The boundaries between the living world and the afterlife blurred as Vegito, Goku, and Vegeta materialized in the realm of the dead.
"So this is Hell," Vegeta remarked, his arms crossed as he surveyed the bleak landscape. "It's been some time since I was a resident."
The environment around them was surprisingly varied - not just a uniform lake of fire, but a realm of diverse terrains designed to house countless souls from across the universe.
Some areas appeared almost pleasant from a distance, while others were clearly designed for punishment.
"We're in a neutral zone," Vegito explained, "A boundary area where we can request specific souls to be brought for evaluation. I discussed the specifics with Yemma before this."
Goku stretched casually, "I've been to the afterlife plenty of times, but usually to King Kai's planet or the Grand Kai's place. This section feels... different."
"This is where those who earned their place in Hell through lives of violence and conquest are housed," Vegito clarified.
"The Saiyan race, with few exceptions, rightfully resides here. Their crimes against countless civilizations secured their afterlife accommodations."
A blue-skinned ogre approached them, clipboard in hand and a look of official importance on his face. "Ah, the visitors from the living world. Lord Yemma has been expecting you."
He consulted his clipboard. "You've requested meetings with Bardock, Gine, King Vegeta, and Queen Eschalot, correct?"
"That's right," Vegito confirmed.
The ogre nodded. "They've been notified and will be brought to the meeting hall shortly. Please follow me."
As they walked, Vegeta's expression grew increasingly tense. "I haven't seen my father since I was a child," he said quietly. "And never met my mother - she died when I was too young to remember her."
"I don't remember either of my parents at all," Goku added, his usual cheerful demeanor subdued. "It's strange to think I'm about to meet them for the first time."
Vegito remained silent, his thoughts complex.
Through the fusion, he carried memories connected to all four Saiyans - even ones Goku didn't remember, because of his own nature as an otherworlder and the ones from before the hitting of his head.
It will be the same adjustment situation once again - but this time, easier, since his memories of them are far too little.
"Remember why we're here," Vegito finally said. "These Saiyans were killers, conquerors who destroyed countless civilizations. Only those who can truly change deserve resurrection. We must judge carefully."
The meeting hall turned out to be a large, circular chamber with stone benches arranged in concentric rings. A central platform stood empty, awaiting the arrival of the summoned souls.
"Please wait here," the ogre instructed. "The requested individuals will arrive momentarily."
Left alone, the three Saiyans stood in silence, each lost in his own thoughts.
A door finally at the far end of the chamber opened, and four figures entered. Even from a distance, their Saiyan heritage was unmistakable - the distinctive hair, the proud bearing, the warrior's physique.
King Vegeta led the procession, his regal cape flowing behind him despite the absence of wind. His beard was neatly trimmed, his expression severe as his eyes immediately sought out his son.
Beside him walked Queen Eschalot, tall and elegant with sharp features that mirrored Vegeta's own. Her hair was long and swept back from her face, her bearing every bit as royal as her husband's.
Behind them came Bardock, his appearance immensely similar to Goku's, though his face bore his distinctive scar across his cheek with a serious expression only rarely seen on Goku's own face.
At his side walked Gine, smaller than the others, with a gentler aspect to her features despite her unmistakable Saiyan heritage.
The four stopped several paces away, studying the living Saiyans with varying expressions of curiosity, pride, and wariness.
King Vegeta was the first to speak, his voice carrying the authority of one born to command. "My son," he acknowledged, his gaze fixed on Vegeta. "You've grown powerful." His eyes shifted to Goku, narrowing with disapproval.
"Bardock's son, I presume. The resemblance is unmistakable." Finally, his attention turned to Vegito, his expression turning confused and suspicious.
"And who is this third Saiyan? I don't recognize him, yet he carries himself with unusual authority."
"This is Vegito," Vegeta explained, his tone carefully neutral. "He is... a complicated matter to explain."
"Complicated?" King Vegeta's eyes narrowed further. "Explain this complication, then."
Vegeta glanced at Vegito, who nodded slightly. "He is a fusion of myself and Kakarot - created through the power of divine artifacts called Potara earrings."
