Chereads / The Moon has Awakened / Chapter 10 - The Moon Has Awakened

Chapter 10 - The Moon Has Awakened

Chapter 10

The banshee's continued to vocalize the song of their presence, the two boys preparing their alchemy orbs, though Hugo seemed fierce, bold and ready to attack, he glanced back at Varian, who was trembling, terrified of these ghostly beasts. Hugo realized, that Varian wasn't so used to dealing with monsters since he never been in this forest before, he didn't know how to fight one demon, what chance did he have against 8 banshee's?? Hugo knew what these creatures were, they were spirits that absorbs life from their prey to strengthen their voices for luring more prey, they do this because they can't go to the afterlife, which drives them crazy and into a life long frenzy as a ghost and they believe that by absorbing enough lives, they can live again and hopefully go to the afterlife when that new life ends. They finished singing and then ambushed them. Hugo was able to use his alchemy but Varian struggled to fight them, his fear for them consuming him, one of the banshee's even gave Varian a scar over his right shoulder, causing him to fall to his knees. "Varian!" Hugo called out, but when he was distracted, a banshee took Hugo, rising him up off of the ground, and it began absorbing his life. Hugo tried to fight it, but he grew weaker every minute, he was running out of time. Varian opened his eyes to see Hugo dying in the hands of the monster, infuriating him as his eyes and hair streak glowed blue. He was in control of the Moonstone's magic but he knew he couldn't do much, but then, he knew something that could perfectly clash with the banshee's power.. The effects of the decay incantation. But he didn't know what it would do to him, considering the fact he was once immune due to the fact he wasn't awakening then, but now that he had magic too, he couldn't be sure if the same thing that happened to Rapunzel would also happen to him. But he knew that this incantation could be what would defeat the banshee's, fighting entities of death with the magic of death. So the obligated Varian closed his eyes and shakily said the incantation, "W-Wither and decay, end this destiny, b-break this earthly chains, and..and set.. the spirit.. free.." The banshee's shrunk as they slowly evaporated into mist, shrieking in pain. Hugo fell and saw Varian open his eyes, which were now voids of complete obsidian, just like Rapunzel. "Varian??" Hugo asked fearfully. Varian couldn't hear him, he just repeated the incantation, this time more clearly and with a tune, almost like an acapella, "Wither and decay, end this destiny, break these earthly chains, and set the spirit free, wither and decay, end this destiny, break these earthly chains and set the spirit free, wither and decay, end this destiny, break these earthly chains and set the spirit free!" Hugo became even weaker from this incantation but he still tried to snap him out of it, nearly freezing his hands in place. Now, he couldn't move his hands at all, they weren't encased in ice, but it felt like they were because of how numb and cold he felt. Hugo yelled in agony, falling to his side. Varian stopped saying the incantation and there was silence for a few seconds afterward, but then he gasped as his eyes returned to their natural blue and his hair strand stopped glowing. "Varian! Are you okay?!" Hugo asked as he ran to Varian, who was on his knees. "I..I'm fine.. Hugo.. Your hands, they're ice cold.. I'm so sorry.." He stammered softly. "It's alright Goggles, you didn't mean to.." Hugo told him. "Mmm." Varian whimpered in discomfort. "Varian?" Hugo asked. "S-Sorry, it just kind of hurts.." He said. "I get it, just try to stand up." Hugo said. Varian wobbled a bit, but he could stand, Ruddiger then snuggled against Varian's neck, warming him up. Varian laughed softly with his raccoon tickling him. Hugo slightly smiled at the sight of the alchemist being happy as he stood up. "Are you.. SMILING partner??" Varian teasingly asked. Hugo blushed in embarrassment exclaimed, "NO! I mean, totally not, me smile at you that's ridiculous, heh heh!" Varian suddenly felt flattered, like the feeling he got around Cass. That was when it dawned on Varian and he frowned at that thought, thinking, "Oh God please no! Why?!" He realized, it might have been a crush on Hugo, a stoic, arrogant boy he could barely accept tolerating.. How could he possibly like him in that way, when he doesn't even consider him as a friend.. if he even doesn't think of him as that? Was he his friend? Was he his enemy? Or was he his lover?? And if he did like Hugo like that, how was it even possible, boys don't date boys and if they did, he liked girls, not guys.. right?? TO BE CONTINUED...