Chapter 8 - Chapter 7: Rena

"Adventuring really uses up a lot of money, huh?" A girl mutters under her breath as she walks through the bustling city checking her pouch, the roads were packed with all kinds of people, from all kinds of different tribes. This was one of the biggest cities in the Demon Continent, it's rare to find a city in the large continent, most of the space was too hot and dry for any sort of structure to be formed there.

The girl walked up to a stand on the side of the street, the stand was made out of wood, it was old and shabby, if someone tapped the stand, it would probably fall over.

"Hey, mister, can I just get one piece of bread please." The girl says to an old man sitting behind a counter. 

The girl's stomach growled… Grrrr—

"Young lady, are you sure you only want one piece of bread, you look awfully hungry." The old man replies as he looks over at the young girl, with nothing but skin and bones.

"Yes… Just one please." The small girl replied softly, her voice no more than a whisper.

"Okay then, here you go missy." The old man handed the girl a small brown paper bag, the sides of the bag were oily from the bread inside. The girl handed the old man a small coin, made of some type of strap metal.

"Make sure you don't go starvin' yo self, okay?" The old man says as the girl walks back along the busy streets with the small brown bag in her hands.


Sigh— The girl laid down on a hard mattress, the room was dimly lit by nothing but a single flickering candle.

"Rena, you have to get a job or you can't keep up with your adventuring." The girl says to herself, slapping her own cheeks, clasping her hands over her clear pale white skin, slightly reddened by the impact.

Rena was 17 years old, she had been an adventurer for almost three years, at first it was all fun and games, she accepted guild requests and slayed hundreds of monsters, her achievements were incredible at first, within days she gained the license for a D rank adventurer and within months she went into the C rank category.

Rena never played with anyone else, even as a child, she was an outcast… 

"Get away you filthy demon! Go back to the Demon Continent where you people belong!" A mother once shouted, as Rena tried to make friends with the children in the town, she was rejected over and over again. Parents would bring their children away as they saw Rena approach.


Rena cried, hugging her mother, her face buried deep inside her mother's soft bosom. "Why won't anyone be friends with me?" Sniffing loudly, Rena looked up at her mother, her face wet with tears and her eyes red.

Her mother gently patted Rena's head, stroking her hair as Rena's face dug deep into her breasts, "There, there, Reen. There is no need to cry, it's just that the parents are scared, that's all." 

Sobbing, and sniffing, "Why are they scared, ma, Rena ain't' do nothin' wrong."

"There, there sweetie…" Rena's mother pats her head, comforting her, "you did nothing wrong, it's all mama fault."

"Mama didn't do anything wrong either," Rena looks up, she sees small droplets of tears well up in her mother's eyes, "mommy, it's okay Rena will make a friend one day, and when that happens Rena wants mama by her side."


"I'm heading out, ma… Take care of yourself okay? Don't let the people hurt you, if they do, send me a letter…" Rena said as she stood in the opened doorway.

"Don't worry about me, Reen, your mother has lived here for long enough to know where not to go." 

Mother continued, "Don't you go hurt yourself okay? Remember that me and your dad will always support you… Come back whenever you want!"

Rena walked out with a small smirk on her face, her hand raised up she waved back to her mother and the house.


Soon Rena reached the Demon Continent, it was a horrible experience just coming here, the waves clashed against the small boat she was on, throwing her around.

Grahhhh— Rena kneeled down on the dock, her body arched low, as she puked into the sea. 

"It would be really bad if I had to do this multiple more times… Good thing that was just a one time thing…" Rena muttered to herself between her barfing.

Now then… What do I do? Rena looks at the town, it wasn't the wealthy town with masterfully crafted statues of gods and sturdy wooden houses Rena was used to seeing, in fact, it was the complete opposite…

The town was small, from her point of view, Rena was able to see the whole town, there wasn't much to see, small clay-made multi-story cabins, and pieces of cloth hanging around to block the blazing sun. It doesn't look at all developed, it was like a village from before the Great Revolution, there weren't oil street lights, nor were there any steam-powered vehicles. 

I guess I should head to the guild and register as an adventurer first, Rena thought as she walked through the small alleyways of the town, manoeuvring through the tight gaps between buildings.