"Fusion?" King Vegeta repeated, incredulity and disbelief evident in his tone. "Two warriors combined into one? Preposterous! Such things exist only in children's tales."
"I assure you, it is quite real," Vegito stated calmly. "I possess the memories, abilities, and certain physical traits of both Vegeta and Kakarot, yet I am my own distinct being."
King Vegeta scoffed openly. "Next you'll claim to be a Super Saiyan as well. These absurd tales-"
"Father," Vegeta interrupted sharply. "Much has changed since Planet Vegeta's destruction. Many things once thought impossible have proven quite real."
Bardock stepped forward, his eyes moving from Goku to Vegito and back again. "Kakarot," he said, the name sounding strange on his lips. "You survived."
Goku rubbed the back of his head in his characteristic gesture. "Yeah, though I didn't know I was a Saiyan until I was grown. I was raised on Earth as Son Goku."
"We know," Gine said softly, speaking for the first time. "We've been able to observe sometimes, from here." Her eyes were warm as she studied her son.
"You became everything we hoped for when we sent you away from Planet Vegeta."
"You... sent me away?" Goku asked, surprise evident in his voice.
Bardock nodded. "I had visions of Frieza destroying our planet. We placed you in a pod to Earth, hoping you would survive."
This revelation seemed to strike Goku deeply. "I always thought I was sent to conquer Earth, like other Saiyan infants."
"That was the official reason," Bardock acknowledged. "But our true purpose was to save you."
"The only act of mercy I ever performed," he added, his voice hardening.
"The rest of my life was spent purging planets, slaughtering innocent populations. I earned my place in Hell through countless atrocities."
Gine stepped closer to Bardock, her expression pained. "I was too weak for the battlefield, so I worked in the meat distribution center.
But I still supported a system built on genocide. I may not have killed with my own hands as often as others, but I was part of it all the same."
Queen Eschalot, who had been silently observing, finally spoke. "This reunion is touching, but I believe there's a more pressing matter at hand." Her voice was calm, precise.
"Why have you summoned us from the afterlife? Surely not merely for family introductions."
"And this matter of 'fusion' requires further explanation," King Vegeta added, still eyeing Vegito with deep suspicion. "I see no evidence that this warrior is what you claim."
Vegito stepped forward, his presence commanding immediate attention. "Perhaps a demonstration would be more convincing than words. Since I doubt you now after everything are incapable of sensation."
Without further words, he began to separate his energy in a way that highlighted the dual nature of his power - one half resonating with Vegeta's signature, the other with Goku's.
The aura around him split visibly into two distinct patterns before recombining.
King Vegeta's eyes widened, his skepticism giving way to shocked realization. "That energy... it truly does contain my son's signature, yet merged with another's."
"As I said," Vegito continued calmly, "I am a fusion of Vegeta and Kakarot, created through divine means. But, again, I am not merely a combination - I am a new being entirely." He paused, allowing this to sink in.
"And I am the Emperor of Paradis, a galactic empire built from the remnants of Frieza's territories. I intend to revive the Saiyan race and incorporate them into my empire as protectors rather than conquerors."
The declaration hung in the air, met with stunned silence from the four deceased Saiyans.
"Resurrect the entire race?" King Vegeta finally asked, disbelief evident in his tone. "That's... impossible."
"With the Dragon Balls, it is entirely possible," Vegito countered. "But we will be extremely selective. Only those who demonstrate genuine remorse for their past actions and willingness to embrace a new purpose will be considered.
The Saiyan race earned their extinction through generations of evil. Their resurrection must be justified by true change."
Bardock's eyes narrowed. "And you believe we might qualify for this... resurrection? After all we've done?"
"That's what we're here to determine," Vegeta interjected. "Your combat experience and leadership would be valuable - if you can prove you've truly changed during your time in Hell."
King Vegeta's expression darkened. "Wait. If this fusion truly carries my son's blood..." His eyes widened with sudden understanding and outrage.
"You claim royal heritage? You presume to have authority over the Saiyan race?"
"I do," Vegito confirmed without hesitation. "Through Vegeta, I carry the royal bloodline. And more importantly, I possess the strength and vision to lead our people toward a future that doesn't end in extinction."
