"Feeling better now?"
Izzy crouched beside me with a small smile as she listened to me heave a little more, my stomach doing another flip before finally settling down into a bit of a stable situation now that I had completely cleared my stomach of all of its contents.
Glaring up at the Reptilekin, I watched as she chuckled and walked away, leaving Ulya to kneel beside me and begin stroking my back comfortingly as she helped me through this trying time, my body finally deciding that enough was enough and that the headless, gross corpse of the goblin wasn't that disgusting anymore...
At least, until I looked at it, saw the inside of the remaining portion of its head and then proceeded to dry heave as I tried to expel even more from my now empty stomach... but this time I was truly done, I promise..!
Looking away from it, I cleansed my mouth out with the offered waterskin before shakily getting to my feet, preparing myself to continue forwards... only to yet again feel my legs falter as I was greeted with the sight of two neatly bisected goblins that had been killed by the two warriors beside me.
"I hope you get over this soon, Tuzi. Things can get messy here as an adventurer, and some of the monsters you fight are even more disgusting than this; the undead can be quite the... fascinating monsters..."
"How... How do you just... get over... something like this..?"
I waved my hands at the corpses before swallowing down another large amount of bile as I noticed that the mace was still plastered with the brain matter of the goblin I had killed, sticky pieces of pink organic matter clinging to the shaft while small sparkly bits of white shards were reflecting the light from the various crystals that illuminated the cavern.
"Repeated exposure. Being able to accept that things get messy and that there are sometimes going to be moments where a brutal kill like this is needed. See, most people think of us as mindless brutes that kill anything anyway we need to kill it.
The thing is we actually prefer clean kills, for a multitude of reasons. Goblin ears are actually an alchemical ingredient when it comes to fertilizer or other rituals related to the earth, so shattering its skull costs you money. Their bones are ingredients as well, so anything that damages their bones also costs money."
Ulya gave me a comforting pat on the back again before she added "What's she trying to say is that it becomes easier when you focus on the why and not on the action itself. The reason we are doing this is money; how we get the money is important, yes, but if it starts distracting you, you're not going to be making a lot of money."
"Barbaric? Crude? Sure, but it doesn't matter when you get paid enough to live your life to the fullest. Money talks more than people want to accept, and money can get you to do crazy things, can't it?"
Izzy gave me another smile before showing me the ears that she had had harvested from the goblins she and Ulya had killed, before gesturing to a stained rucksack that was apparently meant for holding these messier ingredients.
"So we're going to go hunt another goblin down because these ears are two to three coppers each, and their ribs are worth about four each. These are another universal material that sells all the time; people will always need these things to keep their herbal gardens in great health, to help facilitate growth of their own profitable ventures... So get yourself together, alright? We got money to make."
The Reptilekin took the more pragmatic and practical approach, while Ulya continued to pat my back as she said "The more you experience the better it gets, really. I bet you'll only heave a little when you kill the next goblin~! Promise~!", comforting me... somewhat.
I followed behind them somewhat reluctantly with my weapon still dripping blood, and soon enough I was thrust into another battle against another very horny goblin that wanted to knock me out and pin me down for some forced breeding.
This goblin though wasn't thinking just with its impressive cock, instead employing some tactics as it feinted and attempted to get under my guard to get me into that position where it could force me to breed with it.
It was quick, strong and slippery, so when I followed it as closely as I could I was somewhat shocked to find that it was able to shake my perception of it a little, the air around it shimmering as it gained speed with every passing second.
Taking a swing and missing would be disastrous, but letting it continue to empower itself however it was doing so would also be quite a bad idea, so I was stuck in a murky swamp of inaction that clung to me and threatened to pull me down.
So I pushed myself to make an action, waiting for the goblin to zip around on my right side before kicking out and catching it off guard, tripping it and sending it sprawling across the ground with a surprised grunt.
Before I was able to cave in its chest though, the goblin raised its shield made of sticks and blocked my attack, though the mana empowered strike shattered those sticks and allowed me to tear away one of the goblins lines of defense.
It had managed to deflect my attack just enough that only its arm was affected, and unlike the other goblin it pushed through the pain and tried to stab me with its rock sword, only for me to move without realizing as I smacked the weapon away and bashed its face in with the mace.
Unlike before though I didn't completely destroy its head, but still... it was very clearly dead after a nice crater appeared on the front of its skull, and with that I had yet another kill under my belt in this new world, with this one... only making me throw up a little bit...