Chapter 10 - chapter 10

Ino's eyes fluttered open as she came too. She groaned as she slowly sat up, the chain connecting her to Sakura clinking slightly at her movements. She glanced to the side where her master had been laying when she fell asleep.

He wasn't there anymore, and had obviously been gone for some time given the coolness of the sheets. She shuddered, wondering at what new torment he could be planning for her...and whether it would be the painful or pleasurable kind.

She heard a low moan to her right and she looked over to see Sakura stirring slightly. The pinkette's breasts rose and fell in a slow rhythm, and the blond girl smiled a little as she looked upon her pretty face. She felt her eyes were drawn to Sakura's pale pink lips, finding the sight both tender and warming.

Ino shuddered as she recalled the previous evening. Sakura was just as skilled with her tongue as Naruto, and perhaps just as inventive. She couldn't believe the sensations that the two of them had given her - the rim job, the suckling of her tits - she didn't think it was possible for a girl to give another girl such pleasure.

How she had enjoyed her slave-sister's was DIVINE...

She couldn't stop her hand from touching her own lips. Sakura's taste still lingered on her lips, and she felt her pussy tingle in response. She wanted to taste that sweetness again.

Without thinking, Ino started to lower her head slowly toward Sakura's slumbering face, her lips puckering to kiss the still slumbering cherry blossom. She closed her eyes as she got nearer, and she felt her slave-sister's warm breath tickle her face as she approached her target.

Sakura's eyes suddenly snapped open and shot her head up as she cried out, "Master!" Unfortunately, she didn't realize there was an object in her way.



Both girls grabbed their throbbing foreheads in pain as Ino landed on her side.

"Dammit forehead, is your head made of metal?" The blond groaned, rubbing the sore skin. "I swear, if I didn't have that healing factor I'd be out cold now!"

"Ino-pig, what the hell were you doing? Why were you...?" Sakura stopped mid-question, realization crawling into her head, before an evil grin made its way onto her face. "Ohh Ino-chaaan..."

Ino turned her face, hands still holding onto her throbbing forehead, and gulped at the look on Sakura's face. "Wh-what?" Ino asked, trying not to let embarrassment seep into her voice.

Sakura grinned even more, ignoring the pounding in her own head. "Were you trying to kiss me in my sleep?"

Ino blushed at being caught. "N-no!" The blond girl tried to deny, but with her stammering and the blush on her face told Sakura she was right on the money. The pinkette scooted over so that she was right in Ino's face, her big green eyes piercing into Ino's powder blue ones. The pounding in both of their heads was going away, and in its place was the desire to taste each other's lips again.

Sakura cupped Ino's chin and lifted it to look in her eyes. "Listen to me Ino-chan." She whispered, her breath hot against Ino's trembling lips. "Never be embarrassed about kissing me even though I'm a girl. It's okay for two girls to kiss."


Sakura silenced Ino with her finger. "It's not wrong." She replied. "Kurenai-sensei is bi-sexual and has a relationship with Asuma-sensei. At the same time, she's Anko-sensei fuck toy."


Sakura sighed, cutting her off. "Listen, when master first told me of the idea of kissing another girl, I was appalled as well. You know what he did?" Ino shook her head. "He used his Oiroke no Jutsu to turn into a girl, and made out with me. He kept it up until I was comfortable with it."

"That sounds like him." Ino muttered, taking the time to think things through. The last few times she had kissed Sakura, it had been either at the behest of Naruto, Sakura's initiative, or when she was too caught up in passion to care. She hadn't really had time to think about kissing another girl, and she was too far gone when Sakura took her last night to think about it. "So it's alright to kiss a girl if you're a girl?" Sakura smiled and nodded.

"It's alright. Now listen, from now on, if you want to kiss me, you don't have to kiss me in my sleep or ask my permission." Sakura leaned in closer so that her lips were touching Ino's. "You can kiss me to your hearts desire whenever you want, even if we are in public and under the illusion."

Sakura closed the remaining distance and claimed Ino's lips. Ino hesitated for a moment before responding to the kiss. She moaned as Sakura's tongue rubbed against her own, and the two engaged in an oral sparring match.

"Geeze, you're not even up for 5 minutes and you already have your hands all over each other my pets." Sakura and Ino broke apart at the sound of Naruto's voice and they couldn't help but blush at the sight of his grinning face.

