The Son family home buzzed with activity and conversation.
What had begun as a simple celebratory dinner following Gohan's successful mastery of Super Saiyan 4 had evolved into an impromptu gathering of the entire extended Z Fighter family.
Tables had been set up in the yard to accommodate everyone: Chi-Chi and Bulma bustled between kitchen and outdoor serving area, directing the placement of an extraordinary amount of food.
Chima assisted with perfect efficiency, somehow managing to simultaneously arrange place settings and finish the final touches on three different dishes.
Master Roshi sat with Oolong and Puar, already enjoying cups of sake despite Chi-Chi's disapproving glances. Krillin, 18, and Marron had arrived with Yamcha and Tien,
while Piccolo stood somewhat apart, though his usual isolation had softened over the years. Even Dende had joined them, having been invited by Gohan to celebrate his achievement.
The Ox-King laughed boisterously as he helped set up additional chairs, his massive frame making the furniture look like children's toys in his hands.
"Just like old times," he bellowed cheerfully. "Nothing brings family together like good food and celebration!"
Goten and Trunks darted between the adults, occasionally stopping to pester Broly, who watched their antics with quiet fascination.
Paragus remained near his son, his expression guarded but less hostile than in previous gatherings.
Vegeta and Goku stood near the grill, engaged in what appeared to be a serious debate about proper meat cooking techniques.
"You're burning it, Kakarot," Vegeta insisted, arms crossed. "A warrior's meal should be prepared with precision."
"It tastes better with a little char," Goku protested, flipping a massive steak. "Besides, Chi-Chi says I'm getting better at this!"
Vegito arrived last, materializing via Instant Transmission at the edge of the gathering.
His imperial armor had been replaced with more casual attire for the occasion, though he still carried himself with unmistakable authority.
"The Emperor graces us with his presence," Bulma called out teasingly as she spotted him. "We were beginning to think galactic governance had made you too important for family dinners."
"The empire survives without constant supervision," Vegito replied with a slight smile. "Some things take priority."
As everyone settled around the tables, conversations flowed freely. Stories were shared, jokes exchanged, and achievements celebrated.
The atmosphere was warm and relaxed - a rare moment of peace for warriors who had faced universe-threatening dangers together.
It was during the main course, as platters of food circulated and glasses were refilled, that Vegito cleared his throat, drawing attention.
"I have a proposition I'd like to discuss with all of you," he announced, his deep voice carrying easily across the gathering. "Something I've been considering for some time."
The conversations quieted as all eyes turned toward him.
"I intend to use the Dragon Balls to revive the Saiyan race," Vegito stated directly.
A moment of stunned silence followed this declaration.
"The entire race?" Krillin finally asked, his eyes wide. "Is that even possible?"
"Technically, yes," Vegito confirmed. "Though it would require careful wording of the wish and possibly multiple uses of both Earth's and Namek's Dragon Balls."
"But why?" Chi-Chi asked, her brow furrowed with concern. "The Saiyans were... well, they weren't exactly peaceful, were they?"
Vegeta's expression had darkened, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. "Our race was warrior-bred," he stated flatly. "Conquest was our purpose."
"Was," Vegito emphasized. "But it doesn't have to remain so."
He leaned forward, his expression serious yet animated with purpose. "Consider what we've accomplished with just the handful of Saiyans currently on Earth.
Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Broly – each of you has become a defender of this planet and beyond."
"That's different," Piccolo interjected. "These Saiyans were raised here, influenced by Earth's culture and values. The Saiyans you're proposing to revive lived under very different circumstances."
Vegito nodded, acknowledging the point. "Which is precisely why this plan involves more than simple resurrection. Goku and I have easy access to the afterlife through Instant Transmission.
Before reviving anyone, we would visit them, evaluate their potential for rehabilitation, and only bring back those willing to embrace a new purpose."
"You want to create an army," Tien observed, his three eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
"A force for good," Vegito corrected. "The universe is vast, with countless threats.
An organized group of Saiyans, properly directed and trained, could bring stability and protection to regions beyond what my empire currently reaches."
"And who would lead this reborn Saiyan race?" Vegeta demanded, his voice sharp with barely contained emotion. "You?"
The question hung in the air, charged with implications about royal succession and birthright.
Vegito met Vegeta's gaze directly. "Ultimately, yes. As Emperor of Paradis, the revived Saiyan race would fall under my governance.
You could certainly hold the title of King, Vegeta, if you wish it - but our people would be a part of my broader imperial structure."
Vegeta's jaw tightened visibly at this declaration.
"Let's be clear," Vegito continued, his tone measured but firm. "I carry royal Saiyan blood through our fusion. By both birthright and strength, I have claim to leadership.
More importantly, the Paradis Empire provides the infrastructure and resources needed for our race's successful reintegration into the universe."
