Chereads / experiment X / experiment


System experiment for 0063:

Ideas:we plan to use a [redacted] generic by going to the [redacted] home we captured it offspring and when they attacked we take their blood and make it their new offspring and when the experiment is it turn into a [redacted] it is big much more then we have decided so we contained it and when it [redacted] it is confused a bit and when [redacted] approach 0063 it look terrified so we decided to leave it alone (end of log)

Training:heavy lifting and ect and [redacted] 0063 seem to be muscle and seem like a handsome [redacted] creature so we train it to his ability and elements and 0063 have 11 elements and powerful ability it might be a perfect experiment so 0063 learn combat and powerful skill soon the humanity will be near gone or destroyed by his powerful strength not even if they summoned a hero from another world and not even an angels will help their sorry @$$

Sign by:Khaos the demon general and 1st commander