the shrimp….what's his class gonna be?...., Tatsuki thought as everyone observed the boy…the cube suddenly emanated a bright violet aura filling the whole room…, Whoa what's that aura…its like that of a demon….that kids kinda scary…, Many students exclaimed as they felt suddenly uneasy…, Class PALADIN…, The old man exclaimed to everyone's surprise…, no way…class paladin that's Just way cool…..that's impossible….., several students exclaimed...., is this some kind of big deal?....., Tatsuki exclaimed…, ugh actually yeah…the paladin class is the second strongest rank in the whole of the NEATHER REALMS..., a girl replied behind him...she was a demi human more like a dog eared girl with a tail...., Hmmm…your that Tank class summoning right?....., Tatsuki asked her…, Yeah…I believe your next after the Paladin class summoning too right?...., She asked Tatsuki….,, yup….am Tatsuki by the way…, Tatsuki replied mentioning his name in the process…., Ohh my name is Annabelle…Anna for short…, She replied…., Next summoning Tatsuki Hinokami of kingdom Adroph..., The old man exclaimed announcing Tatsuki's turn…., well Anna I guess it's my turn now…wish me luck…, He replied walking towards the old man…as he placed his hands into the cube he suddenly felt this weird surge of energy leave his body…., I hope it goes well…, Juliana thought as her heart began racing…the cube suddenly glowed a faint bluish aura surprising everybody…., Class huh?...i don't get it…., The old man exclaimed confusing every one…., huh?...what's the problem geezer...get on with it already….., Tatsuki replied the old man….., umm sir what's the matter?..., A lady asked him…, Well…I don't understand but Tatsuki Hinokami is a class UNKNOWN summoning…., the old man blurted out shocking every single person including Juliana…., what's that supposed to mean…is it some kind of class or something?....., Tatsuki thought…., am confused what's an unknown?...., Juliana thought as she noticed the blue glow on her hand inscribing a mark in the process…., what did the teacher just say? quite confused what's an unknown?....there has to be some problem somewhere…, Several students mumbled not excluding summoning s…, ISN'T IT SIMPLE!!!...., the blonde guy exclaimed out of nowhere…., huh?...its that creepy Blondie again…, Tatsuki thought as he faced him observing him climb up the stage…, yooo…what's your deal anyway?..., Tatsuki asked walking up to him…out of nowhere the bulky Minotaur of class Tank blocked his parts…., as I said…from your class its obvious that your Unknown class just means that Adroph summoned yet another useless summoning….i mean check it out…..the rest were either weak ass Tank's, Thieves, or novice mages....but you?....., The blonde guy exclaimed walking up to Tatsuki who just stood and listened…., what is that guy's deal!!..., Juliana thought as she tried standing up but Belle held her down…., you can't interfere…that idiots already breaking the rules just interrupting the programme…., Belle explained pointing at Winslow who stood afar off observing the situation…, huff…but what about Tatsuki…he should try keeping a cool resolve…that bastard's actually a high ranking nobles son… he's just abusing the power…., Juliana thought as she tried restraining herself…, after all…you are just one of the weakest summoning s and the worst at that…, The blonde guy added as he raised a hand to pat Tatsuki on the head…until…, GRIP!!!...., am sorry…but what the hell? that really all you have got to put me on edge DWEEB!!....., Tatsuki replied him still holding his hand up high…, HEY…HOW DARE YOU GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON HIS HIGHNESS…., the Minotaur exclaimed with a deep hoarse voice as he charged at him…as he made a quick dash at him he was shocked instantly…, Wait what is this?...., The Minotaur exclaimed as all of a sudden Tatsuki wasn't in front of him anymore..., what is it you cow….have you suddenly gone blind or what?..., Tatsuki exclaimed laughingly behind it…., Whoa whoa whoa what just happened? was like he was never there to begin with….., Some students exclaimed in shock…., let go of me you mongrel!!..., The blonde haired guy exclaimed as he tried freeing himself… kindly let him go Tatsuki…., Winslow cut in out of nowhere…, Whoa where did you come from?...., Tatsuki asked as he suddenly released his grip…., Hey…chancellor I have a request!!!..., the blonde haired