved some of the Saiyan race?" Supreme Kai asked, unable to contain his surprise.

Beerus shot him an irritated glance. "Of course I did. Destroying the planet was necessary to prevent Frieza from growing too powerful, and to potentially draw out Yamoshi's spirit.

But I'm not a fool - I wasn't going to eliminate every possibility of the Super Saiyan God prophecy being fulfilled."

"The scattered Saiyans were a contingency plan," Whis explained with his characteristic serene smile.

"Lord Beerus believed that Saiyans raised away from their warlike culture might develop the pure hearts necessary for the ritual."

"Yamoshi was too sentimental to not guide the pure-hearted of his race," Beerus added.

"I figured if I couldn't draw him out directly, he might still aid in the formation of the next Super Saiyan God - especially if there were Saiyans worthy of his attention."

I was momentarily speechless at this revelation.

Beerus, the capricious God of Destruction, had been playing a long game - manipulating events across centuries to create the conditions for the Super Saiyan God prophecy to be fulfilled.

"A most... thorough approach, Lord Beerus," I managed finally.

"Hmph. I'm nothing if not strategic," Beerus replied, his tone dismissive despite the clear evidence of his long-term planning.

"Though I didn't anticipate a Potara fusion entering the equation. That's an... interesting variable."

"Indeed," Whis agreed. "A fusion being who achieves Super Saiyan God status would theoretically possess power far beyond what an ordinary Saiyan could achieve with the same transformation."

"A fusion of extraordinary power who could potentially access divine energy... and he's already building an empire that raises our universe's mortal level," Beerus mused, his expression thoughtful. "How... fortuitous."

"It almost seems as if your prophetic dreams were more accurate than you initially believed, Lord Beerus," Whis observed with a knowing smile.

"Perhaps," Beerus acknowledged, his tone unusually reflective. "Though this Super Saiyan God ritual... would it even work on a fusion being? Would the energy transfer properly?"

I considered the question carefully. "I see no reason why it wouldn't," I replied. "Vegito may be a fusion, but his body functions as a single, unified entity.

If anything, his extraordinary base power might allow him to absorb and channel the divine energy more effectively than an ordinary Saiyan."

"Hmm... The potential is... intriguing," Beerus concluded, though I suspected this was a significant understatement of his true interest.

"One should not be focused on one path my Lord. There are after all other paths to divine power," Whis observed casually.

"The ritual is merely the most straightforward for those who haven't been trained specifically in god ki manipulation."

Beerus shot his attendant a warning glance, clearly not wanting to reveal too much about whatever knowledge they possessed. "That's not relevant at present," he said dismissively.

I filed this information away, noting that Beerus and Whis apparently knew of alternative methods to access divine power - methods they weren't willing to share.

"In any case," Beerus declared, straightening up, "I've seen enough for now. Continue monitoring him, but do not interfere. And do not inform him of my interest."

"As you wish, Lord Beerus," Supreme Kai and I replied in unison.

"Come, Whis," Beerus commanded, turning away from the viewing crystal. "I'm hungry. Let's find something delicious before returning to sleep."

"Of course, my lord," Whis replied with his eternal smile. "I believe there's a planet in the eastern quadrant known for its exquisite seafood delicacies."

As they prepared to depart, Beerus paused and glanced back at the crystal one last time. "Vegito," he murmured, testing the name. "We'll meet eventually, you and I. But not until you're ready to give me a proper challenge."

With that, he and Whis vanished in a streak of light, leaving Supreme Kai and me alone once more.

"That was... unexpected," Supreme Kai said after a long silence.

"Indeed," I agreed, turning back to the viewing crystal where Vegito continued his imperial mission, blissfully unaware of the divine attention he had attracted.

"Beerus has never shown such restraint before. Something has changed." 

Whether that is good or evil for the rest of the universe... Remains to be seen.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapter!

As I stated in the very first chapter, this is an AU.

So, characters having knowledge they didn't before is the least of what I am changing.

So yeah, do tell me how you found it and I hope to see you all later,
