Ino growled, rubbing her stinging bottom as she felt the after effects Naruto's slap. Sakura wasn't helping things either, laughing as Ino soothed her sore tush. She shot a dirty look at the door behind her before grabbing her best friend hand and led her away from the ANBU I/T division.
Sakura's laughing died down as they drew further away from the building and she fell in step of Ino's hurrying. When the building disappeared from view, Sakura slowed Ino down enough walk at a normal place.
"Don't be mad at him." The pinkette giggled, finding the annoyed expression on Ino's face to be very funny.
"I'm trying to be mad at him...but I can't for some reason." Ino growled out. "And that just makes it even more frustrating!"
"He has that effect on people." Her fellow slave replied. "Now come on...we only have an hour and I want to make the most of it. I have a full body mirror at my house." Sakura took Ino's hand and led her in the direction of her home.
As the walked, chatting about different things, Sakura noticed that one of her favorite stores was nearby. When they walked by a familiar alley, Sakura stopped Ino and turned her to face the dark alley. She brought her mouth closer to Ino's ear and whispered.
"Do you know what's in that alleyway?" Ino shook her head. Sakura smirked. "In that alleyway is one of my favorite shops...a sex shop." There was silence as Ino processed Sakura's words and when it did...her face met the ground. Sakura laughed at the face Ino was making.
"Are you crazy? We're not allowed to go in them!" Ino responded to Sakura even as her friend helped her up.
"Normally that's true." Sakura replied, "But for me and Naruto-sama (and you eventually), it's different. Naruto-sama had the old man strike a deal with the owner who happens to be a peeping buddy of his. They..."
"Wait wait wait..." Ino interrupted. "A peeping buddy of Sarutobi's? What the hell does that mean?" Sakura smirked as they walked.
"The ero-kage is a pervert just like the rest of us. He has the full collection of Icha Icha, including the special collections with color and even the rare version with the bonus chapter of shibari instruction." Sakura laughed at the disbelieving expression on the blonde's face. " I was saying, the Ero-kage made a deal with the owner that both of us will be able to buy from her."
"HER?" the blonde gaped.
Sakura smirked at the dumbfounded blonde. "Hey, girls can be perverts too." She reached up to cup on of Ino's soft tits. "Just look at me, and as for Ishiya? She just happens to be a lesbian and a voyeur." Ino groaned and face palmed. "Naruto-sama and I will be able to buy from the shop as long as it is a slow day but if I want to buy something by myself, I have to have a note from Naruto-sama stating that I have his permission and how many items I can buy. It can be really frustrating at times. All sex shops have a genjutsu detecting seals that can detect even our illusions."
"Really?" Ino asked, kind of amazed. She nodded. "Who made the seals?"
"The first Hokage." Sakura smirked as Ino face planted.
"The S-shodai?" She nodded.
"When the village was first created, Kyuubi considered us an enemy in his territory but after a while of constant battling and trying to outsmart each other, Kyuubi, Senju Hashirama, and Uchiha Madara called a truce and left each other alone."
"How did you know this?" Ino asked, amazed at the history lesson she was giving her. The textbooks didn't have this in them.
"Naruto-sama's dreams."
"What?" Sakura smiled.
"For a time, Naruto-sama used to have dreams of a life that was not his own - Kyuubi's life." The pink haired girl explained. "From what Ero-sennin could figure out, there's some sort of mental link between Naruto-sama and Kyuubi. It's very faint, but it's there...kinda like having a vague memory at the back of your head, only constant."
"Has he actually talked to him?" Sakura shook his head.
"No...not yet...and I'm not sure if master even wants too." Sakura stopped in front of a door and Ino saw that it was her house.
"That was quick." The naked blonde muttered, causing Sakura to laugh again.
The pink haired girl opened the door to her home and stepped inside. Ino followed, hearing the door shut behind her and the lock clicking. Ino yelped as she felt Sakura cup her ass cheeks and the pinkette's breath sending shivers down her spine while she was directed to and up the stairs.
