Jair looks around and starts breathing heavily, the room is feeling like it's closing in on itself. He is staggered from hearing that his father turned him and his mother in. He's thinking to himself, "He's the reason my mother died" and starts sobbing uncontrollably as he remembers his mother to be nothing but a saint and how much he loved her. Iyanna's reaction was to ask "What's wrong, are you okay?'' As she asks him these questions all he can see is his mother being stabbed by his father through the heart. As he is breaking down in the room, Ester comes in and all her suspicions of him and what had happened are confirmed true. Ester holds him and asks "Are you the grandson of Chelsea?" While sobbing in Esters's arms he says, "Yes I-- a--m" Wiping the tears from his eyes he asks, "Who are you?" "Oh I'm sorry dear, I am Ester, an old friend of your grandmother," Ester said. The tears leave his face as excitement enters his face and he hugs her and says, "I've finally found you, my grandma said If anything was to ever happen, I was to come to find you." "She was always a mysterious one, after your grandfather "passed away" she knew that they were going to have to go into hiding," said Ester. Jair says, "I don't know much about my grandfather, well not that you mention it, I thought I knew my father but he turned us in." The demeanor on his face changes from happy about finding Ester to upset about what happened with his father, and now the Northern District is being punished for what has happened. Ester asks, "What happened with you and your mother a few days ago?" Jair replies, "I don't know, all I remember was getting mad and then boom a huge explosion turned everything into nothingness, then I passed out from how angry I was, then I woke up home in my bed and went to see what was all the noise coming from downstairs and I watched my mom get stabbed from the top of the stairs, so I hid in a secret hiding spot that no one would be able to find me in." Ester says, "I can see your soul, and it's very vibrant, it reminds me of John's. Think back to the incident, what was said before you passed out. "I don't remember," Jair said. They sit there for a few more seconds and Jair thinks hard about everything that transpired, he realizes that he said Obliviate before he passed out. He tells Ester that he remembers saying, "Obliviate."
As the lightning and ice were falling from the sky, it suddenly stopped from hitting the ground, it seemed that it was hitting an invisible wall that was protecting the district in the North. A man then appears and catches everyone's eyes, He then yells, "Melvin, you stupid fool, you were right. 100 years later is how we free the others, let's give hope into the new age." The random strange man is the center of attention throughout the whole Country. The man then says, "Hello Omnia Vanitas or should I call it Kolasi now…., anyway some of you older generation might remember me, I am Amier Darts the head mage of the Eastern district from the war 100 years ago! If you feel trapped, believe it was never like this, we lived in an age of peace." In an instant as they hear this man yelling, Katia quickly teleports to the northern district where the guy stands above the whole district. He's so high he's towering over the clouds. Jordyn, awaiting orders, sits on top of a building. Inferno tells all generals to "engage with lethal force, I can't believe this old fool is still alive bahahahaha." All Generals reply with, "Yes sir" Katia teleports into the sky to surprise slash Amier but is caught stuck mid-air, as it looks like the sword is about to cut into Amier, she is stopped and cannot touch him, no matter how hard she tries. He looks at her and laughs, "You new generals do not compare to my strength." Aimer grabs her by the throat and slams her into the ground at high speed.
Joshua teleports all of the generals to the North. Aimer looks at all of them and says," Begone, you're a hundred years too early before you can beat me." Every single general is knocked into a building at high speeds, all generals are confused as to what hit them. They didn't see a thing, one second they were looking at Amier next minute it felt like they got punched and were sent flying through multiple buildings. All the citizens watching are so happy and excited that finally, someone is doing something. All the citizen's are chanting for freedom as they watch the battle taking place above the North. While the war was 100 years ago, the North has been fighting for 200 years since they were the first ones to get conquered by the inferno forces. Alexia quickly gets up and makes an armor made out of the fire, she creates an anti-element that can counter the barrier that Aimer Cubity has up. She then gets up and jumps up towards Amier, while she is jumping up towards him Maxwell is charging a plasma beam. The plasma beam is shot towards Aimer as Alexia is jumping up about to cut off his barrier, the beam lands and hits Aimer first and he redirects it with Infinity back to Alexia, Alexia blocks the plasma beam with her sword. Alexia is brought to the ground as she is huffing and puffing from having to block Maxwell's strongest attack.