Rena headed to the guild, it had a completely different feel to the other buildings in town, the large building was made out of wood, the outsides were decorated with large banners and flags. 

Entering the guild was a new experience for Rena, after all, she's new to all of this. Rena was amazed as she entered the guild, it was just like how she imagined it, big, loud, and lively. The halls were decked with tables and chairs, with big gruff looking men with scars all across their bodies talking loudly as they drank mugs of beer. In the far back, behind all the tables, men, and waitresses was a counter, behind there was a young woman of Demon kin, she had dark blue hair and dark hazel eyes, her ears were pointy just like Renas, her face was patted up by pounds of makeup, but Rena knew that even stripping away the powder and the makeup, the face behind was still a beauty.

Rena approached the counter, as the receptionist smiled warmly back at her, awkwardly Rena spoke in Demon tongue, Rena had learned the basics to Demon tongue from her mother, she could with no difficulty understand and have a conversation in the language, but it was still just her first time…

 "Hello… I'm… Rena… I—" Rena mumbled to the receptionist at the counter, her voice not much more a whisper, "...I'm here to register… as… an adventurer—" she wasn't fluent in the language at all, Rena's accent was clanky and stiff, her voice was shaky as she spoke.

"Just fill out this form here." The receptionist replies, her response was almost instant, as if she didn't need any time to think. The receptionist hands Rena a piece of paper with a hard wooden pad behind it.


Rena looked at the piece of paper, although she knows how to speak the Demon tongue, she cannot read… She tried to draw into her memory, trying to find a way to read the text. "Ummmm—" Rena grumbles as she fails to read the text.

Rena sighs.

"Hey do you need help with that?" A voice spoke out from behind Rena in Leno tongue, the Leno tongue is the main human language used in the Central continent.

Rena looks back, surprised, she didn't expect anyone to try and help her, let alone someone who speaks a human language. A boy stood there, he looked to be not much older than Rena herself. The boy was human, ashy brown hair and big sharp eyes.

"Hey, let me read that for you." The boy approached Rena quickly, it was the first time someone had talked to Rena without hesitation. The boy looked at the form and translated the words to Leno tongue, "Name here," the boy instructed.

Rena was able to fill out the form with the help of the boy. After handing the form back in Rena was given a crudely made bronze coin with the words stamped across, Rena Ristalia. 

"Hey, do you want to join our party? We really need extra members." The boy asked.

"Party?" Rena looked at the boy in confusion, the word was an unfamiliar term to Rena.

"Were you just going to do quests on your own!?" The boy jumped back, shocked at Rena's answer to his question.

"If you don't mind, you can adventure with us." The boy politely asked again.

"Okay…" Rena answers hesitantly.

"Good! Then, I'll introduce you to the others, my name is Ben by the way." The boy said as he ushered Rena to follow him.

As Rena trailed behind Ben, her hands were clenched together tightly, "Hey Ben…" Rena said, "What's a party?"

"Oh!" Ben's eyes widened in surprise as he heard Rena's question, "you didn't know? Let me explain to you…" 

Ben explained to Rena the concepts of a party and the ins and outs of the adventurer guild, "So that's basically it, we go on quests, split our rewards and have a fun time here and there."

Rena met the party members who looked much older, most of them battle scarred and looked like a veteran. As Rena gets to know each and everyone of them through quests and battles, she slowly loses the feeling of being alone, the men and women in the party were all so friendly to Rena, giving her advice here and there every so often. 

The party was called the Howling Wolves and was a B rank party, joining in their quests, Rena was quick to rise up the ranks becoming a C rank adventurer in no time. Rena was a talented adventurer, she had quick decision making and great skill in magic. In the party Rena felt at home, she quickly grew to open up with the party within months, two of the party members had an especially good relationship with Rena, the swordsman Ben and the ranger Fern.

Just like Rena, Fern was a half demon, she had long silver hair styled in a bun behind her head and two small horns sticking out of each side of her head. But unlike Rena, Fern grew up in the Demon Continent. The two quickly bonded and became best friends. Fern and Ben were a bit older than Rena, they were about 20 or so. Fern and Ben were both pretty new to the party thing, although they have been adventuring for quite a while, they haven't been to a party before. 


