It's been a whole year and a half since Mother told me she was going to get me a tutor. In that whole time, I got one single update, as I heard my tutor was going to be arriving in about a year. I was surprised how long it was going to take at first, but then I remembered that this world doesn't have planes or cars, I guess it would take that long if anyone were to travel from across the kingdom or even across a whole continent.
To my understanding, tutors were almost always retired adventurers or actual school teachers, but the latter is less common. I have read in a book that there are schools in this world also, you would be put in one when you reach the age of 10, but it is optional, I know that Von goes to a school in the capital. School was a word I despised in my old life. Whenever I hear the word, I think of my friends turning their backs on me when I was at my lowest point in my life. I still wanted to go to school, it's part of the experience of growing up afterall. It's too early to think about this anyways, if I really can't decide in the future, I can just let Mother and Father decide for me, just like any other normal kid.
I was pretty sure my tutor was going to be some old lady with a large mage cap and a robe or some grumpy old man with a wooden staff, some Gandolf lookin ahhh—
He or she should be in the area by now, it's been almost a year.
To what I have gathered my tutor was going to be living as a guest in the mansion, since there really wasn't anything near the mansion, the nearest town or village was about a 3 hour walk from here, and plus to what I know there aren't any inns in those villages either. It was the perfect example of the word 'countryside'. You might be thinking, what about Iris? Iris was able to come around while not living in the mansion because she owned her own property not far from here.
As I understood the situation, only mages above Advanced class were allowed the tutoring permit or whatever it's called. So, whosoever we got I would at least be able to improve a tier, or maybe even more determined by what level the tutor I got was at.
In the morning there was a knock at the door, and before long Mother called me downstairs.
"I'm Rena. It's a real pleasure to meet you."
I hear a new voice speak from the sofa area of the living room.
As I slowly walked down the stairs down to the living room, I saw a brief outline of the newly unlocked figure. She was patted with a dark blue wizard's robe, and a large wizard's hat, her figure wasn't big, in fact she was pretty small comparing her to all the other women I see in this world. Just when I was expecting an old Gandolf looking man, the one that showed up was a small girl, not even a woman yet, she looks to be about high school age.
As I sat down on the sofa next to Mother, I got a good look at her, she wore a skirt under her long blue robes, her skirt was down to her knees, not at all the sexy ones I was used to seeing back in Japan. Her skin was pale, it was a beautiful skin tone, her eyes seemed to be sleepy, looking into something further away. She had rather long hair, it was a dim shade of purple, it was a bit over shoulder length, styled with bangs and a long braid, the braid reached all the way down to her hips.
Next to her sat a large suitcase with a strap for wearing it on the back, the suitcase was almost too big for her. On the other side was another suitcase, this one was smaller, with a handle for easy carrying, it seemed to hold some sort of weapon. It's the kind of suitcase you see in those Breaking Bad sorta movies where the suitcase held a gun or a vial of illegal substance.
Mother said nothing, there was a sort of awkward silence. Clank— Clank— the sound of swords clashing came from the backyard. Yeah that's right… Claire's swordplay session should be around this time.
I guess Mother was as shocked as I am seeing a little girl pull up to our front door claiming to be my magic tutor. When she was putting up the notice, she'd probably think that someone in the higher age group would rock up to our house.
She looked to be school aged, around 17 to 18, her body was actually pretty developed in a sense, she wasn't by all means a loli, even though that would be nice. Her figure reminds me of a character I liked in my past life, one of the ones that I used to be able to get off in a few pumps.
"Aren't you a little youn— Oh." Mother stopped her sentence midway.
The girl's ears wiggled a bit, I looked over. Oh they're pointy— It took me a while to process this in my brain… Does this mean… She's also an elf?
Rena looked at me a little, analysing my whole body, freezing slightly when she looked into my eyes… I swear I just saw a little fear in her aura…
Rena let out a small sigh, "Are you the one I'm teaching, or is it the one out there?" she asked looking out the porch as the sounds of wooden blades clashing continue to fill the hall.
"Oh. No, you would be teaching my little Gryne over here." Mother said as she gently rubbed my head.
She freezes up again, then after she takes a deep breath in. She sighed again. I am pretty sure she's disappointed, I mean who wouldn't be when you came all the way, taking almost a whole year to get here, just to realise you are teaching a 3 year old little boy. This is what I think she muttered in her mind as she let out that sigh, Ahem, "Ugh, when their child shows a little sign of being able to learn magic, all the parents go crazy and go hire a tutor." She was definitely cursing me in her mind.
I really do agree. But damn can't you keep those thoughts to yourself?
With another sigh, Rena looked to me, "Shall we head out and start your first lesson then?"
