Chereads / experiment X / relationship


Behavior:0063 seem a bit lonely even if we introduce 0038 and 0064 and 0079 and 0021 and 0012 but 0063 won't talk to them we decided to make him a mate to have company experiments 0099 a [redacted] female 0063 seem hesitated but approach her and they talk and have fun together and later we introduce 0063 to 0064 again he seem concerned but then 0063 just [redacted] and 0064 got injured we gave 0063 a control shock given [redacted] voltage 0063 end up knock out unconscious for a day and a half and we sent 0064 to the medical bay and 0064 survived

Aftermath:0063 seem confused for a while but while observing 0063 suddenly a containment breach have happened and 0065 get out it containment this cause 0084 and 0133 and 002 and 0062 and 0051 to escape it containment 0063 containment chamber went open and 0063 escape but about 10 minutes later 0063 went back to it containment with some blood and later after everything calm down 0065 have never been founded until 1 week later when we found it [redacted] we checked it pulse and [redacted]