"This is absurdity!" King Vegeta exploded. "A fusion - some magical aberration - claiming the throne? I will not stand for this insult to the royal line!"
"Father," Vegeta said sharply. "Control yourself. Vegito's claim is valid, both through blood and through strength. He has achieved power beyond anything our race has ever known."
"Power?" King Vegeta scoffed. "What proof do I have of this supposed power?"
Vegito released a fraction of his energy - just enough to create a golden aura that illuminated the chamber. The pressure of his power forced all four deceased Saiyans to take involuntary steps backward.
"I defeated Majin Buu - a creature that destroyed countless galaxies across millennia," Vegito stated, his voice level despite the display of power.
"I've achieved transformations beyond what any Saiyan in history has reached. And I've built an empire that spans half the known universe."
He powered down, the golden aura fading. "This isn't about ego or birthright. It's about redemption and purpose.
The Saiyan race has a chance at rebirth - but only if it acknowledges and atones for its evil past."
King Vegeta stood rigid, his face flushed with a complex mixture of rage, shock, and wounded pride. "You expect me to simply accept this... this usurpation? This mockery of our traditions?"
Queen Eschalot placed a restraining hand on her husband's arm. "Perhaps we should hear the full proposal before dismissing it," she suggested, her shrewd eyes evaluating Vegito carefully. "After all, we have little to lose by listening."
King Vegeta's jaw worked as he struggled with his pride, but eventually he gave a curt nod. "Speak, then. Explain this vision of yours. But know that I do not acknowledge your claim to leadership."
For the next hour, Vegito outlined his plan in detail - the creation of New Sadala, the gradual rehabilitation and revival of select Saiyans, the role they would play as protectors within the Paradis Empire.
He explained how their natural warrior instincts would be channeled toward constructive purposes rather than suppressed, how their culture would be preserved while evolving beyond the evil that had defined it for generations.
Throughout the explanation, the four deceased Saiyans listened with varying expressions.
Bardock's face remained largely impassive, though his eyes showed keen interest. Gine's expression grew increasingly hopeful.
Queen Eschalot appeared thoughtful, while King Vegeta struggled between skepticism and grudging interest.
"This is... not what I expected," Bardock said when Vegito had finished. "You're proposing to transform our race from killers to protectors."
"I'm proposing to give our race a chance at redemption," Vegito corrected. "The path of conquest led to extinction. The path of protection offers atonement and purpose."
"And what of our traditions?" King Vegeta demanded. "Our hierarchy, our culture?"
"The core of Saiyan identity would be preserved," Vegeta answered, stepping forward. "Our pride, our warrior spirit, our drive to become stronger - these things need not change.
But the application of these qualities must evolve. The evil that defined our race must be purged."
King Vegeta turned to his son, studying him with new eyes. "You've changed, Vegeta. The prince I knew would never have spoken of our race's actions as 'evil' - even one claiming to share his blood through some mystical means."
"I've learned through bitter experience," Vegeta replied evenly.
"I followed our race's traditions to their logical conclusion - and found myself a murderer, a monster, and ultimately alone. I've since found a better path."
A silence fell over the chamber as King Vegeta seemed to struggle internally with these concepts.
Bardock broke the silence, addressing Vegito directly. "You mentioned transformations beyond what any Saiyan has achieved. Show us."
Vegito glanced at Goku and Vegeta, receiving slight nods from both. "Very well."
With controlled precision, Vegito transformed directly into Super Saiyan 4. The chamber filled with golden light as his hair lengthened and darkened, red fur covering his upper body, his tail unwrapping from his waist to sway behind him.
The four deceased Saiyans stared in absolute astonishment.
"This is Super Saiyan 4," Vegito explained, his voice deeper in this form. "A transformation that combines the primal power of the Oozaru with the focused energy of the Super Saiyan state."
"The legendary transformation," King Vegeta whispered, his royal composure momentarily forgotten in the face of such power. "It's real."
"Goku and Vegeta have both achieved this form as well," Vegito continued, gesturing to his companions. "As has Gohan, Goku's son. This power is attainable for our race - but only through proper training and spiritual balance."