"She started it master." Sakura pointed at Ino accusingly. Ino blushed at the truth in her words. Naruto raised an eyebrow at this and he chuckled.

"Really now? That's interesting." Naruto sat down on the bed with a tray of four ramen bowls.

Ino couldn't help but cringe at the sight. "Master, must we have ramen for breakfast?"

"Of course." Naruto stated as a matter-of-factly. "Besides the fact that it's the greatest dish in the world, I like seeing the drops dribble down that soft skin of yours, Ino-chan." He laughed as she blushed while glaring at him. After eating some of his ramen, he held up the chopsticks with ramen attached to Sakura's mouth and she closed her mouth over it.

Naruto took on the role of feeder for this morning's breakfast as he fed himself, Sakura, and a reluctant Ino. Naruto played with them by moving the food away when they tried to eat it. Naruto had a lot of fun seeing their sulking faces whenever he did that.

Soon, the four bowls were empty and he stood up, setting the tray to the side and stretching his back. He then reached over to the stand and retrieved the leashes, quickly securing them to the girls' collars before disconnecting their chain.

"Come on my pets..." Naruto said after Sakura crawled off the bed and Ino was in the process of crawling off. "We got a lot of stuff to do before Ino's parents get here."


Naruto and Sakura looked at the blonde girl as she lost her footing, fell and landed with a thud.

"M-ma-master...w-what di-did y-you s-say?" Ino stuttered, praying that she had heard him wrong. Her fear increased as a cruel grin appeared on Naruto's face.

"Oh...didn't I mention?" Naruto replied in, totally fake, innocence. "I invited your parents over today for afternoon tea and guess what?" Naruto's grin turned sadistic while staying maniacal at the same time. "You'll be the table for the tea."

Ino started to shake out of fear. Her parents...were coming here...and she was the table for tea. She never wanted her parents to see her like this. She didn't notice the tug on her collar, telling her to get moving.

Naruto sighed while stopping the tug on her collar. He knew that something like this was going to happen. The blond felt a tug on his leg. He looked down at Sakura who wanted his attention.

"Master, are they really coming here?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes, they are." He raised an eyebrow as he saw his first slave frown up at him.

"That's cruel master. Making her parents see her like this." Naruto's face hardened and he turned and walked away but not before replying.

"I would've done the same thing to you if your parents were still alive. You're the lucky one."

Sakura gulped and stared at her master as he walked away. She knew he was right. He would've done the same thing to her if he had the opportunity. She watched as Naruto walked back with the red riding crop in his hands. Naruto smirked as he took position behind the still-shaking Ino. He swung the object and the crop made contact with her ass. She yelped and swung her face around to face Naruto.

"Your parents will be here at four and we have a lot of stuff to do before they get here, so get moving to the shower so we can get started."

Ino whimpered but complied. She moved alongside Sakura while her body was still shaking, still trying to get over the fact that her parents were coming over. Tears started to fall as she realized that Naruto serious about her acting as the tea service for her parents.

Why would he force her to face her them when she was like this? Naruto already had complete control over her, what more could this serve other than too embarrass her?

What more did he want?


Naruto led them to the dungeon bathroom. He opened the door and they crawled in. They stopped when the leash tugged and waited patiently for their orders. He turned to them after shutting the door and bent down and took off their collars and setting them aside. He walked into the shower and pointed to the floor.

"Sit." They crawled to where Naruto was pointing and sat down, their backs against the wall. They watched as Naruto starting rummaging through the numerous bottles and picked up two bottles and two blades as well. He set the bottle and a blade down in front of Sakura as well as Ino.

Ino saw it was shaving cream. She gulped looked up to her master who had a slight smirk on his face.

"Master?" Naruto just chuckled before taking off his pants and boxers and throwing them in the bin before turning on the water and taking a shower.

Ino looked to her side where Sakura was.


"He wants us to shave our pubic hair." Ino couldn't help but glance at Sakura's mound and she noticed hair starting to grow there, but something else came to mind.

"You're a natural pink?"

Sakura laughed. "Hell yeah, my hair color is all natural girl, just like you're a natural blonde." Ino blushed. Sakura laughed and sprayed the cream onto her hands before rubbing the cream into her pink mound. Ino sighed before following suit. Grabbing the blade, she sighed before putting the blade on the skin and started shaving.