A bit over a year has passed since Rena joined the party…

Rena ran away, followed by Ben and Fern, darting through the somber looking trees of the shadowy forest, they sprinted as fast as their legs could take them, desperate to escape from the near calamity class monster. The remaining seven of the party, they told the trio of young adventurers to run away and escape, they fought for their lives trying to hold the monster off. 

Without a real choice, either it was death or to live, the three ran, horrid shrieks came from behind, shaking the woods. The three didn't feel good as they ran through the forest, abandoning their companion to die there in the cold forest, even still… The choice was clear. A strong determined voice shouted from behind, "The three young ones need to live, let's hold this beast off even if it costs us our lives." Cheers came from the forest, echoing through… 

Rena wasn't used to all this running, her legs gave out as she collapsed to the floor. Fern looks back seeing Rena clutching her unresponsive legs, Fern sprints back, with one heave Fern places the wasted Rena on her back and carries her through the forest.

After a few more shrieks of pain, all was silent… A gentle breeze blew as the dried leaves rustled and the tree crackled. A menacing aura came from behind, footsteps approached the three adventurers as they were frozen in tracks by the being's monstrous aura.

Cold wind bellowed across the young trio's faces, their eyes wide with horror as they looked back to see the large shadow of a humanlike creature. Shining drops of unidentified liquid dripped from the menacing creatures' pale hands to the icy cold leaves of the forest floor, the liquid reflected a bright red colour, glistening in the cold moonlight.

"My name is Regern… Regern the fierce, the monarch of the cold sky, the king of the dragons." The voice shook the very fabric of reality as the words exited the being's mouth. Regern continued, "I'm here to destroy every being that could be the cause of the immense amount of mana gathering in this area… Destroy…" Regern's heads buzzed around, as if there was a glitch in a game, "The child."

Even if the adventurers tried, they couldn't, they couldn't stand up and run away. Through the immense amounts of pressure from the god of the cold sky, the three were frozen in place unable to even shiver in fear.

The being approached the three, its hand held out, "Draco— Devour." The being's arm mutated into the shape of a dragon's head, scales padded all over his muscular arms. The dragon's head had its teeth bared at Rena, its yellow eyes glaring down at Rena's slender shaking body.

The dragon's head pounced forward, the being's arm was stretched as the dragon head flew towards Rena at a high speed. Rena collapsed to the floor, her legs flopped from the exhaustion of running, she closed her eyes, "Mama… Save me…" Rena mumbled as the dirt beneath her became wet, the dry leaves on the floor were pelted by a stream of warm liquid.


There was a loud crunching noise, then there was a blood curdling scream. A stream of blood flooded the floor in front of Rena, as a shadow of a figure loomed over her. Rena took a second to process the situation, still stunned in fear from the near death experience. As Rena regained her state of mind, she realised that Ben just saved her life. Looking up she sees Ben, his face scrunched up into a forceful smile.

"... Run away…" Ben said through gritted teeth.

A bright light erupted from the ground below, as the clouds covered up the night sky, slivers of moonlight shone through the tight gaps between the gray clouds. The bright light expands, devouring Ben before, reaching Rena, blinding her with the bright flash.

Rena was fully swallowed by the light… The incident became known all throughout the Demon Continent… Known to the people as the Monstrous Mana Disaster, the disaster destroyed many's home, and also displaced many…


Rena woke up in the middle of the desert, "Was that all just a dream?" Rena mumbles as she sits herself back up. Looking around Rena saw no sign of anyone else, she didn't have her belongings either, she looked down to her skirt, inside her pocket was a small pouch filled with the earnings from the quests with the Howling wolves.

"Was that not a dream…" Rena memorises the scenes of the horrific encounter with what it called itself, the god of the cold sky— Regern. Rena smelled a stench, a stench which can be smelled in toilets, a stench of dried bodily wastes.

Rena began throwing up, her puke flowing down the sandy desert hill like a small ravine. Rena soon finished throwing up, her clothes were a mess. She stood up and began walking, Rena didn't know where she was, nor did she know where to go, but she knew if she wasn't to walk somewhere she would just die on the spot.

In her messy dirty clothes, Rena walked through the desert for day, hunting for small furry animals as food surviving through her water magic. The 'adventure' took months for Rena, she went South hoping to land in a small town or village, for the first one or two months Rena wandered around the desert in the blazing hot sun. 

