Chereads / Where Is My Perfect World / Chapter 23 - I lost everything dear to me

Chapter 23 - I lost everything dear to me

Later that evening, Renee was covered in mud and dirt working on her third row of plantings when she heard a boat engine. She knew it was not theirs, this one had a deep engine sound and theirs sounded like a sewing machine. Not quite but higher than this one. 

Lucy jumped and ran to the dock to see who was there while Renee hid behind a tree looking to see who was coming, she was nude after all. Shifting closer she watched them tie off at the dock. She knew she couldn't make it to the house without them seeing her, so she hung back. It looked like the men who brought them here for Monica's visit. Another reason to have something out here to put on Renee thought wondering how she would get to the house. 

The sound of a gunshot rang out making Renee jump and then duck for cover behind the bushes. A loud cry from Lucy made Renee drop down. She heard Keith yelling, "What the hell do you think you're doing," and another shot and what sounded like Keith called out in pain. Renee scrambles for her phone she left at the start of the row in the garden and made a beeline to the cave. 

The boys had camouflaged it so no one else could find it. Why she had no idea, but bad men were here, and she had to protect her and the baby. Climbing down the rock wall she slipped into the cave and searched her contacts on the phone for Thomas. He was the only person she could think of she could trust to help her. The boat looked like the one that brought them all out here for the start of Monica's family vacation. He must have thought they were rich and planned to rob them. Tough luck Keith was just complaining he was down to his last hundred dollars. Their next trip would be to the bank he told her. 

"Thomas," she whispered when he answered with his loud boisterous voice, "That man who we used his boat is on the island. He shot Lucy and I think he shot Keith. I'm hiding he doesn't know I'm here."

"Renee?" he asked as if he was not sure who it was. 

"Yes, it is me, I need your help. I don't know what to do or who to call. I think there are three of them and I heard two shots."

"Oh my God sweetie, I'm sorry yes I'll call the police. Stay hidden until you hear the all clear. I'll try to come out to help you. I'm so sorry. I knew he was a bad guy but not that bad." 

"I'm hidden they can't find me," she told him as her phone vibrated to let her know she had another call. She checked the face, and it was Monica, but this call was more important. She couldn't help her no matter how much she wants to. 

"Thomas get me help I just heard more shots," Renee told him and hung up. Quickly she changed her setting on the phone to vibrate and prayed they would get here fast. She sat back against one of her new towels and shook her head about the kids being so wasteful. It was not a cave but a setback of the rocks they used to form the island; it would keep her hidden well. 

She needed to listen to the sounds of the night she prayed she would hear Keith's voice. They can't take him away from her they have a life to live together. She began to cry she knew she lost Lucy. Her phone vibrated again it was Monica and she didn't need to talk to her right now. She knew she would completely break down if she heard her voice. Another call came this time its Thomas.

"You're thirty minutes east of the harbor, right?" Thomas asked when it vibrated again.

"Yes, due east and you'll run right into us. I can't say that lights will be on."

"No, you stay hidden I'm coming with them when you hear me yelling your name come out, and not until you hear me calling," Thomas told her forcefully.

"Yes, I plan to stay here. I can hear things breaking but I haven't heard Keith say a word since the second shot," she whispered, and she knew what that meant. She has lost him to pirates and he had laughed at her concerns. His damn gun was still in the five-gallon bucket buried by the house. What good had it done him? In her mind's eye, she could see him scrambling to find something to protect them with and it was all buried by the door.

"Stay hidden," he said and hung up. She could hear men talking in the background as if they were getting ready to come out. She wasn't worried about her she knew she was well hidden it was Keith she was concerned about. How could this world be so cruel to her and take him from her and his child? She knew this was all too good to be true. 

Having Monica and the kids here too was pushing her luck. She brought this all down on them by needing the two boats so she could show off to her sister. She heard shouting and the boat engine started up. None of them sounded like Keith. It was getting dark and the thought of climbing out of here in the dark scared her. Spending the night scared her more. She heard the engine roar and in her mind's eye, she could see the boat pulling away from the dock. A smaller engine started up and she knew they were stealing her boat. Assholes she thought but that would help lead the cops to them. They were told it was a unique boat in good shape but older. It was more of a lake or river boat, but it has worked out well in these placid waters. Some rich man had brought it here and then sold it years later. Gringos kept buying and selling it and now pirates steal it. 


What felt like hours later she heard an engine of a different boat. She picked up the towel shook it out and moved to the entrance of her little enclave hoping to hear anything sounding friendly. Some man with a deeper voice was calling out instructions and Renee's phone vibrated. The number was not something that had called her before, so she tentatively answered. 

"Yes hello?" Renee said quietly. 

