Chereads / Where Is My Perfect World / Chapter 19 - Wants Blue Lagoon style live on an Island

Chapter 19 - Wants Blue Lagoon style live on an Island

Keith shaved the first thing the next day. He must do that twice a day now and at times he felt it should be three times when her face starts to become red in the middle of the day. The woman was insatiable, and he loved every second of trying to satisfy her. They spent hours on the internet searching for the best place to live with any type of island setting. They watched a show on buying islands and then one on just vacationing on islands which gave them lots of ideas and people to contact. 

They spent three days wrapped up in each other's arms; but on the fourth day, they emerged to a sunny sixty-degree day. Renee had offered a tour of the town and so far, he has seen the inside of her apartment. The man from the rental car place was to be there to pick up Keith's car at any moment. It has sat in the parking lot for days, so it is a waste of money Renee pointed out this morning as they drank a cup of coffee. That and the delivery of food have sustained them, but today they are ready to go out in the world. The first place he wanted to see was her old home. Keith wanted to make sure he offered her someplace as good or better than the pervert offered. She gave him a little more information about her husband as they lounged in bed. Now he told her that he was just interested was his excuse to see the place. It was just to see where she lived. He was impressed with the city so far what small part she had taken him to. The trip from the airport was simple besides the road construction. The dealership was impressive he hadn't expected it to be so new and big. He expected maybe a used car place; but no, she downplayed the extent of her income. She had been right to do that why have men coming on to you just for your money?

"Ok, I'll let you out of my sex prison; but I would like to eat first?" Renee teased as she drove towards her old neighborhood. 

One of her favorite restaurants was just up the street. She had lunch there at least once a week when she was married to Martin. He didn't like spicy food and refused to go there. Now she will see how Keith handles the food. 

"Food sounds good take me somewhere you like," he said sitting back and enjoying being chauffeured around. 

She pulled into a shopping center and looped around a building to park. Being well after lunchtime since they dragged themselves out of bed late the parking lot was almost empty. Smiling at the hostess she has known for five years now she came and hugged Renee. "Girl I have been worried about you after all the stuff in the paper," the hostess complained as she took them to a table. 

"Oh, I'm doing better don't worry. I moved and this is a long way from home now. Betsy This is Keith he is a friend from DC and I'm showing him around the old neighborhood," she said as he helped her into her chair."

He smiled a little embarrassed to be introduced to the staff. 

"Hi Betsy; nice to meet you, it smells wonderful in here," he said. "The weather is amazing here, there is a snowstorm where I came from today," He offered and took his menu. They had pictures of some of the different items. He knew little about what they call Tex-Mex food except it can be spicy. That was Ok he likes Indian food, and it is very spicy. He learned to like it in college. They had some of the prettiest waitresses in the area. Being horny freshmen, he and Lucas and a couple of the other newbies had gone there often and learned to pallet the spices. Young men would go to extremes to see pretty girls in belly-dancing outfits attend to their needs. 

Betsy put two thumbs up and swiped her forehead as if to say he was hot, and Renee smiled, and I agreed smile. Looking over at him sent a rush through her body, hell yeah, he is hot. She didn't know if she would ever get enough of him. Renee got her normal lunch and Keith picked a beef fajita, beans, and rice. He seemed to enjoy it and piled everything on his tortilla and drank two beers without complaining about the heat. He appeared to be enjoying himself and she was happy.


They drove to her neighborhood and Renee pointed out the homes she liked the appearance of and then stopped in front of her old house. Bile rose in her throat as she looked at the place. All the disgust and pain came back in a snap. She feared she would lose her lunch, so she looked away. She needs to contact the police and see if they have found any information. Doubtful but why not.

"It is a big place," Keith said having to duck down to take it all in.

"Way too big for two people," Renee offered and drove away. She took him down to the mall area to show him the hills around town. "You know if you want solitude and space the hill country may be an area to look around. You could pick up some land and a very nice home for not that much."

"So, you're not interested in tropical living," he asked taking in the view. 

"It is kind of scary to me," she told him and took him out to the Lake Travis area. She knew they're some beautiful homes with great views out there of the water. Winter or not Austin is beautiful. So why was she so interested in leaving a few months ago? Fear that the idiot's action would be found out is why. 

