Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 2 - Vol.1 Chapter 2 - Road to Old Ragnar’s Farm

Chapter 2 - Vol.1 Chapter 2 - Road to Old Ragnar’s Farm

Kingdom of Northumbria, Old Ragnar's Farm

I informed Ragnar that I had supplies near the battlefield I would return shortly. Imagine the surprise when I returned with a large covered wagon pulled by an extremely healthy black bull followed by a more than large wolf-hound that equally dark as night.

Ragnar yelled "By the gods boy those are divine creatures you have there." He couldn't help staring at them in amazement. I couldn't help but agree with him and nod my head. He turned to his head to his son Young Ragnar and said "Let's head home I'm sure your mother and sister will love to meet your new siblings". He was laughing so hard it felt like a mini earthquake.

I turned to Uhtred who had been quiet as a mouse with a blank look on his face staring at our father's corpse " Come little brother everything's gonna be alright. I have enough supplies and silver for both of us to live well and live well is what we will do."

Uhtred finally snapped out of his daze looking me in my eyes "I believe you brother where did you get this big wolf he's scary looking and is that big wagon what you've been working on when no one can find you?"

"Don't ask so many questions now little wolf just stay close to me and talk less listen more. By all the gods once we are safe you can ask me all the questions in the world.. okay?"

He turned and nodded his head I was glad he didn't continue to ask. I didn't want to burn brain cells trying to come up with believable stories on the fly. We had a good ride ahead of us to reach the farm so plenty of time come up with some by the time we make it there. Plus I wouldn't have to tell the story twice if I just wait to tell it after I adopt Brida. I wanted to make sure I had some badass stories so her and Uhtred's worship me as the eldest.


Some days later we had made it to the farm and I had my stories sorted out ready for the test. I had been watching the men mingling amongst them trying my best to learn all their names and taking note of anything of interest about each of them. I wanted to understand all I could about them and the inter workings of this crew of Danes around 2 dozen of them in total. I've learned old Ragnar is the son of Ravn an old warrior who had left Denmark with a ship of Danes to go a Viking west and ended up settling at this farm in Northumbria. Making him a second generation Dane on the island of British soil.

There is only 2 other factions amongst old Ragnar's crew. Kjartan the shipmaster and a burly man named Bjorn who only had 4 men following him only a couple less men than the 6 that followed Kjartan. The other 10 men were loyal to the Ragnar's some through marriage and others from Ragnar being their wealth-giver and having their respect.

I made sure Uhtred stayed close while I kept him well fed and clothed suiting a young lord I thought. I would wake him up every morning and feed him breakfast I had a small chicken coop built in the wagon so we had a fresh supply of atleast half a dozen eggs daily. The rest of the space in the wagon held dry food for us and the animals also the clothes and supplies I had prepared over the years for us.

By the time we made it to the farm and met Brida in the great hall and she saw us her eyes couldn't help but light up. I walked up to her and crouched down where I could be eye-level with her and asked "Hello little one your name is Brida isn't it? Mine's Aethred.. Well guess what.. the all-father sent me to be your big brother and this is my younger brother Uhtred he is your brother now. Don't worry.. Brida everything will be alright I promise."

She couldn't help but look up at me with wide eyes "Okay.. Aethred.. brother.. thanks." I had Uhtred hold her hand to make her feel safe and I made my way to ask Ragnar where we would live and meet Ragnar's family while I was at it. I made my greetings with them and then Ragnar took me and the kids to leave his hall.

Ragnar then took us down a path that cut through his farms fields leaving the cluster of buildings, of which I noticed one looked set up with a simple forge for blacksmithing that I had my eye on for sure, surrounding his great hall. Eventually I took in the site of the log building where me and my siblings would stay for the next 6-7 years not sure how long it will be until Kjartan tries to burn Ragnar's family alive while they sleep in their hall one night. I could try to stop that but I think it would better to not try to mess up the timeline if everything plays out like in the show. That way I can take advantage of the story to further my ambition.. to further my destiny.. destiny is all.

After that we got started making our new home.. home. I got the chickens and everything we need moved from our wagon into the cabin. The kids got the easier things to carry like our clothes I even had some ready-made girl clothes for Brida that carried into our home. I could tell Brida was already warming up to her new god-sent brothers. I was excited to tell the kids all the stories I had made up for them. I introduced Fenrir my wolf and Thor the bull to Brida and Uhtred of course they loved my divine beast as I like to call them. 

I remember once we got all settled in I sat them down at a table and fed them they both looked up at me after they finished eating and drinking enough I said "I want to tell you two something.. from now on I'm your eldest brother.. that means I will protect you, feed you, and teach you to be strong.. but that also means you have to listen to me and do what I tell you always.. okay? They both nodded so I continued "We must work together if we want to be safe in this cruel world.. trust me and I'll always protect you." After that I told the stories of how the gods would send me dreams teaching me how to do things and telling me what I should do. Of course they ate the stories up with relish.