Chereads / Love and Bamboo Sword / Chapter 8 - DAY 1.5: FIGHTERS ARE DEPENDENT



Chisai brought her face to Shinai's with a demeaning look. "Who the hell is your stalker?" she asked with slight annoyance. Shinai turned to Sentoki and took her hand. "C'mon…. Let's go" he said as they quietly walked away.

Shinai turned back and was about to stick his tongue out when he saw Chisai fuming at him with pouted cheeks. He laughed in his heart as she marched towards him. "You just left?!!!!" she continued in even greater anger. "Why wouldn't I?" Shinai shot back.

Sentoki watched them argue back and forth. "He never acts like this outside" she thought as she saw a new side of Shinai. She heard sniffling from behind her and saw Chisai's brother in tears.

She walked away from the growing altercation and went to the boy. At the very least, she wasn't scared of children and she took his hand. "Are you okay?" she asked with a calm smile. He hid his face from her and whispered "I don't want my sister to fight".

His shy face and soft voice hit Sentoki like a truck. She ruffled his soft hair and smiled at him. "He's so cute!!!!" she thought as she stood up and walked back to Shinai. He didn't notice as she crept behind him, readying a mighty blow. "Don't you think that you might...." His words were cut off as he got blasted over a hundred feet in the air, turning into a small dot in the sky.

"Sorry about my brother" she apologized and Shinai landed head first into the pavement with a loud crash. "I survived!!!!" he laughed but instantly stopped as he felt her pierce daggers at him with her eyes. "Fine! I won't argue anymore" he said aloud and stood up from the deep crater he landed in.

As he cleaned the rubble from his body, he saw the band aid slowly peel off from Sentoki's cheek and he rushed to put it back. "What happened?" Chisai asked, noticing his fingers on his sister's face. "Just a little scratch" he muttered, deflecting before she could press further.

"What are you doing in Nerima?" Shinai asked as they filed out of the station. "Why should I tell you?" she asked with a devious grin. "You really want to know more about me?" she continued and stuck a finger in his cheek. "Not really" Shinai answered in a monotone voice. "C'mon, just say it" she pushed.

"We came to watch the fights!!!" the little boy shouted with excitement. Chisai turned to stone and stayed in place. "Oh... Is that right?" Shinai asked and went to the brother. "Did your sister make you come here?" he questioned. The unsuspecting boy nodded his head with a huge smile on his face.

He walked to the frozen Chisai and said "I guess you weren't a prim and proper girl after all" and continued on his way. Chisai looked at him once and charged towards him. "I CAME FOR FUCKIN FLOWERS, DUMBASS!!!!!!!" she shouted loudly and hit his back.

Amidst the chaos, the sleazy town was mostly empty; something that Sentoki greatly appreciated. It seemed like the four of them were in an impenetrable bubble, built for them and only for them. She looked ahead and saw Shinai and Chisai arguing and smiled.


"They're made for each other"


The reason for the empty streets became obvious as they approached the massive sports complex in the middle of town. Thousands of people hung outside the building with enthusiasm. Balloons covered the sky and ribbons blew across the ground. The fighting tournament was about to begin.

"Are you just here to watch?" Chisai asked. "Sorry to disappoint you but yes" he answered. He held Sentoki's hand and started to walk away. "Then where are you going?!!!" she called in confusion. "Keep a seat for me!!!!" he said aloud and disappeared into the crowd.

A line of various student martial artists formed at the registration table. The odd couple of Sentoki and Shinai slowly advanced. People stared at them and Sentoki shuddered. Her knees buckled under her weight but the warm hand of Shinai kept her from having a panic attack.

Reaching the sign up platform, Shinai talked with the worker behind the desk. The lady looked at them and in an instant said "I think you're at the wrong place". "What? Isn't this the location for the tournament?" Shinai asked. "It is but we don't allow delinquents to come here" she said and resumed tapping furiously on her phone.

"What's the matter?" Sentoki asked. Shinai looked at the sky and smiled painfully at her. "There's nothing" he said. "Hey, what's that?" he said and as she moved her head away, he quickly put his fingers in his pocket and slid a few yen notes to the occupied worker. "I really need her to do this" he whispered. On sighting the currency, the lady's countenance instantly changed.

"Oh!!! Why did I stop you before?" she said with a smile. "I'm really sorry" she continued and with that, Sentoki was registered for the first round. "What were you trying to show me?" Sentoki asked. "Nothing" he smiled and as they walked away, the lady waved at them but Shinai bit his lip in annoyance. Blood ran down his mouth as he cursed the very air that he breathed.

The arena roared with excitement and suffocating passion. From the old granny to the young boy, all eyes were glued to the action about to begin. The fighters cracked their knuckles and glared at each other. Some stretched while Sentoki and Shinai sat quietly in a corner.

 "HELLO NERIMA!!!! WHO'S READY TO START THE FIGHTING!!!!!" the announcer shouted enthusiastically, his electric voice tearing through the tension in the stadium. Chisai and her brother shouted with fervour, blending in with the atmosphere around them.

"THIS YEAR, WE'LL RUN A ROUND ROBIN TOURNAMENT AND SO WE CALL…. CONTESTANT 9 AND 4" he announced amidst the cheers coming from everyone.

Shinai heard it and looked at Sentoki's number. "Oh no" he thought as he noticed she was Contestant 4. "Could she start?" he thought as doubt clouded his heart. As he turned to her, he saw a certain strength in her eyes.

The siblings stared at each other, communicating without speaking a word. Shinai saw she was ready to face her fears. He smiled and hugged her tightly. The announcer called for them once again but was left unheard as tears freely flowed down Shinai's eyes.

Sentoki stood up with Shinai and his voice flowed into her ears.

"I'll always cheer for you"

As she heard it, she nearly broke down in tears but stayed strong. Shinai turned from her and disappeared into the crowd. She was alone. No one to call. No one to help. Fear crept inside her and loneliness started to take over her heart.

She felt the lights suffocating her and the people tearing at her with their eyes. Pure horror began to surge through her and the urge to just give up stuck in her head. She turned back and wanted to walk away. She could not move. Something held her back. Sentoki felt the band aid on her cheek and clenched her fists.

"I won't break... Not here.... Not now"

Her legs turned to the large black curtain that separated the fighters from the audience. She broke into a sprint and charged for the arena. All the emotions of fear burnt out of her heart as the words of Shinai echoed in her head. "He's watching... He's watching me" she thought and burst out of the curtain, jumping into the air.

"NUMBER 4 IS OUT TO GET BLOOD!!!! ALRIGHT….. WAIT.... SOMEONE STOP THAT GIRL...….!!!!!!" The announcer shouted as he saw Sentoki rush to the person that she was supposed to fight.

She charged like a violent tiger to her opponent. The unsuspecting boy saw her rush towards him and thought the fight was about to begin. He readied himself and yelled


He couldn't finish his statement as a mighty force tore his jaw in half, sending him flying into the sky. The punch shook the arena, causing the lights to flicker off and on. The crowd was shocked and the announcer was dumbfounded.

Sentoki stood in the middle of it and looked up to see Shinai in the crowd smiling at her. A wave of euphoria entered her heart and she screamed out with all the strength in her