"Ok were you afraid at Paradise?"

"No, but Niesha was with me when I left the hotel otherwise yes, I would be afraid. I don't go to parts of this town either because I know better. Hell, I went to my local bank and got caught up in a bank robbery. So yes, I get scared I went cationic for a while lying on that floor." 

"Ok understandable," he said and cupped her hand. "Would you be willing to go to some of the places with me? I just want to go and check them out. I may decide I don't want to live there either."

"Sure, make a list of where you want to go and I will make plans to be gone for a while," she told him and turned to drive up a hill to an area where they have been building new homes for years it overlooked the lake. Taking one more turn she parked so he could see the view. 

"Ok, I'm going to contact the man that finds islands. I'll see how long it takes to make an appointment."

"Good and that will give me time to get my life in order before we leave," she told him overlooking the view she always wanted. She wanted nothing exotic or tropical anymore just local, lovely, and safe for the baby she plans for him to give her; but hey this will be interesting. 

 "You're right this is a beautiful view; but not the one I want a least not right now," he offered scanning the area. Yes, it was beautiful but a way to build up his taste. After living in the DC area madhouse, he wants quiet solitude and to look out his doors and see nothing but the ocean. He knows he won't find a place with a house as big as the one she lived in with his budget, but it will be nice, or he won't live there either. 


Sitting with his laptop in his lap he sent his well-worded request to the island finder website. He hoped it wouldn't take long to hear from them. He was glad he sat with Renee and watched those programs. It gave him insight into where to look and what to expect price-wise. He may just want to rent for a while and not be stuck with an island he wants to sell in a few years. 

He has so many ideas flowing in his mind on what to write about. His friend in publishing has given him ideas on what sells to work with. He knows sex sells and adventure, so a sexual adventure is what he needs to work on. With Renee in mind, he has a hundred different directions he could go. Even her sick husband's story is a warped direction he could go in with just a little more information. He is just not sure how she would like him to make up a story with her life in mind. He was not sure he could write and get as warped as his life was. He is so lucky she was still single after all this time.

Tomorrow's was another sick direction. He could go there and try and pick her mind for as much information as he could glean from her situation. He had crazy stories all around him even the situation he fought in court was a crazy situation he could write a story about them with a twist. He could switch them around and write about it all together Keith thought and opened a blank page and started writing down the scenario of each story. He would try to loop them together later. 

Renee was off to the dealership today while he worked on his future. As she said she was just along for the ride, and he couldn't think of anyone he would rather ride with. He understands her concerns he has his own, but this is something he has wanted to do for years. His friend had his hotel with a beautiful beach location, and he wanted an island setting to become the great American novelist. That was another storyline he could pursue. His e-mail pinged as he sat pondering his life and he scrambled to read the message.


Pleased to receive your inquiry. Where are you interested in living and how much do you want to spend? Do you want one with an existing home or do you want to build one? Those answers will narrow down the locations. 

 Zavier Lumpkin

 Islands Inc. 


"Ok let's narrow this down," Keith mumbled and began to answer his questions. 


I would be interested in Belize, Costa Rica, and even the US Virgin Islands; I'm willing to pay up to 5 million for a property with a decent-sized home. Or I would be interested in leasing a place on an island or just on the water for a long-term lease. I would be willing to vacate for a month at a time to allow the owner to enjoy his home if needed. I'm an attorney in the DC area with a good reputation. Let me know if you need more information. I will be glad to answer any questions. 

Keith Michaels 


He pressed send and wondered how long he would have to wait. 

Renee sat back at her desk and relaxed for the first time in days. Keith kept her on her toes. Not like Martin did he was sexual. Her body hummed just thinking about him and the idea of living on an island excited her and scared her all at the same time. She knows she could leave at a moment's notice so what is the big deal, she kept asking herself. Wow, she drives to the dealership to play solitaire daily what an exciting life. They would do just fine without her being there. Probably better they could sell the car she is driving. 

"Renee line two," Kathy announced over the loudspeaker.

"Yes hello,"

"Hey sweetie come home we have an offer we need to talk about," Keith told her sounding excited at the prospect. 

"Is it an island?" Renee asked sounding excited too.

"Come home and I will show you and yes, it is good." 