Ino didn't resist Sakura's directions, allowing herself to be led to wherever her slave sister wanted to go, the firm grip on her buttocks telling her that Sakura was in charge. Her eyes widened as she saw herself being pushed into the bedroom. The girls went into the room and Sakura pushed her nude friend onto the bed.
Ino gasped as she felt Sakura straddle her naked back, the girl's hot, wet core heating her up even as the rest of her shivered. She moaned as Sakura started to move her body across her back.
"Sakura-chaaaan...stop it." Ino whined in a childlike voice. She heard Sakura laugh from behind her and she sighed in relief as her friend removed herself from her back. She squeaked as she was suddenly turned over and she gulped as Sakura got right in her face. Sakura dived in for a quick kiss, her tongue dipping in and seeking out the blonde's.
Ino moaned as her tongue moved over the pinkette's. Ino broke the kiss but when Sakura dived in again, Ino put a finger on her lips, stopping her.
"We can make out later when we have plenty of time. We only have..." Ino glanced at the clock. "Thirty minutes left to see what master has given us before we have to go back."
"Alright spoilsport, you win." Sakura said with a small smile. She dived in for one quick peck before getting off of Ino and walking to a full body mirror and moving so that it was in front of the bed. Sakura plopped back down onto the bed and spread her legs so she could see her master's present.
"'s beautiful." Sakura let out as she traced the outline of the flower. "I knew master was somewhat of an artist but not this good. He must have been practicing for a long time for this."
"I bet." Ino said, also looking at her flower. "How much has master been hiding from us?"
"A lot." She said, turning around so she could see her back. Her eyes widened when she looked at her back. "Oh my..."
"What?" Ino asked, hearing the surprised tone in her voice.
"This is my favorite symbol. I have a necklace of this symbol and I wanted to wear it but master forbade me from wearing it until we have a steady relationship in the eyes of the public." Sakura smiled. "Having a tattoo like this means that I will always belong to him."
"I bet. Now move over." Sakura laughed and moved over so Ino could take her place and take a look at hers. Ino let out a small laugh. "Master's good at reading people don't you think?" Sakura giggled as Ino turned around to see her back. It was exactly the same as Sakura's. "What is it?"
"It's the BDSM symbol. Each letter stands for something. Bondage, Discipline, Dominance/Submission, and Sadism/Masochism." Ino sighed and fell down onto the bed. Why did Naruto have to like BDSM?
"Why does he like it? I mean...why couldn't he like something else besides that?" Sakura giggled and laid down beside her.
"How far back can you remember when master kept on asking me out on a date?" Ino sighed again.
"Ever since we started school." Sakura nodded and started to rub her back.
"Master was a masochist." Ino's eyebrow rose up.
"When the Imprint happened, that masochism turned into sadism. Naruto-sama didn't want to feel anymore pain and he took joy in causing pain in others, especially on us. I want to warn you Ino-chan...what you seen so far was only a taste of what we do. When you been with us for a while, master will get more rough with you and will sometimes do things that we won't like but what he likes."
"Like what?" Ino asked, a little scared. Sakura thought for a moment.
"Well...he likes to strangle me; although the last time he did it was four months ago. He also puts me through great pain because he loves the face and sounds I make and..."
"Stop. Just stop." Ino couldn't take any more of that. Sakura shrugged. Ino stayed silent, just thinking. "There's no going back is there?" Sakura chuckled softly and gathered Ino in her arms and laid her against her chest.
"You passed the point of no return when you broke into our house." Ino moaned as Sakura reached down and caressed her soft petals. Ino took Sakura's hand and wrapped that, and the other one, around her waist. Sakura smiled, kissing Ino's shoulder as she held the disturbed girl.
It's terrifying to realize that your fate now belongs to somebody you abuse daily.
They stayed silent, spending the rest of the time in each other's arms. A moment passed before Ino suddenly snickered, causing Sakura to raise her eyebrow.
"Hey Sakura-chan…"
"Yeah?" She raised her eyebrow higher when Ino turned to face her with a snickering face.
"Do you think master could be more terrifying and intimidating if he was taller?" Ino asked while trying to keep back her laughs.
