Chereads / Ordered Reincarnation: A second chance in another world / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: New Beginnings

I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a dazzling light. Shit, are the lights in the hospital this bright? The light engulfed my entire vision, I squinted my eyes in discomfort as the brightness hurt my eyes. 

I blinked a few times, my vision slowly adjusted. I opened my eyes wide. I'm outdoors? I thought as I looked up at the clear blue sky, is this really japan? I don't think I have ever seen the sky this clearly. Not that I ever looked at it though, maybe it was always like that.

A loud shriek came from somewhere closeby. Someone's having a panic attack I thought to myself. I felt something move from my back, the platform on my back that supported me is releasing? I begin falling toward the floor.


I fell hard onto my back, Owowow, a sharp pain pierced my body. Shit that was painful. I tried to stand back up. I couldn't move my body? I mean, I could sort of move my arms and fingertips around a bit, but I couldn't sit up from my laid down position. That was a pretty serious accident I had gotten myself into, there's a good chance I can't move every part of my body. Maybe I was in a coma or something? If that's the case, my life would be a fucking shitshow. I tried to reach for the floor to push myself into an upright position.

Huh? I can't even touch the floor? Did I get my arms amputated? No way, I could feel them just now.

I looked down at my body… 

Reincarnation— The phenomena is a myth passed down from ancient times, the simple meaning is when someone is reborn. I have read this in a couple of LNs, they are quite common, especially when you are reading the isekai styled stories. And yes I explained this for a reason, so I'm probably reincarnated in this world. I thought it was weird, why would the hospital let someone in a coma outside? Looking down at my body I'm able to confirm getting reincarnated as a fact, my arms and legs were tiny… not to mention my dick, I guess that's what the size of an infant looks like. But why are my memories of my prior life still intact? I thought they were supposed to be erased or something, Hey, I mean I'm not complaining. 

So… Now what? I looked around, analysing my environment, I seemed to be in some back alley of sorts. By now I figured I wasn't in Japan, it doesn't seem like Japan at least, but where am I? Maybe western Europe? If I dive deeper into my delusions, maybe another world? I mean there's no way right? That sorta stuff only happens in stories, right? Right?

Turns out that I wasn't in fact 'right', but that's going a bit too far.

Hours passed… When I first opened my eyes, the sun was shining from right above me, the sunlight glared my entire vision, even thinking back now it hurts my eyes, it should have been around noon back then… And now— the sun is about to set.

Fuck. If this continues on I would starve to death before I even get a chance to live. Why can't I have gotten a better spawn point, sigh— I wished that I could just go back and start all over again, dying as an unnamed abandoned baby isn't in my checklist of things to do in another world.

This might waste a lot of energy but I guess I don't have a choice by now, I really need to get someone's attention fast, anyone's. I take a deep breath in, my lungs fill up with air, I muster up all the strength I can manage— 

"Waahh! Blaah!"

Only a weak whining sound came out of my mouth, I know my baby lungs are weak and all but— Huh? Didn't I try to scream for help? 

Sigh— No one is coming, maybe this is what I get for retaining my memories after reincarnation, talk about being harsh… This might just be God's punishment on me for breaking the rules or something.

Another few minutes went by…

All of a sudden, all went dark. Huh? Did the sun set that quickly? Guess it's different in this world. I look over to check on the situation. Wait… No, there was still a sliver of sunlight shining from the sides of the alley, but something was blocking the light from getting onto my body… It wasn't something, but someone…

I looked up, I became aware that a young blonde hair lady was looking down at me. She was a beauty, I haven't seen somebody so gorgeous in real life for quite a while, I mean I haven't seen anyone in quite the while. It was kind of hard to see her features in the shade, but all I know is that she is one gorgeous girl— no, no, she's definitely a woman.

The woman leaned down. Woahhhh. Her tits are huge, I wonder if I can get a feel? I reached up. Shit I forgot I'm a baby again. She slowly picked me up, she looked at me with a warm smile. 