"You speak as if this is already decided," Vegeta replied, his voice dangerously quiet.
"The revival itself is not yet decided - that's why I'm discussing it with all of you," Vegito clarified.
"But the command structure is non-negotiable. A house divided cannot stand, and our race has already been destroyed once partly because of internal conflict."
"What do you mean?" Gohan asked, his scholarly interest piqued.
"Our original homeworld, Planet Sadala, wasn't destroyed by a natural disaster as many believe," Vegito explained.
"It was torn apart by a devastating civil war among Saiyans themselves. Our people's tendency toward aggression, when turned inward, proved catastrophic."
This revelation caused murmurs around the table, as many had never heard the true history of the Saiyan homeworld.
"Such a fate must not befall us again," Vegito continued. "Which is why clear, unified leadership is essential. The revived Saiyans will need structure and purpose beyond mere survival."
"You speak of rehabilitation," Gohan said thoughtfully. "But can people truly change their fundamental nature? The Saiyans were conditioned for generations to conquer and destroy."
"People can change," Goku interjected, his normally carefree expression serious. "Look at Vegeta. Look at Piccolo. Heck, even Buu changed."
"Besides," Vegito added, "all who have achieved fundamental mastery of ki can sense evil in people's hearts. This ability will be crucial in our rehabilitation efforts.
We'll be able to identify those truly committed to change versus those merely pretending compliance."
"So you want to turn planet-destroyers into peacekeepers?" 18 asked skeptically. "That's quite the career change."
"More like redirecting their natural instincts toward constructive purposes," Vegito explained. "Saiyans crave battle and challenge. By providing them with legitimate targets – space pirates, tyrants, natural disasters – their warrior nature serves the greater good."
Master Roshi, who had been quietly stroking his beard throughout the discussion, finally spoke. "The idea has merit," he acknowledged.
"Throughout history, many great protectors began as warriors with destructive potential. It's all about channeling that energy properly."
"And where would these revived Saiyans live?" Bulma asked practically. "Earth is already their home, but I'm not sure we could accommodate an entire race."
"I've been developing a suitable planet within Paradis territory," Vegito replied. "Former Frieza Planet 63 – now renamed New Sadala, after our original homeworld.
It has similar gravity and environmental conditions to Planet Vegeta, but with significantly more resources and without the instabilities that might lead to conflict over scarcity."
The thoroughness of his planning was evident, impressing even the skeptics among the group.
"You've given this considerable thought," Piccolo observed.
"I have," Vegito confirmed. "The revival would be gradual – beginning with those most likely to adapt successfully.
Warriors who showed honor even in conquest, families with young children who deserve a second chance, scientists and builders whose skills were undervalued in Frieza's regime."
A tense voice cut through the contemplative atmosphere. "Does this mean you intend to revive King Vegeta as well?"
All eyes turned to Paragus, who had risen to his feet, his aged face tight with barely controlled anger.
Vegito met the older Saiyan's gaze steadily. "Yes. As the former ruler, his leadership experience would be valuable in the transition."
Paragus's fists clenched. "That tyrant sentenced my son to die! He feared Broly's power and condemned him to that hell of a planet!"
Broly shifted uncomfortably beside his father, his expression troubled but not angry.
"I'm well aware of what happened," Vegito replied calmly. "And for your honor, Paragus, you will be allowed to face King Vegeta in combat if you wish."
This declaration caused murmurs around the table.
"But make no mistake," Vegito continued, his voice taking on a harder edge. "Whichever of you falls, I will revive them afterward.
Both of you have valuable skills and experience that the new Saiyan society will need. Your personal grievances must eventually be set aside for the greater purpose."
"You expect me to simply forgive-" Paragus began heatedly.
"I expect you to be a Saiyan warrior rather than a vengeful old man," Vegito interrupted, his tone unyielding.
"Express your grievance through combat, then move forward. The past cannot be changed, but the future of our race hangs in the balance."
Paragus fell silent, though rage still smoldered in his eyes.
Unexpectedly, it was Broly who spoke next, his deep voice quiet but clear. "Father. Fighting the king... it won't change what happened to us."
All eyes turned to the large Saiyan, surprised by his intervention.
"We have a new home now," Broly continued, each word carefully chosen. "New... purpose. Maybe others deserve that too."
Paragus stared at his son in surprise, clearly not having expected this perspective.
"Besides," Broly added with simple logic, "more Saiyans means more sparring partners. I could learn more techniques."
The straightforward observation, so typical of Broly's developing social understanding, broke the tension. Several people chuckled, and even Paragus's rigid posture relaxed slightly.
"The boy makes a good point," Ox-King rumbled good-naturedly. "Sometimes the best way past old grudges is finding new common ground."
