Chapter 12 - chapter 12

The door squeaked open as Naruto peaked in, running his hand over the switch to turn on the lights. The room brightened, and Naruto smiled at his sleeping pets.

He was impressed with Ino - he'd seriously thought she would ask to rest on the bed, but instead she asked to sleep in the air, hogtied.

He walked toward the slumbering cosmos. Naruto smiled when he reached her, cupping Ino's chin and softly massaging it. She shifted as she woke up. He chuckled as she seemed to struggle and her face turned frightened.

When she remembered where she was, she visibly calmed down and looked up to her master although she couldn't see him. He reached up and took Ino's blindfold off. She whined as the bright light stung her eyes, causing him to chuckle.

"Did you have a nice nap?"

Ino nodded and Naruto reached down to wipe away some of the drool dripping from Ino's gag. He looked up and smirked.

"Tell me something you believe that it is possible to sleep on the horse?" He looked down as she thought and he chuckled as she gave her answer, shaking her head side to side to indicate 'no'. "You sure?" Ino nodded. Naruto chuckled and turned her around.

Ino's eyes widened as she saw Sakura, fast asleep on the horse. Ino let out a questioning sound as she saw her friend.

"At first, it was impossible for her to sleep on that thing..." Naruto said as he stroked the blonde girl's taut rear. "But as she got used to it, she eventually was able to fall asleep." Naruto untied her hair and Ino let out a sigh in relief. Her scalp really hurt from the strain put on it. Naruto reached out and pushed the down button on the remote, lowering his slave to the ground, untying her but leaving the ball gag in her mouth.

Ino rolled on her back, looking up to her master as he bent down and started to gently rub her labia, causing her to shiver.

"I want you to wake up your sister and get her off the horse." Ino nodded and moved to take off the ball gag but Naruto grabbed her hands, stopping her and wagging his finger at her.

"Don't take it off unless I say so, understand?" Ino nodded and moved to get up but she almost fell but Naruto caught her. "It's alright Ino-chan. Just hang onto me." Ino groaned as she tried to wake her legs up.

After a couple minutes, Ino felt the strength return to her legs and Naruto let her go. She walked up to the occupied horse. Ino looked at the ropes binding her. What was she supposed to do? She looked back to Naruto who was watching her with an amused smile on his face.

"I would suggest you start with her arms but take the blindfold off of her first." Ino nodded and reached up and took off the blindfold. The action causing Sakura to stir and slowly open her eyes to see Ino trying to untie her. After a few seconds, Ino cried out in success as she successfully untie the rope.

As Sakura flexed her arms, working the kinks out, she saw Ino tried to do the ropes binding her legs. Sakura chuckled as Ino growled, having trouble undoing it. Ino looked up as she felt Sakura cup her cheeks. They looked at each other, silently talking.

`It's alright Ino, take your time. Calm down and you can do it.'

Ino nodded and took a deep breath and went back, having more success now that she was calmer. Finally, Ino undid the knot and freed Sakura's right leg. Going over to the other side, she did the same. With Sakura free of her bindings, the only thing left was to take her off.

"Ino-chan, before you take her off, recoil the rope and put it back in the cabinet." Ino nodded and gathered the rope and recoiled it. After that was done, she walked toward the closet and opened it.

She froze when she saw the objects in the cabinet. Gulping, she found the spot for the rope and returned it to its place. She closed it and shook her head, a little scared at some of the things she saw. Turning and walking back to Sakura, who was rocking herself on the horse. The blonde girl paused, complimenting on how to she would get her sister off the torture device.

She supposed she could swing her leg over but it would probably hurt. She could slide her off like Naruto did when she broke into their house that night. Gulping, she took ahold of her friend's waist. Pulling on her, Sakura slid forward and moans came out as she slid.

When Sakura reached the edge, she leaned forward so she could grab onto Ino as she slipped off the horse, because she knew her legs were noodles from sleeping in that position. Ino got a better grip on her friend and gently lifted her up and off the horse. She felt Sakura grab her as she gently let her down on her feet.

Sakura held onto the blonde as she realized that she was right about her feet. Sakura looked at Ino and she her. The pinkette smiled and playfully rubbed her cheek with Ino's who giggled a little and did the same.

Naruto smiled as he watched his pets rub against each other. He could feel himself getting hard as he enjoyed the impromptu show - they looked so cute together, so beautiful.

Naruto grinned, a thought suddenly entering his mind. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his camera. He wanted to keep this moment.

Taking aim, he pushed the button and a flash engulfed the room.

The girls broke apart after the flash to see Naruto grinning at them and holding a camera.

"I'm defiantly putting this in the album."

Naruto put the camera back into his pocket and motioned the girls to him. They complied and were soon standing in front of their master. Naruto reached up and took off their ball gags.

"Master, why did you take a picture of us?" Ino asked, after stretching her mouth.

"Because the two of you looked so cute." Naruto said while running his hands in their hair.

"What are your orders master?" Sakura asked, loving the feel of his hand in her hair. Naruto smiled.

"Go up and take a quick shower. When you're done, there will be something for both of you to put on. Put it on and go into my bedroom and lay on my bed with your legs spread apart." Sakura nodded and Naruto let go of her and Sakura took Ino's hand and led her away and up the stairs.


The door to the bathroom opened and Sakura and Ino stepped out, freshly cleaned. When they got out of the shower, Ino noticed the two sets of wrist cuffs. Sakura had put hers on but Ino hesitated. Seeing on how Ino wouldn't put it on, Sakura had down it for her.

As per Naruto's orders, they walked up the stairs and to Naruto's bedroom. They opened the door and stepped in, not seeing the blonde in the room. Sakura jumped onto the bed and Ino couldn't help but laugh at her friends enthusiasm. When she climbed onto the bed, Sakura scooted closer to her.

"Why don't we finish what we started Ino-chan?" Sakura asked with a devilish smirk. Ino shrugged and a grin appeared on her face.

"Why not?"

The two girls closed the distance and claimed each other's lips once again.


Naruto smirked as he opened the door. He should've known this was going to happen.

"I don't recall having an intense make out session was part of my orders."

