Chereads / Toonz Chronicles: The Tales Of Jair / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Oblivion

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Oblivion

Atlas and Jair walk to the car waving goodbye to his grandmother. They then walked home from NTown Five to NTown Seven. As they were traveling to NTown Seven, they stopped for the annual test of God cube checking. They cannot tell if someone has a God cube ability but they will often harass the citizens and most times the citizens will react by using their ability in a fit of rage. The God Cubes or people born with the abilities are known as God's Disciples because the theory is that god cubes change a person's soul and not DNA. The two types of God Cube users are God's Disciples who are born with an ability and God's Candidates who have obtained a gift through a God Cube. The officers stopped Jair and Atlas as they were walking home, Guard one grabs 10-year-old Jair and starts kicking and punching him as Officer two holds his mother Atlas in place so she can watch what happens. Jair screams in agony as he gets punched in the stomach by the officer, Jair yells, "Mom save me" as tears fall down his eyes. Atlas yells "LET ME GO, BABY I'M RIGHT HERE, LET GO OF MY BOY RIGHT NOW." Atlas's eyes then start to glow red but as Atlas was about to unleash a huge fiery explosion of rage, the officers get a report that there has been a huge lightning storm caused in NTown Six within the Northern District. The guards then processed to leave and go investigate since they are the closest ones to the incident. They let go of young Jair and all you hear is a loud yell, "AHHHH, I'M SICK OF THIS, WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO ABUSE US LIKE THIS", Jair is sobbing uncontrollably, and his mom tries to calm him, Atlas says, "honey calm down please," as she holds him in her arms. The guards walk away and Jair yells once again, "LOOK AT ME, DON'T TURN YOUR BACKS TO ME NOW" With the guard's backs still turned towards Jair. He yells, "OBLIVIATE." While Atlas still holds on to him, the whole Town is then destroyed in an instant, a white-covered light destroys all the buildings and the inferno soldiers within the area. Jair faints and all the citizens are okay while the white light was destroying every brick piece by piece, it seemed like them were vanishing into thin air as piece by piece was disappearing from existence. 

The whole district was now on red alert as alarms are going off and more soldiers are

entering the district. Atlas picks up Jair and starts to run home, it's only a Town away. As she is running news spreads within minutes to the Inferno Forces army about what is going on. One of the Inferno forces generals, Katia, and Council member Laisha teleport to the scene once they had got word of the incident. "This is the most destructive incident to happen in over 100 years." Says Laisha. Katia looking at Laisha says, "Grandma, how do we tell who did this?" Laisha replies, "We will just have to torture everyone in this district." Laisha then grabs one of the civilians who are shocked about what is going on. Laisha asks her as she holds her by the hair in one hand, "Do you know who did this?" The Lady she grabs is a fruit seller within Town Six, they call her Diane, and Diane replies by saying "Please don't hurt me, I don't know…" Laisha cuts her semtence off and conjures lightning in her hand threatening to shock Diane. Laisha says, "Diane, let me be sensible to you." Laisha proceeds to throw a lightning bolt at the ladies' fruit stand destroying it and engulfing it in flames. Diane begs, "I'm begging you please let me go, please don't hurt my family." As Katia is watching this happen she feels sick to her stomach and starts to question what they're doing right for the sake of Kolasi. Katia cannot bare to watch this go on any longer, she tells her grandmother, "I'm going to surround each Town and have the soldiers search for anything out of the ordinary." Laisha says, "Honey, don't worry, the army is already surrounding Towns 2-10 and are waiting for us to figure out who did it." In a sensible voice, Laisha tells Katia, "You don't wanna miss the best part!" Laisha swings her right arm up as it is conjured with lightning in her hand and says, "Thunder Domain!" The clouds hover over the whole Northern District, and lightning strikes the ground from Towns 2-10 and does not disappear, everyone in the district is now trapped. Katia is confused and hesitates to say under her breath, "Let the lady go." Laisha overhears her say this and says, "You're a general now, this is the force that is necessary to win." Then traps her granddaughter in a prison made of lightning. Laisha then summons a thunderbolt that hits Diane's arms, cutting it off.

