My wife and kids often asked me why my biggest inspiration was, and I always tell them that my biggest inspiration was an unforgettable day, my queen one day asked me what that day was and I told her, it was the day light was born.
They call him the one that eradicates darkness, the emperor of light, the shining one that watches the world, but that's not what I called him then, back then I called him my best friend, I called him Jonas.
Jonas Shaw, he was a good guy, a really great guy, he had a very great sense of justice, he had the looks, the charisma, he was six foot three, taller than me, he had white hair that were so lush and radiant, that it was clear that he maintained it, he had a pretty face, the only guy I know whose face is almost as pretty as mine, his eyes were like the abyss, they looked like something you might get drowned in if you don't look away quickly and they were gold, a rare breed, I just couldn't help but compare myself with him, I felt inferior near him, he was a gangster but never did dirty work, even I was surprised how he managed to stay so long In black mamber gang without doing dirty work, but turns out he was just loved by the boss, because he had something that he could never have, something I back then couldn't hope or dream of, he had light.
Dustin was at the verge of collapsing when the entity whose roar caused earthquake approached him, it had a towering height, taller than a two story building, larger than anything he had ever seen, it looked disgusting, like the type of shit you'll see in a poorly produced horror movie that has great monsters and zero plot that makes you just wanna puke, it had five eyes round it's head, the only way you could distinguish it's back or front was from the direction it was headed.
'i.. is this how I die? A mere dogs dirt?' tears welled up in his eyes 'don't shit me, I won't die here, I'll survive no matter what!!'
The monster didn't even notice Dustin's presence, that's how inferior Dustin was, he was but a mere bug in his presence, this creature was about to step on Dustin, like how you probably step on tons of bugs in your daily commute everyday without knowing it, like squash the fuck out of him.
Dustin is me, I am Dustin, I was Dustin, but I am and never was proud of that moment, the moment in my life that I called my best friend my savior.
It seemed like he had been looking for me all morning, he might have waited for me to come home the previous night but didn't see me, I say i was never proud, but boy was I glad and relieved, pride won't save me from death.
It was blurry, not a type of speed that could be captured with normal eyes, he swiped Dustin and ran off with him to a safe distance in mere seconds and dropped him safely.
"Why the fuck are you here dummy?!!? Don't you read the fucking news? Do you have any Idea what's happening in the world right now?!" Jonas yelled, veins pooping in his head.
'damn he's really angry, but does he have to nag at this moment, I'm feeling like a piece of shit myself' Dustin thought as tears fell down his cheek, the nagging eventually stopped.
"I'm sorry" Dustin said with a shaky voice and a low tone, barely above a whisper "it's all my fault" he burst out crying 'this ought to please him right? Hes always weak to crying hehehe.'
Jonas hugged him tightly and told him "it's not your fault, it's all this damned fate, trying to tie us down".
'damn what now?' Dustin thought.
Jonas left Dustin on the floor and pushed him under a car.
"now watch" he stood up cracked his knuckles, cracked his neck like Superman getting ready to rumble and looked up at the giant monster who was slowly approaching them having detected something peculiar from Jonas, it wanted to devour it.
"Watch as I destroy this damned fate of ours."
'that speech was cool' Dustin nodded,n knowing how Jonas loved to look and sound cool 'but what is he going to do to that giant thing, I better stop him.'
Jonas eyes lit with light, pure light and he jumped so high that it looked like superman, the force left cracks on the floor and caused distortion in the air.
"What the fuck??!" Dustin's eyes widened in surprise as he saw his best friend he had know for a long time performing super human feats.
'don't be surprised yet my friend, this is nothing' Jonas thought with a smile on his face as he swung a punch at the monstrous entity, his punch seemed to divide the air making the air visible like, his fist hit one eye of the monster, it staggered back a little and that eye was closed, it's four eyes were still opened visible, the monster was sluggish and had no real attack power apart from being big and the amount of Mana it possessed.
"So that's all my punch can do, huh?" Jonas said to himself
"it's more than enough!!" He landed on the head of the monster and let out a loud shout.
He punched the head over and over again, the monster was swinging it's hands on the air trying to locate Jonas's position
"you think I'll let you kill innocent people any longer???!!"
Jonas eyes were filled with tears, he had left the playful side of him and was showing real emotions, he had witnessed a massacre in another area by a group of unknown green small creatures and he killed them all and now this giant thing not only killed a ton of people but wanted to kill the one person he cares for more than himself.
"Last night, I felt something in me awakened, I could feel the blood flowing in my vein and arteries change, I could feel my heart beating and I could feel another strange object moving in my veins and arteries like blood, it was liquid but not liquid, gas but not gas, formless... It gave me strength" He spoke in a low menacing tone.
he saw what appeared to be the brain of the creature after hitting it countless times digging a hole through it's head.
"Now I think I know what it is, what I was given this power for... I will eradicate you all, every last one of you. " he said menacingly as he took out the brain of the monster and tore it apart with blood splashing all over him, really gory sight.
He jumped down from the head of the monster and landed on the ground leaving cracks and he ran straight to where Dustin was and Sighed heavily and told Dustin:
"it's over now" and reached out to take Dustin.
But a wave of Mana, more violent and with more pressure burst out in the air, in visible form this time, the Mana could be seen, it was like a thick red gas, the monster wasn't gonna miss it's prey this time...