"So does master like us...bald...there?" She asked as she removed the stubble from herself. "I thought when he did it to me before it was just to humiliate me." Sakura nodded.

"Yeah, although sometimes he asks me to let it grow so he could either shave it himself or just to see what I look like with it. You know our bodies changed right?" Seeing Ino's nod, she continued. "A side-effect of the marking is that our hair grows faster. I have to cut my hair twice a month and shave myself at least three times a week."

"How many times did you cut yourself?"

"Too many times to count. Make sure that there isn't any hair left." Ino nodded.

The girls soon finished shaving and waited patiently for Naruto to finish taking his shower. After a couple of minutes, Naruto turned around.

"You finished?" They nodded. Naruto reached up and took the showerhead off. He walked toward them and bent down, spraying the water over their freshly shaved mounds, rinsing off the excess hair and soap. He inspected Sakura's first, pleased that it was how he wanted it, smooth and all hairs shaved off. Then he went to Ino's, frowning a little as he felt that she didn't get all of it.

Ino saw the frown and she gulped, getting worried.


"You missed some." Naruto said, retrieving the blade and shaving off the missed hairs. After doing that, he put it down and inspected it, smiling as he felt it completely smooth and free of stubble.

They needed to be in order for their `gift'.

He looked up to the worried Ino and reassured her. "It's alright Ino-chan. Next time, just make sure you get everything." Ino nodded and Naruto stood up, gathering the bottles and blades and setting them in their spot. He turned to them. "Stand up and stand in the middle." They complied, standing up and walking to the middle of the shower. He adjusted them so they were back to back, leaving just enough room so they weren't touching but could still feel each other's presence. He bent down and attached the manacles to their feet before reaching up and securing their arms.

Naruto turned a knob and the showers above the girls turned on. They screamed as cold water rained down on them but the screams subsided as it turned warm. Naruto grabbed a washcloth and soaped it up and proceeded to clean his slaves, starting with Sakura first.

Sakura moaned as she felt her master wash her, starting with her legs, working his way up. Sakura always loved Naruto giving her a bath while she was bound. It felt so good - she could do nothing to stop him from taking advantage, yet he was always so gentle...

Sakura `mmmed' as Naruto started washing her torso, feeling his hands move across her body as he cleansed her. After finishing with her body, Naruto grabbed a stool and was looking at Sakura face to face.

"Close your eyes and hold your breath." Sakura complied, closing her eyes and drawing in a deep breath as Naruto started to clean her face. Sakura could hold her breath for about a minute and a half but it doesn't take that long to clean her face and rinse it off. Naruto rubbed the washcloth against her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, and everything else.

Finished with that, Naruto grabbed the showerhead he was using before and rinsed off her face, washing away the soap. Sakura smiled as she opened her eyes and she looked into the whiskered face of her master as he cleaned her arms. She loves him dearly and would do anything for him. She would protect him from anything she could and would die doing it, if needed.

She would even withstand the fiery whips of hell itself if it meant saving him.

"I love you Naruto-sama." Naruto smiled as he looked at her, once more thanking the gods (and Kyuubi) that they are together at last.

"I love you too Sakura-chan." They shared a brief kiss before Naruto returned to his duty even as Sakura laid her head on Naruto's chest. After a couple minutes, Naruto grabbed the showerhead and started to rinse her off, working his way down. After that was done, Naruto stepped back onto the stool and started getting her hair wet. After it was wet, he grabbed the shampoo and put some on his hands. He then started to soap up her head, running his hands through her silky hair, enjoying the feeling of her hair in his hands.

After it was sufficiently soaped up, he rinsed off his hands and washed her hair, tilting Sakura's head back so the soap wouldn't run down her face. Naruto started to hum as he worked, enjoying what he was doing. After all the soap was going from her hair, he rinsed off her face before grabbing the conditioner and worked it in her hair.

After rinsing it off, he gave her one final rinse off before going to the other side and starting with Ino.

Ino, by this point, has accepted the fact she is going to be facing her parents today. While she isn't happy with that fact, she knows that she has no choice in the matter, but she's praying that she doesn't get embarrassed. Moaning as Naruto cleansed her body of sweat, cum, and other fluids, she realized that there was still hot water running. Shouldn't he be out by now?