Both his pets broke apart, red tinting their cheeks at being caught. Naruto licked his lips at the sight of the panting girls.

"Sorry master." Naruto chuckled and shut the door after stepping in. He put the items in his hands on the bed and then ordered Ino to turn around and get on her knees. She complied and faced Sakura as Naruto climbed on the bed behind her. Grabbing the hair band, he gathered Ino's hair in his hands, pulling Ino's hair into a pony tail.

Finished with that, he turned her around and laid her back with her knees still on the bed and ordered Sakura to do the same. She complied as Naruto grabbed a purple dildo and inserted it fully into Ino's wet pussy and did the same thing to Sakura.

"Why only one master?" Sakura asked as he did it. Naruto smirked.

"Because I want you to have one. Now off the bed, both of you and kneel with your back toward me." They nodded and complied, climbing off the bed and on their knees and put your arms behind you."

Gathering the locks, he locked the wrist cuffs together and told them to turn around. They complied and, without orders, bent down to kiss their master's feet. Naruto smiled as he felt the girl's lips on his toes.

"You may rise." The girls complied to face their smiling master. "So this is what's going to happen. We will be going out on a picnic for lunch while under the illusion, and then after we come back, there are a couple of things I want to teach Ino." Here, he looked at Ino.

"Then after will go through another whipping session." Ino gasped. Another one? Naruto smirked. "Yes Ino-chan, another one and this time, you will feel the one-tail whip." Naruto chuckled at the horror-stricken girl. "After that, it'll be time for the meeting with your parents. You behave and I'll think about putting clothes on you when they get here." He patted her cheek before attaching the leashes on both of his pets and he stood up and dressed in simple clothes.

Grabbing the leashes again, he tugged on it, bringing them to their feet. He walked out of the room with his pets following and went into the kitchen where there was a large picnic basket on the table. He walked up and grabbed the basket. After that, they walked to the side door.

Naruto then put the illusion over himself and his pets, hiding them from everybody. "You ready?" Naruto smiled as Sakura nodded followed by a hesitant Ino. "Good."

Naruto turned the knob and opened the door.


"This looks like a good spot. Set up the picnic Sakura." Naruto said while unlocking hers and Ino's cuffs. Sakura nodded and bent down to the basket and got out the blanket and set it onto the ground. She then proceeded to bring out the food and drinks. After that was done, Naruto grinned and sat down followed by Sakura and Ino.

"Alright, let's eat!"

Naruto dug into the food and the girls eat as well. As they eat, Ino kept looking at Sakura and her nude body. Why did she enjoy being so exposed? What was it that made her hate to wear clothes?

"Hey Saku-chan?" The girl looked at her with noodles hanging out of her mouth causing her giggle at the sight. After slurping up the stray noodle, Ino asked her question.

"Why do you like being naked? I mean, ever since I've been taken, you always insist on being naked." Sakura chuckled.

"I love it because I love the sensation of the outside air on my body. I absolutely hate wearing clothes because...well, they're so itchy! Restricting too. I am a huge nudist and a small exhibionist."

Naruto choked on his food when he tried to snort with food in his throat. The girls turned to him as he cleared his throat.

"Small? I don't think so. More like about as much as you love being a nudist."

"You're being modest master." Naruto snorted.

"Please." He turned to Ino while pointing to Sakura with his chopsticks in an accusing manner. "I caught her masturbating in the library, stores, even during class presentations! She'd do it while standing in front of the podium!" Ino gasped and turned to Sakura who had a sheepish look on her face. "In fact (and I don't think of you any less Sakura), on the night of the anniversary of her parents death, she masturbated on her parents graves to spit in their face because of their hatred for me."

Ino gaped at her friend who just eat her food.

"Is that true?" Sakura sighed and set down her food.

"Yes." The pinkette replied. "Don't get me wrong, I loved my parents but I can't help but have some contempt for them for hating master because of Kyuubi." Ino sighed.

"They were just like the rest of them aren't they?" Sakura nodded.

"Among the worst. It was because of them that I thought Naruto was a nuisance, a trouble magnet. I rubbed off of them." Sakura sighed, taking a drink of water as Ino spoke.

"My dad was ok with him but my mom wasn't." Naruto sighed. Why did the mood have to go down this much?

"Everybody hated me. They hated me more because I took an interest in their daughter."

"You liked her even then?" Ino asked, surprised. Naruto smirked and nodded.

"The first time I saw her, I thought I saw an angel. Her pink hair, her emerald eyes, her radiant smile called out to me and I answered."

Sakura was blushing as he talked and Ino couldn't help but giggle.

"Now come on...let's eat."

Ino smiled, continuing to eat as Sakura and Naruto did as well.


"That...was good." Ino commented as she burped, followed by a giggle from Sakura and a chuckle from Naruto.

"Thank you. I put a fair amount of effort into cooking it." Naruto said as he started packing up the stuff. The blanket was the last to go as the girls stood up and Naruto folded the blanket and put it away. Making a clone, he gave the clone the basket and sent him off home. "Come on girls..." Naruto said, tugging on the leashes. "Let's go for a walk."

Naruto moved behind Ino to lock her wrist cuffs together, but Ino moved her hands away from his hands. When Naruto looked up to her, she explained.

"Wouldn't it be a good idea if we're taking a walk if we had free hands?"

Naruto thought for a moment, his hand resting on his chin.

"I suppose I could do that, but should I?" He asked with a smirk. Ino gulped.

"W-well, it's your choice." Naruto chuckled and patted Ino's shoulders as he started walking.

"I won't lock your cuffs for this walk." Ino let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you master." Ino said, walking when the leash tugged.

So they walked through the forest, admiring the scenery. They saw several deer and various animals. As they walked, they soon emerged out of the forest and followed the dirt road and eventually came onto a large lake with a dock. Naruto tugged on the leashes and they went down the stairs and walked onto it, sitting down onto the edge of the dock with the girls sitting on either side of him.

"It's so peaceful isn't it?" Naruto asked his pets as Sakura laid her head on his shoulders. Ino smiled as she looked on the lake's horizon. It really was peaceful and calm.