"This is all very touching," Vegeta interjected, his tone sardonic, "but there's a more immediate concern.
How exactly do you plan to integrate potentially hundreds of battle-hardened Saiyans, raised in a conquest culture, into a peaceful society? Even with screening, there will be... adjustment issues."
"Which is why the process will be gradual," Vegito explained.
"Each group of revived Saiyans will be mentored by those already successfully integrated. You, Goku, Gohan, and Broly would be invaluable in this regard."
"Me?" Broly asked, surprised at being included.
"Yes, you," Vegito confirmed. "Your journey from isolation to finding balance with your power is exactly the kind of transformation many will need to undergo."
Broly seemed to consider this, then nodded slowly, a hint of pride in his expression.
"I have a question," Chi-Chi said, her practical nature coming to the fore. "What about Saiyan women? Will they be expected to just... produce more warriors?"
"No," Vegito replied. "In the new Saiyan society, all roles will be valued.
The warrior culture that prioritized battle above all else was a product of both Saiyan nature and Frieza's influence.
Without his oppression, a more balanced society can emerge."
"It's an ambitious vision," Bulma acknowledged. "Reviving and reforming an entire race."
"Ambition has never been something Saiyans lack," Vegito replied with a slight smile. "We simply need to direct it properly."
Chima, who had been quietly observing the discussion, finally spoke. "The educational systems we've been developing for the Paradis Empire could be adapted for this purpose," she suggested.
"Combining traditional Saiyan values of strength and honor with broader principles of cooperation and mutual benefit."
"Exactly," Vegito agreed, his expression warming as he looked at her.
"The goal isn't to erase Saiyan identity, but to expand it beyond the limitations imposed by both their own history and Frieza's exploitation."
"I still have concerns," Piccolo stated bluntly. "But I've seen enough seemingly impossible transformations in my lifetime to acknowledge the potential in your plan."
"As have I," Master Roshi added, raising his sake cup. "To second chances – even for an entire race!"
The toast lightened the mood, conversations resuming as people discussed various aspects of the proposal.
Vegeta approached Vegito privately as the gathering began to disperse into smaller discussion groups.
"You've already decided everything, haven't you?" he asked quietly, his pride evident in his rigid posture. "This discussion was merely a courtesy."
"The revival itself is genuinely open for debate, I didn't lie about that," Vegito replied honestly.
"If there are compelling reasons not to proceed, I would consider them. But yes, if we move forward, the command structure is established. The Saiyan race will be part of Paradis."
Vegeta's jaw worked as he processed this. "And my role in all this? A figurehead king under your imperial rule?
"Your role is whatever you make of it," Vegito countered.
"Your experience, your strength, your royal heritage - all are valuable. But I won't pretend that final authority would rest with anyone but me."
"At least you're honest about your intentions," Vegeta acknowledged, his tone more resigned than bitter. "Though it feels strange - having my younger brother outrank me, even if you are the stronger one."
The acknowledgment hung between them - the unspoken but mutual understanding that they were indeed brothers by blood, and not simply Vegito's own words to claim right.
Through the fusion, Vegito carried the royal lineage just as surely as Vegeta did; he too was a son of King Vegeta, merely younger in terms of existence.
"We both know that divided leadership would eventually lead to conflict. The history may have been hidden, but we have been taught it." Vegito said, his tone softening.
"The Saiyan race, again, has already been destroyed once partly due to internal strife. I won't risk that happening again."
Vegeta nodded slowly. "And our father? You truly intend to revive him?"
"His experience would be valuable," Vegito confirmed. "Though he would need to understand that the old ways are gone. His authority would be limited to what I grant him."
A complex mixture of emotions crossed Vegeta's face - old resentments, pride, and something that might have been relief.
"He won't accept that easily. Having two sons with claims to leadership, two of whom outranks him in power and one even in position..."
"Few of our race accept anything easily," Vegito observed with a slight smile. "Adaptation has never been our strongest trait. But adapt he will, or find himself irrelevant in the new order."
Vegeta gave a short, almost genuine laugh. "I almost wish I could see his face when you tell him that his younger son - one newly existent - has become Emperor of half the known universe."
"You will," Vegito promised with a smirk beginning to form on his face. "Assuming, of course we proceed with this plan."
As Vegeta moved away, Chima approached, carrying two plates of dessert. "That went better than expected," she observed, handing one to Vegito.
"People are more open to change than they often appear," he replied, accepting the offering. "Especially when it aligns with deeper values they already hold."
"And the revival of an entire race certainly qualifies as 'change,'" she noted with wry understatement. "I've been meaning to ask you something about this plan of yours."
Vegito raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"Last week, Goku helped me contact Elder Kai," Chima said quietly. "I wanted to understand more about the universe's structure - knowledge that might help with our educational systems for the empire.