Finally after walking for what seemed to be at least three months, Rena found a small town, from afar she saw a small town, packed with buildings and protected by a large limestone wall.

Rena walked towards the town, her body tired and wasted from all the exercise from walking for three months straight. 

As Rena entered the small town through the gate between the tall limestone walls, she realised how disgusting she was at this moment, her clothes were drenched in blood, sweat and other unidentified liquids. 

Once she was inside the town, the first thing she did was head to an inn and take a bath. Rena stripped off her clothes putting it into a small basket beside a tub filled with warm water, Rena stepped into the tub as she let out a relaxed sigh.

Rena cleaned off her body with a small bar of soap, scrubbing it all over her body till the bar was all used up, Rena sat back into the tub, her face half submerged in the lukewarm water. As she lets out another sigh, her mind relaxes, her brain switches off survival mode. Memories flow into Rena's mind as she recaps the dreadful experience once again.

"Are they all dead…" Rena said under the bathwater, her voice muffled.

Rena knew the answer. Except for Ben and Fern, the others are almost one hundred percent confirmed dead. The party which she once had such a close bond with, was wiped from the face of the world. Teardrops rolled down Rena's cheeks and into the bathwater.

Rena sobbed and cried.

The B rank party, the Howling wolves, is disbanded.


Rena calmed herself down before heading into the town to get some real food, which she didn't have in months. Even still Rena felt extremely bad, when the party needed her the most, she turned her head and ran for her life, leaving them behind… Rena's eyes were still slightly red from all the crying as she sat down in a small restaurant.

After Rena finished her food, she walked towards the guild in the town… Inside the guild she looked around… It was just like the one before… Teardrops rolled down her cheeks once again.

Rena headed towards the counter asking the receptionist in Demon tongue, "Excuse me… Where is this town located?" Rena's voice was still shaky as she spoke to the receptionist.

"We are in the Baragrede Region, the North East of the Demon Continent."

"Oh…" Rena answered, she was slightly disappointed, she hoped she was in one of the west side towns where she could just return back home.


Rena, hopeless, thought to herself, so now… What can I do…

Rena decided to post a notice in the guild, writing, "If any of the members of the Howling wolves are still alive, please note that Rena is alive and is currently travelling alone. Please put up a notice and respond if you see this."

Rena goes up to the receptionist again, "Hey… Do you know where the closest big city is?"

"That would be the Therit City on the West side, you should be able to get there in one or two weeks time if you get a sand dragon." The receptionist answered.

The guilds in small towns don't get as many quests nor do those quests pay as much, Rena figured that she had to go to the city in order to make a living. Rena had already used up a lot of her savings, and the remaining would be almost gone after she gets her supplies and rents the sand dragon.


"Okay then…" Rena grunted as she sat up from her bed, "Let's see if we can find any well paying quests at the guild."

It was still early in the morning, Rena walked across the barren streets, her remaining half piece of bread in her hands as she nibbled on it as she walked.

Rena arrived at the guild, as she entered the large hall of the city guild, Rena instinctively walked towards the quest board without a single second of hesitation, by now she had already been an adventurer for almost 3 years. On the board, there were loads of quests, ranging from all ranks. Still Rena was only a C rank adventurer meaning her choices at quests were limited.

Uhhh… Rena looked around the quest board trying to find a high paying job… 

"Feris tutoring, pay: 3 gold coins per month, requirements: mage tutoring license/ advanced classed mage." A notice on the board said, it was quite a shocker for Rena spotting such an easy and high paying job, Rena was an advanced class mage. Her skill in magic was no doubt one of the best in the world, even within the advanced class there were lots of people who can't fight, due to restraints either physically or mentally, Rena had none of this, she had no hesitation when it comes to slaying enemies.

Taking the piece of parchment from the notice board, Rena goes up to the receptionist counter, "Please let me accept this quest," Rena says in Demon tongue, Rena's Demon tongue is now fluent, the clicking of her tongue was like a second nature.

"Yes, let me help you put it in the registration." The receptionist replied, writing something down on a piece of paper before putting it into a folder under her counter. The receptionist bent down and took something out, a map.