"It is." Naruto chuckled and moved his left hand around her and set it onto Ino's left side of her head and gently moved her head onto his shoulder.

"I used to come here when I was little when I needed a quiet place." Ino sighed as he started to stroke her hair.

"I learned how to swim here. I was hesitant at first but with a little nudging from my parents, I learned how to swim."

"Were you scared?" Ino chuckled.

"Terrified. My father held me over the water and he gently lowered me into it. I was screaming and crying but I calmed down eventually." Naruto chuckled while he stroked her hair and hearing her `hmms'. Naruto smiled as he felt Sakura reach over and start rubbing his crotch, but he didn't say anything while Ino put her hand on his leg.

As time passed, Naruto liked the feeling of the two girls on each side. He felt comforted, protected. Maybe he would take a nap with them like this sometime. Taking a look at the sun, it was about time to head back. He suddenly smirked at an evil idea that just came to mind.

"You want to take a quick dip my pets?" The girls shook their heads.

"I'm fine master."

"So am I." Naruto nodded.

"Alright, how about you..." Naruto moved his hands on the backs on his two pets. "See how warm the water is?" Before the girls could comprehend his question, they yelped as Naruto pushed them into the water, sputtering as they swam to stay above the water. They glared at their master as he rested his head on his knuckles and he smirked at them.

"'s the water?" He asked his glaring pets as the leashes floated on top the water.

"The water's fine master." Sakura said with annoyance in her voice. Ino growled.

"I swear, if you weren't my master, I would pound the living hell out of you." Naruto chuckled and held out his hand.

"I have no doubt. Now come on, it's time we head back." The girls swam to the dock and Ino was the first to reach him. She took his hand and he lifted her up onto the dock. Sakura was next and after she was out of the water, Naruto grabbed the wet leashes and stood up, tugging on the leashes and bringing them to their feet.

Naruto licked his lips at the sight of his wet pets, seeing their tits glisten in the sunlight.

"You look good wet my pets." Naruto chuckled before he tugged on Ino's leash, making her stand in front of Naruto and he pulled down on the leash, bring her down and capturing her lips.

Ino moaned as her master's tongue plundered her mouth, seeking hers out and engaging in a dance. Naruto broke the kiss and smiled, caressing her cheek while Ino looked at her master, all annoyance gone.

"Come on Ino-chan...I want to teach you something and then we can get to your whipping session. If luck is on your side, all of your wounds will heal before your parents arrive." Ino whimpered as Naruto kissed her again.

"Master, do I really have to go through that again?" Naruto smirked and moved Ino's head so that his forehead was touching hers.

"I whip Sakura-chan daily." He replied. "At least two times a day, three if she's lucky. Sometimes, I don't whip her at all and sometimes we don't even go into the dungeon. You will be put through the same basic routine as her. Remember, you are my slave. What I say goes, what you like or hate is not a factor in my decisions." Naruto smiled.

"Since you're new, I'm easing you into your new life. Just remember, life isn't a fairy tale for you anymore. Pain and pleasure is a permanent part of your new life."

Ino sighed and looked to her side when she felt a hand on her shoulder to see Sakura smiling at her, giving her some amount of comforting.

"It's alright Ino-chan. You'll get used to it eventually." She felt Naruto cup her chin and turn it to face him.

"I love you Ino-chan and I want to help you. Sakura-chan has built up quite a pain tolerance and she will be able to hold her own if she gets captured and tortured. I intend to do the same to you." Ino smiled at the thought of being able to hold her own, to be able to withstand torture at the hands of the enemy.

"Thank you master." She whispered. Naruto chuckled and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"I'm glad to help, but we're wasting time. The sooner we get back, the longer you'll have to let your wounds heal." Naruto patted her cheek before turning and walking away, the leashes tugging in his hands and his pets following.


The door opened and Naruto stepped aside to let his pets walk in. After they were in, he entered, shutting the door and locking it. There was a pop as he formed a new clone. The real Naruto took off the wrist cuffs and after that, the clone took the girls by the wrists and led them to the open bookcase.

"Come on girls, it's time we get started."


The door opened and Naruto stepped in, dressed in his birthday suit. After putting away the cuffs, he took a quick shower, making sure that his little friend was clean. He looked at the bed, Sakura's arms restrained while the clone was fucking her. He glanced at Ino who was sitting in a chair next to the bed, apparently trying very hard to avoid looking at them. He chuckled.

Even now, after all she's been through, she's still innocent.

Well...he'll fix that. Shutting the door, Ino looked up at the sound.

Ino watched as her master sat down in a chair, his manhood standing tall and proud. It was like an arrow, pointed at her like she was a target. She gulped as she saw him beckon her to him. Ino glanced to the side where Sakura kept busy by Naruto's clone, the pink haired girl moaning as the clone thrust into her sopping pussy over and over. She shuddered. The clone had told her to sit there and wait for his creator and then proceeded to fuck her friend.

She turned back to her master and crawled off the chair and over to him, blushing as he smiled, knowing he was enjoying the way her ass moved as she moved towards him. As she crawled, she couldn't help but wonder what he had planned for her next.

When she reached him, he told her kneel, using his foot to spread her legs. She complied, looking up at Naruto's smiling face.

"Give me your hands, Ino-chan." He said, reaching forward with his own. Ino complied, raising her hands to Naruto's, shivering as he closed his warm ones around them, rubbing them almost affectionately. "You have beautiful hands Ino. They're so soft and smooth, just like the rest of your body." Ino couldn't help but blush.

"T-Thank you master." Naruto smiled.

"When you look at your hands, what's the first thing that comes to mind?"

Ino was confused. She looked at her hands. They were just hands right?

"Umm...body parts?" Ino replied, not knowing what to say. Naruto chuckled and shook his head.

"When I look at them, I see tools. Tools that give me pleasure."

Seeing Ino's wide eyed gaze, he continued.

"You exist for my pleasure Ino. Your body belongs to me. That means that you must be ready for my pleasure at all times - day and night. Sometimes I may wake you up in the middle of the night for midnight cravings or I may ask you to do something for me in the middle of class to sate my lust. I expect you to do it without question."

