Chereads / Adventures Of The Ero Bunny / Chapter 17 - Look Into An Adventurers Life

Chapter 17 - Look Into An Adventurers Life

"So that town outside - the actual brick and mortar town that exists a mile or so out - was formed because of these mines, right? And then all of the smaller adventurer towns that popped up around the entrances themselves were made for adventurers by adventurers?"

"That's correct. All of the tents and carriages we just passed were owned by adventurers and set up by adventurers so that they could have a closer point of rest than needing to walk that mile or so to get a bed.

This also helped foster far more fair trades between people who understood what actually happened to get the thing you are trading to them; you get fairer deals here than back in the actual town.

For us, however, we'll be walking that mile back towards the actual town since the Guild has constructed a large barracks for anyone who is approved by them to stay there for free. Unless, of course, you fancy one of the adventurers outside and want to stay with them?"

Izzy just flashed me a small smile before gesturing towards the adventurers around us inside of the first area of the mines, with many lugging crates or sacks of materials back out, while a couple of them were doing gear checks as they prepared to set out into the depths.

We were three amongst dozens preparing to head down into the depths of the mine, and some of our 'peers' took glances at us before they returned to their own devices; others had some clear interest in us for more 'selfish' reasons, and when some of them winked at me or whistled I felt that familiar rush of excitement that came with the attention.

But unlike before where I could just break away from my group, go and flirt with some good looking women or futanari, get their numbers and then text them later in the day to see if they were down to have sex, now I was actually on a job that required me to think more with my head and not with my cock and womb.

We didn't have time for me to get a raincheck on some arrogant looking Orc futanari that was clad in only furs, or the seductive, secretary looking human with some giant tits that threatened to pop out of her rather tight robes; I was instead forced to focus on what we were about to do, and that was actually quite exciting on its own.

The mines were quite the interesting place as well, the green stone carved out to smoothen everything here near the entrances while the various natural tunnels that dove deep into the earth were all marked and labeled appropriately to ensure people went to a location that matched their skill level.

Some of the tunnels even traveled up towards the mountains peak, and at first that confused me until I came to the conclusion that we were currently in the friendlier, more low level sections that would only have monsters near our rank and power.

That meant the peak and the depths were likely of equal levels of danger just in different ways, but that wasn't really of much consequence to me as of this moment; what did matter was where we were able to go right this moment, and that was either up or down to the fourth floor.

"What's the plan? Start slow or throw ourselves right on into it? What can we expect?"

Izzy flashed me a 'grin' as she answered "Light on the monsters and whatever we face will typically be rather weak. Heading to the second floor - downwards - to get better odds of finding some good ore. Today is a slow day with us just getting ready for the third and fourth floors."

The other warrior grinned as well as she rubbed at the small of her back, adding "Plus I'm not exactly in the greatest of shape at the moment, so... y'know...", which made Izzy and I both roll our eyes at her.

"Alright, the kind of monsters here are your typical, run of the mill lower level things like goblins, slimes, imps, basic golems... things that are slow, clumsy, relatively weak and easy to fight, even for you. That doesn't mean you can let your guard down though, Tuzi. If one of those things gets behind you and can land the first blow, the chance of them coming out on top is quite high. And... well..."

Both of the warriors sighed a little at that, and I didn't really need to ask since I had seen a goblin before in all of it's 'glory', so I got what they were insinuating; what I didn't get, however, was one of the adventurers that was walking past us who stopped and gave us all a grin.

"When you get a high enough level though, those pesky goblins can be quite~ the fun time~! Or slimes... for both futanari and women~!"

With that she just walked away, and Izzy sighed again before answering the question I was about to ask her, saying "And some adventurers are actually... well, I would say fucked in the head but really it's just a rather extreme kink; some of them enjoy sex with monsters, which... isn't illegal but is definitely morally questionable. Especially when they come back to the city with a swollen womb filled with monster babies."


The Reptilekin just shook her head and left it at that, beckoning for us to follow her towards one of the tunnel entrances that read 'Floor 2 : Poltra's Cavern' in large text, and below that was 'Threat Level : Low', which gave me a little relief as I was hopeful that I wasn't going to need to think as much after hearing what Izzy had just dropped on me...

For now though I palmed my new weapon and walked between Izzy and Ulya, prepared for a battle to break out while also praying that it didn't just yet as I just acclimated myself to the cool, still depths of the mountain we were in.