The receptionist used a quill and marked a spot on the map, handing it to Rena as she explained the path to get to the mark, tracing a route on the map as a guide for Rena.


Rena revised her plan on getting to the Litith Continent, she calculated quickly that it would take around a month or two to get to the West most side of the Demon Continent if she went on sand dragon and another nine to ten months to travel by sea to the dock, combined it would take around a year but that's only for the quickest route. If she had walked she expected that it would at least take double that time.

Another problem is the cost. Rena opened her pouch of coin, flipping it over and pouring the coins onto the small desk, Rena counted the pieces, 13 silvers, 21 bronzes, and 12 scraps.



Rena pushes the 13 silvers and 20 bronzes aside, the remaining pile had 1 bronze and 12 pieces of scraps. "That should be able to get me there… And now I have to get equipment with," Rena mutters as she looks over towards the tiny pile of scraps and the singular bronze coin.


After she finished shopping in the city, she placed all her equipment into a large suitcase, for Rena, she already cut down on a lot of the costs of living, she didn't need water or a tent because she can just produce them using magic. With her staff separated into small pieces, she placed it inside her small suitcase. After checking out of the inn, Rena mounted her sand dragon and embarked on a one year long journey to the Litith Continent.

At last… Rena has started her own adventure.


"I'm Rena. It's a real pleasure to meet you." Rena said, looking at the beautiful elven woman.

It took just about one year to get here, just as Rena expected. Lilith was a mostly human continent, the tutoring was somewhere in the Midgard kingdom. 

The elven woman glared at Rena, there wasn't any aggressiveness behind the glare, but there was a sort of judgement.


Click. Click. Click.

Rena hear small light footsteps scurry down the stairs, Rena looks over to the base of the stairs as a small child turn the corner, the child had a head of fluffy dark brown hair, he looked to be three or four years old, the child wore a loosely fit set of dark brown surcoat which had almost identical colour to his hair.

The child walked up to the elven woman, sitting next to her. The woman finally spoke up, "Aren't you a little youn— Oh…"

It was an awkward sentence, the woman was clearly just trying to break the silence.

Rena Ristalia

I looked down at the small child sitting next to the elven woman… His eyes— I feel a slight rush of fear run through me as I see them bright rainbow coloured eyes…

The prophecy that the child of god who one day will descend on this world and bring a calamity along with it, was one known all across the world, even in the Demon Continent which was mostly separated from the other parts of the world there were rumors of such a prophecy.

The features of the so-called child was a head of red hair, a pair of rainbow eyes, and was said to hold a jet black greatsword with the power to cleave the world in two. Amongst the three of the features two are pretty common, both red haired people and black greatswords are commonly seen. The last one was seen as the outlier, the one thing most associated with the child of god… The thing only rumored to exist— The rainbow coloured eyes…

Now that I have seen it myself, I can confirm that rainbow eyes do exist… Could this be? The prophesied calamity? The child of god? Just the thought of seeing the world's 'doom' sent shivers down my spine.

I had to admit I was scared when I first saw him, when I looked at him, I couldn't sense any form of aura emitting. The only way to stop aura from emitting from the body was to force it inside by trapping it with mana, which would be nearly impossible if the person was not at least intermediate level.


"Are you the one I'm teaching, or is it the one out there?" I said, trying to stay calm. Not going to lie I was hoping that I was going to teach the girl outside, being the tutor to the possible calamity was not my cup of tea. I was quickly denied any sort of hope, patting the brown haired child on the head, the elven woman said, "You will be teaching my little Gryne over here."

I was pretty much expecting this, but even still, I froze up. I tried to look as excited as possible, but I didn't think I had good acting. Even the child, Gryne, saw something was off, he was looking at me with a curious expression.

He doesn't fully meet the description of the child, sigh— I don't really have a choice, do I? 


He's really a genius… Maybe teaching him is worth the risk, it's really the first time I thought that of someone, I'd normally never do something if there was really a big risk involved… Unless I miscalculated… Like last time.

I laid down on my bed.


From everyone I know, nobody was able to break a mana crystal, not even the B ranked adventurers in the Howling wolves, they could do it, not even a little, let alone shatter it… And on top of that, real silent casting… Without even a runic ring…


Gryne is really quite a speedy learner, as expected by a genius. Seeing his progress I really just skipped over most of the beginner level stuff, I mean, he knew all that stuff when I gave him a quiz.