Ino wasn't sure how she should be feeling right now. It was...terrifying, hearing Naruto basically describing her duties as his slave. However, at the same time, she could feel the rush of sensation flood her pussy, causing her to drip a little onto the floor.

She both feared these words...and loved them as well.

"I want you to learn how to use your body effectively." Naruto continued. "Your hands, your mouth, your breasts, your ass, even your feet. Know your strengths and weaknesses and use them to your advantage. It will help you perform better not only as my slave, but as the kuniochi I know you can be."

Naruto then set her hands on his hardened cock. Ino blushed, feeling the throbbing member in her hands. She heard Naruto chuckle and she couldn't help but blush even more.

"What's with the blush Ino-chan?" Ino looked up to her smirking master and gulped.

"It-It's my first time holding a cock." Ino snapped her hand over her mouth. Did she just say that word? She was feeling dirty enough already just holding his member. She froze as Naruto took the hand over her mouth and put it back on his dick.

"Don't be afraid to talk like that, okay?" Ino gulped and nodded. "So...first time?"


"How does it feel?

"Weird." Naruto chuckled.

"Describe it." Ino gulped and looked down to the object in her hands.

"It-I can feel it pulsing in my hands. has a nice feel to it...kinda like warm satin. It's smooth to the touch except for the veins, and the head is rough like sandpaper. It's so...warm." Naruto chuckled.

"Good. Now, do you know what two of my favorite sexual acts are?" Ino shook her head even as Naruto rubbed her hands. "Receiving a hand job and a blow job. Only burying my prick into you and your sister's delightful little cunts feels better." He grinned at how she squirmed from his vulgar language. "Here's what I want you to do, my pet; first, give me a blowjob, and second, a hand job." Ino froze, her hands trembling slightly. Naruto frowned. "Something wrong?" Ino didn't respond, trying to gather her thoughts.

"It's just that...the last time I tasted your cum...It tasted terrible." Naruto chuckled.

"That's because you haven't got used to it yet." He replied. "Don't worry time you'll grow to love how I taste - you'll be doing this so much you won't really have a choice. Now, carry out my order." Ino nodded. She opened her mouth and but just as she took his length into her moist cavern, Naruto stopped her.

"One more thing, if you bite down, you will be severely punished and you'll spend the night on the horse." Ino gulped at the hard face he was making. She nodded, shivering slightly as Naruto let go of her. She closed her eyes before moving forward, letting his dick slide into her mouth.

Naruto moaned at the feeling, his own eyes closing as he felt her heat around his tool. He smiled as Ino started to move her head back and forth, wetting the length and using her tongue to pleasure the underside.

Naruto moaned and gripped her head. She was startled for a moment before going back to what she was doing. After a couple of minutes, Naruto stopped her while she still had him in her mouth.

"Ino-chan, don't be scared at what I'm about to do. Just's completely safe." Ino hesitated but nodded. Naruto nodded as well before getting a good grip on her head before pulling her toward him. Ino's eyes widened as he reached the back of her mouth and continued to pull her. She started to struggle as she felt his dick go down her throat.

He allowed her to escape his grasp. He watched as she held onto her throat while coughing.

"M-master, what w-were you doing?" Naruto moved her head to face his.

"It's called deep-throating. Basically, my cock goes into your throat. The pleasure I get feeling your throat constrict around my cock is amazing." Seeing Ino's wide eye gaze, he continued. "It's completely safe. Sakura-chan does it all the time, all you have to do is relax your throat and take me in." Ino whimpered, scared at what her master was telling her to do.

Naruto cupped her cheek. "Don't worry Ino-chan. I'll be gentle with you." Ino nodded, not having much of a choice. She opened her mouth and took him in again. Closing her eyes, she felt him touch the back of her mouth. Relaxing her throat as best as she can, she whimpered as she felt his cock go down her throat.

After Ino took all of him in, she stayed there, getting used to the feeling of his cock in her throat. A minute later, Naruto told her to start moving and she did. As she moved, it became easier, her throat growing used to this new taste. Soon enough she started to enjoy the act, as her master's moans began to stoke a fire in her own loins.

'He...he likes this. I-I'm doing...good. He's happy with me...' She thought as she swirled her tongue around the head of his shaft and drawing a pleased grunt from her master.

A few minutes later, Naruto gripped her head and shoved it toward it until every inch of his cock was in her mouth.

Her eyes widened as she felt Naruto's cock pulse before ropes of cum started shooting out and directly into her stomach. She heard Naruto moan loudly in pleasure, and she was pleased that she had brought this feeling to him. A few moments later though, something came to mind...

...Naruto was still cumming.

After a minute, Naruto finally stopped, slowly pulling his dick out, a little cum dripping on to her tongue. She was surprised to find that, while it was still bitter, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the last time - perhaps she was already getting used to it.

She looked up to the blissful face of her master. "D-did I please you master?" She whispered, her eyes wide with hope. Naruto smiled and opened his eyes to look at Ino.

"Yes, you did my sweet." He replied, reaching down to cup her cheek, enjoying her reaction as she instinctively nuzzled his hand. "You are learning as you do them, and you'll only get better as we go. Now, you need to do the handjob." Ino stared at him.

"But master, can you cum again after that?" Naruto smirked.

"Trust me Ino, I can cum a lot more." He replied. "I know all about those stories about how men need more time to recuperate after a climax, and in most cases they're true. However, thanks to the Kyuubi's regenerative powers, I can bounce back much faster. Thanks to Sakura-chan, I'm no 'minute man' either...I trained her to be the perfect sex-slave, but I also trained myself as well." He smiled at her wide eyed gaze.

"You must have been wondering how I managed to fuck you for almost three hours on Friday night, correct? Well, you can thank your sister for that...I spent so many nights practicing on her." The pair looked over to the girl as she let out a joyful cry, the clone she was with sliding a string of anal beads up her back passage, pulling them out rapidly and causing the girl to squeal in delight.

"She really loves those beads." Naruto smirked, before turning to his other pet. "Now, back to your lesson, my little cosmos." Ino looked up, gulping at the sinister smile on her master's face. "When I come, I'm going to cum on your face and chest. Keep your mouth open when I do." Ino gulped at the sight of his face before nodding, taking her hands and putting them on his still-hard cock. She started to move her hands, moving the across the skin of his length. She heard Naruto moan at this and increased her movements.

