Hundreds of people milled on the Tokyo streets. They drifted like jellyfish in an ocean. The sun's light did little to illuminate the depression that dwelt in their hearts. Signboards of bright lights sold information to all those who looked at them. Various drunk people lay on the streets, pushed out of the dark waters of life. In the midst of this, two children of school age walked happily through the streets.
Shinai's blonde hair once again stood out to the public. He felt the stares of people on him but this time, he had to be strong for the girl that walked with him, hand in hand. He had covered his tattoos with bandages and his piercings with wireless headphones.
It was even worse for Sentoki as her red hair bobbed in the streets. All the people that passed by them looked at them with odd eyes. They seemed like an odd couple; probably one that had severe mental issues. She clung to him tightly, making it even more difficult for Shinai to break.
The sound of trains moving along the tracks heralded the people that stepped into the train station. Shinai looked around and saw the ticket booth. His sister walked with him there, her smile slowly disappearing as various people had pulled out their phones. Her fear began to return and she stated shaking. Shinai didn't notice it and just ignored those that pointed fingers to them. "Hey" he called to the old man that sat in the booth, reading a newspaper. He peered at them through his glasses and asked "Is the hair natural?"
Shinai was annoyed internally but did his best to hide it. "Yeah. All genetics" he tried to joke. The guy stood up and touched Sentoki's hair. A shudder ran up his spine and he grabbed the man's hands. "Don't touch her" he spat with anger in his voice.
The guy was taken aback by his tone and voice. He tried to remove his hand but the grip on it was insanely strong. He could feel his fingers breaking and slight pain had started creeping on it. "You can let go now" he said but Shinai didn't listen. The man tried with all his might but the blonde boy wouldn't let go.
Shinai wasn't there. His body had become a mere shell that acted on the impulses of his mind. His grip increased tighter and the man screamed for help. His eyes were lifeless as he destroyed the man's bones. His head ran through the many times he had been put through this same scenario. Recurring images of the past came to him. He could only think about one thing; protecting his sister from anything.
"Brother...…Are you okay?"
Sentoki's voice brought Shinai back. He realized he was crushing someone's hand and quickly removed his grip. "I am so sorry" he quickly apologised, bowing down his head. "Where are you going?" the man asked amidst tears. Various people had already started filming, causing Sentoki's body to shake more violently. "Nerima" he quickly said. The man thrusted two tickets at them and shouted loudly for everyone to hear.
Shinai grabbed Sentoki and they quickly went through the checkpoints. The train guard looked at them quizzically and let them through. Shinai prayed that the train was empty. As he waited, he noticed Sentoki's shaking. "Hey. Look at me" he said as he turned her to face him. "I was so scared. When they started filming, those things that happened... I was so scared" she cried as tears formed in her eyes.
He hugged her tightly in his arms. "Leave the lovin' at home, fuckin' weirdoes" mocked a man as he passed by. Shinai's heart at that point only focused on Sentoki. He ignored all the stares they got. People watched them but he didn't care. "I made her more scared. Fuck me" he thought as her sniffling reduced. He looked into her eyes and smiled again. "Forget them" he said to her. Her shaking stopped and she smiled "Thanks".
The sounds of the train diverted people's attention from them. The doors opened in front of them, showing its empty insides. The metallic smell of the empty carriage struck their noses as they walked in. The train hummed as it moved away from the station. The bright lights that filled the station had finally died down.
Sentoki looked into her bag and brought out a booklet. Her eyes skimmed over it excitedly and Shinai was finally filled with a bit of peace. He looked at the train tracks, remembering Chisai running past it. Strangely, he recalled feeling her presence in the train station. "How funny would it be if we meet again today? That would be torture" he thought as he smiled to himself. "
Hey, the book says when they get too close, you bash them in the face" said Sentoki as she thrusted the paper into his face, removing him from his thoughts. "If you get the book too close, I'll bash you in your face" he replied as he removed it with his hands. "Let me tell you something" Shinai asked as he peered through the windows of the speeding train.