The Elder mentioned something called 'mortal level,' though he was frustratingly vague about its specifics. He just emphasized its importance to universal stability. I know you spoke with him long ago, did he tell you about what it truly is?"
Vegito's expression remained neutral, but his tail twitched slightly against his waist - a tell Chima had learned to recognize.
"If you do... Then I can't help but wonder," she continued, studying his reaction carefully,
"if your plan to create a race of warrior peacekeepers might be connected to this concept. The timing seems... significant."
"My intentions have always been transparent," Vegito replied evenly.
"The good of all sentient beings is my primary concern. A universe where peace is maintained through strength rather than fear benefits everyone."
"Of course," Chima agreed, noting that he neither confirmed nor denied knowledge of mortal levels.
"I just find it interesting that Elder Kai seemed so concerned about universal development and civilization advancement - the very things your empire promotes."
"The Kais have always had a broader perspective than most," Vegito acknowledged. "Their concerns often align with what's best for universal stability."
"And completely coincidentally, so do your plans," Chima replied with a knowing smile. "Just as coincidental as your increased training regimen recently. Almost as if you're preparing for something specific."
Vegito was quiet for a long moment, contemplating Chima's words as he gazed across the gathering. When he finally spoke, his voice was lower, meant only for her.
"I've never said this to anyone," he admitted, "but I believe there are beings in this universe whose power dwarfs even mine."
Chima's eyes widened slightly at this admission of vulnerability him, who she has begun to see as the pinnacle of power.
"The Kais exist in a hierarchy," Vegito continued, his expression thoughtful. "Elder Kia, Supreme Kai, Grand Kai, North Kai... each level with greater authority and knowledge than the last. Logic suggests this pattern may extend further than we know."
He turned to face her directly. "If beings who consider themselves gods answer to higher powers, then what might exist above them? And what would such entities require of our universe?"
"You think this 'mortal level' concept is related to such judgment," Chima deduced, her analytical mind connecting the pieces.
"It's theoretical," Vegito clarified, "but a compelling theory.
From what I've gathered, the Kais place very much value on the properity of the universe, and all beings besides empathy fundementally care about their own continued survival.
If these two things are related and we are assessed based on our overall development, civilization, and balance.
Then a universe filled with destruction and chaos would naturally score poorly."
His tail unwrapped slightly from his waist - a rare display of agitation he seldom allowed himself to show.
"Consider the implications," he continued. "If our universe were found wanting by such higher powers, what might the consequences be? Total erasure? Replacement? These aren't risks I'm willing to accept."
"So the Saiyan revival, the Paradis Empire-" Chima began.
"Are necessary precautions," Vegito finished.
"A universe with protected civilizations, with warriors who defend rather than destroy, with balanced development across multiple worlds... such a universe would surely be judged more favorably."
He paused, his expression resolute. "I won't gamble with the existence of everything we know based on theoretical threats. If I'm wrong, we've still improved countless lives. If I'm right..."
"We survive," Chima completed softly.
"Precisely." Vegito's gaze was unwavering. "But beyond even that cosmic concern, there are more immediate threats.
I... I sense... something approaching. A power that has slumbered for time so long even I can't estimate precisely how much. It is stirring at the edges of my awareness."
"And you want to be prepared," Chima concluded.
"I must be," he stated with quiet intensity. "Not just for my own sake, but for everyone. For this world that has become my home. For the empire we've built together."
The simple inclusion – acknowledging her role in his empire-building – warmed something in Chima's chest. "Well then," she said lightly, though her eyes reflected understanding of the gravity behind his words,
"I suppose I should accelerate development of those educational programs. We'll need them sooner than anticipated."
As the evening progressed, the initial shock of Vegito's proposal gave way to practical discussions about implementation.
Bulma and Gohan debated the technical aspects of the wish wording, while Goku enthusiastically described potential training programs for the revived warriors.
Even Paragus, after his initial outburst, engaged in conversation with the Ox-King about the logistics of establishing a new planetary settlement.
The old Saiyan's tactical mind, honed by decades of survival on Vampa, offered insights that the others hadn't considered.
Watching it all, Vegito felt a rare moment of satisfaction. The seeds had been planted.
The revival of the Saiyan race would not only strengthen his position in the universe but potentially save it from threats that loomed on the horizon.
And if a certain cat-like destroyer eventually awoke from his slumber, he would find a properous universe - that if Vegito is incapable of defeating him,
he and those he cares about still can survive and prosper by continuing the survival of Beerus himself through doing his job for him.
Until he of course in such a case grows stronger than him.
In the end, the future, for once, looked promising.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
Do tell me what you think of Vegito's plan.
So yeah, I hope to see you all later,