Chereads / Where Is My Perfect World / Chapter 21 - The move to the island

Chapter 21 - The move to the island

Renee walked ahead of him carrying one of the lighter boxes. He was right it is beautiful, and it looked very much like the pictures. Keith followed with three boxes stacked high in front of him. She could tell he had been working the sandy path was newly filled in making the trip easier. He deposited his boxes in a chair by the front door took out his keys and lifted the storm-rolling door. "Now remember this is open most of the time so let me open this place up before you make any decisions," he said and walked in and began to raise the window blinds. It looked like the picture was very tropical and as each blind came up the better, she liked it. Making a tour of the house it was big. Four large rooms two with bunks so they would have plenty of room for Monica's family. She was not going to bring that up just yet. Making her way into the master bathroom she found some mouthwash and rinsed out her vomit mouth. She noticed Keith hadn't tried to kiss her. It was very understandable his reluctance to approach her. She found the kitchen where most of the boxes were stacked and started pulling the tape to unpack. The fruit he bought looked and smelled wonderful and she was holding a mango to her nose as he came back in with a couple more boxes. 

He circled her as she put the fruit in a bowl. He put his arms around her shoulders bringing her back to his chest and held her there. Twisting in his grasp she cupped his cheek and smiled up at him. Standing up on her toes she attempted to kiss him, and he turned his head. Dropping back down she twisted out of his grasp. She glared at him as she walked away.

"Hey, wait I just don't want to hurt you," he whines following her out the door. Where she thinks she is going he didn't know. "Come on baby I'll go shave if it means that much to you."

Standing with her hands on her hips a good ten feet from him Renee yelled, "How about you let me make that decision and kiss me? I have been waiting all this time for my kiss and all I get is a hug,"

He laughed and walked towards her his arms out. "I have been dying to kiss you too, but I don't want to poke you." 

She kissed him and yes it did hurt but not as much as the rejection.

"So how many more days before this mess is softer?" she asked still being held by him. 

"I'm hoping just a few more. I have never gone this long without shaving. I have had to shave since I was fifteen, so this is an all-my-life thing almost."

"You're just a testosterone-riddled man," Renee teased as Keith picked her up and carried her back into the house. He made his way to the bedroom and laid her out on the king-size bed and showed her how much he missed her. Poking or not. 

At sunset, they went out and sat in the sand of the now almost gone beach and watched as the sun went down and Renee fell in love with the place. 

The next morning Renee got up washed her face brushed her teeth slipped on some sandals and nothing else and went out to survey the land. Keith smiled watching her prepare for the day. He figured she would be the type. She was a nudist at heart lucky him. She spent days with nothing on in her apartment why should this be any different? About two hours into the day, he went out with sunscreen. His little white girl was pinking up even with the semi-shade she was working under. He had offered to help but she waved him away this was going to be her garden. 

Coating her with the stuff and paying attention to her especially sensitive parts he finished up and went back to what he was doing. Fishing and watching for the satellite dishman to come out and install their internet link to the world. A little after one Keith called out, "he is coming," and they both scrambled to the house for their clothes. Giggling about how silly it was they meet the two men at the dock. 

The almost daily bout of rain seemed to have followed them there as they slipped inside the house knowing it won't last long. Keith hadn't told her about the rain for her garden, and the fact you can take a cool shower every day if you just stand there and enjoy the downpour. If they had some way to collect the rainwater, they would have an endless supply of water. Once he has the internet, he'll look it up and see what he can put together. As it stands they barely have enough fresh water for the day with the system the owner has set up. Take one short shower and you can't cook or drink the rest of the day. If he could collect, it off the roof or a tarp and filter it in case of bird poop or bugs they could use it for showers. He does miss his long hot showers. So far otherwise he is thrilled with the place and Renee has embraced it as well. Now he needs to start writing. 

Since the men found too old lines for the internet at least they didn't have to drill new holes. Holes for the old satellite receiver were on the roof Keith felt he got ripped off. They did half the work, but he still paid for the installation. At least they left quicker, and Renee stripped as they boated away. She came back an hour later covered in mud grinning, "I'm finished," she announced, "and in a couple of months we will have our home-grown veggies." 

He laughed standing at the fish gut table she looked like she was twelve and wanted attention. He picked up a handful of fish guts and chased her down to the beach as she giggled and ran from him. Ending up waist-deep she ducked down and washed the mud off temporally clouding the water. Keith's hands became swarmed by small fish and picked his hands clean before he could reach Renee who was lounging in the water, it was cool but glorious. She knows in the summer it will feel like a bath out here. 

Something big swam under her and tentacles like arms pulled her under as a groping mouth sucked in her breast. He swept her down into the beautiful clear water and they swam in the beauty of the sea all afternoon. She felt like a mermaid if only she didn't have to come up for air.

They stood in the water and watched gulls fly away with his nicely flayed fish and knew he had to go fishing again. He could only blame himself but her naked ass bobbing in the water was to alluring to stay on shore. Renee began to laugh watching her dinner fly away. "You better get busy boy; I want some dinner." She dove back in leaving him to work she is the princess. 