Naruto was enjoying the feel of her hands moving over his member. 'She's an amateur, that's for sure.' He thought, motioning to her to fondle his ball sack, enjoying the feeling of her soft hands cupping his testes. 'She'll learn though. With experience and a little help from her sister she'll become a fine pet.' Naruto tensed up and ejected his load onto a surprised Ino's face, some of the ropes of come landing in her open mouth.

After Naruto finished, he opened his eyes and couldn't help but chuckle at the cum-covered, red-face Ino. "You look tasty Ino-chan." Ino mumbled something and just looked away. He chuckled again. "Sakura-chan!" In an instant, Sakura was kneeling in front of him. Sakura turned to look at Ino and giggled.

"You look tasty Ino-chan." Ino blushed even more.

"Shut up." Naruto and Sakura chuckled.

"Clean her up Sakura-chan." Sakura beamed.

"With pleasure." Sakura grabbed Ino's chin and turned it back toward her, extending her tongue and starting to lick the cum off of her. Every few licks, she would kiss Ino, dipping her tongue into the blonde's mouth covered with their master's cum.

Soon Ino's face was clean of cum and Sakura took the time to clean her master's cock while she was at it.

"I knew you were tasty Ino-chan." Sakura said after she got the last drop. Ino growled and captured Sakura's lips. Sakura and Ino moaned into the kiss, but Sakura groaned as Ino broke the kiss after only a couple of minutes.

"I know so shut up already."

Naruto smiled at the sight. Ino was getting bolder.


Ino gulped as she watched Naruto lead Sakura back to the bed, the leash tugging in his hands. Naruto had allowed them a short break after the 'lesson', keeping her aroused by teasing her pussy lips with his toes.

It was both humiliating and highly stimulating.

Now however the break was over - it was time for the next lesson. She couldn't help but be worried what the next lesson was, even as one of her hands touched her lips.

He...had tasted wonderful.

She watched as Naruto pushed Sakura on the bed, laying her down. He attached her hands to the manacles even as he gave his first slave a quick peck on her lips. He then chained her legs so that they were spread apart before bending down and whispering something in her ear.

Ino couldn't see her reaction, but she shuddered as she heard her fellow slave chuckle.

After Naruto finished with Sakura, he stood up and started walking toward her. She bowed her head, avoiding looking into his cobalt orbs, causing him to chuckle in amusement.

'Even now she's still so shy.' He thought. 'I can't wait to see how she reacts to the first time I tell her to strip in class...I'll have to make sure Sakura takes pictures!' He gently cupped her chin and brought it up.

"Time for the next lesson my pet." Ino couldn't help but whimper. Naruto reached down and grabbed the leash. He tugged on it, forcing Ino to drop to her knees. Naruto started to walk toward the bed and Ino crawled behind him. When they reached the bed, he tugged on the leash and Ino crawled on the bed. He took off the leash and set it elsewhere and went to the other side of the bed.

Ino looked down at Sakura. What lesson is Naruto planning on teaching her that would involve her? She felt the bed shift and she saw Naruto climb on. After getting settled, he started talking.

"Tell me something many times have you masturbated so far?"

Ino gulped at stared at her master. Was he seriously asking that question?

"Well?" Ino looked away, unable to face him.

"I-I started a couple months ago but I don't do it very often." She whispered. "I...I've only done it a couple of times so far." Naruto raised his eyebrow at this.

"Really? I thought that you would have had more experience with it." Ino blushed and tried to hide herself but Naruto stopped her. "That's quite alright. This'll be good for you then. I'm going to teach you how to properly finger a pussy." Ino eyes widened as Naruto demonstrated what exactly fingering was. She felt her pussy twitch as Naruto worked Sakura's pussy like an expert, the pinkette's moans telling her of Naruto's experience.

After a couple of minutes, Naruto stopped much to Sakura's disappointment. He turned to the shocked Ino and gently took her hand and brought it slowly toward's Sakura's most sacred place.

The instant her finger touched it, she jerked it back like she had just been burned. Naruto let her go, very confused. Sakura looked at the scared blonde.

"Ino-chan, what's wrong?"

"I-I can't do this. Kissing you is one thing but touching you there is something completely different! That's a sacred place and I can't touch you there. It's just wrong!"

Sakura couldn't help but sigh.

"Look Ino-chan, you don't have to be afraid of touching me there. It's the same thing as touching Naruto-sama's delicious cock. Hell, you've already licked me there too, just like I did with you. You were fine with that weren't you?"

"But he's a male and you're a girl and I'm a girl and what we did was wrong and...."

Sakura let out a groan. She didn't have any idea that Ino was this shy.

"Look Ino-chan..." Naruto took her hand again, this time in a firmer grip. "If you are going to be my slave, you have to get rid of this shyness." Naruto forced her hand back to Sakura's waiting entrance. He paused before the hand made contact with the wet folds. "Just enjoy the feeling." Naruto pulled her hand and she squeaked as she touched Sakura's twitching pussy.

Ino stared at her hand for a couple of moments before realizing that she was fine. Naruto, seeing that she was relaxed, let go of her hand. "You see Ino-chan? It's perfectly fine. Now..." Naruto covered Ino's hand with his own so that he could guide her.

"The first thing you have to do is start with the outside." Naruto started to move her hand slowly. "The trick is to make slow, almost hypnotizing movements. Rub around her cunt, caressing the outer lips while you press down. Massage the area, but don't push too hard or you could hurt her. Be gentle, but firm." Ino dumbly nodded as she felt her friend's pussy on her fingers. To her surprise, she could feel herself get wet as she slowly moved across the wet folds and hearing Sakura's moans.

"After a while, you can push harder." Naruto said. "When you're confident enough, slip a finger into her...come on Ino-chan, let's see you do it." Naruto let go of her hand and she continued the motions. Gathering her courage, she pressed harder and almost jerked her hand away when Sakura moaned, her body twitching. Closing her eyes, Ino moved her middle finger over the valley of Sakura's nether lips. Taking a deep breath, she slid the digit in, going up to her second knuckle. Sakura cried out in pleasure and Ino moved to let go but Naruto stopped her by grabbing her arm and keeping her there.