"Ino! Don't (snicker) make fun (snicker) of master's (snicker) height!" Sakura tried to scold her fellow slave, though her own chuckles ruined the effect. "He hates (snicker) it when (snicker) people (snicker) make fun of (snicker) his height."
It was no use trying to hold it back, and Sakura finally burst out laughing. Ino joined in soon after, and the two were content to snicker and giggle as they pictured their master's petulant face from teasing.
It wasn't his fault it made him look cute.
Ino sighed. "It's true though." She chuckled, sighing as Sakura rubbed her back softly. "Naruto-sama could be a little more intimidating if he was taller."
"You know, sometimes when I look at master, I can't help but imagine a chibi-Naruto in his place because he's so short," Sakura giggled, causing Ino to giggle again as well. The image was just too precious; a chibi-Naruto would be so cute that the blonde girl was sure she'd want to hug the life out of him.
"In fact…I even have a plushie of him." Ino felt Sakura let go of her before crawling over her to dig something out from under her bed. She gasped as Sakura came back up holding a chibi-Naruto plushie. "Isn't he cute?" Ino giggled as Sakura gave her the doll.
"He's very cute." Something came to mind. "Does master know that you have this?" Sakura giggled as she retook her spot behind her blonde friend.
"I'm not sure. I made it myself but he hasn't said anything about it but he knows that I love the chibi version of him. He actually transformed into a chibi and immediately regretted it as I hugged and squeezed the life out of him. He looks so cute when his face is scrunched up in annoyance." Ino giggled.
"I bet. Do you think he would transform for me?" Sakura thought for a moment.
"Well, it would depend on how good you'd been." The pinkette replied. "Either that or you do something that makes him want to ravage you. What I did was I came home early one time when master wasn't home, I put the collar on myself, made a clone and had her put chains on my neck, arms, and legs and dress me in a way that made me like a cute and innocent school girl. When he came home and saw me, I talked to him in a cutesy voice telling him that I've been a bad girl and to punish me."
"Right after I said that, Naruto-sama got an instant hard-on...he lunged at me and proceeded to fuck me senseless for four straight hours - honestly, I could see stars before it was over. After that, he complimented me for making him act like that and he allowed me a choice for my reward." Sakura giggled then, and Ino couldn't help but chuckle at the image. "You should've seen his face when I asked for him to turn into a chibi version of himself for the rest of the evening." Sakura pleasurably sighed. "That was one of the best days I have ever had to date. The sex was absolutely mind-blowing and I got to play with chibi-Naruto for the rest of the day. We had a tea party, I dressed him up, and did a lot of things that annoyed him to no end."
"Wow…can I do that?" Ino asked, very interested. Sakura giggled.
"It took weeks of planning. If you can plan something as great as mine and make master ravage you for at least four hours, then go right ahead." Ino nodded, settling down and snuggling against Sakura, moaning slightly as her slave-sister gripped her ass cheeks firmly before pulling her into a deeper embrace.
They jumped when the alarm clock suddenly went off. Sakura slammed her hand down on the snooze button and sat up, the blonde girl still in her arms. Sakura groaned as she looked at the clock, feeling that the clock had somehow gotten faster.
"I guess we better get back." Ino nodded, standing up from the bed and walking out of the room followed by Sakura. They put their shoes back on and Sakura put the illusion over them once more, before leaving the house.
The door opened and Sakura stepped in, followed by her sister. She closed the door and the illusion dissolved on them and they took off their shoes.
"Master, we're back!" Sakura shouted out but there was no response. Sakura motioned to Ino to follow and she did, going into the living room to find Naruto snoring on the couch. Giggling softly at the cute face he had, she quietly tiptoed over to her master and bent down. She gently rubbed Naruto's arm with her left hand and slipped her right hand under his shorts and gently took his cock in her hands, softly massaging it.
Naruto groaned as he shifted slightly. Sakura increased the pressure of her ministrations and smiled as Naruto groaned again and a small smile appeared on his face.
"You trying to molest me in my sleep Saku-chan?" Sakura chuckled.
"Wouldn't be the first time."
"Isn't that the truth."
