Chapter 16
Quirin searched for Hugo outside of the library when he saw a teen buried under his arms sobbing tears of guilt that perfectly matched his son's description. "Hey kid, do you know Varian?" He asked. Hugo stopped crying and looked up at the man as he said, "What the heck do you want, I made a mistake, don't remind me of Goggles, but yes, I know him.." Quirin told him, "Whatever you did, you triggered Varian's transformation into the Moonstone, and now he is awakening." Hugo's eyes widened in terror as he ran into the library and Quirin followed. "Varian! Goggles where are you?!" Hugo cried out desperately. He turned around the book shelves to the sight he dreaded the most, Varian completely encased in the black rocks.. "Oh no, no no no no no! Goggles?! No, please, no!" Hugo shouted in agony. He saw the fear and hurt on Varian's frozen face, his teeth bared, a tear swelling in his right eyes, his hands overlapping around his chest, his hair looking like it was floating, just stuck in a statue. "Varian.. I am so so sorry.." Hugo gasped out, his voice breaking. Quirin stood in the distance, his heart breaking in many pieces seeing his only son entirely trapped in his spot. But as Hugo embraced the statue, both him and Quirin heard it crack, Hugo let go immediately as that previous crack was followed by another, then another as Hugo slowly backed up. "Goggles??" Hugo whispered. A bright glowing light blue color shimmered from the cracks, there was a pause, a hesitation, but then, Varian's statue shattered. It knocked Hugo down on his back as Quirin held his head from falling and the two looked back to see Varian, but he was completely different, he had a black rock suit of armor, and his hair was entirely light blue just like Cassandra's was, except he had one black strand remaining and his eyes were just completely black. "Varian?" Hugo whimpered fearfully. "Traitor." He said as he evilly smirked, yet his voice was also warped with Ulla's. "No.." Hugo thought, "He's under control of Ulla.. Isn't he??" Varian drew his sword and charged toward Hugo with it like an animal possessed, literally, ready to strike him. TO BE CONTINUED..