"*#@% *&%$#@!, *&^$%#@ #@!%$."

The way she spoke was weird, I have never heard any language like that before, it 100% wasn't Japanese, I couldn't understand a word she was saying, but by her tone and voice I could imagine the basic meaning of that sentence, she was probably comforting me saying something in the lines of "Don't worry, you'll be alright."

After that she turned around and walked out of the alleyway, then I was able to see her face crystal clear, she was really a beauty, her blond hair contrasted well with her purplish blue eye and her ears— Heh? Her ears are sharp? She's an elf?


Let's skip forward a month or two.

I was able to confirm that this isn't a dream and is in fact another world that I've been reborn in. I would rather not go through that again, flicking myself in the balls still hurts like hell even as a baby. It seems that elves exist in this world and the young elf lady who picked me up adopted me, no real surprise there. I have been living in her house since, would I call it a house though? I mean I haven't been out of my room yet but it seems kind of weird to say the least, my baby bed isn't something you would see in a common household, it's quite elegant, it's painted white and has golden legs, it seems expensive. Although the bed has quite the good look to it, my room doesn't even have electricity, whenever anyone comes in they hold a candle of sorts in their hand. Has electricity not been invented in this world yet? I mean it's totally possible, according to what I have read in LNs, a lot of other worlds don't have the same level of technology as the Earth I'm familiar with.

Today, a man entered my room and stared down at me. He doesn't seem pleased to see me, who is he though?

After a quick glance he exited my room.

Huh? What was that about?

Then I heard some talking coming from outside. There were two voices, amongst the two, one was the young woman from before and the other voice I was unfamiliar with, the voice was stern and serious, I could imagine the voice being a strict teacher quite easily.

"&*$##% ^%$&T%%^ %$#&$&( *^%##*(^# ##%@@."

"%^$@W& ^&*$&( *^^*^^%$&( @$^*@@% !#$^*$&^& #$@%%# @$!$%% *&^*^% $$*^%."

It sounds like they are arguing about something, I have been through something like that quite a few times myself. Back then I always got into arguments with my 'friends', of course that also gave me the skill to weasel myself through almost unwinnable arguments. Their argument outside went on for a while, in the end I think the elf lady won.

Magic and Language

About half a year went by within an instant, listening in on people talking around the house. I started to pick up some language, at least I hope I picked some up, I can start to understand some simple sentences, although I still can't confirm if I'm correct. 

Also around this time I started crawling, my body has grown a lot since I first got reincarnated, being able to move is really a thing to celebrate for me. I had never been so happy to be able to move, normally I would much rather lay down and rub one out.

Apparently the man who walked in my room before was the elf lady's husband, also known as my adoptive father. He looks to be at least 30 plus years old, to compare, ms. elf looks to be around 17, are age gaps common in this world? I also have two other siblings, an older brother who looks to be around 13 years old and an older sister who is not much older than me. This really scares me, did mother get pregnant at 4 years old? I'm hoping that's not the case.

I was always shut inside my room, I never really got to go out and explore the house, but since I could crawl around the room, I learned a lot. The first thing was that my family was definitely a rich one, an extremely rich one, the house— no, no, the mansion was two stories tall with well over twenty rooms, we had multiple maids around the mansion and a beautiful view of the landscape. 

The mansion is probably located around the countryside, it's pretty rural, looking out the window sill I could see a peaceful landscape with grassy plains, looking further away wheat fields and small houses. I couldn't see any electricity poles or street lights around, this place was one with nature. I have heard that in some places they hide the internet cables underground instead of having them hang around, it's a pretty smart idea not going to lie.

Hopefully I will be able to find a computer or something to play with in the near future, or this life is about to be hell, what am I supposed to do in my free time if not watch some youtube or something.

"Hey, Gryne, be careful, you could hurt yourself climbing up like that." Elf lady said.