This was her life puttering in the garden swimming fishing once she was taught how and of course sex. Good sex any time of the day. He has not denied her if approached nor had him.

The month passed and no period, so she knew she was home-free. Now the question is when to tell him her exciting news. His reaction will make or break this whole situation. He was right she did love this place and daydreamed often of the life they could have with their new baby here. She dreamed of them playing in the water bathing him in the ocean. 

She envisioned a toasty brown, blond-haired, toddler playing in the water as they watched him. Her attention was brought back to the fact she was fishing when the rod jerked almost out of her hand. Hanging on tighter she let the line go out further and then jerked back to set the hook as she was taught. The fight was on as she rolled the line in. Out past the shallows, a large fish jumped and so did her pole.

"Keith; come help me this is a big fish," she screamed even as far out as it was, she knew she wouldn't be able to handle it.

She heard him yell he was coming he was used to the game. If the fish is more than six inches, she needs his help. How he writes anything she was not sure. The poor man's name rings out all day every day on this island. He always comes to her aid with a smile. He did have to admit she is calling him less and less as she learns her way around this island.

"This is a big one," she said looking out to sea. Once again, it jumped displaying his size. Keith's grin grew as he sat next to her on the dock.

"How on earth did you cast out that far?" Keith asked her as she passed the pole to him. He was not sure if the line was going to hold this fish unless he could control it. 

"I have one of those shiny fish hook-looking things on it and cast out is all. Something big took it," she told him as he reeled it in. The line jerked as the fish breached again and almost pulled Keith off the dock. Taking that as a clue he stood and made his way off the dock down to the beach. He hoped to tire out the fish so they could net it. If he could get the fish to the shallows, they had a chance. Renee followed excitedly with the net in hand she was ready. She was so adorable to him. How did he get so lucky to have her in his life? He pulled her in for a quick kiss and went back to reeling that thing in. He would feel terrible if he lost this fish. She was trying to be helpful fishing on her own so he could think about something besides her. His beard has grown out, so nothing is stopping him now. 

The fight was on for the next thirty minutes he fought to bring it in and not break the line. He must admit she caught a big one. Now it was up to him to bring it in. She was standing right behind him encouraging him on as she always has. Within ten feet of the shore, Renee netted him as it made a beeline towards her. 

Squealing and jumping as she scooped him up. He was an impressive silverfish about four feet long. Keith called it a Tarpon fish as she struggled to drag him from the water. The damn thing was bigger than she was. He took a hold of him through his gill, and she lifted the tail end onto the gut table and Keith got busy and did him in. 

They have food for days if they want to eat the same thing. Then again fish is fish. She did like the ones with red bellies the best. This was her life debating what fish they liked and how much her garden had grown and he would read some he had written in the evening that was their way of life. Both seemed happy. 

The book was shaping up. He went with the fiasco of his marriage. Right now, he is working on his youth and the relationship with his friend to show how screwed up the whole thing was. She could hear the pain as the story was unfolding and it broke her heart as he spoke of Lucas. They had been such good friends and found a woman buddy too. They had a sex-filled youth which she figured he did, but she still laughed at the exploits they found themselves in and Lucas's grandfather did not help. He had encouraged them to keep going.

Renee sent a laptop to Monica a month after she reached the island. Making a quick phone call was ridiculous so she got on Amazon and had one sent to her. Now they can talk daily, and Monica has gotten used to seeing her naked even with her trying to keep the camera lenses on her face. Occasionally she gets a glimpse of Keith as he walks by unaware of what she is doing, or he doesn't care. She must admit he is impressive. The discussion of the day is telling him she is pregnant at least nine weeks. Monica was thrilled for her and concerned she was so far away from help, but women have had babies forever in the worst situations.

"He is either going to be happy or not. If he is mad at least you will be heading towards the airport tomorrow and you can come home and start your life over."

"I know you're right. It's just so nice like it is I don't want to rock the boat," Renee whined. 

"Understandable but you have to tell him," Monica chastised her, and she knew she was right. 

The plan was to make a trip to the mainland tomorrow, the first since she came. She was excited and Keith seemed to be also as he made the shopping list getting organized for the trip. 

"I can understand, but you can't hide it from him much longer that skinny belly is going to start rounding out, and then what? Oh, by the way, I'm pregnant. No, you need to tell him."

"I know maybe I'll pick up a pregnancy test and clue him in that way,"

"Subtle; good luck," Monica offered and let her go. 

She spent the evening sorting her clothes trying to figure out what to wear after a month of not wearing anything. She picked out shorts, a T-shirt, and her sandals. This was her biggest decision of the month besides keeping the baby secret. She has been taking her vitamins this whole month and she can feel the difference. She has more energy and is happier than she has ever been. That could also be who she is with and where they are living. She really could go for a thick juicy steak tomorrow she told him that night.