 "Ok give me five minutes," Renee said grabbed her purse, and with a wave she was gone.


"Ok I'm here what did you find out," Renee yelled as she climbed the stairs in her apartment.

"Come see, I'm on the couch," Keith called out. He was covered with a laptop and papers as she approached. The smile on his face meant this must be good.

"Come sit and see what Zavier found for us."

Renee quickly sat next to him so she could see the screen.

"Ok, what he has is an island off the coast of Belize that the owner has been trying to sell for some time." He clicked on the site and a very nice home popped up with a beautiful view.

"Nice," Renee said and scooted closer to Keith.

"Yeah nice, the deal is we can rent until it sells or if I want it, we can buy for six million. Zavier said he has only shown it three times in the last few years. He feels it is overpriced and thinks he would take four in a year or so. It is off the Atlantic coast side of Belize only twenty-five minutes by boat from the new international airport. Southwest Airlines flies in and out of their daily. We will need to rent or buy a boat and I'm afraid that we will have to cook for ourselves if we want to be alone," he told her and watched her face scrunch up with doubt. "No worry I do know how to cook. I was not always the rich and powerful man you see now. I have cooked several meals for myself over the years. It can be expensive eating out all the time," he offered mindlessly looking over the pictures.

"So, you're going to cook the fish I catch while you write?" Renee questioned as she grinned.

"Yes, that sounds so good as I understand there is lots of shopping near the airport so we should be good, and the island has lots of fruit trees. The owner just left from a month-long vacation, and he won't be back until next year. I told Xavier we would leave when he wanted to come back. The rent is cheap because he needs someone to live there while he is gone." 

 "Ok, so when do we go?" Renee asked she looked ready to pack.

 "Well let me let him know we are interested I'm sure there has to be paperwork and all. We will need to take a bunch of stuff with us, so we have to shop." 

 "Sure," Renee said and jumped up to get some paper and a pen to write down the list. 

"Ok, he said the island is self-sufficient and has a generator with solar panels and batteries when that is not enough. There is a desalinization system so we have to conserve water, Salt water showers will be the best, or a quick rinse off," he told her, and she was not sure how that would work. "Here let me give you the site for the island and you can watch the video of the place while I contact him and say we'll take it."

"Do we have to sign a contract that we will stay for a year?"

"No, no one has said anything about contracts so no," Keith offered wondering if her nerves were acting up on her again. She looked as if she was going to back out.

"Ok good, I want to keep our options open. And what if a hurricane comes are, we liable for the damage?" 

"I'm sure not but I will ask. Quick think of anything else," Keith asked adding that to his list.

"Sure, what if something breaks? Like the solar thing or the water pump thing?"

"Ok, I'll ask about repairs for normal wear and tear. It should be no problem, but I will ask." Keith assured her and began to type to that realtor. As he waited for a reply, he popped the site up on the TV and let Renee view the site. He was excited. No, the house was not perfect, but nothing ever is. He wondered if the airport so close would hear airplanes all the time. He hoped that was not why it hadn't sold. The one realtor from Costa Rica said properties take a long time to sell. This will be perfect and if they hate it, he is only out a little bit of money. He felt like it was meant to be, and he couldn't wait to get going. 

Renee had to go shopping for cheap clothes Target style things. Washing will be in the ocean so nothing fancy needs to be taken. Sun dresses, shorts, t-shirts, flip flops, and sunscreen. It was a beautiful place with rocky and sandy beaches. Palm trees with coconuts and fruit trees all over the place and a place she could have a garden. She'll have to pick up seeds of things she would eat. She was so excited and kept looking back at Keith and grinning as the video played. 

Keith already had the fantasy all figured out when he saw that sandy beach. They are five miles from the nearest neighbors he is going to live his life naked and so is she if he has any say.

He added a printer and paper to his list. Extra ink cartages red pins and liquid paper he also added to the list. He also needed an extra computer in case he dives. One that has never been opened and he needs to leave it like that in case the sea air corrodes the one he has, and he also needs memory sticks to save everything. He will have to be diligent to save his work. 