 Diane yells in agony and tells Laisha what she saw, Diane says, "There was a boy and his mother that was stopped by officers, the officers started to beat the boy and held the mother down. As they were finished a white aura surrounded the boy and then all the buildings started crumbling away, as well as the soldiers. The boy was about twelve years old and his mother around 40." As Diane finished giving the last details of the boy and his mother she was then shocked by 40 million volts of lightning from Lasiha and died as her body was now a burnt skeleton. Katia wants to scream because she is sick of what she just witnessed but holds it in. After all, that would be her next if she showed compassion. Katia is then let out from the time out, Thunder Domain's prison. Laisha says," You heard that, go spread the information quickly, tell everyone it's a mother and a kid. I have to go wash my hands from this filth, I'll let you take over from here." Katia agrees and sends out a message to all of her forces to search Towns five through eight for a mother and a child and to bring them back to the capital's hold facilities. 

 Atlas finally makes it home and locks the door, she is in a panic and does not know what to do, she is scared for her and her son's life. She calls her husband to come home right away. The husband rushes home and asks what's going on, the wife at least then tells her husband about what happened with the guard situation and what happened with Jair. The husband is now shocked and does not know what to do. He's conflicted; he wants to be a good citizen and follow the law of the Inferno forces because he knows his family will be struck down with unmerciful punishments. While this is all going on he is comforting her but doesn't know what to do or say. Atlas says, "Should we… sho…shoo should we run? What should we do?" Her husband Simon doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know what's morally right and the just thing to do, he just stands there shocked as his wife is going on and losing her mind. Knock knock knock, they hear at the door and somebody is knocking that they don't know, they don't know what to do but they know if they don't open the door it will be suspicious. Simon says it'll be fine, go pretend to do something, I got us." Then proceeds to open the door and talk to the guards. Simon tells the soldier, "it's them, they were the mother and son combo that were the ones that destroyed the town." The officers then notify Katia of the whereabouts of the mother and child that destroyed the town. 

 Katia teleported to the location of the soldiers who reported that they found the mother and son duo that destroyed the town. The husband is nonchalant and goes back in to tell his wife that they left and everything is OK. She is relieved to hear that they are fine and nothing will happen to them, calms her nerves as she sits down on the couch and closes her eyes for a deep breath. He thinks to himself, "I mean nothing will happen to me." with a smirk on Smions face, as she closes her eyes. Katia then teleports herself and 20 other guards inside the home. Atlas is confused and shocked about what's going on as she opens her eyes thinking that everything was ok, she is now back in a panic and she's hysterical. Katia asked "who was it that destroyed the Town?" Atlas responded that it was me. My boy didn't do anything, it all was me. I saw that they were hurting my child and I engulfed myself in flames and I engulfed him in flames as well. That's why it looked like he had some strange aura and I set up the explosion. As she was saying this to cover for her son, she let out a fire blast from her hand and burned all the soldiers except for Katia, Katia then teleported behind her and stabbed her with a sword in her back. At the top of the stairs all Jair sees is his mother getting stabbed but not knowing why. Jair starts sobbing but doesn't make a noise because he's scared of being taken away or killed like his mother. He quickly hides under a floor tile in his room that no one knows about. Katia orders more guards to their residents and the whole house is searched but they cannot find the kid. Katia then asks Simon, "Where is the kid, are you hiding him?" Simon says, "No, he was sleeping in his room." 

"It must be his ability or something." 

