Chereads / The Walking Dead: Visions of the future / Chapter 9 - There are only a Few Normal Days left (NZ)

Chapter 9 - There are only a Few Normal Days left (NZ)

[A/N: Last chapter of this introductory volume.

Our protagonist already assumes that he is the person who appears in the dreams, what we don't know yet is how long it will take for all this disaster to begin.

Now he will begin to prepare himself.

And in this chapter he will have a more complete interaction with his new apocalyptic partner.

Thanks to all the people who take the time to comment on the chapters, I would appreciate it if you continue doing so.

And remember that with the small amount of "5000 powerstones" I will upload an extra chapter hahaha]

In the parking lot.


I was about to start my truck when I noticed some of my colleagues watching me with questioning glances. "I'm talking about a date with a girl I met", I quickly replied from the window, feeling slightly nervous. I realized that they probably thought there was something strange or problematic about my attitude.

"Hahaha… Relax, women don't bite", joked the driver of another truck.

"At least not all of them… Hahaha", added the guard with whom the other driver was talking before.

"I know. See you later", I replied as I drove away in my truck, wanting to escape this awkward situation. "Just what I needed… Now there will surely be gossip about me", I thought as I drove to the loading dock.

In the afternoon, I finally arrived home and, as soon as I sat down on the couch, I sighed: "Thank goodness this day is over". I spent much of the day pondering the possibility that I wasn't the protagonist of the dreams, which was a relief in a way, but also disconcerting. If the dreams turned out to be real, that would mean the end of the world was approaching, which wouldn't give me any advantage, since what I knew about dreams wouldn't help me at all. Also, considering that I hadn't seen my face in a mirror or heard my name in those dreams, I found it hard to say that it was really me. It could be DavidZN from the Discord channel, who possessed vast knowledge about the apocalypse, and the dates he mentioned could coincide with mine.

I would also like to understand what date I was in in the dreams; I guessed that it was a couple of weeks away due to the heat and the lush growth of the grass in the village, which would give me a similar time frame to DavidZN. "Ugh… I should stop thinking about this stuff", I mused. I had to admit that I was mentally exhausted and needed a good rest to clear my mind. I would return to these thoughts when I confirmed that it was me who was appearing in the dreams or once I knew when the event would occur.

After sitting down to breathe and relax a little, I decided to prepare a larger dinner than in the previous days, hoping that, when I felt completely satiated, I could get away from these disturbing reflections. I ate without haste, enjoying each ingredient while the Lo-fi music played softly in the background. I preferred not to watch any series, since they would probably suggest titles that would revive those thoughts I was trying to avoid.

I finished eating and cleaning, leaving everything in order for the next day. Then I went to the room after washing and made sure that what had happened before would not be repeated. I prepared a notebook and a pencil to write down anything I could remember as soon as I woke up. It's not that I wanted to delve too deeply into my dreams, but I had started to make it a habit to record everything I could remember.


In the morning.


I woke up looking at the ceiling once again. It was quite early and now, being able to concentrate on the sounds, I realized how quiet everything around me was. There were no loud noises, no honking cars, no loud conversations. Only the murmurs of nature and a pleasant silence could be heard. However, given the situation I was in, that silence turned into a feeling of fear and anguish, since ordinary noise was usually comforting.

I tried to listen to see if our guest was awake yet, but she didn't make any noise that I could detect from my room. I guess I'll find out later if she's still here.

I got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. Apparently, I had forgotten that I was in the room across the street or maybe I didn't care. The only good thing, or at least that's what I thought, was that I hadn't hurt myself during the night.

After finishing washing up, I looked out the windows on the second floor to assess the situation outside. Noticing that there was no change since the day before, I carefully went down the stairs, avoiding the traps. I made a light but nutritious breakfast from what I had on hand, making sure to prepare an extra portion for our guest, which turned out to be a bit larger than mine. I ate right away after finishing both breakfasts.

A few minutes passed and still no sound came from the second floor. I don't think anything bad happened; I saw her yesterday and she didn't seem hurt. Maybe she's just very tired after whatever she went through before getting here, or maybe she's one of those people who sleeps late, which is a bit risky in the current situation.

I decided not to wait any longer. I found a tray and placed her portion on it. I slowly walked up the stairs and stopped in front of the door.

"She seems to be snoring, and not just a subtle snore", I thought as I opened the door.

I saw her there, lying down with her bedclothes in disarray and her body diagonally. It wasn't a common sleeping position, but I attributed it to the fact that she probably hadn't had much rest before arriving.

I settled into a chair in her room, observing the state of her ankle. It seemed to have improved noticeably since the day before; it just needed a good rest.

"Wake up", I told her firmly. At first, I had thought of letting her sleep a little longer, but the end of the world doesn't seem to have time for gentleness. Even though my voice sounded loud, she showed no signs of waking up.

"Wake up", I insisted, raising my voice again, and this time I shook her, not in the gentlest way.

