The drive to where Juho was hospitalized was about an hour away from Shin's 'safe house'. I had to wear a blindfold and handover my phone to the old man to avoid finding out where we were actually going. The cautious man's explanation was that it wasn't a matter of trust. If I knew where it was, should I get caught by anyone going after Miho, I would spill it all once I got tortured. 'Nobody can hold through a torture' were his words.
Toward the end of the drive it felt like we were driving on some mountain road on a steep slope. I was only allowed to take off my blinds once we were actually in a building, just out side a very very sturdy looking door that required a lot of digits and a key to unlock and open.
With some taps and beeps and clack, the door unlocked and Shin pulled it open. We walked in and closed the door behind us. We went through a short air shower, then another glass door, and stopped in front of yet another glass door.