Naruto looked up at his blonde slave. "Do you have a question Ino-chan?" She nodded. "Then ask."

Ino gulped, hoping that this wasn't a stupid question. "S-shouldn't you be out of hot water by now?"

Naruto smirked and stood up, causing Ino to gulp. "That's a good question and I have the answer to it." He held up three fingers. "I have three hot water heaters in this house. One is dedicated to the main house and the other two is dedicated to the dungeon so I will always have hot water. I was given the first two for free but I had to pay for the third one myself. Still, I think it was well worth the cost." Naruto continued washing his slave.

Ino moaned as Naruto moved up as she was given the same treatment as Sakura received. After Naruto finished with Ino's hair, he gave them one last rinse off. He shut off the water and released his slave's arms from their restraints. He retrieved a towel and proceeded to dry his pets off, starting with Sakura. He ran the towel over her body, drying off the water off of her body. After that was done, he scrubbed her hair drying it off.

He did the same thing with Ino and after Ino was dry, Naruto refastened their collars and tugged on it, bringing them to their feet. Then they brushed their teeth. Naruto gave Ino a new toothbrush seeing on how there was only two there. After rinsing out their mouths, Naruto turned to them.

"You will walk this time." They nodded and Naruto walked out of the bathroom, his pets following behind him. They saw him grab two sets of wrist cuffs and the red riding crop. They followed him out of the dungeon, up the stairs, and into the house. When they arrived in the living room, he told them to kneel and they complied. Naruto reached out with the crop and raised Sakura's head with it, smirking as she looked at him. "Do you know what day this is?"

"Sunday." She said, wondering why he was asking that before she suddenly groaned, remembering why. "Resting day master?"

"Precisely." Sakura always hated Sunday. Each Sunday, she is supposed to rest, to allow her body and her muscles to rest so that her ass and pussy won't become loose. Naruto prefers the natural tightness that his pets have. "However..." Sakura perked up. "Considering that I have things I need to teach Ino-chan so I will suspend the rule just for today BUT..." Sakura gulped. "Come Monday, absolutely no penetration at all. Tongue will be allowed but no fingers, no anal or vaginal penetration at all, yours or Ino-chan's." Sakura nodded. "Hold out your arms."

They complied and held out their arms, even as Naruto attached wrist cuffs to both of them. "Turn around and put your hands behind your backs." They turned around and put their arms behind them. He took them and locked the cuffs together on both of his pets. "Now, here's what going to happen. We will be going for a walk with the illusion over you. I have a gift that I want to give you that I think you'll like."

"But master..." Ino started speaking. "You'll put clothes on us won't you?"

Naruto smirked. "Why should I? I told you yesterday. I want you to get used to having no clothes on in the presence of other people even if they can't see you. Sakura-chan loves the feeling of being exposed, even if I wouldn't let anybody see her naked." He chuckled at the fear on her face and the excited expression on Sakura's face. "Now there are some things you need to know while you are out." He said while sitting down.

"First things first, this leash that's on you. It has the capability of snapping off. If I send a burst of chakra through this leash, the part that's connected to your collar will break off, freeing you. Of course, I can always just let go of the leash but there may be a situation where I will not be able to."

"Second...the illusion that is on you. Nobody will be able to see or touch you, but you can still touch them so that's why we will take the less used roads. The illusion also comes with a sound barrier so you can talk to me freely but I won't be able to reply as much." Ino nodded, committing this information to memory so she wouldn't make a horrible mistake.

"Third...sometimes when I'm outside, I am the target people's anger, drunks especially. While drunks shouldn't be a problem in the morning, it is still a possibility. In case something like that happens, I will have a loose grip on the lease so, if needs be, you will be able to get away to a safe place. Normally, the illusion I put on you can last up to an hour and that will give the two of you plenty of time to get to a safe house, such as Ichiraku, the Hokage Tower, the Sarutobi residence, and a couple other places. I'll give you a map of Konoha that has all safe spots for us later. I expect you to memorize it."

Ino nodded, repeating it to herself so that it stays in her head.