And so, that was the first time I met Rena… My master. Now my schedule is even more packed, in the morning I have sword classes with Iris and in the afternoon I have magic classes with Rena.
"Okay, Gryne. So… This is the begi— No… Actually, let's check how much mana you can use first." Rena said.
She had taken me to the grassy plains outside the mansion for our first lesson, this was the first time I had ever gone outside. To what I gathered from Mother, Iris and Lily, is that any form of combat is typically practiced outside. And hell, I have had first hand experience of what would happen if I was to let magic loose inside the house.
Nobody would want to pay for the damages every few days, just for practicing some magic.
Rena held up a small clear stone, it's like a crystal of sorts. "So, you hold onto this mana crystal right here," she handed me the crystal, "pour all the mana you can use into the crystal."
I followed Rena's instructions, holding the crystal tightly as I began gushing my mana into the small clear crystal. After a bit of time the crystal began glowing, "Gryne, is this all you can put in? Put it all in, the crystal shouldn't overflow unless you have a crazy amount of mana"
I mean no, it's not but if I was to— Nah, I'll just follow her instructions, she said it wouldn't overflow.
I focused my mana, pushing it out of my palm and flowing it into the crystal. The crystal when I first touched it was like an orb of ice, it was cold, since then it had become warmer and warmer, it felt a bit like a light bulb when you leave it on for a long time, lukewarm.
The clear stone shined brighter and brighter as I poured in more and more mana, the stone was now almost blinding to look at directly, it's almost like a mini sun.
"Throw it away—" I heard Rena shout, her voice was desperate.
I hear slight cracks come from my closed hand… Huh?
I chuck the crystal into the sky.
A large explosion blew up from above, darkening the whole sky as shards of the broken crystal began raining down. I look to Rena, her expression stuck in a state of shock, her eyes widened staring at the darkened sky. "What incredible mana…" She mumbled under her breath.
Got you there didn't I?
Smack. Smack.
Huh? I looked to Rena again, her hands clasped on her cheeks which were a little red from the impact. "Okay then, let's see how much magic you can use, Gryne, follow me."
That was cute…
Rena held up her hand, "Allow me to demonstrate. May the blessing of the great seas grant thy's wishes, moisturise the land with thee's power, Water— Waterball." As Rena chanted her incantation, a small orb of water formed in front of her opened palm, the orb was about the size of a basketball. Then, the orb hurled forward at a pretty high speed, flying a pretty far distance before splashing on some grass.
"Well?" Rena asked "Do you think you can do that?"
Yeah I can, it was one of the main spells I normally used to stack so I was pretty confident in using it. I shouldn't act too cocky, "Yes, miss, I think I can do that." I humbly responded to her question.
"Let's see it then." She said her expression showing slight surprise.
Was I too confident?
Crap. What was the incantation again, it's almost been a year since I last used Waterball with the incantation, "Uhhhh, May the blessing of the— Uhhh, great seas grant thy's— Water— Waterball." I failed to remember the full incantation, so I skipped the middle part. I created a small orb, the same size as Rena's and launched it at a similar speed, a little slower. Hey, if I did better than her she might get sad and all that, I didn't want that, I wanted to maintain a good relationship with her, Rena seemed like a nice girl.
The basketball sized orb of water flew forward, reaching a distance close to where Rena's orb splashed. Rena fixed her gaze on my mouth.
"You cut your incantation short?" She asked, questioning if what she saw was truly what she thought she saw.
Shit I almost forgot the textbook never mentioned anything about silent casting. I had just done it like it was the norm, maybe it's some sort of curse or taboo or something… Am I going to be in trouble? Maybe she's mad because I did something not even she can do? Hopefully she can let me off on some sloppy chanting.
"Do you… Always do that?"
I wasn't sure what to say, I might get in trouble if I said yes or no, I shuttered a little, finally deciding to reveal my secret and be honest with her, "I never really use incantations…" She was going to find out sooner or later, I am meant to be studying under her, she'd figure it out someday even if I lied today.
Rena looks over at my hand.
Rena's eyes were wide in disbelief, there was an awkward silence before Rena took a deep breath in, regaining her composure, Rena muttered under her breath, "Maybe this kid is actually worth teaching…"
This time it's even worse, you said it out loud. If any other kid would have heard this their confidence would waver.
"Okay then, let's move on to the next spell," Rena said with a small squeak, she flipped through the textbook landing on a page which had the title, Elementary level spell: Hydro Break.
Man, that sure brings back memories, I smiled awkwardly before continuing to listen to Rena's teachings.
It's been a while ever since Rena came, I have been growing pretty quickly, both in magic and swordplay. Now I normally spend my mornings with Iris practicing sword and the afternoons with Rena practicing magic. Talk about a fulfilling life, I have never been so busy, and by never, I mean never, not even in my past life.
