The castle walls trembled with violent tremors, and the stone slates that lined the floor were subjected to powerful quakes under the thunderous words of Athan.
While Astravan stood with his palm slammed against his forehead as though unaffected by the convulsive vibrations of the castle, Trick desperately tried to maintain his balance, almost falling over in the process.
As if in a horror movie, Astravan's bizarre hat was slowly raised, revealing a mysterious figure that sat atop the trickster's head.
Adopting the form of a mere bunny but his countenance antagonizing their natural characteristics, Athan lifted up Astravan's hat to show only a portion of his figure.
He wore an otherworldly looking purple scarf across his neck which matched his purple eyes that shone with a powerful eminent glow.
His gaze was so sharp that Trick felt as though he were butchered in that instant into a thousand pieces as the ground increased its convulsive shudders.
In a flash, the mysterious bunny whistled out of the covering of Astravan's hat, heading full speed ahead towards Trick's face.
'This is bad!' Trick yelled out within his mind, instinctively putting his hands forward for protection.
Trick slowly opened his eyes, jolting in shock at a frightful sight.
'What the hell?!' Trick's mind raced in panic, his eyes bulging in shock on seeing Athan withheld in the air, inches away from his face.
"Astra…" The dark thunderous voice of the mysterious bunny rumbled once more as he stood in the air, held by Astavan.
"Unhand me!" Athan commanded, his terrifying gaze still locked unto Trick's eyes.
Astravan then let out a weary sigh, his grip still firmly locked around Athan's scarf with that being the only thing keeping the furious bunny from diving onto Trick.
"I'm not gonna kill the kid, just wanna give him a little discipline." Athan voiced out, as he turned his attention towards Astravan who gave him a questioning look.
The bizarre rabbit then let out a cynical smirk, noticing that the Trickster didn't buy his ridiculous statement one bit.
"Alright, maybe not." Athan mumbled audibly as he turned towards Trick, piercing him with an intimidating death stare.
Astravan then lifted Athan up to face him directly, before continuing their conversation.
"I actually wanted to call on your help for a little something." Astravan's face stretched out with a cunning grin, causing the rabbit to once more become encompassed with a myriad of questions.
"Coming to think of it, why exactly are we in this crappy castle anyways?" Athan asked in annoyance as he stared all around him, taking in his whole environment.
"That's one of the reasons we need your help." Astravan added, as he stared at the rabbit who paused momentarily with his eyes closed shut.
"I see…" Athan tore his eyes open in realization of what was now happening.
"A guy can't even get a proper nap under a hat without something crazy happening—"
"This is sure going to be one sticky pickle of a situation." Athan announced with an elated smirk, crossing his legs in mid air with his face resting atop his arm leisurely.
"Trick tried to sense the void beast's energy earlier but it was a dead end." Astravan let go of the mysterious rabbit's scarf, yet the rabbit still stood seated in the air with his arms folded across his chest.
The instant Astravan completed his statement, Athan laughed aloud with a scornful chuckle, rolling on his belly in the air and laughing Trick to stupor.
"Did you really expect the kid to be able to do it…WHAT A JOKE!" Athan continued his loud derisive laughs, paying no mind to Trick who shook with visible annoyance at his mocking jeers.
"Never give a child the great and mighty's job!" Athan added, wiping the last bit of tears that welled up in his eyes and finishing by throwing a derisive smile towards Trick.
Like a volcano whose pressure had been bottled up for so long that it just needed to erupt into disaster, Trick found himself asking the ominous rabbit one irking question.
And that was all it took to spur what had formerly died down...
The wrath of Athan.
"Can you really even find who we're looking for?"
In that instant Trick saw his master take a cautious step backwards, as the entire room became bathe in an oppressive purple aura.
"Huh?" A deep voice echoed across the room, the formerly joyous bunny adopting a sorely vexed mood.
"Can I even find a misley void beast?" Athan asked intimidatingly to the hearing of Trick who flinched back in fright, a multitude of thoughts racing through his mind at that instant.
'Why did I have to even say that?' Trick mentally rammed his palm into his forehead numerous times as he saw the dreadful bunny elevate into the air with gleaming purple eyes.
His current fury surpassing what he bore before, towards Trick.
"In case I haven't told you enough, let me refresh your memory." A cold wind suddenly started to billow across the room, beginning from a small breeze to a violent storm of wind
"Thousands of years ago…" In the instant Athan mentioned this very statement, Astravan pulled out his mysterious little book, flipping through its pages unhurriedly.
"He's at it again with that story, this is going to be a long one." Astravan muttered silently as gales of wind coursed through his clothing, shaking it under the storm's of wind's violent flurry.
"When you humans couldn't muster the strength you now have in the war against the void—" Athan continued, his aura growing heavier and heavier with each of his wordings.
'Dang it, he's going on with that story again.' Trick yelled in thought, employing his elbow to salvage the rough winds that billowed from Athan's powerful aura.
'That means he's really mad!'
Athan was a simple, yet complex case, if you made him mad two things could happen; he could lunge at your face and bite into it with his unnaturally painful teeth, teeth that were unnaturally too sharp for a rabbit's.
Yet, you could get out of that one with a few cuts and bruises.
However the second stage of Athan's anger Trick called the raging bunny state was when Athan would start to tell a story, a story which ended in…
Let's just say it always had a bad ending for the listener.
"One warrior slew more void beasts than had ever been killed throughout all of history." Athan took a pause, as his energy exploded with even more vigour.
"And his name was!"