"I'm glad you understand. Stay here while I get dressed." They nodded as Naruto got up and went upstairs. Ino, after Naruto left, turned toward her friend. Naruto never explained this `resting day'. Ino crossed her legs as she turned sideways to face her friend.

"Sakura-chan..." Said girl looked at her. "What did you mean by `resting day'?" The pink haired girl sighed and laid back.

"It's a rule that Ibiki-sensei drilled into master. I have to rest one day every week in order to let my holes rest. Even though it would take a lot longer for my holes to become loose, Ibiki, and master after he realized it, insisted that I rest. I understand the risk, but I hate having to rest - I miss the full feeling. I get punished if I forget and master reminds me every week." She sighed. "It's so troublesome."

Ino giggled hearing Sakura use Shikamaru's word. She sighed before adjusting her position so that she was laying on Sakura's lap.

"And I suppose he will ask the same thing of me."

"More like demand...but yes, he will."

The sounds of footsteps was heard and the girls saw Naruto walk down the stairs, dressed in his usual, ugly in Ino's opinion, orange jumpsuit. Ino couldn't help but cringe as she saw the fashion disaster. Sakura chuckled as she saw Ino's cringe.

"Trust me Ino-chan...I tried to get him to wear something else but he loves orange and loves that jumpsuit." Ino took that as a challenge.

"If you failed, then the fashion queen of Konoha will succeed." Sakura laughed.

"Girl, if you actually manage to get him to give up that thing, I'll be fucking amazed."

Naruto reached them and they saw a small smirk on his face. "Fashion queen of Konoha ehh?"

Ino smirked. "I'll get you out of that hideous thing, mark my words." Naruto let out a laugh.

"Oh, you'll get me out of it alright...especially when I'm screwing that tight little pussy of yours." He chuckled, causing her to flush. "Now, up. We've got a lot to do before tea time." Naruto walked up and grabbed the girls' leashes. He tugged on them, bringing them to their feet, and he started to walk, leading them to the front door. He stopped when he reached the door and turned around to face his slaves. He let the leashes drop down so he could make the necessary hand seals and soon, Naruto's pets shimmered until they vanished to all except Naruto. Naruto smiled and gathered the leashes in his hands again. He opened the door.

"Now come on...we have an appointment with the I/T division."

Sakura stopped in her tracks at the mention of the I/T division. She stared at her master with horror in her eyes, even as he looked back at her.

"T-the I-I/T d-division? Did I do something wrong master? Why are we going there? Am I being punished?" Sakura desperately asked.

`Why is she scared of the I/T division?' Ino asked herself, confused. Suddenly, she remembered that Sakura was kidnapped by the I/T division ANBU. `So that's why...I'm not surprised by that.'

"No, you're not being punished. We have an appointment with them." Sakura sighed and nodded and started walking when Naruto tugged on the leash, stepping out followed by his girls. He shut the door, locked it, and turned to his pets. "Remember, you can't be seen but I can be so keep that in mind." They nodded and started walking.

Ino felt scared as she walked, with nothing on except her collar and her arms bound behind her back. She felt so exposed out here. She turned to her friend, and saw a smile on her face. She knew she enjoyed being exposed like this. She sighed and shook her head. She learned so much about Naruto and Sakura in such a short amount of time that it was starting to make her head hurt.

Ino stayed silent as they walked, keeping in pace in Naruto as they walked through the city streets, being careful to avoid the crowd as they neared the ANBU I/T division. Why they were going there, she has no clue. While they walked, she noticed Sakura look behind her all the time.

Looking back as well, she didn't see anything usual...that is, until she saw a certain pale-eyed girl come out from her cover and move up. She gasped as she recognized her.

It was Hyuuga Hinata, the girl that has a major crush on Naruto.

"Master..." Ino heard Sakura say.

"I know. When we turn, hug the wall." They reached the next corner and Naruto turned it and his pet followed. Ino, following the order of her master, put her back to the wall along with Sakura while Naruto made a clone and sent him off while placing the illusion on himself. A second passed before the shy girl known as Hinata Hyuuga peeked her head around the corner.

"Poor girl..." Naruto said, while hugging the wall, and looking at her looking at his clone. "She has so much potential, just waiting to burst out. If it wasn't for her father and the rest of the god damn Hyuuga killing her confidence and self-esteem, she could become great."