He reverted to his base form, the crimson fur and lengthened hair fading. "This is the potential I offer our people - not just survival, but evolution beyond what you ever imagined possible.
But it must be earned through genuine change."
Queen Eschalot stepped forward, her regal bearing undiminished despite her clear awe at the display. "And what roles would we play in this new society, should we be resurrected?"
"That would depend on your choices," Vegito replied. "King Vegeta's experience in governance would be valuable, though in an advisory capacity rather than as absolute ruler.
Bardock's tactical mind and combat experience would be assets in training the new generation.
Gine's gentler nature, rare among Saiyans, offers insights into how our culture might develop more balanced aspects."
Bardock crossed his arms, his expression thoughtful. "And what of the class system? Would low-class warriors like myself still be relegated to inferior status?"
"The old hierarchy would be replaced by a meritocracy," Vegito stated firmly. "Worth would be determined by ability, contribution, and character - not birth."
"Preposterous!" King Vegeta exclaimed. "You would erase thousands of years of tradition? Allow low-class warriors to stand equal with the elite?"
"They already have," Vegeta interjected, nodding toward Goku.
"Kakarot, born to third-class parents, has surpassed the royal line in raw power. He was the first to achieve Super Saiyan in a thousand years."
King Vegeta's eyes widened as he turned to study Goku with new interest. "Is this true?"
Goku shrugged, uncomfortable with the attention. "I guess so. I don't really think about class and stuff. I just like getting stronger."
"That attitude," Vegito noted, "is precisely what allowed him to break through limitations that held back others. The fixation on hierarchy became a self-imposed limitation for your race."
Bardock's lips curved in a slight smile - the first they'd seen from him. "So my son, the 'low-class failure,' surpassed the elite."
"He did," Vegeta acknowledged, a complex mixture of emotions crossing his face. "As did his half-human sons."
"Half-human?" Gine asked, surprise evident in her voice.
Goku nodded. "My sons, Gohan - who Vegito told you about earlier - and Goten. They're half-Saiyan, half-human. Trunks, Vegeta's son, is the same."
"Hybrid vigor," Queen Eschalot murmured, her scientific mind evident in her analysis. "Fascinating. Our genetics combining with another species produced exceptional results."
"The point," Vegito redirected,
"is that your old ways of thinking limited your potential. The new Saiyan society would value strength and skill wherever they appear, not just in predetermined bloodlines."
King Vegeta was silent for a long moment, his internal conflict visible on his face. Finally, he turned to Bardock.
"I know I disbelieved in your words many times Bardock, but... Tell me, is it true that you predicted Frieza's betrayal? That you foresaw the destruction of our planet?"
Bardock nodded once, his expression grim. "I did. Days before sending Kakarot away. I tried to warn our people, but no one would listen."
"I should have," King Vegeta admitted, the words clearly difficult for him. "Perhaps if I had..."
"It would have changed nothing," Bardock stated flatly. "Frieza was too powerful. Our planet was doomed the moment he decided its fate."
King Vegeta studied Bardock with new respect. "I know I acknowledged it not, but... You've grown stronger in death," he observed. "I can sense it. Your power level now..."
"Approaches yours," Bardock confirmed, a hint of challenge in his voice. "We've had decades to train here. Nothing else to do in Hell, really."
"Indeed," King Vegeta acknowledged, a reluctant respect in his tone. "We've had... occasional sparring matches."
"Which I've won more often than not," Bardock added, the ghost of a smile playing at his lips.
"By the narrowest of margins," King Vegeta retorted, though without real heat.
Vegito exchanged glances with Goku and Vegeta, all three recognizing the significance of this exchange.
Despite their vastly different backgrounds, Bardock and King Vegeta had developed a complex relationship during their time in Hell - part rivalry, part reluctant alliance, underpinned by growing mutual respect.
"I've had decades in this place to reflect on my failures," King Vegeta continued, his gaze moving to his son.
"The destruction of our planet. The loss of our people. My inability to protect you from Frieza." His eyes shifted to Vegito, still wary but with less outright hostility.
"I desired not to admit the truth, that much was my fault, but seeing the evidence before my very eyes... Perhaps... perhaps your way is correct."
