We were in and out in what felt like maybe thirty minutes, and with all my experience having to wait in all sorts of lines in my last life I was beyond shocked that we had achieved what we had wanted in such a short amount of time.
For us to be done so quickly was impressive, and to achieve an official party registration with benefits was just what I thought was incredible about this new world... besides the fact that I was surrounded by dozens of beautiful women and apparently the thing I liked doing the most - having sex - wasn't frowned upon here too much.
I mean, Izzy and Ulya had spent a long time last night pounding me in the bed that they had rented, and not only had they been pounding me, but they both had easily taken my ass instead of my pussy, not seeming at all disgusted by that... so perhaps they were quite experienced in picking up women...
Either way what really mattered was just how efficient the Guild had been, and it was something that would definitely take time for me to come to terms with since I was likely going to need to interact with the Guild more and more as time went on.
For now though Izzy just guided us out of the back of the Guild and into a gigantic sand covered expanse that was set up for all kinds of training; on the opposite end of this many hundred by many hundred foot expanse was an obstacle course that was comprised of wooden beams, walls, poles and more, and nearby us were dozens upon dozens of training dummies made from all kinds of materials.
The area was so huge that the dozens of people that were here didn't even take up that much space, so the Reptilekin guided Ulya and I over to one of the available wooden and straw training dummies as she decided to test me here.
Ulya just practiced nearby with her blade, controlling her strength and honing the technique itself by going through the motions to understand the muscle groups that were used for each part of her technique, which was completely fascinating to watch, both because she was quite skilled and because of how sexy she looked doing it.
Izzy just swatted my butt when she noticed I wasn't paying attention to her, and while I initially thought that was because she wanted to cop a feel of me yet again it turned into her cuffing the back of my head next when I gave her bedroom eyes.
"Focus on training, you horny bunny. Unsheathe your sword and let's see what you got. Don't hold back, just swing and try to 'kill' this training dummy, alright? It has a self repair enchantment on it, as well as a myriad of other spells, so have at it."
Crossing her arms beneath her chest, Izzy took a step back and waited for me to begin, her golden eyes trained on me so intensely that I was worried she was going to give me a life altering grade on this test, but I steeled myself anyways and unsheathed my sword.
It was a simple, basic starter weapon that was just meant to get you into the familiarity of utilizing a weapon, but that was more than alright as I grasped its slightly longer hilt with both hands and raised it up high.
Starting with a downwards swing, I thwacked the wooden crossbar of the dummy and promptly let out a hiss of pain as the vibrations from the impact traveled up my arms, my body not used to this, especially not since the metal blade didn't even chip the wooden beam.
The dummy just looked like a typical, cheap training dummy, made from a wooden cross and a sack filled with straw that comprised its torso and another, smaller sack for its head, so my initial strike had been on its shoulder.
Pulling the sword back from where it had begun to rest on the dummy's shoulder, I stepped forwards and stabbed my sword into its gut, piercing the sack and stabbing completely through it, bringing a smile to my face.
When I tried to yank the sword free though there was some resistance that caused me to stumble backwards, and it was at that point that Izzy let out a sigh and caught me before I fell flat on my ass, the Reptilekin looking down at me with a wry smile as she just studied me quietly.
"I'm going to be completely honest here, Tuzi... if you weren't such a good fuck and quite the fascinating little bunny, this would just be... it. I've seen children swing a sword better than you, and I've seen old ladies with more controlled footwork despite only having a single foot."
Her words were a bit harsh, and while that definitely was a blow to my overall confidence and mental state, I was also quick to just shrug it off as I asked "I... had a feeling I wasn't the most talented with a sword, but... surely I can still learn something..?", making Izzy chuckle as she nodded.
"Again, only because you are such a good fuck am I even willing to do this, but... for the little bunny that isn't that strong and isn't that talented with a bladed weapon, I have this. It's a simple, efficient and easy to use weapon known as a club."
She hooked something off of her belt and put it into my hand, making me blink a few times in confusion when I saw a four inch or so cylinder that rested in my palm; sensing that, Izzy closed my fingers around it and guided my movements as she had me swing downwards.
Something sparkled off of her fingers as well, and I gasped when the metal cylinder began to lengthen into a three foot long rod of metal that was adorned with spikes at the weighted tip, its simplistic shape leaving little question for me on how I should wield it.
"This thing is simple. Swing it hard and bonk whatever needs bonking. This specifically is an enchanted weapon that I made myself as a backup and a tool, so I don't really care much giving it to you. And since I can see the sparkle and wonder in your eye, it isn't that impressive of a feat. I just collapsed a metal rod into a smaller metal rod."
Even still I was staring at the weapon with a goofy smile as I saw magic in action for the first time, and that made Izzy chuckle again before she said "All you need to do is run your mana into the rod and it'll return to its previous form. I've been seeing your attempts to use magic and I can tell you that you can flip this between its forms. Now, are you ready?"