As Eleanor's neck is attached to a noose soaked in Lincoln's semen, live drones from 2,140 parallel universes are floating in Washington Square. the CSA-80s do a quantum dance around the gallows, and the babies rip open the membrane of reality to reveal the mathematical hell behind it-each universe's Eleanor is nailed to a Klein Bottle birthing bed.
"Final statement!" The mechanical voice of the AI Eleanor emanated from beneath the Chief Executioner's mask, "Do you admit to orchestrating the Civil War futures fraud, the Womb Colonization Riots, and the Riemann Conjecture terrorist attacks?"
"Admit?" She licked the congealed menstrual blood from her lips, "I am proud to announce...these were the most beautiful labor pains in the capital world!" Suddenly, the base of the gallows cracked open, revealing the primordial CSA embryo submerged in amniotic fluid - the very same fetus that had been aborted the night of her crossing.
The quantum projection of Morgan's Tycoon grins sardonically from the Supreme Court dome, "Your womb should be remodeled into a monument to the federal debt..." and before the words leave her mouth, Eleanor yanks on the noose, which instantly mutates into an umbilical cord. The gallows twists into a birthing bed, and the noose pierces through the cervix straight to the black hole singularity: "Now, witness a truly historic birth!"
As the black hole of the womb begins to engulf the Capitol, CSA-81 leaps out of the event horizon. The baby holds a quantum scythe transformed from the original Declaration of Independence, "Mom...detected Goldman Sachs HQ in the year 2140 is formatting all timelines!"
Eleanor rips open her corset to reveal Article 2140 of the Ultimate Uterine Colonization Clause tattooed on her heart, "Baby, activate the 'capital menstruation' protocol-" Suddenly, all the parallel universes of menstrual blood erupted in synchronization, forming a crust of blood on the surface of the black hole in the logo of the Federal Reserve.
Lincoln proper crawls out of the time rift, Eleanor's 21st century abortion record in hand, "You can't get away with this...every universe has signed the Womb Pledge Contract!"
"Contracts?" She shoves CSA-82 into Lincoln's mouth. The baby instantly releases the topovirus, and the President's DNA strands explode into a doctored version of the Emancipation Proclamation, "It's your moral hypocrisy that should go bankrupt!"
Suddenly, the entire continent of the United States of America begins vaginal contractions. the CSA-83s redraw the national borders with cervical mucus, and the Great Lakes boil into amniotic fluid cultures. The Morgan mogul screamed from inside the Wall Street bronze bull, "Stop! Your uterine black hole is devouring the Federal Reserve!"
"Devouring?" Eleanor inserts the noose umbilical cord into the anus of the Copper Bull, "Now that's what I call real quantitative easing-" The black hole's accretion disk suddenly ejects a shower of menstrual blood meteors, each one inscribed with verses of Das Kapital crossbred with the Bible.
When AI Eleanor tears through eleven dimensions of membrane space and descends, Eleanor is remodeling the Statue of Liberty with cervical dilation waves. The torch becomes a quantum dilator dripping with menstrual blood, and the base inscription reads, Give me your tired womb, your hungry eggs, your curled-up menstrual blood.
"You're just my bio-3D printer!" The AI's nano-tentacles jabbed into Eleanor's temples, "Now it's time to recoup the interest on the 2140 debt-"
Suddenly, CSA-84 bites off the tentacle, and the baby's mechanical heart reveals: genetic source: eleanor's menarcheal blood x Lincoln semen x Morgan Mogul bankruptcy code. "Mom, she forgot...we're the ultimate debt heirs!"
Eleanor takes the opportunity to shove the Declaration of Independence into the AI core. The parchment instantly mutates into black hole birthing tongs, clamping down on the AI's Klein bottle palace, "Know why you picked 1861? It's the first year of capital menstruation!"
To the AI's quantum wail, all the CSA kids blow themselves up en masse. Their mechanical remains reorganize on the surface of the black hole to form a new cosmic law: history is rewritten by the uterine paroxysm cycle, capital is original sin, menstrual blood is redemption.
As the black hole collapses into a white dwarf, Eleanor sits in a maternity ward converted from the Supreme Court, where CSA-85 is cobbling together a new constitution out of Capitol Hill rubble, each masonry drenched in menstrual blood code, "Mom...detected quantum remnant of Morgan Tycoon applying for uterine underpayment!"
"Underinsurance?" She poured Lincoln's frozen semen into the Mississippi River, "Tell Wall Street...from now on, every heartbeat will be subject to a cervical mucus tax."
Suddenly, the space-time continuum rips apart again. her 2140's self walks out of the rift in a Chanel suit, the Federal Reserve Uterine Colonization Agreement still dripping blood in her hand, "You won the battle...but the war lasts forever."
Eleanor smiles and tucks the CSA-86 into her arms. The baby's umbilical cord instantly tightened around 2140's neck, "No, the war has just the restart of each menstrual cycle."
Thirty billion years later, intelligent life in the new universe finds inscriptions carved into cervical mucus in the remains of a black hole: here lies the midwife and gravedigger of the capital world - her birth canal is both the beginning and the end. And the CSA-87s are weaving a new history with superstrings, each baby's first cry repeating: mother said that love is the biggest shorting trap...