Queen Eschalot placed her hand on her husband's arm, a gesture of support. "The true measure of a king is his ability to recognize when change is necessary," she said softly. "When the old ways no longer serve."
King Vegeta straightened, his royal bearing reasserting itself. "I will consider your proposal," he stated formally. "But I have conditions."
"Name them," Vegito replied.
"First, our history will not be erased or sanitized. The truth of who we were - both our atrocities and our achievements - must be preserved."
Vegito nodded. "Agreed. Understanding your past is essential to building a better future."
"Second, I wish to meet Paragus and his son. They are not here - at least Paragus is not. Which means he is alive. I... owe them an acknowledgment, at the very least."
This request surprised all three living Saiyans. Vegeta's eyebrows rose. "You wish to face the man who has sworn vengeance against you?"
"I see that you have met him then... Yes, I wish to face the consequences of my actions," King Vegeta stated. "Something I was not permitted to do in life."
"That can be arranged," Vegito agreed, impressed by this unexpected display of responsibility.
"And third," King Vegeta continued, his gaze moving between Vegeta and Vegito,
"I require proof - beyond mere energy signatures and transformations - that this fusion truly carries royal blood. That you are, in some measure, my son as well."
"That may be difficult to provide in conventional terms," Vegito acknowledged. "The fusion process is spiritual as much as physical. But perhaps..."
He turned to Vegeta. "Your childhood memories. Something only you and your father would know."
Vegeta considered for a moment, then nodded. "Father," he said, addressing King Vegeta directly, "do you remember the night before my fifth birthday? What you showed me in the royal vault?"
King Vegeta's eyes widened slightly. "The ancient battle armor. Worn by the first king of Planet Vegeta."
"And what did you tell me?" Vegeta pressed.
"That one day you would wear it," King Vegeta replied softly. "When you were ready to lead our people to their destined greatness."
Vegito stepped forward. "And you placed your hand on his head and said, 'A king must be stronger than all who follow him. Never forget that, my son.'"
King Vegeta stared at Vegito, genuine shock registering on his face. "How could you know that? We were alone. No one else was present. Did you tell him?" the King questioned Vegeta sternly.
Vegeta raised an eyebrow, "Do you think that low of me? That I would give away my birthright if I myself knew not for sure?"
As the King opened his mouth to speak, Vegito interrupted him. "Because as we said, I have Vegeta's memories. His blood flows in me, as does his royal heritage.
Once again, I am not merely claiming his lineage - I am, in part, him."
A long silence followed this exchange. King Vegeta's expression shifted through multiple emotions - disbelief, confusion, reluctant acceptance, and finally a complex resignation.
"This... fusion concept remains difficult to comprehend," he admitted finally.
"But I cannot deny the evidence before me. You possess knowledge only my son could have. And power that clearly exceeds anything our race has achieved before."
He straightened, his royal dignity reasserting itself. "Very well. I will consider your proposal. But know this - I do not pledge my allegiance to you.
I will observe this 'Paradis Empire' you speak of, and judge whether it is worthy of the Saiyan race's future. If I deem it so, I may accept your leadership. But until then, I remain unconvinced."
Vegito inclined his head slightly, accepting this limited acknowledgment without pushing for more. "Fair enough," he replied. "I ask only for a fair assessment, based on facts rather than preconceived notions."
"I can provide that much," King Vegeta acknowledged stiffly.
Bardock stepped forward, his expression thoughtful. "This resurrection... how would it work? What would be required of us?"
"The Dragon Balls - you'll learn more about them in the future - can restore you to life," Vegito explained.
"But before that happens, we would as stated before need to establish whether you've truly changed during your time in Hell. Not just in words, but in your fundamental values."
"And who judges this change?" Bardock asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You?"
"Not alone," Vegito replied.
"King Yemma has records of your behavior in the afterlife. The Supreme Kai can assess your spiritual evolution. And ultimately, your actions once restored would speak for themselves."
Gine, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke. "I would like to meet my grandsons," she said simply. "To see the family Kakarot has built over the years."
Her straightforward desire, free of political calculations or power considerations, seemed to touch something in Goku. He smiled at his mother with genuine warmth.
