After an hour of running without a clue of where I was going, I cam to the realization that I need direction.
The roads were empty and there was no moon to give light. The main priority on my mind was to get away from Justin as fast as I can.
My eyes latched on to a building and I rushed into the premises hoping for a sign of life.
Hiding behind one of the building, I noticed a figure walking over to meet two other men. Their uniform reminds me of the guard I killed and it made me realize I might actually be in Justin's premise.
Staring at the knife in my hand, I knew I had to take charge or risk loosing everything.
I tiptoed up to one of the soldiers and held the knife to his throat. "Make one noise and I will cut through you" I warned.
He held his hands up and I ordered him to a corner across the building where more soldiers were lining up several boxes.
"What is happening over there?" I asked.