"What's wrong?", she asked in a sleepy voice, trying to figure out who had woken her from such a restful sleep. Suddenly, an involuntary cry escaped her lips: "Aaaaa!" She freaked out as if she didn't recognize me right away. However, her scream quickly died down when she sensed my discontent, and there was a slight nervousness in her expression; she surely realized that she had made a mistake that, under other circumstances, could have cost us dearly.

I decided to check through the window, making sure there was no threat outside, but everything seemed calm as before.

"Your breakfast", I announced, trying to calm the tension in the environment as I handed her the tray. When her eyes fell on the food, the surprise lit up her face.

[A/N: Do you know how to cook? In my case, I can cook a wide variety of dishes, including some traditional ones from my country, which are actually quite complicated.]

"Thank you very much… and I'm sorry about before", she apologized, and I just nodded, preferring not to dwell on her mistake.

She quickly started her breakfast, although she often gave me furtive glances, perhaps uncomfortable with my presence. Suddenly, she started coughing, so I left the room to get her a bottle of water.

"Here you go", I said as I handed it to her.

"Thank you", she replied, a little calmer.

She finished her meal at a more leisurely pace. I watched her until she set down the empty tray, then I removed it from the bed.

"Thank you for everything", she murmured just as she was about to leave. I turned to look at her and gave her a small nod in response.

I went downstairs and left the tray in the kitchen before returning, dismantling the traps I had set up along the way. It didn't take long to get back to the guest room.

I found her sitting on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor, trying to get up. She seemed free of any discomfort in her ankle, as she moved it from side to side with ease.

"I seem to be better", she said with a smile.

"Don't strain yourself", I warned her as she tried to get up immediately. I moved over and offered my support to help her stand up. She tried to take a few steps with my assistance, but she didn't want to. She seemed capable, but it was best not to force herself, as she might aggravate her injury.

"Can we go downstairs?", she asked after trying to walk.

"Sure", I replied calmly.

We slowly descended the stairs, and I settled her on the couch so she would be more comfortable. Afterwards, I left the house to check the perimeter. After circling the place and finding nothing out of the ordinary, I went back inside, went up to the second floor, took her backpack, and handed it to her in case she needed it.

She looked at me with surprise and a slight fear, as if she was hesitant to say a word. At first, I didn't understand why she was reacting like that, but after reflecting on my actions from her perspective, I understood what had happened.

"I'm not kicking you out of the house", I said, somewhat annoyed by her suspicion. There is nothing worse than leaving someone helpless, especially when that person cannot take care of themselves.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to assume you would do something like that. I'm just a little scared of being outside", she replied, realizing she had been mistaken about my intentions.

"It's okay", I replied, closing the subject.

I went up to the second floor and came back with a backpack full of things, some made and some filled with chocolate, which, although the heat didn't help, were still edible.

"Pick something", I said, bringing the backpack closer to her and showing her its contents.

"Really?", she asked, looking at the items as if they were treasure. I nodded, and she began searching for something she liked, finally choosing a Sahne-Nuss chocolate bar.

Seeing that I wasn't going to take anything else out, I returned the backpack to the supply room. Then I went downstairs and left the house with a bag in my hand.

"Wait here", I said as I walked away.

I first checked the traps around the house; when I confirmed that everything was in order, I headed off to search for the nearby houses. I didn't know what exactly I was looking for, until I realized that I was picking out women's clothing, which I had noticed earlier. I filled the bag with different items, from comfortable clothes to party dresses, including some underwear, although I had no idea of ​​their measurements.

I came back to find her still on the couch. "I hope she didn't strain herself while I was gone", I thought as I handed her the bag of clothes.

"For you", I said as she looked through the contents.

For a moment, her surprise was evident. She was exploring the various things she found in the bag, and when she picked up some party dresses, she looked at me curiously, as if wondering why I brought her something like that.

"Thanks… I guess", she said as she continued to look through the bag.

I had imagined that she would like the clothes more, since they were high fashion pieces. All women are supposed to love fashion, although it may not be the right time to wear elegant outfits, considering the circumstances of the end of the world.

Suddenly, she looked at me with a mix of surprises and confusion. I fixed my gaze on the bag and noticed that she was holding the underwear I had gotten her. Her expression was still full of uncertainty as she examined the different outfits I had brought.

"I brought them in case you needed them... I had no ulterior motives when I brought them", I quickly replied, realizing he was doubting my motives.

[A/N: A bit of comedy in this chapter, a few embarrassing things happen to our protagonist, both in the real world and in his dreams, however, in his dreams he seems to be immune to sitcoms.

In the next volume starting tomorrow, the story will start to pick up a bit more speed, there will be more discoveries about the apocalypse, fights with zombies, and we will finally know the name.

Our protagonist may not have a romantic side. What about you? Do you have a romantic side?


By the way, I'm already removing the confusing name "I2", I just changed the narrative a bit to differentiate if the protagonist is in dreams or in real life.

Question. Do you mind if I upload a "Notice" chapter so that the novel has more visibility at different times? In this "Notice" chapter I will show a small preview or my perceptions of the next chapter and maybe some questions like I do in the normal chapters. The "Notice" chapter will be removed before the publication of the new chapter.

What do you think of the idea? I'm not sure it will work anyway.]