"But what about her crush on you?" Ino asked, even as Hinata left her cover to persue the clone.

Naruto sighed. "I asked Kurenai-sensei to talk to Hinata about why she liked me while I watched, hidden. She said that she liked me because I never gave up, because I have so much confidence in myself that it encourages her to do better. It was then I realized that she doesn't like me for me, only that she likes me because she sees the person that she thinks she will never be."

"And that's bad?"

Naruto nodded. "Very bad in the long run." Naruto sighed, continuing to walk on. "Admiring me is one thing, but if she wants to rise above where she is, she has to take the steps herself. As long as she obsesses over me, she won't grow. It's similar to what you were like with Sasuke before I took you, Ino-chan." He smirked. "Granted, it is flattering, and she is a cutie...but I want girls with fire in them." He tugged on the leashes and got the girls moving. Ino looked at the back of Naruto, then at Sakura who was also looking at her.

"Don't worry...I'm sure that Naruto-sama will do what he can with her." She said. She nodded.

"We're almost there." Naruto said. Soon, a big building came into view and Naruto guided them to the front door. He opened it and let his pets walk inside before walking in himself and shutting the door. Then, he did something that horrified the blonde.

He dissolved the illusion on them.

"Ma-master..." Ino started speaking in a horrified tone. Naruto knew why she was afraid and he reassured her by pulling her into a kiss and stroking her cheek. Ino moaned into the kiss. Naruto's kisses always calmed her down for some odd reason.

"It's alright. Every ANBU stationed here knows about us and them, you have clothes on. Now, come on." Naruto tugged on the leashes and got them moving as he walked.

As they walked, Ino looked around, a little curious as to what the I/T division looks like on the inside. They started walking up the stairs and got off in two levels. She gasped softly as she saw what was on this level.

There were prison cells.

Naruto tugged on her leash and she walked, a little scared on being on this level. "Don't worry Ino-chan..." Naruto said, perhaps sensing her fear. "All these cells have chakra absorbing seals and silencing seals and the doors are very strong and have numerous deadlocks. Anybody who is in these cells is going to stay in there."

Ino didn't feel reassured.

They continued walking and then suddenly, Sakura stopped, causing Naruto to look back at her to see her staring inside one of the cells. Her face had a gloomy expression on it and he saw a tear go down her face. Taking a look at the door number, he realized why she was like this.

This was the same cell that became her personal cell.

"It's been three months..." Naruto said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Since I had to bring you back here hasn't it?" Sakura nodded. "You been doing really well since then and I haven't had to consider bringing you back." Naruto reached up and turned her head away and gently pushed her forward, away from her cell.

Ino looked at Sakura, Naruto, Sakura again, and lastly Naruto, confused as hell. Naruto noticed her looks and explained.

"Whenever Sakura-chan does something really bad." He explained. "Something that could endanger me or her, I bring her back here and have the ANBU punish her. Sometimes they force her to watch an actual interrogation. They are much crueler then I am. Then I make her spend the night in her cell with the silencing seals turned off so she can hear the screams of the other prisoners."

"How cruel..." Ino whispered, her face taking on an ashen tone.

"Harsh, I know..." He said, seeing Ino's look. "But a harsh crime deserves a harsh punishment. The good thing is that I've only had to bring her here for punishment only two times."


"It's alright Ino-chan..." Sakura started speaking. "What I did, I deserved to be put in here." Ino opened her mouth to speak but shut it, knowing that there wasn't anything else to say.

" really don't want to spend the night here Ino-chan. Keep that in mind from now on." Ino nodded, believing him. A tug on the leashes later, they were walking again. They climbed more stairs and were soon standing in front of a door.

"I haven't told you the reason why we're here yet have I? The two of you are getting a gift...well, two actually." The girls perked up, a smile slowly appearing on their faces.

"Really master?" Sakura asked, very excited. Naruto nodded and smiled. He knew that would cheer her up. "What is it?"

"Tattoo's of my own design." Sakura squealed and Ino stared at him with an dumbfounded expression. He was giving them tattoo's? Sure, she liked tattoo's but she never thought about getting one of her own. Naruto opened the door and they stepped in, Naruto following and closing the door behind them. Ino gulped at the occupant in the room. "I don't believe you met Anko-sensei, have you Ino-chan?" In front of her, stood a maniacal looking woman with nothing on except mesh underwear, a very short shorts and a trench coat over it.