"It is me Thomas, I had to borrow a SAT phone there is no reception here."

"I know; are they dead?" she asked not wanting to hear the answer.

"Yes, where are you?" he answered sorrowfully. He liked Keith he treated him as if he was a man not a servant as the other gringos did. 

"Go south from the front of the house past the garden and keep walking there are some hammocks hanging in trees and call out I will call to you and bring a flashlight it is dark here."

"I'm coming sweetie hang on," Thomas told her so sweetly she broke down crying. She had controlled herself this long it was time to let go. She was just impressed she hadn't gone catatonic during this as usual. Three officers followed him to help retrieve the woman. As they followed her direction, they heard her cry out as if she was dying and began to run towards the scream. 

"Renee," yelled Thomas coming close to the edge of the island. She screamed again and they changed course to the north following the rocky coast. 

"I'm here," she called out feeling her way along the rocks. The flashlights scanned the rocks and she called out again. She kept calling out "here" until the light shone just on her. Thomas climbed down hugged her tightly and passed her to the other men as she clung to the towel around her. 

Three other officers were at the front of the house as they approached, she noticed the catchment barrels were gone. There was a sheet over something much too small to be Keith. They had every light on and Renee thought those won't last long at this rate. 

She walked in the house, and it had been picked clean or broken. Her old house flashed in her mind. She needs clothes and shoes, please. Hoping they had left something she begged to have some luck and went to her room. One sundress lay on the floor it appeared it dropped as they loaded up her stuff. 

She snatched it up and slipped it over her head dropping the filthy towel to the floor. Thomas was inches behind her looking at the floor. He was trying to protect her from broken glass. The police were taking pictures still and one man was taking fingerprints. Renee thought good luck with that. They have had so many people here who have cleaned a doorknob. Her crappiest sandals sat in the shelf, and she slipped them on. Her quest was over and now she could deal with everything else she was dressed. 

She approached the man in a suit coat she figured he was in charge. 

"Mrs. Michaels, I'm so sorry this has happened to your family."

"Thank you. So, they did kill him?" Renee asked barely able to say the words.

"Yes, he was shot twice he seemed to be trying to defend the place."

"He was I heard him yelling at them, but his gun was packed away," Renee told him and realized she needed to dig it up and get her things. She could go nowhere without her passport. They followed her because she seemed so concerned and watched as she dug down. The pot was broken but the five-gallon container was still there, nothing had been dug up. Thomas saw what she was doing and crouched next to her and helped her dig. He had no idea what they were after, but she wanted it. Her finger hit the lid, and everyone shifted to see what she was after. 

The lid came into view and Thomas knew what she was digging up and went for the edge. Getting the edge clear Thomas pried the lid off and sat back for Renee to pull their stuff out. She piled her things next to her hip and the gun was the last thing out and she passed it to the officer closest to her. Everything would have gone differently if he had his gun available. 

Renee began to cry again this was all that was left of her life. All she had left are some papers and crap no one else wanted again. Thomas shifted and hugged her to his chest as she cried. He had set this whole thing up, so it was his fault he figured, and a friend was dead. He has already told the police that he had helped them and hoped they were already after him. 

The police in Belize were useless but an American being killed does make a big difference to the tourist trade. This might get their attention to do something. That was how he posed the problem to them to get them to help her. He couldn't believe the police trying to dismiss his call. Here he had a hysterical woman on the phone, and they wanted nothing to do with it. 


They loaded Renee on what looked to be a ten-passenger boat and in the very back they had Keith's body covered with their beautiful bed sheet. That set Renee off she charged towards him, and Thomas scooped her up sat her in his lap, and held her. She had finally calmed down so they thought they would get going. One glance at him sent her into hysterics again. Thomas fought to keep her from going to look at him. 

They shot him in the leg, and he must not have told them what they wanted to hear and shot him in the face. Thomas didn't want Renee's last look at him to be that horrific sight. He wanted her to remember the happy smiling man he knew who loved her so much. 

That was when she realized the laptops were gone and looked back at the island as they floated away. He had almost finished his book he was just pulling it together to send it to the publisher. She told the police about the book and the laptops and how badly she needed them back. One of the officers added them to his stolen list. 

How sad would it be after all the work he did for no one to ever be able to read his book? He was so much like Renee, the lousy first part of his life he had finally found happiness and then it was gone. 

Renee continued to cry and doubled over as if in pain when the lights of the city came in to view. She looked back at Keith's body a little bit of blood seeped through the sheet and she saw it and threw up over the side. She fell into her I can't cope daze and she was gone almost falling over the side of the boat before Thomas grabbed her. The lights of the ambulance came down the road as they pulled into their docking spot. They all thought she was handling this so well and now this. 