After entering into a staring contest, Ino sighed and relaxed her hand thus Naruto letting her go. Ino gulped at seeing her middle finger in her friend.

"Now, start moving." Naruto commanded. "Pump your finger in and out while massaging the inner walls. Add in an extra finger if you want, and twist them about. Explore your sister's inner being."

"..." Ino looked at him like he was crazy.


"Do you realize how wrong that sounded?" Naruto smirked as he kissed her.

"With us, nothing is wrong. Now...explore her." Ino gulped and nodded, moving her hand again and starting to pump her finger in and out. She felt Sakura's walls and added another finger which earned a louder cry from Sakura.

Ino kept up the pace, pumping her two fingers in and out while using her other fingers to massage the outer folds. She was getting used to this, feeling another female's most sacred place in her hands. One of her fingers brushed over her sister's clit, and she smiled as she heard Sakura's cry of appreciation.

Her breath caught in her throat as she felt Naruto's breath in her ear.

"I want you to do something." He said, his own hands snaking around her waist, allowing him to finger her pussy as she fingered Sakura's. "Take those fingers you have in her, and curve them around to touch the 'ceiling' of her walls. You'll like the reaction." Ino gulped as Naruto petted her mound, sitting behind her as he observed her work. Ino did what he suggested and was surprised as hell as Sakura came with a loud cry, her juices spilling all over her hands.

"Wh-what did I just do?" She asked, confused as she took her fingers out and looked at them. Naruto grabbed her hand and brought it to her mouth. Already knowing what he's asking her to do; she opened her mouth and sucked on her fingers, savoring the pink haired girl's juices.

"That spot you hit was her G-spot. You just gave her an orgasm." Ino stared at the panting cherry blossom.

"D-did I do that?" She felt Naruto kiss her neck and she let out a small moan.

"Yes my little cosmos, you did. You did good for your first time but I suggest practicing until you can do it without hesitation." Ino nodded. "Now it's time for the second part of this lesson." Ino froze. The second part? "Step off the bed for a moment." She did as she was ordered to and soon was watching Naruto release Sakura from her binds, only to turn her over, and reattach them.

Ino gulped as she saw Naruto pet the bed telling her to sit back down. She complied and was staring at Sakura's ass. She gasped as Naruto took her hand and set it on the girl's ass.

"Master?" Naruto smirked.

"I taught you how to finger a girl's pussy and now I'm going to tell you how to finger-fuck a girl's ass." Ino blushed as he talked. "Basically, the same rules apply here as they did to fingering Sakura-chan's pussy. Rub the area around her hole like you were massaging it, and pump your fingers in and out of her." Naruto took her hand and poured a little lube onto her fingers. Once the fingers were lubed up, he guided her hand over Sakura's ass and told her to slide the finger into Sakura's rectum.

She gulped and, after a moments hesitation, began slide her wet digit into her sister's tight asshole. She jumped when Sakura squeaked.

"Now, move your finger out and in."

The blonde started to pump her finger in and out of Sakura's ass, earning moans from her friend. Encouraged by the moans, she started to move faster and she could feel Sakura's ass squeezing her fingers. She gulped as she added another finger to her friend's ass.

Naruto smirked from behind Ino. She was clearly worried that she was going to hurt her but the best way to know what to do is to do it herself. Moving his hand down Ino's right arm, he whispered to her.

"When you fuck a girls ass with your finger, you can do a lot more and it is almost usually the prelude the fucking the ass with my dick or a dildo. You need to prepare the hole for that kind of insertion, especially with my size. If you don't, even with lube, it will hurt, but with us, that's usually the goal."

Ino nodded, storing this information in her head, because she just knew that she would be doing some ass fucking herself. Naruto chuckled.

"Now here's what I want you to do. Twist your fingers while you're pumping. It'll increase the pleasure for the one on the receiving end and it may be satifisying to you as well, hearing her cry out in pleasure."

Ino stopped her pumping, turning her head to look at her master, ignoring Sakura's pleas to keep going.

"But I'll hurt her." Naruto shook her head.

"No you won't. Even though the walls of the ass are thin, something like this won't do any damage. Now if I was 2 inches bigger, then we'll have a problem but finger fucking won't hurt her unless you want it to and you make an effort to. That's called anal torture." Ino sighed and looked at the girl, hmming as Naruto reached up with his free hand and cupped her cheek.

"Even if you do hurt her, you will learn how not to hurt. You're a newbie and you are bound to make some mistakes at one point. The most I can do is help prepare you when that time comes but ultimately, it's up to you." Ino nodded and Naruto smiled.

"That's a good girl. Put a little more lube on your fingers and continue."

"Ok." Ino took her fingers out of Sakura and grabbed the lube, squirting a little on her fingers and rubbing it in.

"By the way, the lube is non-toxic so if you get some in your mouth, you won't die."

"Why would I..." Naruto silenced her with his finger and told her to continue. Ino sighed and put her fingers back in her friend's ass, finger fucking her in the ass once again. "I never thought that I would be in the position Sakura-chan." Sakura smiled.

"And I didn't think you were stupid enough to break into a house but here we are." Sakura yelped as Ino removed her wet fingers and rammed her dry fingers into her ass before continuing with wet fingers, pumping them and twisting them.

"Alright, you can stop now." Sakura groaned in disappointment as her master told Ino to stop and she did. "Did you enjoy that Ino-chan?" Naruto asked from behind her while his arms were around her stomach and she took her fingers out of her ass.

"Mmm...yes master." Ino really did like what he taught her. She never knew you could do that with your hands. Naruto chuckled.

"How about you Sakura-chan? How would you rate her performance with 1 being the worst and 10 the best?" Sakura turned her head and she would see a small smile on her face.

"Mmm...I would say a 5. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great. Amateur work at best. No offense Ino-chan."

"None taken. I know I need to practice."

"And who will you practice on?" Their master asked. Ino smiled.