Alexia says, "Damn babe, watch where you're shooting." Maxwell runs over to see if she's okay, while he's running to her he quickly gets a face full of a fist from Amier. He took his eye off the battle and is now launched 40 miles into the closest mountain, creating a crater in the mountain. Maxwell screams in pain from the impact and is knocked unconscious. Every single General is infuriated and distraught between their strength and Amier's. After Max is blasted out of the Town, Montise shoots a sound blast toward Amier that seems to have no effect. Inferno, upset with the turnout of this battle, hoping that they would be able to capture Amier, Inferno orders them all to come back immediately, Joshua and Katia grab everyone and portals back to the capital.
While they are all retreating it sounds like a win for the North but as he lowers his guard Carlos the Destroyer appears, Carlos quickly punches Aimer in the stomach with a Destroyer's Fist. Amier dropping his guard for a second takes the punch but does not flinch and returns a punch to Carlos but instead of it just being a regular punch aimed for his rib, Aimer punches downward to punch him into the ground, right before Aimer takes his fist off Carlos, Carlos kicks him in the head with a Destroyer Kick launching him through multiple buildings in multiple Towns. Carlos's gift is to destroy anything no matter what property it has or what ability it is his gift will destroy through it, Amiers gift allows him to control the Infinite mass around him or others. While Amier was flying through buildings Carlos positioned his arm outwards and launched a Destroyer Cannon at Amier. Amier tried to defend against it by creating an infinity force field but it was destroyed due to the cannon breaking through it, Amier created an infinite force field that makes it so that every time Carlos breaks through it, it will continuously recreate, putting them both at a standstill. Inferno is tired of waiting for this to end, he quickly puts on his Inferno gear and uses his light cube to teleport to the battle in an instant as they were clashing he used his second cube, Annihilation, and combined with light to create Annihilation Light first which the speed of light and the destructive capabilities of annihilation and proceeded to grab his face and what seems to be an instant teleport to a vacant island and let out an annihilation bomb at point blank contact, The huge black explosion is seen by everyone from the country and the winds spread at high speeds from at the origin point to every part of Kolasi.
Ester tells Jair, "That's your ability, your grandpa was a powerful God candidate, he was able to control space and time, it's amazing that you would have a gift just as powerful. Jair replies, "I didn't know any of this exis--..." before he could finish his last words he turns to the TV where they turn their attention towards Amier, they hear his words. Tears fell down Esther's face, she thought that she lost him a hundred years ago. Their rebellion has been expanding over the hundred years, they watch as Amier inspires the whole country to fight back, but only a select few are willing because of what might happen to them if they're caught. Jair asks Ester, "That man in the sky, how old is he?" Ester responded by saying "He is one of the legendary heroes from one hundred years ago." Jair asks, "Where are we?" Ester says, "A kid around your age has an ability called Dimension Warping, we are safe in his dimension." Jair says, "THAT'S SO COOL!!!" Ester tells Jair, "I'll be back, I have a little special job for me and Daniel." Jair wonders who Daniel is and what type of adventure they are going to embark on. He waves to Ester goodbye as he watches the epic sky battle of Amier vs The Inferno Force. Iyanna walks into the room with kids around their age to talk.
Inferno stands over the beaten and bloody Amier and says, "What did you hope to accomplish from this?" Amier ignores what he has to say and faints as he's losing a lot of blood and is suffering from burn injuries. Inferno says, "I don't know how you weren't caught in the hundred years that we won but I know it ends here. (he pauses for a moment) Age has not treated you well at all." He flies up into the air and tells everyone, "This is what happens when you disobey the rule of the Inferno Force." Inferno holds his hand in the sky as a giant sphere ball is made, completely white with enough force to wipe the kingdom from which it came. The Annihilation orb is now complete and he launches it toward Amier, with a swing from his arm. Amier regains consciousness as the orb is being launched at him and he creates his perfect barriers to try and stop it but Inferno holds his hand down to where the sphere is and adds more tiny spheres to the big sphere, adding more density to the orb. It starts cracking through the perfect barrier, breaking it, it seems like it's over for the old hero. Ester then appears right next to him with a child and tells him, "Come with me." Amier questions who she is and why she has a child with her on the battlefield, "This seems like a trap, I don't know. Also, why do you have a kid with you?." The barrier starts to crack even more as they are having this discussion, Ester says, "AIMER IF YOU DON'T HURRY THE FUCK UP, IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!," As she finished that sentence she starts to cough and choke because of her age and he thought to himself "well I don't have any other choices really." The barrier breaks as he jumps into the dimension with Ester and Daniel.