It was around 3pm in the afternoon, at this time father wasn't home, and big brother was at school, so in the mansion there was only me, big sister, mother and the maids.

Uh-oh. Someone jinxed it, I slipped down from the chair, my tiny hand try to grab onto the chair— Fuck, I forgot I'm tiny again. I fell— Thump. I landed head first hitting the floor with a loud thud, one of the maids let out a small cry of alarm, mother turned around, her face turned pale as she covered her mouth with her hands.

"Gryne! Are you all right?" She rushed to my side, leaving big sister there on the floor looking lonely. 

Woman you know I can't talk, what am I to do to answer your question.

She picked me up, as she looked down at me and our eyes met, her face loosened up, relaxing, and she began stroking my head. 

Yo man, be careful with my head, that shit hurts, I just banged that hard on the floor.

Given the reaction from both her and the maid, my fall must have been pretty bad, at least it was something to worry about. Like I mean I did land head first, maybe it's something related to a baby's body, not that I know anything about that topic. Back in my old life, I didn't have any siblings so I was pretty unfamiliar with how babies' bodies work. Hopefully it was just going to be a small bump, like I don't seem like I'm bleeding or anything, I just hope I don't become permanently stupid.

"Oh that bruise must have hurt, oh Gryne. It will all end soon." She looked at me with a unique expression, I don't know what to say of it.

'It will all end soon?' I thought, she's not going to put me down right? 

She placed her hand atop of my head, "This will make it all go away."

No way she's about to kill me right? Was hitting my head on the floor that bad of an omen in this world?

She began chanting "May the god's blessing sooth the pain, give the one who lost strength to arise again— Healing— Painkiller."

I saw mother's hand glow with a dim light, I felt an overwhelming sensation flow through my body, it was like energy went through my body and forced all the pain out of me. I instantly felt jumpy again. It was a pretty satisfying experience, like when you drink ice cold water on a hot summer day.

"Your mother is pretty cool, isn't she?" Mother asked, as her voice rang with a sense of pride. "You know back then your mother was a pretty strong mage."

The terms reeled through my mind as I processed the situation, 'mage' 'magic' 'elf' 'isekai' 'spells' 'healing'? But in all seriousness who could process such a situation.

After that mother took me back to bed, putting me back in my jail cell to say in other words. If you have seen a baby's bed, it's basically a prison cell, there was not much room to move around and you can't leave by yourself. 

This time sneaking out wasn't in my mind, and… Magic also, huh? Maybe I won't actually get bored as much as I thought, there might be a life outside of looking at screens.

Just maybe

I tried my best to pay attention to every conversation going around in the house so I can expand my vocabulary. I paid extra close attention to the maids talking to each other as it seems their language is more polished compared to mother's which has kind of a slight accent. It was hard to catch up though, the words went by quickly and there were still a lot of unfamiliar words mixed in there, especially nouns and names, they were kinda hard to get a hang of.

Language was something I wasn't ever good at, to what I've heard I took almost four whole years before I could speak japanese fluently, maybe I didn't pay attention enough in my past life, I seem to be learning quite quickly to hear and understand words, maybe it's just a benefit of being a child again, better memory and such.

It occurred to me, maybe, just maybe if I lived in this world, I could have a fresh start, maybe I won't fall in that hole. After All this is a world of magic, why can't my life be magical? Why can't my life be a fantasy old me can only dream of. Why can't this time when I fall down, or drop into a hole, I climb back up and continue forward.

In my past life I dropped into a sinkhole and didn't even struggle to get back up, I died fuelled with regret, I didn't get to live the life I wanted, I was a failure, a bum who couldn't achieve anything, even in the end when I got kicked out of my own apartment I accepted it after failing once. But now I understand it, I'm not your normal child, I'm a child with 27 years of experience under his belt.

Maybe I can achieve something. Maybe I can lose my virginity this time. Maybe the world is giving me a second chance. Just maybe, I can finally live life the right way.