"Sakura-chan of course."

"And yourself once you learn Kage Bunshin." Ino was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Kage Bunshin retain the knowledge they learn during their life and it goes to the creator after he/she is dispelled."

"Oh." Ino sighed. She was getting the advanced version of sex ed now.

"We'll save the rim job for later." Ino froze. Was he really going to teach her how to do a rim job? Naruto chuckled as he looked upon the face Ino was making. "Get off the bed." Ino nodded and moved off the bed, kneeling as Sakura was released from the manacles, Naruto kissed Sakura as she turned around, giving him a thank you.

Naruto chuckled and kissed her again, saying `you're welcome' and told her to get off the bed. She complied and knelt next to Ino while Naruto faced them.

"It's 2:51 right now. That means we have 50 minutes for the whipping session before we have to get ready." Ino gulped.

"M-master, do I..."

"Yes Ino-chan, you have to do it. Remember what I said after your dip in the lake? What I say goes? You have no choice in what I decide. Now, go upstairs and wait for me by the back door." Ino nodded hesitantly, stood up, and walked to the door. Sakura tried to get up but was held down by Naruto. When Ino left the room, Sakura turned to her master.


Naruto didn't say anything except put a sadistic smirk on his face. Suddenly, Sakura yelped as a blindfold was put over her eyes. She shuddered as Naruto let out a sadistic chuckle.

"I think you're going to like what I have planned for you."

Sakura couldn't do anything but whimper as very effective ear muffs were put on her.


Ino sighed as she sat down on the floor beside the back door. The last time she was in the back, she was being ridden on like a horse by Sakura. She kept glancing at the clock, hoping that either Naruto would stay down there long enough for him to skip the whipping session at least until after her parents left or Naruto would scrap that idea all together.

The first choice was plausible but the second one had no chance at all. Ino whimpered.

There was no escaping the fury of the whips. Naruto was dead set on making her feel pain and she couldn't do anything to escape. She felt so out of control. A sob escaped her as she hugged her legs and tried to bury her head as she finally realized that pain is a part of her new life.

Hearing footsteps, she raised her head to see a most peculiar sight.

Naruto, holding a blindfolded, ear muffed, pussy/ass/nipple occupied by vibrators Sakura with a paper seal on her forehead, walking toward her, smirking all the way.

"Open the door." Ino nodded and quickly stood up and opened the door, just in time for Naruto to step through. Shutting the door, Ino watched master as he walked. Taking this time to look around, she noticed things that she didn't before.

For one, the backyard was fenced off for privacy. There were about four trees and the grass was good. She was standing on marble with a small cover above her, just big enough to cover the door and then some. Looking to her left, she saw...a doghouse with a long chain attached to it. Ino was confused.

Naruto didn't have any dogs...did he?

Looking back at Naruto, he walked between two trees and headed for the fence. He put her down on her knees and set her against the wall. Raising her arms up, Ino noticed that she had wrist cuffs on again, Naruto attached her arms to the manacles on the fence and let her fall forward when he let go of her and spread her legs with his foot.

He stood up and admired his work before chuckling and turning around, bending down to pick up two objects which she couldn't identify. She gulped as she saw Naruto beckon her to him.

Wrapping her arms around herself as a futile attempt to protect herself, she walked toward her doom. She bowed her head as she walked, scared to even look at him.

Naruto smirked as he watched Ino walk up to him. She stopped in front of him, eyes downward and her arms around herself.

She was scared of him, that's for certain.

She reached him and she dropped to the ground, trembling slightly, head still bowed down, unable to look him in the eye. Naruto smiled and dropped down to his knees. He gently reached up and cupped Ino's cheek and gently lifted her face up.

"Are you alright?"

"I-I can't d-do it. I ju-just can't."

Naruto chuckled and cupped Ino's other cheek with his hand.

"Where's that brave girl that I know and love?"

"She died." Ino responded, small tears leaking out. Naruto smiled and looked into her eyes and she looked back.

"She didn't die. She's just lost and you need to find her. Can you do that for me? Can you find her and be brave for me?"

"How can I be brave, knowingly walking into pain? I'm not a masochist on the level Sakura is." Naruto chuckled.

"That's true. You aren't. She was the same as you when she first started. You want to know how she got to the level she is now?" Ino nodded, really curious.

"She got there because she was brave and courageous. Being a masochist means that you accept that pain is pleasure."

"Really?" Naruto nodded.

"Be brave for me Ino-chan, stand and face the whip head on. Train yourself physically and mentally."

As Naruto spoke, Ino could feel herself calming down and her courage building up. Naruto was a great motivator it seemed. Naruto smiled as he saw Ino's inner strength return to her.

"That's my girl."

Ino stood up and Naruto followed, face full of determination. He made a hand seal and the three pops of clones made itself known. One clone grabbed the coil of rope from behind Naruto and went behind Ino who was gently forced to the ground. Grabbing her hair, he started to tie her hair off to one end of the rope. Handing it to the clone on his right, he started to scale a tree and make his way to the branches above Ino that was strong enough to support his weight.

Reaching down, he motioned for the rope and the clone tossed the rope to him and proceeded to attach it to a special device. Meanwhile, while this was going on, two of the clones went to the trees on both sides of Ino and grabbed manacles hanging on the side. Each clone grabbed an arm and attached the manacles to her wrists. Nodding to the real Naruto, Naruto told Ino to stand and she complied, the clones pulling on the chains as she rose and pulled it taunt.

Naruto smiled at his pet gulped but remained unmoved. He bent down and picked up the coiled whip. He brought it up to her view and he smirked at her widened eyes.

"This is the whip I'm going to be using. It is not the bull whip or the horse whip which can draw blood. I only use the horse whip when I'm feeling particularly blood thirsty thanks to him." Ino nodded and looked up to the slumbering Sakura.

"What about Sakura-chan master?" Naruto chuckled.

"I got a surprise for her. She's blind and deaf and will be for the duration of this session. The rope tied to your hair? It's connected to a special wireless device that's connected to the vibrators on Sakura. What's great about this session for her is that she has no idea what's going on. She knows that I have something to do with her situation, but beyond that, she has no idea. She's going to be scared when she wakes up but that's all part of the game."