Ester, Daniel, and Amier made it back safely to the rebel base. The rebel base is located within Daniel's pocket dimension. Daniel has the gift to create pocket dimensions, it is an ability that the rebels use to hide their presence from the capital. Daniel Esparza is from the Western District city called Osborn, he is 12 years old. The base that they are in is currently in Daniels's pocket dimension, Ester has been gathering the rebellion for about 200 years ever since the inferno forces came and took over the North. Ester and Amier sit on the couch in Ester's living area to talk about who they are and update Amier on what's been going on. Ester asks, "How have you been Amier?" Amier says. "I'm good, you say my name like you know me?" Ester says, "I know I look good for being over 200 years old huh?" Amier shocked, with his mouth wide open says, "whattttttt!!, you're two hundred years old, you look good for two hundred old lady" Ester says, "Thank you, I still got my looks, maybe not my figure anymore." They both laugh. Aimer with a serious look on his face says, "That still doesn't answer my question?" Ester says, "Oh my, you really don't remember me! That's such a shame. It's me, Ester." Amier pondered for a second then realized who that was 3 seconds later, he had a bright big smile on his face and says, "Oh wow, you're still kicking huh old bag." Ester hits him on his head and said, "Whos old now, look in a mirror." Amier says, "I look good for over a hundred years old, plus I've been places where time moves differently," Ester asks, "So what happened with John, Jovani, and the toon squad?" Amier says, "Well It's kinda blurry because of what happened, We were in a tight spot during the war, we didn't know at the time that the Inferno forces had such big numbers, and it was an ongoing war on each district, hard to fight them off all at once. They had switched their strategy, while in the middle of the war, giant beams from space hit the ground causing explosions on multiple fronts, John trying to contain all of the generals and inferno and send them far away failed and ended up sending most of my friends somewhere. I still don't know to this day, the Inferno forces think that they're wiped out but they had just vanished and it's been a hundred years since." Ester says, "I hope that they're safe wherever they might be, but we need to take back Vani (they call Omnia Vanitas, Vani for short)." Amier says, "What have you been planning over the past years?" Ester says, "well you know of the resistance in the northern district even from back in the day, but they have been collecting and CanadiensCanadients, they have also been experimenting on a God Cube." Amier asks, "What do you mean experimenting on a God Cube?" Ester says, "They have been experimenting with the God Cube trying to give the power to multiple people or trying to see if other people can contain the power of Two God Cubes." Amier says, "Wow! They have been doing so much, how successful are they?" Ester says, "They're not that successful but they do have a special squad within the Inferno forces with kids that can use gifts through these experiments. It's rare and tricky, many kids have died from this."
In the room where Jair resides, Iyanna and the kids watch what's going on through the broadcast. Iyanna asks Jair, "How are you doing?" Jair says in a mellow tone, "I'm just processing everything rn, I wonder where I go on from here." Iyanna says, "Well you can stay here with us I'm pretty sure. Jair asks, "Who is everyone here?" Iyanna replies by having everyone introduce themselves. Tyler says, "Nice to meet you, I'm Tyler Podney. I'm 12, I'm from the West and I can alter my body to grow or shrink." Nariah Says, "Hello, I'm Nariah White, and I'm from the West as well, me and Tyler survived with each other to make it over here to Ester." The rest of the kids then went to introduce themselves, the rest of the kids are Jessica Anichos, Luke Wiler, and Sofia Ennoyax who are all from the East and went to school together when they were saved and brought here. The last two kids besides Daniel are Matis Cong and Meake Bryxt who are from the Southern District. After everyone has introduced themselves, Jair tells everyone, "It's nice meeting you all." All the kids that entered are all around the same age from the ages spanning from twelve to fourteen.