"Back then when I was learning Kendo, I was very bad at it" he started. The soft music that came from the speakers added ambience to the train. It zoomed into a very dark tunnel and its little lights shone brighter, creating a contrast against the blackness of its surroundings. "Every single time I swung my sword at someone, it felt like I was hitting a brick wall" he continued. Holding up his thumb and index finger into a small circle, he said "I was this close to quitting". Shinai heaved a sigh and looked at her.
The dojo was in full swing. Tens of men and women swung their swords in frenzy. Countless duels occurred as the time flew by. In the midst of this, a young Shinai struck swords with an even younger Chahan. Their swords struck at a blinding speed. Shinai's legs fell to the ground as she struck his chest. The sword fell from his hands as the pain ran through him. Little tears formed in his eyes and sniffling noises came from his nose. Chahan stretched her hands at him but he smacked it away. He tried to pick up his blade again but his palm was filled with blisters and sores from intense training. "Are you okay, Shinai?" she asked. He stood and was about to walk away when a strong grip pulled him back.
"Bow and accept your defeat" a gruff voice said from behind him. Fear struck Shinai's heart and he couldn't look up to the person that spoke to him. He immediately bowed to Chahan. He stayed there for some time, causing his back to experience excruciating pain.
"You keep failing Shinai. Go and clean the hallways" the voice ordered and instantly, he went. He walked through the sea of sweat and bamboo, covered in shame. "I hate this. I don't even want to do this..... To hell with Kendo. I quit" he thought as he walked through the dusty hallways. He heard a loud noise, followed by cries of pain and anger. Quietly, he walked to the source of the noise.
As he walked, he heard the cries intensify as they echoed through the wooden walls. His legs took him to a room and there he saw Sentoki batter a punching bag. Numerous holes filled the bag and her sweat ran to the ground. Tears filled her eyes and her bare knuckles bled. Her legs were blood red as he kicked the bag. She kept going, no matter how much it hurt. The pain never stopped her. Shinai watched her and was filled with motivation. If his little sister wouldn't give up, then he wouldn't give up.
"Arriving Nerima Station in five minutes"
The train burst out of the dark hole into the bright sunlight. Nerima was bustling with sunlight. Tens of aged people walked carefully by the railways. Shinai touched Sentoki's head and said "I didn't break because of you so don't break. If not for anything, don't break for me". As he said this, he pulled the band aid from his cheek and placed it on her face.
The moving train stopped and Shinai walked to the opening doors. The sun once again shone on Shinai, bringing light into the dark train. Sentoki stood and a smile broke out on her lips. She made a fist and stretched it to Shinai. "Alright then!!! I won't break!!!!" she announced with conviction in her voice. Shinai smiled and held her curled up hand. "Yeah... I know you won't"
They stood in the train station. It was mainly empty. The strong metallic scent entered their noses as they walked through the hallways. Shinai felt a strong presence behind him. The presence he had felt before at the previous train station. His senses tingled and he instantly turned back. His heart dropped to the ground as he recognised the streak of pink hair that stood behind him. Her eyes met his and the skies darkened above them.
"THERE'S NOTHING YOU'RE SAYING. YOU'RE STALKING ME!!!!" shouted Shinai in desperation. His voice echoed throughout the nearly empty halls. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!" asked Chisai loudly. Their voices were louder than a volcanic explosion as they rocked the very foundation of the station. "Alright.... I'll be calm" Shinai said to himself as he breathed in and out deeply. "What the hell are you doing here?" he asked. He heard as shifting sound and he looked down to see a young boy hide behind Chisai's clothes.
"Great. You have a kid" he said but Chisai shot back instantly with "And you are a lolicon". "Lolicon? Because of what?" he asked and then he realized Sentoki stood with him, hand in hand. "This?" he said as he lifted her hand up. "She's my sister!!!" he said loudly. "And he's my brother!!!" Chisai answered loudly again. They looked at each other and the darkened clouds spawned lightning above them. Sentoki tugged on Shinai's hand and asked softly "Who is that?". Chisai's brother held tightly to her legs. "Sis, who is that?" he asked with fear written on his face.
At the same time, they looked at each other. "Do we do this?" Shinai asked her. Chisai nodded to him. They both looked at their siblings and answered
"This is Chisai and she's my stalker"
"This is Shinai and he's my boyfriend"