Early the next morning Renee was up, too excited to sleep. The trip back was choppier than the first trip to the island. One more vomit over the side and Vista Del Mar came into view or at least the dry scrub boating dock did. She was not sure if it was motion sickness or morning sickness either way she would feel better on dry land. Thomas waved as they pulled into the dock. 

He grabbed the rope tossed to him and helped tie the boat to the deck. Reaching out he took Renee's hand and helped her out. She was looking a little green around the gills he noted, and she stood unsteady on the dock. Keith tossed their shopping bags to the dock watching Renee the whole time in case she went down. She was not a seafaring woman, but she was a delightful island companion.

"Hi Thomas, why don't you take her to the car, and I'll bring the supplies," Keith suggested collecting up their things.

 "Hey Thomas, how have you been," she asked and took his arm as he walked her unsteadily to the cab.

"Good Missy and busy, lots of completely lost Americans here," he offered with a smile.

Renee began to laugh, "I think I'm one of them, so help us."

"That is what I'm here for. Keith, where do you want to go first?" Thomas asked getting Renee situated in the car seat.

"The best shopping area to start," Keith told him making sure Renee was buckled in. 

Thomas pulled over to a modern-looking building with many people coming and going. A boy sitting against the wall of the building with a box caught her attention because a puppy's head popped up. Climbing out of the taxi Renee made a beeline to the boy. Squatting by the box the puppies all began to jump for attention. Most were tan and brown but she was happy to see they didn't have the pit bull look to their muzzle. Reaching in she pulled out one with a lot of white on him and he wiggled excitedly in her hands. She turned and smiled at Keith, and he knew he was doomed. 

"Renee, look at the size of his feet that is going to be a big dog."

"We need a guard dog," she offered holding him against her chest as it licked her cheek. 

Thomas got out and began to laugh at Keith's predicament.

Keith visualized her playing with the puppy for hours and letting him write. She is right and having a dog would help alert them if someone is coming. He remembered as a kid his grandfather pointing out as they watched old movies. He would say if they had a dog those bad guys wouldn't be able to sneak up on them. He squatted next to Renee and pet the puppy and he could feel the fleas and knew the dog had to have a ton of worms. "The first place he has to go is the Vet. Is there one around here," Keith asked Thomas.

 "Yes," Thomas said with a head shake at how quickly they were roped in by this kid.

 "How much?" Renee asked the kid.

 "Fifty," the boy said as his eyes lit up.

 "Bull," Thomas shouted, "give him twenty he would be lucky to give those mutts away," he chastised the boy for trying to take advantage of the gringos. 

 Keith helped her up the young puppy was already half her length. "Ok let's go to the vet. Next time I'm coming alone," Keith teased.

They left the puppy at the vet so they could bathe him and treat all that ails him, and they would pick him up after they shopped. They shopped and Renee picked up a bag of puppy food and a huge bag of rice. She plans to feed him fish, rice, and a little bit of puppy food since it costs so much. 

She picked up the pregnancy test, but Keith was more interested in the condom selections than what she was picking out. Loading the taxi Thomas found them a nice restaurant so Renee could have her steak. It was cheaper to buy a steak at a restaurant than at the store. 

Thomas wouldn't join them he stayed with the taxi to guard their goods. Keith had something sent out to him from the restaurant. He didn't like he was left out of this good meal. They watched through the window as the waiter took it to him. He smiles as he looks around to find them. Keith knew he was invaluable to him in this town and wanted him to be there when they needed him. They swung by the vet to pick up Renee's new baby. They went to the front desk to pay the bill. A very American-looking Vet came out to meet them. "Hi, I heard her parents were American. I don't receive a lot of animals with American owners. It is nice to meet you," the Vet said shaking their hands.

"It is nice to meet you too and I'm shocked that you're working here," Renee told her. 

"There is a need here. I see you picked up one of the needy ones," she teased.

Keith stepped up to shake hands, "so how is our boy?" 

"He is a she first. You brought in a white and brown puppy, right?"

"Yes, and it is huge," Keith offered.

"Yes, she is going to be. I'm not sure but she seems to have a Great Dane and Labrador or something else huge. She is about ten weeks old and growing. Good luck. She will need to come back in a month for her next shots. She will have some loose stools while she eliminates all the worms. Otherwise, she should be good. She has been bathed and I gave her a pill to kill fleas and I'm sending one home with you to give her tomorrow to make sure they all die."

"We live on an island thirty minutes out, any way to buy the shot too," Keith asked. Bringing that monster back in a month will be difficult. He has had puppies as a kid, and they only get wiggle as they grow. 

"If you think you can do it. I will need to see her in three months for a rabies shot and if you want, I can spay her at that time. I can't send the rabies shot with you and the shot I send with you needs to be kept cool until you give it to her in one month," the vet told him. 

"Thank you. Maybe by then, Renee will have her under control,"

Keith offered and Renee smiled so excited for her new puppy.

"This will be my first puppy. I have never had a dog before."

Renee told her and the vet started digging around behind the counter and brought out three thin books to give her on the care and training of dogs. Keith had a collar and leash in his back pocket he knew she wouldn't walk on it but at least if she broke loose, they could control her.