student exclaimed as signs of anger showed in his expression…., And what is that?....., Winslow replied calmly…, I would like to form a CONTRACT!!!...., the blonde guy exclaimed out of nowhere causing an uproar among the students…., wait really?....that guy must be crazy...let him be at least today's gonna be fun...this is kinda getting serious…., several students began murmuring….., AM AFRAID I MUST BEG YOUR PARDON!!!...., Juliana exclaimed from among the crowd…., Ohhh…miss Juliana…..and may I have your reason's…., Winslow asked as he adjusted his glasses…., well…we were in the middle of an appraisal just before he interrupted….he literally broke the rules by that one interruption and now he's put up a request for a contract…its clear he has no right to request for one am I wrong?..., Juliana stated…., hmmm…it's quite true what miss Juliana just stated….you clearly are an offender so what gives you the right?....., Winslow asked looking back at the blonde haired noble….,, Huh?...what's this about a contract?...., Tatsuki asked Anna the demi human from earlier…., hmmm…it seems you just arrived in this world a few days ago….well a contract is formed when two opposing parties sign individual contracts given to them wherefore they all get teleport-ed to the DIVINE TRIBUNAL a place where the battle takes place…it could also still be formed if two proposing parties wish to go against the opposing party the proposing parties mustn't exceed three…, She explained,…., wow that's pretty intense considering the odds of whoever fights…, Tatsuki added…, yeah…by the ds of whoever fights…, Tatsuki added…, yeah…by the way Tatsuki you don't seem fazed by it after the explanation….you do know that that Minotaur out classes you since you lack a class…, Anna added….., we..well I can't let t slide…I want a contract with Juliana Onswell!!!...., The blonde haired guy exclaimed in frustration…, am afraid to say this but I just can't allow unnecessary contracts been he-COUNT ME IN!!!....., Tatsuki exclaimed cutting in, what did he just say?! that guy crazy?...he's clearly calling for suicide…., Some murmuring began….the teacher's were clearly confused as to what was going on…..but they all felt that since the school chancellor Winslow was there…it would all be sorted out…., I beg your pardon?...., Winslow addressed Tatsuki…., Umm am pretty sure you all heard me…I wanna form a contract with the dweeb…..i mean is there somewhere they wrote that a summoning couldn't take permission?....., Tatsuki asked…., you aren't wrong about that though…., Winslow replied furrowing his brow..., after all I was the last to get appraised as you can see….we are pretty much done with this whole appraisal thing so can we get on with it already?...., Tatsuki added looking at Juliana who gave him a stern look…., he's really serious?....that guy…he made he's way pretty quick knowing that if I got a chance to talk the answer would be no thereby calling the contract off….he really wants this…., Juliana thought as she looked at his face which suddenly grew a slight grin…, hmmm…well teachers students and every single person here may bear witness as the contracts are been formed….almost immediately Juliana came up the stage joining Tatsuki…, fufu…well if it isn't the failure princess….i really thought you did go off begging for the contract to be called off…., The blonde guy exclaimed laughingly…., huff whatever let's get on with it already…, Juliana thought as she shook hands with the blonde guy….in an instant both their marks emanated their aura's flowing straight to their intertwined finger's fusing together suddenly…., POUUFF!!...., a slightly big paper which looked more like an antic appeared out of nowhere… glowed a bright yellow aura suddenly changing the serene of the hall they were once in…, whoa….what is this place?...., Tatsuki thought as he observed the arena he was in….it looked more like the roman arena where games where held with the students and few teachers seated in rows at the elevated chairs meanwhile noticing Winslow the old man and several other teachers who looked like they held a significant importance to the school…where all seated at a higher area just in front of Tatsuki….., huh? asking Julia…is this the supposed DIVINE TRI-Huh?.....where's she?....., Tatsuki asked as he didn't notice Julia beside him….he also didn't see the blonde guy anymore…it was just him and the Minotaur.