Blood was trickling down her leg as they took her to the ambulance. Thomas knew the baby was gone and again he felt it was his fault. He should have known better than to trust that pig. He was a thief and a drug dealer, but he thought he could step up and be decent one time. He kept asking about getting paid and he told him they had lots of money and not to worry. 

He felt he signed their death warrant by boasting about those people's money. He felt lucky he picked Keith up at the airport on his first day and gave him his spiel about helping them out any time. He has called him every time he needed transportation and help getting around this crazy country paying him well for his help. Renee had been smart to hide, or she would be dead or worse. She could have been dumped in some brothel for men who didn't speak English to use. 

Thomas contacted his wife to bring the taxi to the hospital. This was woman's stuff, and the loss of a baby was devastating, he needed help to comfort Renee when she woke up. She heard the desperation in his voice when he called, and she came to him immediately. 

They sat in her room waiting for a sign she would come back to them. 

"I'm not sure she will wake up she was in some kind of shutdown mode before they took her to the hospital," Thomas told his wife looking over at Renee as she slept, he hoped. 

"Time will tell Thomas, but they aren't your problem she has family, and you have her phone call them," his wife told him. They are losing money with him not working and them sitting here will not make a difference to this woman. 

Thomas had a bag full of all her stuff from the bucket. The police had her gun. All she must do is ask for it and they will give it back to pack in her luggage to leave the country. The phone vibrated in the clear plastic bag, and he could tell from the picture it was her sister. "Answer it and tell her," his wife told him.

"No, if she doesn't come out of this in a few hours I'll call her back. Renee needs to be the one to tell her."

"You're a chicken shit, here's your keys. I'll get a ride home."

"What; I asked you here to help," Thomas complained.

"Help! She is out what am I to do watch her sleep too. Nope, I have clothes to wash and food to cook. Come home when you can." She got up and walked out. 

Thomas watched his wife leave and knew she was right he needed to call her sister and let her handle all this. Stepping out in the hall Thomas called Monica and told her what happened. When she screamed, he had to start over telling her husband. He found her credit card and gave them the numbers so she could catch a flight in the morning. 

He gave Chuck his number for them to call and told them he would keep her valuables with him. He knew if he left them there someone would steal the whole bag. He was not sure who would be coming but he thought it would be Chuck. He was the one who sounded like he could keep it together. He left giving the nurse his number to call if he was needed. 


The argument was on who should go and get Renee. 

"I can carry her if need be, can you? I can deal with the police I have many times. All you will do is cry as you have been doing the last hour. Monica let me go and bring her back. I can take care of her for that short plane trip. Meanwhile, you prepare her some place to sleep in this place. With what has happened she will only want to sleep," Chuck pointed out and she made the reservations for his flight. 

He was crushed he liked Keith. They had made all kinds of plans once they came back to Texas and now, he was gone. He had never had a man with that much education treat him as if he was smart. He pointed out they were smart in different ways and thank God for that. 

Keith would have never known what to do with the water situation without him. He packed a quick bag this time dressier things. He would swing by the bank in the morning. He would need taxi money and food money. Thomas has her things, but he was not sure how long it would take for him to bring them if ever. Damn third-world countries. Sure, Thomas was good to Keith, but he paid him well for his help. 


Thomas waited at the airport for his flight. He knew when which flights came in and knew someone would be here for her today. Chuck walked out of the airport and Thomas snapped to attention. 

"Chuck," he called out. Chuck waved relieved to see a known face.

"Thomas it sounds like you have been dealing with a difficult situation," he called out as they shook hands.

"It has been unbelievable what has happened to them."

"I know two days ago we were happy people," Chuck commented and walked towards his taxi. 

"As I understand the police have already picked them up and found most of the stolen items. Renee was very concerned they found the laptops. His book was on one of them," Thomas told him.

Chuck got into the front seat and the hospital bag was on the floorboard. Picking it up he pulled the phone out and called Monica.

"I made it and know nothing, yet I'll call later," he told her and hung up. He knew she would ask all kinds of questions and he had no answers he just got there. 

"Police or hospital," Thomas asked where he wanted to start. "I just left the police station," Thomas told him.

"Ok, the hospital then. Has she woken up yet?"

"I don't know she was sleeping last night when I left."

"Ok well let's go see what we are dealing with," Chuck told him and sat back not sure he was ready for a Renee breakdown. They had never been close. He knew he disgusted her but with their stay, she seemed to have changed her opinion and they left on friendly terms. She even hugged him goodbye which shocked him. He always felt she worried his white trash would rub off on her.