Right after he said that, Naruto turned and walked to his first pet, reaching up and grabbing the paper seal on her forehead and ripping it off. There was no reaction at first but slowly Sakura began to wake. As she woke, she began to realize her predicament. She started to struggle as she realized that she was in binds and Naruto chuckled and he turned and walked away, patting Ino's shoulder as he passed.

"Master wait." Ino said, stopping Naruto before he went out of her sight.

"Ino-chan, if you're trying to get out of this..." Ino shook her head.

"No, it's not that. It many lashes am I going to get?" Naruto smirked.

"How many should you think you should get?"

"One?" Ino replied meekly, causing Naruto to laugh out loud.

"I don't think so. How about 35?" Ino squeaked.

"T-thirty-f-five?" Naruto nodded.

"And that's going easy on you. If you want rough, try sixty-five." Naruto laughed at the fear on her face. "Alright, let's get started." Naruto put some distance between him and Ino and let the rope uncoil itself. "Since this is your first one tail whipping session, you don't have to count the lashes but every session after this one, you are required to count, or else I start all over again." There was a faint nod from Ino and he smiled.

He cocked his hand back, and sent the whip flying and catching her on the back. Ino screamed and jerked her head, consequently tugging on the rope attached to her head and activating the vibrators on Sakura causing them in a burst mode for each tug. Another strike to the back, another scream, another tug, another burst of pleasure.

As she was being whipped, Ino noticed a cause and effect taking place. She noticed that every time she jerked her head, a burst of pleasure shot through Sakura courtesy of the vibrators attached to her but the burst was short, very short. In fact, judging by the look on her face, she was being tortured, then came the suddenly realization, she was the one torturing her.

Guilt racked up in her. Even though she wasn't doing anything directly, she still felt guilty for torturing her and she somehow knew that it was going to be the norm from now on.

Behind Ino, Naruto smirked as he brought the whip onto Ino's back again and again. From the first strike, red nasty welts started to appear and by now, many of the welts are criss-crossed. He always loved seeing welts on his girls. It was a sign of his power over them. Smirking, he went underhanded this time, catching her on the butt and earning a surprised yelp.

Doing this two more times, he lashed both of her legs two times each, causing her to remove her feet from the ground and transferring the weight to her wrists. Naruto was on lash number 30 right now and after delivering two more, making it 32.

He decided to give Ino-chan a little surprise.

"Alright Ino-chan, these are the last three strikes. You get through this and we will be done." A pained filled moan was his only response. He smiled and let his chakra flow into the whip.

Her screams were going to be beautiful.

Cocking his hand back, he let the whip fly and it made contact with the back of Ino. She let out the loudest scream that he had ever heard come out of her and he shuddered in delight, savoring the pain he inflicted on her.

He didn't strike again like he wanted but he let the pain subside in Ino before hitting her again. He let out a pleased shuddered as she screamed at the same volume again and one last time as he delivered the final lash.

Ino's strength left her as she hung by her wrists. She knew that the pain would be intense but she didn't think it would be this much. She cried as she felt the pain linger in her, feeling the nasty welts burning on her back.

"It's alright Ino-chan. You're done." Naruto gently held her while the forgotten clones released her wrists from their binds. Her arms hung limp on her sides while her hair was untied.

Meanwhile, a clone walked up to the panting Sakura and tugged on her blindfold and took it off. She blinked her eyes to let her vision adjust and when it did, she gasped just in time to see Naruto release Ino and felt Naruto take off the ear muffs.

"You put her through it?"

Naruto smirked as he stroked her hair as she stared at her friend's back and the very nasty welts that decorated her back.

"Her screams were so delicious." Sakura chuckled.

"You always take pleasure in our screams." Now Naruto chuckled and bent down.

"You know me so well. You know something else, she didn't ask me to stop, not once." Sakura gasped and turned to him, even as Naruto took off the nipple vibrators.

"Are you serious? Not once?" Sakura whispered, becoming more amazed as Naruto nodded. She narrowed her eyes at him. "What did you say to her? You gave her the talk didn't you?" Naruto laughed and Sakura smiled, chuckling as Naruto ruffled her hair. "So how hot are you right now?" Naruto whispered in her ear and she shuddered, gasping as the vibrators in her holes turned on, watching Naruto stand up and unzip his pants causing Sakura to smirk.

While that was going on, Naruto comforted his blonde pet as she held onto him. Motioning to the clone, he went and opened the door and the real Naruto holding Ino gently picked her up and carried her bridal style into the house, being very careful of her wounds.

They reached the bedroom and Naruto gently set her down onto her stomach and laid down beside her, taking her into his arms. Naruto glanced at the door when his clone and a crawling Sakura. He moved to the side and let Sakura crawl onto the bed, giving a yelp as the clone smacked her ass.

Naruto smirked as Sakura crawled to the other side of Ino, gathering her in her arms as she too comforted the girl. Naruto snuck a glance at the clock and he chuckled.

"We finished early my pets. That's good news for you Ino-chan. That means you have more time to heal." Ino didn't speak, instead just let out a pained filled moan as her response.

" hurts so much." Naruto gently cupped her chin.

"It's alright my little cosmos. The pain will disappear before your wounds start to heal." Naruto cooed to the whimpering girl.

"T-thank you master."

"It's alright, as you keep going through these sessions, it will be easier to deal with." Naruto said, as Sakura reached under her friend and played with Ino's pussy, as to try and give her some relief.

"It's alright Ino-chan, as you go through them, you'll develop a pain tolerance like me. You'll be able to recover faster." Her only answer was a choked sob. Sakura sighed and continued her playing with Ino's pussy.

As Ino tried to recover, she began to fully understand her situation. She is a slave and a slave has to do what her master wants of her. Because of her immaturity, she has been thrown into a world of pain and pleasure but now that she's here, she actually likes her new situation, being subjected to pain and pleasure like she never knew before and being ordered around, Ino thought with a chuckle, was the best form of irony of telling others what to do in her past.

Being a slave was quite possibly the best thing that could've happened to her.