I try to make the classes as interesting to a child as possible, even if we are talking about the boring stuff in magic theory or geography I try to always give a practical example so Gryne can understand better.

He seems pretty interested in the classes, he was pretty involved to say the least, when he had anything in mind he would speak out, even if it was a question completely unrelated, sometimes I think to myself after he asks one of his questions, is he even listening? He seemed to have much more going on in that brain of his… I guess you really can't understand a genius, can you? Even after all of that thought of him not paying attention, he would continue to prove me wrong every time, when I ask a question he would give me the most textbook answer possible.

He asks rather peculiar questions, not some that you would expect a 4 year old child to ask. His questions always dives deeper into the specifics, if I answer with just a brief summary he would ask more and dive deeper into the waters.

I sort of respect him for it… He works really hard. Whenever I see him around the house, he is holding the textbook, and whenever I see him sitting down somewhere, he has the textbook flipped to a specific page and would be intensely staring at it.


I started to give him more classroom style lessons since he started to be able to use elementary level magic. His practical side of the curriculum is basically finished, so I started to work a little more on the theory side. Although completely unrelated to magic, a tutor is expected to also teach their student basic mathematics, geometry, geography, and history. 

I never went to school. All these things I learned were all just from what I thought of and had read… I never even actually learned magic, it was all just from a textbook my mother had from her old tutor. I try to give Gryne the best methods that I know of possible, but it seems that he already has a pretty good grasp on the hard parts.

Gryne was especially talented in mathematics and geometry, in those two topics I don't even have to do much explaining, I just told him the question and he would almost instantly figure it out. Even with his talent in mathematics and geometry, it seems he's more interested in history and geography. He would constantly pelt me with questions whenever he sees some things he doesn't understand. I am actually quite happy to answer his questions, one time he asked me to explain to him the map of the world. 

Maybe I bored him a bit on that question, I went on rambling a lot about each and every continent trying to find the best words to explain to him the placements and features. It might be better if I just made a map, using earth magic to create the mountains and enclosing the seas using water magic.

Gryne then went on asking about the different races. I tried to tell him the differences between races as clearly as possible, but I don't think it would be that easy to understand for a four year old child. It was especially difficult when I tried explaining the term 'demon' to him, of course I am partly a demon myself, I tried to keep myself as calm as possible.


I felt my magic was improving along with Gryne's, of course he was improving at a much faster pace than I was. It was a pretty delightful surprise, knowing that I can still improve after so many years. To my understanding, a person's magic prowess basically halts once they become an 'adult', there are exceptions to the case but those were rare, it has been almost 4 years since I have become an 'adult'...

I have recently used my first Imperial level spells, I remembered all the contents from the textbook back at home, which guided me to my first Imperial level spells. the book went all the way up to Imperial level, I was sure that mother's tutoring was a pretty competent mage, in our world, not many mages are able to reach even Advanced level, thinking that mother's teacher was so powerful really doesn't seem realistic, back in her days, there would be at most 20 Imperial level mages roaming around the world, how in the world was she able to find herself such a powerful teacher?

Gryne was not far behind either, he started playing around with intermediate level spells, he wasn't specifically interested in the class… Intermediate spells differ from the previous levels by quite a lot, it was more of an environment controlling type class, most of the spells focused on manipulating the surroundings, like making it rain or heating up the area. Gryne had it pretty easy, he was able to cast the spells pretty quickly, after a few tries he was able to do it without any trouble. Even though he could cast the spells with ease, he didn't seem to put much heart into it. Maybe he likes the previous levels more, after all he's still a child, wouldn't learning something exciting be better than learning how to control the surrounding climate… I know I would've thought like that if I was his age.


Gryne was a pretty interesting child to say the least, he wasn't at all a trouble maker, he didn't talk too much either, he kept a lot to himself… It isn't that he wasn't telling me if I asked, but more of that he had a lot more going in that mind of his than what he's saying out loud.

I did get a glimpse of his thoughts taking over one time though… He was stuffing his head in the unwashed laundry…

I didn't really think much of it, he didn't know better probably, he would learn soon enough…

Today, Gryne asked me if he could call me 'master'... Without a doubt I would have said yes if it wasn't for my race.