 Thomas led him to where he left Renee last night and they found her sitting up in the bed. The detectives from yesterday were there and Renee was looking over some pieces of paper as they entered. She sat the papers down smiled and reached out to Chuck for a hug as he entered. 

"Are you Ok?" he asked holding her tightly. 

"I'm doing better. Detective Ortiz this is my brother-in-law Chuck McNeil. She looked past him and saw Thomas and reached out to him as Chuck moved back for him to get his hug. 

"I never got a chance to thank you for saving me," she said and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, you're welcome, I'm just so sorry this happened to you," Thomas told her as he backed away. Renee looked past him as if she expected to see Monica.

"I came by myself to bring you home," Chuck told her. "Monica was barely keeping it together and the kids are home you know it is summer," he told her hoping that explained the reasoning well enough. 

"I understand," she said sounding a little sad. "They brought me pictures of men they have arrested for the crime and I'm trying to remember who all I saw." She said passing the pictures to Chuck. All he saw was rough-looking black men. Thomas moved to look and saw a few faces he knew. He moved away shaking his head in disgust because he knew them all. 

The detective touched Thomas's arm and told him, "Not all those people are involved we needed more pictures for her to choose from." Thomas nodded his head to let him know he understood. It was a lineup without forcing her to face them. But he also knew those men had to have been arrested for them to have their pictures. Renee took a pen and circled three men on two pages and passed the papers back to the detective. "Those I know I saw but there may have been more I heard a lot of yelling and talking coming from them."

"Yes, Ma'am we understand, thank you for your help. Could we get a phone number and address for us to contact you when it is time for the trial?"

Chuck took the paper and wrote their information. He knew she didn't have a home address at this point. They would tell her when they heard from them. Everyone left except Chuck, and he pulled up a chair next to her bed.

"I'm so sorry Renee I liked him he was a good man," Chuck told her sounding so sincere.

"I know he was a good guy and I miss him terribly. More than I ever missed Martin. I can't believe I lost the baby too. One night and my world is over," she told him so soulfully.

"I know Renee, I'm sorry this has been unbelievably difficult. When can you leave this God-forsaken place," he asked as tears rolled down Renee's cheeks. She had loved it here just days ago.

"I think now but I haven't anything to wear except this hospital gown," Renee complained pulling on the side of the ugly thing. She dug around in the bag and pulled out her credit card. "If you would go and find me something to wear. Nothing tight please and I will have the nurse see about letting me out of here. I'm feeling fine and can get up and go to the bathroom no problem so they should let me go," she told him with a pained smile. 

He felt so sorry for her. She had been so proud of the little rounding belly, and it is gone which is so sad. He stood and approached the bed as she passed him the card. 

"So far no one has asked for ID here so you should have no problems," she told him passing him the card.

He cupped her hand and with a soft pat he told her, "Call your sister she is going crazy with worry." 

She had the phone in hand before he got to the door. 

Chuck walked out the front door he remembered that the tourist traps were everywhere around the hospital. Directly across the street, he found a pretty sundress with a removable lightweight jacket. He thought it would be great for the flight. She had bitsy breasts so she didn't need a bra, but panties would be good. Monica took after her mother's side of the family according to her and Renee took after her father's side of the family. She had no idea where she got her size and build.

 Monica towers over her and weighs twice as much. He prefers his women with meat on them that little slip of a thing didn't turn him on at all. Keith was obsessed with Renee he could see it in his eyes when he looked at her just walking in the room or when she caught his eye on the beach. He was so happy Renee found him after that jerk Martin and his abuse, but now he is gone. 

"Well apparently they didn't know I was there," Renee told Monica. She had been telling her everything she knew when Chuck walked back in with a bag. "I'm going to let you go so we can make our flight they are just waiting to kick me out of here," she said in a teasing manner which lightened Chuck's heart. He didn't know how he would cope if she cried the whole way home. 


The airline was giving Chuck a hard time about his quick turnaround until he pulled the manager to the side and told him what happened. Customs got involved, but Chuck didn't want to make a scene in front of Renee and set her off. They could see the bruises on her arms from the IVs and needles. He did need to go home if he could today. He must go back to work in two days and would like to relax for a second if he can. 

The flight back was quick, or Renee was lost in thought the whole time. She didn't even remember the stop in Houston so yeah, she was lost. They walked out to his truck and Renee told him, "Take me to the Windsor Hotel I'm not sleeping on the couch at your house. Tell Monica I appreciate her help, but I have to get on with my life."

"She'll be out here first thing in the morning banging on all the doors until she finds you," Chuck warned.

"That's fine I'll call and tell her the room number. I just want to sleep in peace is all," Renee told him looking exhausted as he started the truck. It was a normal June day in Texas. Hot as hell. No more nice breezes off the ocean.