Chereads / The Trickster’s Hat / Chapter 24 - A Woeful Voice

Chapter 24 - A Woeful Voice

The void beast gritted his teeth in sheer frustration, angrily biting onto his lower lip to draw out blood which fell as gentle drops, dyeing the stone tiles with a dark red hue.

However, it wasn't his engulfing fury that planted in him his current distraught mood, it was the sickening feeling of helplessness that jeered at him mockingly.

Helplessness as he watched himself hang against the wall, helplessness as he found himself facing such an overwhelmingly strong foe, helplessness that any of his words could spell death for him, helplessness that Astravan looked upon him like shit he could dispose of any time he felt like it.

Helplessness at the weird feeling which made his heart race with unease, and helplessness that right now, his entire body quivered rapidly… 

From fear at Astravan's domineering presence.

A sick grin spread through the Void beast's face.

'Mimetrieze, what are you even doing?!' The beast questioned himself, watching his pitiful situation unfold before his melovalent red eyes.

'My sole purpose for creation is to curse humans!—' Mimetrieze stared into the depths of Astravan's eyes. No matter what he did, the Trickster would kill him nonetheless.

'Not the other way around!' He once more found himself lost in the overwhelmingly dark cloud that was powerlessness.

But this time, his helplessness didn't cause him to groove into his heart, begging for mercy pathetically.

It instead stayed lodged within the soil of hatred that loomed in his diabolic soul, its seed blossoming to form the profane feeling…

Of frustration within the Void beast's heart.

As Astravan held onto Mimetrieze against the wall, a slight chuckle beginning from being as inaudible as a whisper till it became as loud as a nonchalant shout resonated all through the large castle hall, by virtue of the dreadful Void beast, Mimetrieze.

'FUCK IT!' Mimetrieze lifted up his lowered head, staring at Astravan with a wide grin spread through his bleeding lips.

'If he's gonna kill me at the end of the day.'

'I might as well in turn curse him till my very last breath!' Mimetrieze yelled mentally, pondering on his next move.

'After all, the ability to plague humans into a lonesome feeling of anguish, is what my heart truly yearns so desperately for—'


"Don't waste my time, where is the Artifact hunter Nicolas?" With a commanding question, Astravan retracted Mimetrieze from his myriad of thoughts.

He then rose the Void beast higher against the wall, pushing him even further against it, but instead of answers, what he got were the mocking chuckles thrown into the air by the guileful Void beast.

With his crazed laughs growing greater, Mimetrieze finally opened up his mouth to speak, but what came out his lips were not the words Astravan wished to hear.

Instead, they were words hell bent on causing the highest degree of grief beastly possible as Mimetrieze slowly mentioned 3 disheartening words which doused him in a bath of violent ecstasy.

"Nicolas… is dead!" 

Astravan's face creased in insurmountable fury as he stared holes into Mimetrieze, his grip against the Void beast's clothing getting increasingly tighter as Mimetrieze continued to speak.

"Sorry, my bad!' Mimetrieze yelled into the air, his heart leaping in mirth as he cried out with his diabolical laughs.

"You humans do hate when someone's so straight to the point regarding things like this don't you?"

Mimetrieze's eyes glinted in pure excitement remembering the scene which played out in the cave of the Azure ruby.

"I really am sorry about that, but as a token of my apology I can take you to his dead body…"

Mimetrieze reveled in his crazed words, his eyes bulging out so much in laughter that they started to slightly bleed under the pressure.

"That's if you consider a bloody pulp of shriveled flesh a dead body!"

"Hahahaha!" Mimetrieze cursed the atmosphere with his fiendish chuckles, his eyes closed in mirth as he relayed his grim message.

However, Astravan did not find things as funny as Mimetrieze did…

Not one bit.


In an explosion of fury, Astravan slammed Mimetrieze hardly against the floor, the stone tiles shattering under the impact to give way to a shallow crater under the back of the dastardly Void beast.

"You bastard." Astravan kept his tight hold against the Beast even as he laid smashed to shambles within the stony depression.

Yet Mimetrieze kept on talking.

"Don't give me that look." Mimetrieze lifted his arms away from himself, positioning it in the air as a gesture of innocence.

"It was the chief who killed him, not me, with just one look, BOOM!"

"And Nico's head went flying." Mimetrieze added, remembering what planted in him the most blissful exuberance.

"But I am guilty of one thing…" Mimetrieze's eyes shone in its glistening scarlet gleam, radiating a baleful red glow as he spoke.

Suddenly the atmosphere around them embraced a gloomy feel, and the air started to feel heavy, its former neutral aroma poisoned with a profane smell from the Void beast's sinistrous aura. Before he continued.

"Having an exquisite meal afterwards!" Mimetrieze licked through his lips as streams of saliva escaped from his mouth, bathing his chin with it to give the Beast a grotesque look.

Astravan's face twisted to form a furious scowl as he eyed the sickening look the Void beast had pasted on his face. 

His eyes overturned with disgust and his face creased in fury as he realized one horrific detail.

The Void beasts had already devoured Nicolas leaving nothing but shriveled bones and left over flesh behind.

There was no more Nicolas left to be buried.

"So you consumed him huh?" Astravan asked, his words following a sickening thud that crushed Mimetrieze's skull against the hard stony ground, the bloody guts from his head smearing the floor with a defiled look.

Athan elevated his hands in joy, before folding his tiny rabbit arms around his chest and nodding his head in joy for Astravan's ruthless move. The wide grin he had on his face growing larger as he watched the Void beast's crushed head splodge onto the ground.

However, Trick didn't quite feel the same way as the mysterious bunny did.

'Whoa!' Trick yelled in shock once more, seeing the beast's head burst against the stony floor. But before he could take in the gory sight currently playing before him, a dreadful voice invaded his hearing…

One which was painfully familiar.


As though bearing the innate instinctive characteristics of a ravaging whirlwind, an odious aura filled the castle, billowing over the castle halls where Trick stood. 

As though the calamitous situation before Trick couldn't get any worse, as if the grim mood hanging over the air couldn't grow more baleful.

One voice had currently fanned the flames of the seas of troubles which filled the halls Trick currently stood in.

Trick stood, his heart clothed in a veil of befuddlement as he heard the words of the sinistrous speaker.

"Artifact hunter…"