Rena went through the curriculum pretty fast, almost too fast, it was actually a little hard to catch up, I mean she basically skipped the whole beginner level part so that's an example. I am currently starting the part where I learn about the geography and history of the world. In my past life I probably would have dozed off after like 5 minutes, but now I actually wanted to learn.
I really didn't have my time on my own since I started getting classroom style one on one lessons from Rena in the evening. She was a good teacher, I originally thought I was just going to learn about magic and all that sort of stuff, but I guess my predictions were off, it was like school, there were multiple different subjects you can say, there's history and geography as I said before, but there's also magic theory and maths.
Sometimes she would just skip the topics she deems useless and move on to the next topic, she would always quiz me on the topic before teaching me, it probably gave her a better understanding of the level I was at.
It isn't much but I did feel that my knowledge of this world is broadening. Back then Gramps had once gotten me a tutor when I was still in primary school. Damn that was a boring experience, every time the dude came I made a ruckus until he quit, back then his teachings weren't much different to what they taught in school. Comparing it to Rena's lessons, those classes he gave me were bland. Rena taught me with a sort of practical learning making it easily understandable. Let me give you an example, when we were learning about geography Rena told me to use earth magic to build little mountains and towns, placing them on a map, this interactive style learning helped me a lot to remember things. Of course, the fact that my teacher is a beauty doesn't hurt either.
"Teacher? Why are there so little utility spells, why aren't there spells which are used to clean dishes?" I asked, I was genuinely confused why there weren't many spells which are unrelated to combat. Magic is really versatile to my understanding, it can do a lot of things if manipulated correctly.
"Let's see, I should start from the beginning," Rena replied to my rather random question, "Back when magic was first discovered by the elves, it was only really thought of as a weapon, nobody really thought to use it as a tool for daily life."
Yep, I guessed it… Of course it's always the elves that find magic first.
The picture of an elf in my mind are those hot blond girls in greenish garbs, with long pointy, and huge tits, someone like Mother or Claire, with tentacles wrapping them up. Whoa, calm down there.
I could probably never look Claire or Mother in the eye now that I have created that picture in my mind…
"Teacher, what are elves?" I asked.
"It's rather hard to define the different races in this world, but the brief overview is that there are four main races in this world, the humans, the elves, the beastmen, and the demons. The elves that you were asking about are a race that lives on the east-side of the map in the elven empire."
Rena continued on giving me the full story of the Great war and how the civil war within the elven empire created magic. She talked a lot about the chaos that happened after a cult of purest elves tried to take over the world. According to Rena, in the beginning of the Great war it was only the elves fighting amongst themselves but later, somehow there was an attack on the Demon continent and the Humans. This was the start of the brutal all out war between the three different races.
"There's an entire story and history behind all this?" I exclaimed, my eyes glowing with excitement wanting to learn more about the topic.
"Of course there is, did you think that magic just popped out of existence?" Rena rebuked. "There's a history about everything in this world if you dig deep enough, some might try to hide it but by the end of the day history lives on forever."
"The utility magic you were asking about is a reworked version of the original forms of war magic, these spells are innovations created by the humans. There are so few utility magic because magic in its original form was only used for battle. If anything, it would be even harder if you had to do everything with magic given the time needed to learn and master a spell, plus not everyone has access to mana and sometimes you would rather use tools and devices to replace it as it's faster. But maybe you can do everything with magic, granted that you can use silent casting without a runic ring, it's probably pretty easy for you"
Huh? A runic ring? I have never heard of that before, I have no idea what it is, but damn it sounds cool, something straight out of a movie.
"Miss, what is a runic ring?" I asked.
"Oh, a runic ring is a magical device," Rena answered.
Huh? A magical device? I looked at Rena, confused at what she's saying. These terms were all new to me , given that the book I read was a guidebook for spells, it makes sense why there isn't anything talking about magical devices in the textbook.
"It might be better for your understanding if I showed you the real thing. Wait here for a second." Rena said before getting up from her seat and heading outside the room.
After a few minutes of waiting, Rena came back with something in her hand.
Rena sat herself back on her chair, placing the object on the table, the object is a small black metal ring, "So this is a runic ring, it's a magical device made for mages," Rena explained, pointing at the ring she continues, "there's a magic circle inscribed on the ring's outside, allowing for silent casting, and since magic circles can be used multiple times it makes runic rings more a popular tool amongst mages and non mages alike as magic circles can be activated with little to no mana."
So people can use silent casting, although they need a tool, no wonder Rena was looking at my hand the moment after I said I don't use incantations.
Rena then continued her explanation on how the ring works, turns out the ring can only cast a single spell, although it can do it multiple times. I realized how much I didn't know, I thought I had learned almost everything once I had read the textbook, I mean I did understand the basics on basically everything. But I figured I still had a long way to go, it wouldn't hurt to ask a few more questions, who would ignore a curious child's question, let alone my own tutor.
