The morning mist hung low over the Viridian Forest, the air cool and damp. Birds chirped from the treetops, and rustling sounds came from the underbrush as the Pokémon of the forest began their day.
Zen sat on a thick branch, legs swinging, deep in thought.
Today marked his third day in the forest.
The task was simple: survive for three months. That meant staying safe, finding food, and avoiding strong wild Pokémon.
But just surviving wasn't enough.
"If I just hide every day, I won't get any stronger," Zen muttered to himself.
He had Kakuna and his new Pokémon, the one he caught yesterday.
It was time to train.
Zen stretched and patted Kakuna's shell.
"Wake up, buddy."
Kakuna's red eyes gleamed as it gave a slow nod.
Zen then turned to his other Pokémon, still sleeping, curled up against the tree trunk.
The red-shelled Pokémon twitched its antennae as it stirred awake, its large, round eyes blinking up at him.
Zen still didn't know what species it was.
"Guess I'll just call you Red for now," Zen said.
The Pokémon tilted its head at the name, then gave an excited chirp.
"Alright, let's move."
They slid down the tree, landing on soft grass.
Zen scanned the area, his eyes sharp.
It was important to check for any nearby threats before starting training.
Kakuna and Red stood beside him, also alert.
A few Pidgey fluttered in the distance.
Bushes rustled with movement, probably a Rattata or Caterpie.
No Beedrill. No Ekans. No dangerous pokemon nearby.
"Looks clear," Zen nodded.
Zen crouched in front of Red.
"Alright, show me everything you've got," he said, crossing his arms.
Red chirped and stepped forward.
It lunged forward, slamming into a rock.
Next, it bit down on a fallen leaf, tearing it apart.
"Bug Bite."
Finally, Red flapped its tiny wings, sending out a burst of glowing golden stars that dispersed in the air.
Zen's eyes widened.
"Whoa… Swift?"
Swift was a strong move, one that never missed. That was impressive.
"You may look small, but you've got some real power," Zen said, smirking.
Red chirped happily at the praise.
Zen scanned the area again.
His goal was to test Red's strength in an actual fight.
A small movement caught his eye, a Caterpie crawling across the ground, munching on leaves.
Zen pointed. "Red, that's our target."
Red's wings buzzed as it prepared for battle.
The Caterpie lifted its head, blinking as it noticed Red.
Zen smirked.
"Use Tackle!"
Red launched forward, slamming into Caterpie's side, knocking it back.
Caterpie wriggled back upright and countered with String Shot, firing a sticky web at Red.
Zen reacted instantly.
"Dodge and use Bug Bite!"
Red jumped aside, avoiding the web, then rushed in and chomped down on Caterpie.
The green bug flailed, then collapsed, defeated.
Zen grinned.
"That was easier than I expected."
Caterpie had barely put up a fight, Red was a lot stronger than it looked.
"Nice job, Red," Zen said, patting the Pokémon's shell.
Red chirped proudly, buzzing around him.
Zen nodded in satisfaction.
He let Red rest for a while, giving it a few Oran Berries to recover.
Now, it was Kakuna's turn to train.
He glanced at the cocoon Pokémon.
"Alright, buddy. Your turn."
Zen crouched in front of his cocoon Pokémon. "Alright, buddy. For now your strength lies in defense. We're going to push your Harden to the limit."
Kakuna's black eyes locked onto Zen's as it gave a slow nod.
Zen thought back to yesterday's Ekans attack, Kakuna had barely tanked that bite attack. That was impressive.
But Viridian Forest wasn't just home to Ekans.
There were far stronger predators lurking in the shadows—Beedrill, Fearow, even Pidgeot. If they wanted to survive three months in this place, Kakuna needed to become even tougher.
"Alright, Harden!"
Kakuna's shell shimmered, turning even tougher than before.
Zen walked over, picked up a small rock, and threw it at Kakuna's shell.
It bounced off harmlessly.
"Not bad."
Zen increased the difficulty—this time, he picked up a larger rock.
The impact barely left a scratch.
Zen grinned. "That's more like it!"
For the next few hours, they continued training. Kakuna would Harden, and Zen would test its durability.
By the end, Kakuna's shell felt like stone.
"Alright, I think that's enough for today," Zen said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
Darkness fell over the forest, and Zen climbed into his usual tree for the night.
Kakuna clung to the trunk beside him, while Red hovered nearby, buzzing softly.
Zen leaned back against the bark, exhaling deeply.
"Man… what a day."
He turned to his Pokémon. "We're getting stronger, but we still have a long way to go."
Kakuna nodded.
Red chirped in agreement.
Zen chuckled. "Crazy, right? Underage kid with two small pokemon trying to survive in a place full of wild pokemon."
Just as he was about to close his eyes…
A chilling silence settled over the forest.
Something felt off.
Zen blinked.
He turned his head.
The spot where Red had been sitting was empty.
"Kakuna… where's Red?!"
Kakuna's eyes darted around, scanning the area.
Then, Zen saw it.
A massive owl Pokémon glided through the night sky.
Its silent wings barely made a sound, but the moonlight caught its form.
And in its talons—
The red-shelled Pokémon struggled in the bird's grasp, its little wings flapping wildly.
Zen's heart pounded.
The predator had snatched Red without making a single noise.
Zen clenched his fists.
"We need to save Red!"
Zen then slide down the tree as his eyes locked onto Noctowl as it soared through the trees.
"Kakuna, let's go!"