"They'd like to meet you too, I bet," he said. "Especially Goten - he's always asking questions about where he came from."
Queen Eschalot turned to Vegeta. "And your son? What is he like?"
A complex expression crossed Vegeta's face - pride mingled with something softer. "Trunks is... formidable. Intelligent like his mother, with a warrior's spirit. He achieved Super Saiyan at an age I would have thought impossible."
"Super Saiyan?" King Vegeta repeated, astonishment evident in his tone. "The boy has already reached the legendary transformation?"
"Both Trunks and Goten achieved it before they were eight years old," Vegito confirmed. "The hybrid bloodline seems particularly adept at accessing these transformations."
This revelation seemed to strike King Vegeta profoundly. He fell silent, his expression distant as he processed this information.
"We should return to the living world soon," Vegito announced after a moment.
"We've given you much to consider. When you've reached your decisions, you can communicate through King Yemma."
"Wait," Bardock said, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant. "Kakarot... my son. I would speak with you alone, if possible."
Goku looked surprised but nodded readily. "Sure. I'd like that."
Vegito nodded. "We'll give you some privacy. Vegeta, perhaps you'd like a similar opportunity with your parents?"
Vegeta hesitated, then gave a curt nod. "Briefly."
As Bardock and Goku moved to one corner of the chamber, and Vegeta approached his parents with visible tension in his posture, Vegito stepped back, giving them space while remaining within sight.
Bardock stood before his son, studying him with intensity. "You look so much like me," he said finally. "But your eyes... they're different. Softer."
"I was raised on Earth," Goku explained. "By an old man named Gohan. He found me after my pod crashed and took me in as his grandson."
"And he taught you to be... kind," Bardock observed, the concept clearly still somewhat foreign to him.
Goku nodded. "Grandpa Gohan was the best person I've ever known. He taught me to protect those who couldn't protect themselves."
"The opposite of everything Saiyan," Bardock noted, though without judgment in his tone.
"I guess so," Goku acknowledged. "Though I kept the fighting part. I love testing my strength against strong opponents."
A ghost of a smile touched Bardock's lips. "That much is Saiyan, at least." His expression turned more serious.
"When I sent you away, I had no idea what you would become. I only knew you would survive."
"Why did you save me?" Goku asked directly. "From what I've heard about Saiyan culture, it doesn't seem like something that would happen."
Bardock was silent for a long moment. "I had visions," he said finally. "Of Planet Vegeta's destruction. Of your future on Earth. But beyond that..." He seemed to struggle with the words.
"You were my son. And in that moment, it mattered."
The simple admission seemed to affect Goku deeply. "Thank you," he said simply. "For giving me the chance to live."
Across the chamber, Vegeta stood stiffly before his parents, his posture rigid with unresolved tension.
"You've grown powerful, my son," King Vegeta observed, his tone a complex mixture of pride and uncertainty. "Far beyond what I imagined possible."
"Necessity demanded it," Vegeta replied tersely. "Survival first under Frieza, then against increasingly powerful threats."
"And now you align yourself with Bardock's son," King Vegeta noted, a hint of disapproval still in his voice despite his earlier words. Some things are difficult to learn away. "A low-class warrior."
"Kakarot surpassed me," Vegeta stated flatly, the admission clearly still difficult for him. "For many years, I refused to accept it. But facts are facts. His power grew while mine stagnated because I clung to old ways of thinking."
Queen Eschalot studied her son with keen eyes. "You've learned humility," she observed. "A quality not valued in our culture, yet clearly beneficial to your growth."
"I learned that pride without substance is meaningless," Vegeta corrected. "True pride comes from achievement, not birthright."
King Vegeta's expression tightened at this implicit criticism, but he didn't argue the point. Instead, he asked, "And your life on Earth? You've taken a human mate, produced a hybrid child?"
"Bulma is my wife," Vegeta confirmed, a hint of defensiveness entering his tone. "Trunks is my son and heir. They are... my family."
The simple declaration seemed to surprise King Vegeta. "Family," he repeated, as if testing the concept. "Not merely strategic alliances or continuations of bloodline, but... family."
"Yes," Vegeta confirmed, meeting his father's gaze directly. "Something I never truly had on Planet Vegeta."