 Katia then takes the body of Atlas to Inferno to show that she was the one responsible for the destruction that happened in the Northern district. She also thanks Simon for his bravery in defending his honor and the honor of Kolasi. Inferno wants to have a word with Simon, Simon is then brought into his office, and Inferno asks, "what made you want to snitch on your wife and child?" Simon said, "I wanted to make sure peace stays within Kolasi and if you thought I was with them, you would have to kill me as well and my family, when we're not a part of their scheme." Inferno says, "You have guts, I'll tell you that, we'll celebrate in every district to tell your story and how if you tell on your loved ones you will be rewarded." Simon says, "It will be a great honor to receive a national medal from you, my lord," Inferno says, "We will prepare the celebration within a few days, until then you will stay in the capital. 

Inferno went to call a meeting with all seven of the Inferno generals to get a status on everything that is going on and the maintenance of all of the districts within Kolasi. The generals all make their way to the meeting hall. The meeting hall is an oval room with a round circular desk with the six council member seats and the six general chairs all around the desk with the Infernos chair in the middle. All the generals and council members are present and await Inferno before they sit, Inferno and Bris then enter the meeting hall and sit in their seats and everyone follows to sit. The inferno force has evolved from how they were one hundred years ago from having a small army to having one of the world's greatest military powers. The ranks now go as the Inferno on top as the ruler of everything and the Six council members oversee everything from the shadows while providing advice to Inferno. The current council is the generals from 100 years ago. The Six generals go as follows; Laisha known as the Lightning Empress, Jordyn the Flash, Carlos the Destroyer, Kevin the Feared, Tyshae the Heartless, and Gio the Reactor. They were our war "heroes" from 100 years ago who now are council members. The current generals are; Katia the Vanished, Montise the Reposed, Melina the Beloved, Alexia the Cursed, Maxwell the Bombastic, and Joshua the All-Seeing. These are the current generals, and the ruler the face of everything while Inferno watches guides from the background Bris Biatrix his granddaughter. 

The most important members of the Inferno Forces begin the meeting. Inferno starts by asking for a report on each district. Montise says, "Everything in the Southern District is going well, we are the most prosperous of all the districts." Inferno replies, "That's good to hear," Bris asks Montise, "Do you need any support on the matter of anything" Montise replies with, "No thank you ma'am, everything is going to plan," Melina says, "Everything is the west is going planned, we are starting new development for being able to conquer the world." Inferno asks, "What are the upcoming developments?" Melina replies, "We are almost able to use a God cube as a stable energy source for the country." Bris replies, "That's good development, please keep us posted." Bris then asked, "Maxwell, how's the Eastern district?" Maxwell replies with, "The Eastern District is doing well, we are maintaining our material collection and everyone is being well organized" Bris says, "Good to hear." Inferno then looks directly at Katia and asks "What happened? We need a full detailed report. We have not had an incident thing big in a while." Katia says, "After we did our investigation, we found that the mother was behind the attack, after I found out, I ordered all the soldiers to look for a mother and child and to have them brought into jail to be examined, when a soldier found the perpetrator and the father gave up both his kid and his wife. The husband said that they were the ones who caused it and that they were responsible for the carnage. We then surrounded the house and I teleported everyone in the house, ready to capture the mom. The mom responded to us by lighting all of the soldiers on fire and trying to attack me, I had to teleport behind her and stab her to stop her from going on a rampage, she was then teleported to our prison care where she is currently under restraints. That is the end of my report, sir."

Inferno looks at Lasiha to see if that was the whole truth and Laisha nods since she was with her. Inferno then says, "We will question her, because if her ability is fire, how did she cause all of that destruction? Also, what happened to the lightning storm that was created right before that incident?" Laisha replies "It was a God Cube user, I felt the storm wasn't natural." Inferno says, "This northern district is always trying to rebel, this time they took it too far. I think we need to show what happens when you use a gift and you're not a part of the empire. We will reply by making it rain thunder and ice in the whole Northern district. Laisha and Tyshae if you wouldn't mind doing your own." Laisha and Tyshae nod their heads, Inferno says, "Joshua in 3 days I would like for you to start the broadcast and we will host the medal ceremony and punish the North the same day while we are broadcasting it." Joshua says, "Copy that boss"