"What do you want us to do?" Naruto yawned.
"Take Ino-chan down to the dungeon and put her on the whipping chain and put her in the air. After that, you can put yourself on the horse if you want. If you do, put the ball gag in your mouth and the blindfold over your eyes. I'll be down in a few minutes." Sakura nodded and removed her hands from Naruto's person.
Sakura stood up, took the worried Ino by the hand, and led her downstairs and into the right room. Ino tried to stop but Sakura wouldn't have any of that as she wet her ring finger and her middle finger and stuck them into Ino's ass, causing her to yelp and be walked to a part of the room.
When Sakura reached where she wanted, she stopped and removed her hands from Ino's butt hole. She then reached for the remote hanging to the side and pressed the down button. A pair of manacles came down and Sakura let go of the button. She gathered Ino's hands and pulled them up, even as Ino tried to get some answers.
"I don't know what's he planning but if he wants you on this, then it's going to involve the whips." Ino gulped even as Sakura pushed the up button and Ino rose in the air. After Ino was a few feet off the air, she let go of the button. "Just remember Ino-chan...he wants to hear you scream." She patted her butt before walking away.
"Where are you going?" Ino said, in a slightly panic filled tone. She looked back at her with a smirk on her lips.
"Where do you think I'm going? Master gave me permission to ride the horse." Sakura continued her trek to the horse, while making a couple of clones. When they reached the horse, one of the clones grabbed a hold of the manacles and restrained the real Sakura and lifted her up, the second clone taking a hold of her legs and swinging them over the metal edge of the horse.
She was then lowered down, Sakura letting out a pained moan as the metal strip dug into her pussy. Her legs were then tied and weights were added, causing her to whimper before one of the clones pulled her hair back painfully, causing her to scream and a ball gag was forced into her mouth and a silk red blindfold moved over her eyes.
The clones inspected their work before grinning and delivering a hard and loud smack to her butt causing Sakura to jerk and cry out. They disappeared, leaving the tormented girl to feel the agony of the horse ride.
Ino stared at her friend, wondering why she would willing subject herself to this kind of pain. She knew that Sakura was a masochist but she didn't believe that it was this kind of masochist.
"You are the craziest girl I have ever known Sakura-chan."
A loud and pain filled moan was her only response.
The minutes ticked by with nothing happening. Ino watched the door, waiting for her master to arrive. She jumped when the door suddenly opened and Naruto stepped in the room, holding his riding crop. She blinked as Naruto passed her by and walked toward a cabinet. He reached it and opened the door and pulled out two nipple vibrators and what looked to be tape.
He walked over to Sakura and put down the items on the table next to him while still holding onto the crop. Naruto smirked and gently touched Sakura's love button. Sakura yelped and jerked when she felt the feather light touch on her clitoris. He raised his other hand that had the crop in it and brought it down onto her bottom, earning a scream from his pet and a jerk.
Naruto kept up this action, cropping Sakura's behind a total of fifteen times, taking great pleasure in hearing her screams and seeing her body jerk from his actions. After Naruto was finished, he set the crop down and moved his hand up and wiped away a tear that was falling and licked it off his finger.
Naruto smiled at the salty taste and moved his eyes back up to Sakura's crying face. Despite what he was doing, Sakura was actually enjoying what he was doing to her...if the wetness between her legs was any indication. Naruto reached down and grabbed on the nipple vibrators and the tape and taped the vibrator to her hardened nipple. After both nipple vibrators were taped, Naruto turned them on causing Sakura to squeal in a mix of pleasure and pain.
Naruto smirked as he taped the controls to her arms, giving her a slap on the ass before walking to the scared Ino. Naruto stopped in front of her, smirking at the fear in her face. She shivered as Naruto ran his hands over her sides.
"Did you have a nice time outside?"
"Y-yes m-master." Naruto chuckled and gripped her butt, causing her to squeal in fright.
"Now...I bet you're wondering what you're doing up here aren't you?" Ino nodded. " have a choice now and I guarantee you this will be one of the hardest choices you will ever make." Naruto smirked at the look of horror on her face.
