"Please tell me something about your sister."
I asked Miho, trying to probe and learn something about her past, which hopefully would give some clue about her current state too. It was an odd feeling trying to act like Dr. Yang when I had zero clue about psychology or how to help people in the condition that Miho was in.
"She was beautiful. Kind. Very nice. Always spoilt me and… it was all very sad." Miho's face darkened, showing a kind of sadness unbefitting a predator, but I had to remind myself she was no longer - or at least not for now - who she was.
"You said 'was'. Where is she now?"
The saddened girl said nothing, but I could see that her eyes were getting teary.
"You can tell me when you are ready.", I tried to comfort her.
"Screw you! Why do you make me say it again and again!" Miho erupted.
"I'm sorry. I do apologize. We can move on to something else after you've calmed down."