"Ms. Han, are you alright?"
Mr. Kim the HR manager dropped by my desk on Tuesday morning as I was - so obviously - daydreaming.
I was still relatively new to the company and I hated to give a bad impression, but the events of the past week and the reunion with Miho had put me in a state of daze. I couldn't wait to see her again on the weekend, although to some extent I dreaded the possible challenges and difficulties we might face. Seeing Miho in the current condition was both endearing and heartbreaking. She was a broken girl, forgot about her dearest brother, and was traumatized by the past that haunted her in her dreams. At the same time, despite her head injury, she was positive, energetic, and vibrant. The Miho of now had a completely different appeal from the Miho of the past, but somewhere along the line, her smile transcended and connected her past and present.
"I… I'm OK, Mr. Kim. I'm sorry."