"W-what c-choice?"
"You get to choose which part of your body will feel the sting of the cat o nine tails." Her eyes widened and Naruto chuckled at the sheer horror on her face.
"You heard me. You have thirty seconds to decide before I decide for you and trust me Ino...what I choose will be a place that you will feel the most pain. You have the chance to choose a place where you will feel the least possible pain." Ino gasped as he took his hands off of her. Was he seriously forcing her to choose?
"20 seconds."
Ino gulped and racked her mind for possible places, finding it very hard to choose. Every part of her body was sensitive.
"10 seconds."
Ino started to pant, fear entering into her mind at what he would choose as his target. Where could she choose?
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Zer..."
"Yes?" Naruto looked up at Ino, the horror on her face at what he was forcing her to do. Ino gulped and spoke in a soft voice.
"M-my legs." Naruto smirked.
"Speak up Ino-chan...I can't hear you."
"My legs." Ino said again, this time in a higher voice but Naruto didn't like her volume.
"Still can't hear you." Ino growled.
"Whip my fucking legs master." There was silence before Ino cursed herself for falling for the trick again while Naruto laughed.
"Alright...if you insist." Naruto walked to the whip table and picked up the cat'o nine tails and walked back, picking up the flesh tape along the way. When Naruto went back to her, he put down the whip and then started tossing the tape in his hands, letting Ino get a good look at it. He stopped tossing it and smirked up at Ino.
He rolled out a small piece of the black tape and broke it off. Ino gasped as he put it diagonally across her left nipple and then whimpered as he did it again, making an `X'. She gulped as he repeated the process on her right nipple.
"M-master?" Naruto chuckled as he patted her cheek.
"Just put it out of your mind." Ino gulped as Naruto picked up the cat whip and grabbed the remote and pushed the up button. Ino yelped as she was raised up higher. He let go of the button after she was raised to the proper height. Ino closed her eyes as she saw Naruto cock his hand back.
She let out a scream as the whip made contact with her legs. She felt herself being spun around as she was whipped. This way of being whipped was weird. She was dizzy but the pain that the lashes were giving her was overriding the dizziness.
This continued for half an hour. By that time, her legs were covered in red welts. Naruto put down the whip and he observed his work. He smiled at the crisscrossed welts that decorated her beautiful legs. She let out a small cry as he caressed the welts.
"There's one more spot to do before I'm finished with your legs Ino-chan." Ino shivered as Naruto ran his hands between her legs and caressing her inner thighs. Naruto chuckled as he grabbed the remote and pressed the second down button. Another set of manacles came down, these were about 10 feet apart. Naruto kept the button pushed until the manacles were on the level of her feet.
Naruto smirked as he let go of the button. He was going to enjoy this. Naruto bent down and attached the manacles to her feet. He stood up and pressed the second up button and her legs were raised up, spreading apart as they rose. Naruto smiled as he let go of the button.
She was right where he wants her.
Naruto walked to her side and caressed her cheek, hearing her whimper at the touch. He inserted his middle finger and his ring finger into her mouth.
"Wet it."
Ino complied with his order and swirled her tongue around the appendixes, coating them with saliva. After a bit, he removed them from her mouth and thanked her. He retook his place in between in between Ino's legs. Ino groaned as Naruto inserted his middle finger into Ino's rosebud and started pumping them. Naruto licked his lips, hearing Ino's moans. He smirked, hearing a cry come out of her mouth as he inserted his ring finger and increasing his pumping rate.
He kept this up for a few minutes, making sure that her pussy was wet before stopping, laughing a little as he heard her moan in disappointment.
"Now you had your pleasure..." Naruto said, gathering the red crop in his hands. "It's time for the pain." Ino's eyes widened then she screamed as the crop hit her left inner thigh. Naruto set up a rhythm, striking her left inner thigh and then her right and then striking her pussy.
Ino teared up as she screamed. This pain was new yet exhilarating. Naruto building up her orgasm and then this? Each strike to her thighs slowly increased the buildup but the strikes to her pussy seemed to send a jolt of pleasure and pain through her body.