The words hung in the air between them, their impact visible in King Vegeta's slight flinch and Queen Eschalot's pained expression.
"I did what I believed necessary," King Vegeta said finally. "To prepare you for rule. To ensure you would be strong enough to lead our people."
"And instead, you handed me to Frieza as a hostage," Vegeta replied, old bitterness coloring his tone. "A political calculation that cost me my childhood and nearly my soul."
Queen Eschalot stepped forward, her expression pained. "He had no choice, Vegeta. Frieza would have destroyed our planet immediately if he had refused."
"He destroyed it anyway," Vegeta pointed out flatly.
"Yes," King Vegeta acknowledged, a haunted look crossing his features. "My greatest failure as king. I could not protect our people. I could not protect you."
The admission seemed to surprise Vegeta. He had clearly not expected this acknowledgment of failure from his proud father.
"In the end," Vegeta said, his voice slightly less harsh, "it led me to Earth. To a strength I might never have found otherwise. And to a life I would not trade, despite everything."
A silence fell between them, heavy with unspoken emotions and decades of separation.
"I would... like to meet this family of yours," Queen Eschalot said finally. "To see the life you've built."
Vegeta nodded once, a barely perceptible gesture. "If your resurrection is approved, that could be arranged."
The conversations concluded, the groups rejoined in the center of the chamber. Vegito stepped forward once more, his presence immediately commanding attention.
"We've given you much to consider," he stated. "Take time to reflect on what you've learned today.
If you truly wish to be part of the new Saiyan society, you must be prepared to embrace significant changes in your thinking and values."
"And if we decide against it?" Bardock asked bluntly.
"Then you remain here," Vegito replied simply. "There is no shame in recognizing that some changes are too fundamental to make. Not everyone is capable of such evolution."
King Vegeta's eyes narrowed at what he perceived as a challenge. "Do not underestimate the adaptability of the Saiyan race," he stated with a hint of his old imperial manner.
"We have survived and thrived through countless challenges."
"Then prove it," Vegito countered calmly. "Show that you can evolve beyond the destructive patterns that led to your extinction. Demonstrate that the Saiyan race deserves a second chance."
With those parting words, Vegito signaled to Goku and Vegeta that it was time to depart. Final farewells were exchanged - some warm, others formal and reserved - before the three living Saiyans prepared to return to their world.
As they began to fade from the afterlife realm, Bardock called out one final question: "This empire of yours - what makes it different from Frieza's? Why should we believe it's truly better?"
Vegito's answer followed them back to the living world: "Because it's built on protection rather than exploitation.
On strength used to defend rather than merely conquer. On the principle that power carries responsibility, not just privilege."
The chamber of Hell faded around them, replaced by the familiar surroundings of Capsule Corporation's main hall. They had returned.
"Well," Goku said after a moment of silence, "that was... intense."
"Indeed," Vegeta agreed, his expression thoughtful. "My father was... not as I remembered him."
"Death changes perspective," Vegito observed. "For some more than others. The question is whether that change is sufficient."
"Do you think they'll accept your terms?" Goku asked. "Give up the old Saiyan ways for this new one?"
Vegito considered this carefully. "Bardock might. Your mother certainly would. The king and queen..." He shook his head slightly. "That remains to be seen. Generations of ingrained beliefs are not easily overcome."
"My father's pride has always been his defining trait," Vegeta noted. "But I saw something I never expected - doubt. Uncertainty about the path he chose."
"Hell provides ample time for reflection," Vegito replied. "Whether that reflection leads to genuine change or merely reinforces existing beliefs depends on the individual."
"So what happens now?" Goku asked, characteristically direct.
"We wait," Vegito stated. "They must make their decisions without further influence from us. In the meantime, we continue building the foundation for what might come. The New Sadala project proceeds as planned."
As these final words were spoken the three dispersed, each to their own ways.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapter!
Do tell me how you found it. The one I had most difficulty characterizing was King Vegeta, hopefully I made him accurate.
Also, as stated in chapter one, there are different elements than in canon, I will explain them more thoroughly in future chapters.
So yeah, do tell me how you found this reunion and I hope to see you all later,