Chereads / Adventures Of The Ero Bunny / Chapter 12 - Potential

Chapter 12 - Potential

This time when I attacked the dummy I didn't feel as useless as before, though the reverberations were definitely still there... but at least I didn't stumble around like an idiot afterwards, so that was a plus..!

I think..!

What I did know though was that it was definitely easier to just swing a mace around and understand how its 'attack patterns' worked compared to a sword; I mean, one whole aspect was now gone completely from what I needed to learn.

You 'could' stab with a mace, sure, but nine times out of nine and a half you are just going to swing it around instead of stabbing since that makes more sense with how a mace works; the heavy head benefits from these powered, wide swings of your arm over the more controlled and less explosive action of thrusting.

That wasn't to say there was no thinking involved in using a mace; it wasn't just swinging around aimlessly like I initially thought, and I realized there was a lot needed to make it work very efficiently, from the ways I swung my arms to the utilization of my legs in different ways.

Then there were the follow up movements I needed to continue feeding my momentum into my attacks, and that was definitely going to require a longer, more detailed training session from Izzy sometime in the future, but at least I was getting some progress here as she guided me on how to go from just swinging with my arms to swinging with my arms, shoulders, waist and legs, using more of my body each time.

And now I wasn't just using my body to get her horny, but instead to whack this dummy over and over again as I got to feel just what groups of muscles I was going to need to work on improving, which... made me feel incredibly sore and inadequate.

"It's alright. I could tell you'd never really been in a fight before, and most E Ranks have never been in one either, so I'm not surprised. Everyone starts somewhere, and you just so happened to start here, today. Better late than never, and definitely better than some of the classes in those stuffy ass Academies and shit."

Patting my butt again as she pushed me to do another set, Izzy watched me some more and gave me a few more tips on the raw strength I needed for this before introducing me to the things I had noticed when we were in the line; mana enhanced strikes.

"When you push your mana through your body and just cycle it around without giving it a release it results in you empowering yourself. This isn't something that most people can do for a long time, so don't attempt this for longer than... two strikes just yet, okay? Feel the mana inside of yourself, harness it, and guide it through your limbs. Start with just the arm for now, learn what it feels like, and get used to it."

I nodded and got back into the stance she showed me, sliding my left foot forwards and twisting myself a little as I held the mace in my right hand, preparing to twist my waist back towards its natural position and making use of the power that would give to slam my weapon into this dummy's 'skull'.

Holding that position, I felt for that energy within myself, ignoring the sweat that poured off of my body and the muscles that were screaming at me for a break, instead finding that warmth and trying to grab it yet again.

When it felt my 'grasp' it shuffled around and avoided me for a moment before curiously following along, moving from my chest over to my arm, making my fingers tingle while my aching arm felt refreshed and ready for hours of fun.

Giving the mana a few rotations from my shoulder down to my fingers and then back, I stared at the dummy before swinging my new weapon over at the dummy's head, expecting to just deal with more of the same; the wooden neck absorbing the impact and causing the mace to slip over it like it was no big deal.

I had yet to actually deal any damage to the thing yet, so when I swung the mace I was expecting more of the same... and that was pretty much what I got, except for the fact that the 'crack' that came from the mace smacking against the straw filled sack was less muffled than before, and as I caught my momentum and redirected it for an upwards strike that I felt looked cool that crack got a little louder.

And now there was an actual crack on the wood that held up the head; it was enough to make me scared I had actually damaged the dummy and therefore needed to pay to repair it while also being small enough that maybe I could just get away with it..?

Only to breathe a sigh of relief when it mended itself a moment later, but that crack appearing made Izzy nod appreciatively as she said "Not bad. Upwards swings are kinda... stupid, but not bad. Might catch someone off guard and pop their head off with it, or you'll throw your arm out of its socket and send yourself sprawling onto your ass if it misses."

I grinned at her anyways since praise was praise, and the Reptilekin raised a brow as she said "I didn't say you could stop. Another five normal swings then two more empowered ones. We're here to test your stamina, after all. And so far I'm seeing what I saw last night; an endurance focused bunny with a lot of potential."

That made me groan even as my grin fought to return as I turned back around, preparing for my five normal swings and settling myself into my stance, only to blush a little as Izzy added "Your potential, by the way, is either taking cock in the ass better than anyone I've fucked or being a scrappy little bunny that knocks people out with a single hit. I'm thinking you're better at taking cock in the ass though..."