If she had any doubts about being a masochist before, she sure doesn't now.
Ino let out a scream mixed with pain and pleasure as her body clenched up and her juices came gushing out when Naruto made the strike to her pussy.
"My my Ino-chan...the only time I seen you cum this hard is when you came on the horse."
Ino just moaned, too exhausted from her release to care. Naruto chuckled as he moved to her side, taking her cheeks in his hand and bending down for a kiss. When he broke the kiss, he smiled as he heard her speak softly.
"Thank you for that orgasm master." Naruto chuckled and gave her a quick kiss.
"You're welcome Ino-chan. Now you have another and Sakura can either stay in these position and rest or you can rest on the bed. Before you answer..." Naruto interrupted Ino before she could speak. "I want you to really think about what you really want and what Sakura wants."
Ino looked at her master as he caressed her cheek. What did she want? Sure she wanted to rest but he was asking if she wanted him to leave her where she is. The thought of the nice warm bed was exciting but the very idea of being left in this position to rest?
The thought was...exciting.
"Yes?" Ino gulped.
"Can-can you hogtie me an-and leave me in the air...l-like you did with Sakura-chan wh-when we first had s-sex?" Naruto smiled and patted her in the cheek.
"That...I can do. But first..." Naruto smirked as he grabbed a hold of the corner of the black tape over her nipples and in one quick motioned...ripped it off. Ino let out a loud scream as she felt the stinging `X' on her breast. She screamed again as Naruto did the same with the other one. Naruto smiled as he reached for the remote and pushed the second down button and her feet was lowered to the ground and soon her body was on the ground as well.
Naruto reached down and grabbed her hair. Wrapping it around his hand, he pulled, dragging his screaming blonde slave to another part in the room. When he reached it, he let go of her hair and she dropped to the ground, stepping on her back as he walked over her and to the cabinet. Reaching it, he pulled out a coil of black rope, a black ball gag, a blindfold, and a bottle of water.
He walked back to his pet, and he smirked seeing her on her back, trying to catch her breath. He moved his foot under her and flipped her over. He bent down and proceeded to bind her in a hogtied fashion. After that was done, he grabbed her hair and tied it back so there was a strain on her scalp. Naruto smiled as he observed his work.
He grabbed the bottle of water and unscrewed it. He brought the top of the bottle and tipped it and let the water flow into her mouth. Ino gulped the refreshing water down like she hasn't drunk for days. Ino sighed as the bottle was removed, feeling Naruto wipe away some stray droplets.
She felt her mouth being forced opened and a familiar object entering her mouth. It was the ball gag. Ino whimpered as she felt Naruto fasten it to her. Her master petted her head before moving the blindfold over her eyes and her vision became engulfed in darkness.
Naruto stood up and reached for the remote to his side, pressing the down button and a chain with a hook on the end came down. Hooking the hook to the hole in her bondage harness and pressed the up button. Ino yelped as she was lifted into the air. Naruto chuckled as he let go of the button, patting the blonde's cheek.
"I'll be back for you in a couple of hours. Go ahead and take a nap."
Ino moaned out her response as Naruto left her alone and walked toward the horse where his pink haired pet was riding on.
"You missed a hell of a show Sakura-chan." Naruto said as he took off her ball gag.
"I heard. I wish I could've seen it." Naruto chuckled as he allowed her to drink.
"You're in luck because I recorded that session."
"Really master?"
"Yes. Now...I'm going to let you stay on the horse for the next two hours." Sakura smiled.
"Thank you master." Naruto chuckled.
"Don't thank me, thank Ino-chan. If she decided to rest on the bed, I would've taken you off as well." Sakura groaned is disappointment as Naruto shut off the nipple vibrators and took them off. "Rest up Sakura-chan, because when I come back, it will be time for lunch and we will be going out."
Naruto reattached the ball gag to Sakura's mouth and gave her a grope before turning and walked away. He reached the door and opened it, a finger on the light switch.
"Sweet dreams my pets."
Naruto flicked the switch and the room was engulfed in darkness. Naruto shut the door and walked up the stairs, glad that he became a slave master.