"Yamanaka Ino, meet Mitarashi Anko, one of my sensei's in the arts of bondage." Ino gulped as she looked at the seemly-crazy woman looked down at her.


The grin on her face seemed to get bigger. "Why hello there." The singsong tone in her voice made her gulp and take a step back in slight fear but Naruto put a hand on her back, stopping her from moving back to stop her from moving.

"This is where new ANBU recruits get their tattoos on their arms. So Ino-chan, would you like to go first?" Ino dumbly nodded, not really caring at this point. Naruto smiled as he reached behind her and unlatched her restraints. She gently pushed her forward into the waiting hands of Anko. She then guided Ino toward a chair that was designed to spread her legs. She gulped as she took a seat, her legs being moved apart and strapped down.

After Ino was strapped down, Anko reached over and grabbed the tattooing needle. Ino took one look at it and freaked out. She trashed in her restraints, very afraid of the contraption. Naruto was by her side in an instant, cupping her cheeks and calming her down. After he calmed her down enough to speak to her, he offered a suggestion.

"Would you rather be asleep for this?" Ino nodded, not wanting to see that thing again. Anko pulled out the drawer and pulled out a pill, designed to knock her out for a while. She handed it to Naruto who gave it to Ino who swallowed it without hesitation. A second passed before she was out like a light.

Naruto smiled as Ino fell asleep. He stepped aside as Anko started the machine and started to work.


Ino groaned as she woke up. She felt something warm pressed up against her back and she felt something wrapped around her.

"Are you awake Ino-chan?"

Ino moaned as she recognized Naruto's voice. "M-master?" Ino's eyes fluttered opened and she looked behind her to see that she was sitting on Naruto's lap. "What happened?" Naruto smiled and started to move his hands that were around her and cupped her breasts, causing her to moan.

"You freaked out when you saw the needle. I calmed you down, gave you a sedative, and you fell asleep."

"A-am I finished?" Naruto nodded and reached down with one of his hands toward her pussy. "I gave you one down here..." Ino shivered as she moved his hands over her entrance. "And I gave you one here." Naruto reached behind her and made circling motions between her shoulder blades. "And the ink on this one has my blood mixed in with it. There's a surprise in store with this one."

"What surprise?"

Naruto smirked. "It's a surprise."

Ino frowned. "Where's Sakura-chan?"

He pointed and she followed his finger and saw Sakura lying on a table while Anko was doing something on her back. "She's almost done. It's been almost two hours."

Ino sighed. "Why did you give the tattoo's to us?"

Naruto smiled. " suits you very much."

"What is it?"

Naruto chuckled and whispered in her ear. "It's a yellow flower."

Ino's eyes widened. "A f-flower?"

"I thought you would like it."

The soft humming noise that went with the tattooing machine stopped and Naruto and his blonde slave looked up to see Anko putting the needle away. She inspected her work one last time before smirking and slapped the girl on the butt, causing said girl to jerk and growl at the woman. Sakura got up from the table and walked toward her master. She reached him and bowed.

"I'm done master." Naruto smiled and motioned her to turn around. She complied and Ino gasped at the sight. Between her shoulder blades, was what looked like a yin-yang symbol but with an extra fish but all the fishes were black and the holes were white. There were two lines on the outside. The one on the outside was black and the one under it was white and the outline of the fishes was white as well.

"Is-is that on my back?"

"Yes it is Ino-chan. Show her your flower Saku-chan." Sakura smiled and nodded, getting on the floor and lying on her back, spreading her legs and allowing Naruto and her friend her flower. Ino gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. It was a red rose, with the Uzumaki spiral on the middle petal, traveling down through her pussy and ending at her rosebud. "Isn't it beautiful Ino-chan?"

Ino felt herself nod, really liking it.

"You said it was your own design?" Feeling Naruto's nod, she continued. "You're quite the artist."

Naruto chuckled. "Thank you. Now it's time to go home." Ino got up from her position and Sakura got up from the floor. Sakura sighed in happiness as he reattached the leash on her collar. She always enjoyed being led around on a leash like a dog. There was a tug on her leash and she stood up, understanding that he wanted her on her feet. She watched as Naruto gave Anko his thanks for doing this for him. He then walked behind them and reattached their wrist restraints.