They must get some type of visa to stay there for more than a few days. He must work on that first. He typed that into his computer and hoped it would answer his questions. His mind was reeling with everything they had to do. As he looked over at Renee, she was turning the page on her list of things she wanted to take with them. He sat his computer down and walked over to Renee discarded her pen and paper and took her to the floor. He wanted to show her how much he appreciated her being willing to go with him. He is going to do everything he can to make sure she doesn't regret going. He had visions of her breastfeeding a blonde rug rat, blue lagoon style on the beach and sucking a breast into his mouth. Oh yeah, this is probably the best idea he has ever had, he thought and hit home.


The decision to have Keith go ahead for the first trip was made the next afternoon. Zavier will be at the airport Thursday afternoon and Keith can get a flight and be there by three in the afternoon. Zavier is going to show him around and help him find a boat and then he can go out making a quick trip out to the island to check the place out further. Zavier hadn't been there in a year, so he wanted to check it out also before he sent them out there alone. 

Renee was becoming concerned that Skype was becoming very flirty to her. Could Keith be naive enough to not notice the man was gay? He didn't seem to have a gay bone in his body, so she needed to step it up. "Am I going to lose you to some gay flirtation right before we move," she grumped slamming some things around in her bathroom.

"I should say not, I know he is a flirt don't worry he has nothing I want," he assured Renee scooping her cheeks into his hands and kissing her passionately. 

"Ok just checking, I already lost two men and I don't want to lose you too," Renee said and realized she just screwed up.

"Two who is the other," he asked and backed away to listen for the answer. 

"I was interested in this guy, but his girlfriend came back in the picture just when we were about to get serious. So, I walked away."

"Not the movie star?"

"No good lord, does everyone know I had dinner with him? No, but that was the reason I went to Dallas. I was pissed and wanted out of there. I already told you, that you are the last person I have had sex with, and I must say the best. I know my ex was lousy and it is not my fault he was into little girls." 

"Little girls? I thought he was into teenagers?" Keith asked hoping she would open up a little more. He wanted that storyline.

"Oh, who knows? No one would tell me the extent of his perversion. I didn't want to know. You can only bleach so much you know," she told him dismissing the whole thing. 

"True I'm just looking for something to write about. But then again a pedophile's story probably wouldn't sell too well."

"I think not, most people shy away from that kind of stuff. It is a quick way to go to jail," Renee offered. 

"I think I remember a story about a man caught with kiddy porn on his computer and he claimed he was writing a book and it was research. I don't think that excuse worked for him either. So, I'll have to think up something else."

"You know you could still go with your ex-wife's story. Sure, they made a movie about something similar, but her story is different from the one on TV. I wonder if we could find it on the Hallmark channel on their Demand station. We could watch it so you could see the difference. You could incorporate the movie in your storyline and set the scene on how she decided to screw you two over."

"Sure; see what you can find," Keith told her they had all evening to blow. He didn't think another bout in the bed was in him right now.

Renee spent an hour finding the movie checking a bunch of movie descriptions and found it. They settled in on the couch and watched. Keith kept saying 'I'll be damned,' as the movie unfolded. 

"I think you're right," he said once the movie was over. He hit the info button and the first airing was three months before his friend Lucas left to go and help his grandfather. 

"The conniving bitch she planned the whole thing." He shook his head in disbelief. "She is a damn good actress. I mean how could she go for months and act all lovey-dovey and then turn on me? It is scary how people can be."

"I know you think you know someone and then boom craziness," she turned off the TV it was late, and they needed to go to bed.

"I promise one thing I'm not crazy, perverted, or out to hurt you," Keith offered following Renee up the stairs to go to bed. They did well they hadn't had sex all evening. 

"You know if you take a shower quick, I promise I won't keep you up all night unless you want me to," Keith offered with a sweet smile. She couldn't pass that offer up and stepped into the bathroom. 

Again, acting as if he was all caught up in the moment Keith didn't use a condom again. Renee didn't say a word and snuggled to his side and fell asleep letting all those sperm swim around. She is going to cancel her appointment with the clinic tomorrow. If he keeps this up, she will be pregnant in no time. She wonders if that was his plan. She didn't think she could find a better-looking, smarter, or nicer baby daddy if she tried. Where he thinks this will go is another thing. She will not be trapped into a loveless marriage no matter how handsome he is. Time will tell.