Chereads / Love and Bamboo Sword / Chapter 2 - DAY 0.5: BOMBS, EXPLOSION AND WHAT?


"Shinai is my boyfriend"

"Ah, the bright sun. It shines on every living creature, giving hope to everyone in its way. Yet, the bastard refuses to shine on me. Why won't it just give me some peace?"

Shinai's heart lamented at the skies. His mind slowly crumbled under the stares of people. There was no sound for an eternity. An eternity? A millisecond? What does it matter? As long as there's no catalyst...…

A frickin' pencil caused the end of his soliloquy

The class erupted into a sea of flames. The teacher's mouth was open aghast at the words that he had just heard. Every student's mind was destroyed at the words that they all heard. The skies darkened and the eyes of everyone were directed at him. If eyes could shoot knives, then Shinai would be dead. His lips broke into a nervous smile and he looked out the window again.

"Ah, I'm dead"

The teacher regained his senses and said weakly "Please take a seat". Chisai walked calmly through the chairs amidst the stares of everyone in the class. She tapped the chair of the boy that sat near Shinai. "Move" she ordered. As the boy scampered away, she took her prize. She looked at Shinai and let out a cunning smile. The teacher turned into smoke and disappeared from the class with weak knees. The year had really started badly from Shinai.

"Is she crazy?"

"Shinai has a girlfriend?!"

"No way! Did she hit her head?"

"That delinquent?! Of all people?"

Those thoughts flew in the air. Shinai could feel the glares of the students on him. The bell for the first period rang and everyone took a seat. A lady walked into the class and was instantly shot by the gloom that emanated from the class. As they read from their textbooks, she noticed a hand rise up. "Yes? Miss Chisai?" she answered. "May I share Shinai's textbook? I don't have mine" Chisai asked. "Very well" the teacher responded and there was a torrent of tears that could wash away any form of joy in the class.

Chisai's chair moved slightly to Shinai and they read together. Or did they? Shinai noticed that her face was turning redder by the second. Smoke came from her head and she looked at him with a hint of tears forming on her face. "Are you okay?" he asked with genuine concern. "What…" she whispered shakily. Her face melted to the chair and he heard her say "Follow me after this class". "I would rather not" he replied. A sharp pain ran through his legs as she kicked it with extreme force. "If you don't follow me, I'll say you forced me into this" Chisai said from within her. "I don't mind. I would rather end this now" he answered.

Chisai stood up and tears ran down her cheek. Everyone looked at the tears of gold that flowed from her eyes and there were daggers directed towards Shinai. "Wait, if she...." He thought and came to the sudden realization that his social life could be destroyed before it even started. "Shinai...MMPHHH" Chisai screamed as her mouth was instantly muffled by the boy in question. He grabbed her and carried her in his arms like a plank of wood. "Sorry about her. She's a little problematic" he said as he bowed to the teacher and walked outside.


Shinai felt death threats from everyone he passed in the hallway. Chisai's face had transformed from the sad one that he saw in the class to a beautiful goddess. Her radiant light was extremely different from the gloom that enveloped Shinai. A slipping sound came from behind them and Shinai felt a familiar feeling. It was.... Oh no. He turned back to see the most fearsome thing in the entire universe. The destroyer of worlds. The only one that stood above all existence.

"CHAHAN!!!! WAIT!!!!!"

Two wooden swords flew by his face and a blast of lightning followed. Chahan appeared in front Chisai. She was absolutely pissed and gripped unto her swords strongly, pointing it to the streak of pink in front of her. Chisai touched the tip of her sword and brought it down. She walked past her and beckoned Shinai to follow along. "What?" Chahan asked herself. Shinai ran towards her and said "Let me deal with this and we'll talk". He was about to leave when he felt a tug on his arms. He turned back to see her head down to the ground.

"Don't go with her"

"Chahan, I have to"


Chahan increased the grip on his arm and exclaimed loudly. "You always do this!!! Never standing up for yourself and now letting someone that just waltzed in to take control like this!!! Tell me Shinai, do you really want to go with her?". Shinai really didn't have an answer. She was right. He always took things like this, always preferring the easier way of blending in than going against the flow.

Now that he thought of it, when did he ever care about his social life? He was about to leave but he remembered the note that Chahan gave him. If he was going to talk to more people, then he can't have someone come in to destroy his social life. He had always thought that his social life never mattered but now, he realized now that because of a piece of paper and ink, it mattered more than global warming.

 He grabbed her shoulders and peered into her eyes. "I'm going because of you. I'll make up for this, I swear" he said, letting her face turn extremely red. His breath hit her skin, increasing her heart rate massively. He turned and went towards Chisai. Chahan's legs turned to mush and she fell to the ground.

Smoke came from her head and her heart thumped loudly. She watched him walk off with Chisai and a hint of jealousy struck her. "Hey, President. Are you okay?" asked a female student that came from the hallway. "I'm fine. An asteroid fell on me" she answered and stood up. "Asteroids? I think I had one fall on me yesterday" the student continued as they walked away.



The door to the library opened and no one was in. "Sit" she said to Shinai who followed behind her. As he sat, he watched her climb the library table and noticed the face that she made in the classroom return to her. "ARGHHHHH!!!!!" she screamed at the loudness of an explosion. "WHY DID I DO THAT?!!!!" she screamed again, questioning herself. She looked at Shinai and grabbed his shirt. "Why did you see me?!!!!" she asked again loudly. "The hell?" he asked to himself.

"Look Shinai... I want to live my short life here as a perfect person. You seeing me at the train station completely ruins that" she said to him. Shinai was confused and asked "Then why the hell did you do that? You just ruined the image either way". "I DID IT TO SHUT YOU UP!!!!!" she shouted again. "STOP SHOUTING!!!!" he shouted back. Anyone that passed there would have thought three nations were at nuclear warfare.

"Have you calmed down?" he asked as she sat on a chair near him. "Yeah" she mumbled. "So, what are you going to do?" he asked calmly. "I guess I'll say I broke up with you" she answered. "That's better. I would rather not date you" he replied absentmindedly. And at that moment, the movement of time stopped. He realized that he had just made the worst lapse of judgement that any human could have made. "What did you say?" she asked with the flames of the North Pole bursting from her. "Nothing" he answered and stood up, wanting to leave. Chisai stood and looked at him dead in the eye.

"Really? Am I that distasteful?" she questioned. Shinai looked at the short ball of pink talking to him and she reminded him of his sister. He answered "Yes….I mean, No". Realizing his second mistake, he tried to speak but her voice covered his. "Alright. To hell with the perfect image. If you can't even be happy I made you a temporary boyfriend, then I'll just make you a permanent one. If you think about it, then it'll be much better at shutting you up than killing you and burying you in a hole" she said. "What?!! Please no!!! I would prefer the killing option" he pleaded to her. "I wouldn't be able to handle it" he said again.

Chisai's mind was made up. Shinai saw that nothing he did would change anything. His mind ran through millions of timelines and he reached a verdict. "Wait!!!" he called out to her. "Give me an expiry date. If I haven't fallen in love with you by then, you'll leave me and admit your mistake to the entire class" he proposed. "A challenge. That could be nice" she said and walked up to him. "I think a hundred days would be good for both of us" he said, hoping his proposition would be accepted. Her tiny, short body looked up to his tall, muscular build. "I accept, boyfriend" she said and walked off. Shinai's knees fell to the ground and the band aid fell from his cheek.