Still I shouldn't get too close…

I might ruin his life… maybe his reputation… maybe even leave a mark on his family name…

"I wouldn't advise you to do that…" I say, as I try to think of a way to give another reason that was not discrimination, he wouldn't understand that at this age…

"One day or another you would surpass me in skill… Well, it would be weird calling someone who is clearly weaker than you 'Master', wouldn't—"

Gryne cut me mid-sentence, "No, I don't think it's weird."

"If you still feel like calling me that in the future when you become stronger than me, I'd be honored to have a student like you." I said as a warm smile washed over my face, his sweet talking almost made me forget the original reason why I didn't want him to call me master.

The brief flash of my reasons quickly snapped me back to my senses, "Oh crap. Are you really sure you want to do that? People might look down on you, they might say you are just the student of a filthy half demon… Or something like your master is just some trashy devil of an adventurer and you are just some random rich man's kid." I try to reason with Gryne again.

Not going to lie, I was growing quite attached to Gryne, I know I really shouldn't… Last time I did have a nice happy friendship with someone, it got blown away… I don't want that feeling of grief… That horrible feeling where I knew I couldn't do anything but watch them die… I don't ever want that again…

"I don't care about their opinion," Gryne said with a rather arrogant tone, "all I know is that Rena is my master, and nothing can ever change that fact." 

I was shocked by his reaction to my argument…I really can't beat this child in an argument, huh?

I really have to get close to him, huh? Guess fate does it job… God please… Don't take this away from me also… Please… Allow me… Just this one time…

I feel a warm gush of emotion wash over my body, "Thank you for that… Gryne." I say, my voice no louder than a soft whisper, as I lean in the hug Gryne… This isn't weird right?

Nah… Who cares…

As I continue to hold Gryne's body close against my own, I feel a slightly warm aura build up around Gryne's body… An aura of sexual arousal…

Oh you little pervert. I thought, as I looked down at Gryne, whose eyes were so focused on my breasts that he didn't even notice me looking down at him.

Even still I never had the intention to let go… This isn't a bad feeling… I'll hold on for a little longer.

Thank you…


Since Mister came back I have felt a little less like myself, of course it wasn't anything to do with him, although we didn't talk much, he was treating me with respect. I just don't seem to be able to sleep at night, it wasn't due to the noise sounds, during my adventuring days I have slept in much louder places with much louder people. 

That isn't a completely accurate statement, it was due to the sounds… It was making me kind of jealous. I was never into this sort of thing, even after becoming an adult I have never tried to do anything, not with someone else at least…

I rolled around in my bed as the lewd noises echoed through the halls… 


"Maybe this would make me feel a little better…" I mutter under my heavy breathing… I began slowly taking off the outer layer of my clothes, revealing some of my skin underneath, it was a rather cold day… But at this time, even when there was only one thin layer of fabric separating me from the cold breeze blowing in from the slit of the half shut windows… I felt hot… Blazing hot… I continued to breath heavily, my hand instinctively moved down my covered bosom and down to the area in between my half spread legs—

Gryne Notros–Farion

I continued to venture through the hallway, trying my best not to peek into father and mother's bedroom as I went past.

My plan was to steal one of Rena's bras and sneak it back into my room, which would allow me to further analyse what cup she was…

As I stealthy went to the end of the hallway, I heard soft long moans. I was sure it wasn't mother's, her moans were much quicker and louder when father viciously 'attacked' her. I twist the door knob of Rena's bedroom door, opening a tiny gap.

I saw Rena's body throbbing around on the bed, her body slanted at a 45 degree angle as her hands moved suggestively between her long slender thighs, the movements of her hands were jerky, as her body twitched around… I knew what she was doing… 

After staring blankly at the scene I stumbled upon for a few seconds, I slowly closed the bedroom door shut again.

I shouldn't disturb someone when they have their own thing to worry about, that was one of the rules I live by.

I pretty much went to sleep after, completely forgetting my plan to 'find out' Rena's cup size.

But damn I just saw something good…


Father left two days after I stumbled upon the scene, now the mansion is all quiet again—

I'll still never forget that scene in my whole entire life, this is my childhood memory…