Naruto left the room with his pets following and soon was back at the front door, but before Naruto put the illusion on his pets, Sakura stopped him.

"Umm master..." Sakura said, really hoping that he would grant her request. Naruto looked at the girl, who was shifting which indicated that she was a little nervous.

"Yes Saku-chan?"

"I have a request master."

Naruto nodded. "Let's hear it."

"Well...can we...I mean..." Sakura tried to finish the sentence but she couldn't, considering the last time she made a request, he denied it. Naruto smirked. He knew what she wanted.

"Let me want some time to admire your new presents?"

Sakura nodded. "I'll grant your request." Sakura let a big smile appear on her face. "BUT...give me a blowjob first." Sakura was on her knees in an instant, trying to get the zipper down with her mouth. Naruto smirked as she growled, getting frustrated as the stupid zipper wouldn't go down.

Ino, seeing what the problem was, got on her knees and to the bottom part of the crotch area and bit on it and pull it down, and that allowed Sakura to pull the zipper down all the way. Then Sakura tried to unbutton the pants but Naruto did it himself, seeing it would take a while. Sakura and Ino bit each side and pulled down their master's pants.

Sakura smiled as she saw a bulge in his ramen boxers. She leaned her head forward and started to play with her master's cock with her nose. Naruto moaned as he felt Sakura play with his cock. He looked down, just in time to see her take the clothed bulge in her mouth, moving her head in circles causing Naruto to moan even more.

After playing with it for a while, Sakura moved her head to the side and took some of the cloth in her mouth and pulled down. Ino took the other side, and soon Naruto's cock sprung free as the boxers were pulled down.

Sakura smiled and took Naruto's length in her mouth, moving her wet tongue over the length and bringing his prick to its full size. After that was done, she started to bob her head up and down, sucking and licking while deep-throating him every few bobs. Naruto moved his head back and closed his eyes as he moaned in pleasure as Sakura worked his prick, feeling Sakura's hot, moist cavern engulf it.

Sakura started to hum, the vibrations filling her mouth and adding to her master's pleasure. Within a few minutes, Naruto moaned out Sakura's name. Sakura, figuring out that Naruto's about to come, moved her head so that his shaft was visible but not the head. Sakura sucked one final time before Naruto tensed up and shot his load into his slave's mouth.

Ino stared at her friend as Naruto came, his hot essence filling up Sakura's mouth. Her jaw dropped as she saw Sakura's cheeks puff out, telling her that she wasn't swallowing, just letting the cum fill it up. After a couple of minutes, Sakura removed her head from Naruto's prick and gulped down about half of the liquid. After that, she turned to Ino, her eyes asking her something but she couldn't figure out what.

"She wants to kiss you and share my essence." Ino gulped but nodded. Closing the distance, the two girls shared a kiss, Sakura's tongue carrying Naruto's come into her mouth and Ino moaned as Sakura's tongue rubbed against hers. The girls gulped down the liquid as they broke apart, Ino wincing at the bitter taste of the cum, and a trail of cum still connected to their lips. They saw it and came back together to lick each other's lips clean, and then they turned their tongues toward Naruto's second head, cleaning it off.

Naruto smiled as he looked at them looking at him. "You did well my pets. I'll let you have some time to yourselves for an hour." Naruto said while pulling up his boxers and pants. "Stand up and turn around." They complied and Naruto unbound them and took the leash off when they turned around again. "Be back in an hour" Sakura nodded and made a one-handed sign and clothes shimmered onto her and Ino, their collars gone from view.

Naruto reached over and gathered Sakura into a kiss, Sakura moaning as his tongue overpowered hers. He broke the kiss after a moment before doing the same with Ino. Ino sighed as he let go of her lips and they turned toward the door, they opened it but before they stepped outside, Naruto smacked their bottoms causing them to squeak before the door shut.

He chuckled as he could imagine the annoyed look on Ino's face on the other side of the door when he slapped her on the ass. He waited ten minutes before opening the door and stepping out and stepping on the path to his home. Naruto smiled as he walked.

Even after all this time, his pink haired pet always spiced things up so things were never boring.