Hello is everybody there? (Footstep behind )
Crap there is someone coming this way I got to hide right now (crawling sound)
Guard 1:so 0082 is lock up?
Guard 2:yeah 0082 is a crap one too
Guard 1:so what we going to do
Guard 2:don't know but the new breeding program seem not bad I guess it is still in it proto stage and I heard it will be 1 new step of humanity existion look our job is too (alarm noise)
Guard 2:shi- (blood spat)
Guard 1:oh no no no no! (Guard 1 running)
(Guard 1 screaming) oh no (crawling through the vent) OK so the alarm went off so we need to run to the safe place (running footstep)
(0153 roar) oh crap! I almost there just a little more got it!
(0153 running noise) close the door, closed the door! (Door clossing) OK so look like 0153 is out and ahhhhhhhh
(End of log)