Chereads / Adventures Of The Ero Bunny / Chapter 10 - Guild Registry

Chapter 10 - Guild Registry

My fascination with the openness of the world continued as we walked around the city, Izzy acting as a sort of vanguard as she guided us around by pushing past people so that we could get to where we needed to go on time.

The stalls all around us sold all sorts of things; some sold all kinds of foodstuffs, like candy, meat, bread and other sort of snacks or meals, while others were selling weapons to whomever approached them like it was no big deal.

I even watched a younger girl hand over a few coins to a merchant before being handed a rather large, double bladed axe that seemed too big for her, and yet no one else seemed to care as she just began to walk away with a new weapon resting on her petite shoulders.

Then there were magical tomes and potions being sold, and there were those fascinating red crystal rods that I had come into this world with; I was too curious about that so I asked Ulya about them, and she told me that they were a healing item.

You cracked them in front of your face and inhaled the energy that it released to kickstart your healing, and in doing so the energy that was inside of them disappeared and left them empty, causing them to crumble into dust.

It was mana given shape apparently, and they were the cheaper healing option when compared to health potions for those without the ability to utilize Healing Magic, so a lot of people carried many of these rods and maybe one or two potions.

There was so much to see as we walked around, like a towering Bullkin woman that was adorned in some of the heaviest, thickest plate armor I had ever seen even from the media I had consumed before, or the absolutely stunning Elf woman that had a gaggle of other Elves following behind her as she flaunted her beauty like it was the greatest gift to this world.

The Guild building was just what I was expecting, but even then it was a stunning and breathtaking place, the marble pillars and golden accents screaming 'rich beyond belief' to any who viewed it, and inside was an even more diverse cast of characters waiting for us.

There was an abundance of armored and melee weapon wielding adventurers everywhere, their aura causing my breath to catch in my throat as we skirted around the larger groups, where usually we saw the other adventurers; cloth robes and light leathers usually made it clear who was any 'class' besides warrior, and there weren't too many of them here.

Perhaps these warriors were 'multi-classed' or weren't just typical warriors, or maybe magic mastery was just that rare to have in this area..?

I wouldn't know, but I was definitely more driven to learn how to use magic since it seemed it would make me more valuable to people in the future, and if I could use that to get their interest before using my body to ensnare them completely...

Like imagine if these two were far stronger and actually felt a need to keep me around as something more important than just a supporter that had a tight ass for them to blow their loads into?

I could probably make a lot of money and secure some more powerful allies that way, couldn't I?

That was one of the things on my mind, while the other was just reveling in how grand the inside of this building was; four stories tall and accentuated with beautifully engraved ceilings that had windows carved out to allow natural lighting in was extremely impressive, especially since the hall was far larger than it had seemed from the outside.

There was likely magic at play here, and that alone got me quite excited for even more outlandish and reality bending magics in the future, but for now I was just marveling in the grandeur of this Guild Hall as Izzy led us towards one of the counters.

Standing in line, I was anticipating tens of minutes to pass us by before we were seen, but the line was moving rather steadily, to the point that we were only in line for around five minutes, during which Izzy had me ready my identification card and told me that there was little for me to say to the receptionist.

It felt like I was being rushed through this day, that the details didn't really matter that much, but at the same time as we stood in line I found myself unbothered by that as I instead focused my attention inwards, getting a feeling for the new energy that was flowing through my veins and hoping to figure out how to wield it.

I didn't do something stupid like push it out of my body while we were in line of course - if it exploded and hurt someone I was going to be screwed, and not in the good way - but I did just get a little bit more used to feeling it flowing through me to the point that I began to notice wisps of it in the air around us.

Whenever I 'touched' the mana inside me I felt the tissues and bone near it tingle a little in a pleasant way, and if I felt any of it near my organs they got a boost of some kind; I felt like I was breathing easier, that my body was more energized and that I was just overall stronger than I was moments prior, and that was a fascinating feeling.

I was interrupted and got to know that losing myself to my own mind made time pass by quickly, so when we stepped up to the counter I got to witness what efficient bureaucracy looked like when a Sheepkin woman looked up at us and asked "Name and purpose?"

"C Rank Izzy Citrinita, wishing to form a party with C Rank Ulya Pompf and E Rank Tuzi. Our cards are here; Tuzi will be our supporter for the time being while we explore the Bolshevia Mines."

"Two C's and an E... you are cleared for exploration up to and including the fourth floor, a 10% Guild tax on any quest taken for the next two months, and given access to the D Rank Party amenities and housing outside of Bolshevia Mines.

Any crimes committed, failure to pay dues and tax, and or failure to comply with these rules will be met with your Ranks being stripped from you, fines, and or possible jail time with the possibility of execution. If you find this acceptable please sign here, and present me your identification cards."

It was smooth, practiced and simple, and without any questions Izzy signed the papers and presented her card, with Ulya following suit; when it was my turn the Sheepkin looked me up and down before shrugging as she presented a contract to me, which upon a quick read I realized was exactly what she had said.

The words shimmered and slowly darkened as they adhered to the paper, and when I signed they flashed before looking like normal ink, which the Sheepkin took from me before tapping her now glowing finger against our cards, marking the top right corner of each with something and then handing them back to us.