As Zen, Asahi, and John stepped deeper into Viridian Forest, the atmosphere grew dense and quiet. The massive trees stretched high, their thick leaf allowing only fragments of sunlight to filter through. The deeper they went, the more the air felt still.
Zen already learned something important—when a forest was too quiet, something was wrong.
Asahi, who was leading the group, glanced back at Zen.
"Alright, listen up," he said. "Viridian Forest is divided into four sections—East, West, North, and South. Since we're covering the North section, our job is to scout for Team Rocket's presence, gather as much information as possible, and report back."
Zen nodded.
John smirked. " Just find out where they're hiding and what they're up to."
Zen frowned. "But what if we get caught?"
Asahi adjusted his Ranger gloves. "If we do, we have a backup plan. Pidgeot and Fearow will serve as our eyes and escape route. But let's hope it doesn't come to that."
Zen gulped but nodded. This was his first real mission, and even though he had fought Team Rocket before, this time was different. He now move as a team, but that also meant he couldn't just move alone, he had to work as a team.
As they walked deeper into the forest, Zen decided to break the silence.
"So… have you guys done a mission like this before?"
John grinned. "Not exactly. But we've had our fair share of missions."
Asahi nodded. "Our last mission wasn't as exciting. We were assigned to escort a top-secret package to Professor Oak."
John laughed. "Yeah, that one. Though, to be honest, the mission was boring as hell."
Zen raised an eyebrow. "Boring?"
Asahi smirked. "Well, it was supposed to be boring. Just a simple escort mission. But, of course, Team Rocket tried to ambush us."
Zen leaned in, curious. "What happened?"
John chuckled. "Let's just say it wasn't us who handled it."
Zen blinked. "Huh?"
Asahi sighed. "We have Captain Ray, and as soon as those Team Rocket grunts showed up… he just one-shot all of their Pokémon."
Zen's jaw dropped. "Wait—all of them?"
John nodded. "Yeah. He sent out his Machamp, and that thing just wrecked everything."
Zen had heard that Ray was one of the strongest Rangers in Viridian, but hearing it firsthand made it even more intimidating.
John grinned. "Meanwhile, Asahi and I just tied up the grunts and dragged them all the way to the police station."
Zen chuckled. "So, you guys didn't even get to fight?"
John groaned. "Nope. Ray stole all the action."
Asahi smirked. "Not that we're complaining. It was an easy mission."
Zen laughed. "Still, sounds like Ray is a monster."
John cracked his knuckles. "That's why he's a Captain-rank Ranger. If we ever get into serious trouble, he's the guy you want backing you up."
As they continued walking, the sun had already shifted past noon, casting long shadows on the ground.
Asahi suddenly stopped.
Zen immediately tensed up. "What's wrong?"
Asahi narrowed his eyes. "Pidgeot senses something."
Zen glanced at Pidgeot, who stood still, his feathers bristling slightly.
John's expression darkened. "That's not good."
Without hesitation, he gave a quiet signal.
"Fearow, get to the skies. Keep watch."
Fearow took off immediately, its large wings flapping as it ascended through the forest canopy.
Zen clenched his fists. "Do you think it's Team Rocket?"
Asahi nodded. "Probably. Pidgeot wouldn't react this much unless there was a treat nearby."
John lowered his voice. "From this point on, move quietly. If Team Rocket really is close, we don't want to alert them."
Asahi glanced at zen. "Zen Lead the way with ledyba. But stay low."
Zen gulped and nodded.