"Can you tell me more about the world, Miss?" I asked.
"There are 7 continents in the world, North Ether, South Ether, Litith, Jothurgard, Central, Demon, and Zevol."
She thoroughly explained the placement of all the continents, on the westmost side of the map was North and South Ether, you can guess which sits atop which by the name, the Ether continent is also known as the beastmen continent, as the name implies, beastmen lived there, on the east coast of the Ether continents was the Western Sea.
So there are beastmen, I want to meet one, hopefully in this world beastmen aren't the cursed beasts I saw in the Western TV shows, hopefully they are more like the hot anime girls with cat ears and say 'nyan' at the end of every sentence. Drool drips down my mouth as I think about the beastmen girls.
Rena continued her explanation. Past that is where the Litith continent was, Lilith was the continent we are currently on, Lilith is a mostly human based continent with two kingdoms, one is the Midgard Kingdom on the bottom where we are located and the other is the Industrial Region of Heinard. We lived in the East most side of Midgard, in a region called Feris.
Jothurgard sits next to Litith, although they are right next to each other, the climate in the two continents are like day and night, Jothurgard is icy, filled with tall mountains and huge snowy forests, as Rena explained it, it doesn't seem to be a livable place, despite that Rena said the elven exiles from the Great War lived there and even established a 'new' race called the 'ice elves', she mentioned that ice elves are especially violent and their nature caused their reputation to be destroyed. As she said it, ice elves were dangerous, a creature you never want to get near. I took her warnings close to heart, I'm pretty sure mother mentioned the same thing about the ice elves during a bedtime story session, guess this information is pretty widespread.
Under Jothurgard was the Zevol continent where the Elven Empire and the World tree is housed.
"In the center of the map is the central continent," Rena explained, she continued, "I used to live there, it's a religious continent, nearly the whole population follows the Luminis Church, the church had something against demons, they didn't like the fact that in some places demons are treated as equals to humans, they viewed themselves as superiors."
"If I remember it correctly," Rena goes on, "the Luminis Church was formed right after the finishing of the first Human and Demon War about 4000 years ago, which was way before the conflict during the Great War which is about 600 years ago."
"Miss, what are demons?" I asked looking up at Rena with curiosity, the typical image of a demon is your ugly winged creatures with two curved horns sticking out of their heads.
Rena stared down at me in silence, I was pretty sure that she's thinking about something, "Well…" she had a brief pause, "the term demon is actually pretty hard to define."
Rena explained the concept of a demon is this world, pausing occasionally to think if her language use was correct. As she put it, demons weren't actually a race but a group of different races who lived in the desert-y demon continent, there were a variety of tribes in the demon continent but the Luminis Church just dubbed them all as a vast category of demons.
"Actually I'm partially a demon myself." Rena said.
"Huh?" I was confused as I looked Rena up and down, my eyes moving from her face down to her legs. I might have paused to look at two points in particular, but still, Rena looked nothing like the image of a demon in my head… Due to her pointy ear tips, if she told me she was partly elven I would believe it more.
I had a demon for a home tutor? Huh? I thought the races hated each other…
"Yeah," Rena said, "I'm a half demon and half human, my mother was a demon and my father was a human. To put it in more detail, my mother was of the Isla tribe, from the Southern part of the Demon Continent. Didn't you notice your mother wasn't talking to me at first when she first met me?"
"I thought it was because you looked young."
"Huh?" Rena scoffed, she was surprised by my assumption. "She wasn't talking as she was judgemental of my race after she saw the colour of my hair and my pointy ears."
Her hair? I could relate to the part about her pointy ears, but her hair? I never thought much of it.
"Demons have different coloured hair compared to humans," she explained as if she read my mind, "and purple is one of the many colours which are mostly associated with demons."
Just by looking at their hair, people can get judgemental, huh? Back in Japan, the Purplish highlights were common amongst punks or school girls. I could picture Rena easily in a schoolgirl outfit getting pounded—
Okay let's just stop it there now.
I'm starting to get the hang of these things, not only was my magic proceeding at a pretty good pace, swordplay wasn't behind by a lot either. I recently used my first intermediate spells, from all the different branches of course, it's way harder to actually use compared to elementary spells.
Intermediate magic wasn't like any of the magic I learned beforehand, it involves a lot of vague concepts and a lot of theorising. What I mean is that… I'll just use an example, there were a lot of factors that made the spell seem awkward to use, like when I'm fighting a monster, what would making it rain do, maybe slip the monster?
Making it rain was already one of the more useful spells, some spells are straight up useless in a sense.
I continued to improve at a steady pace, I could basically use all the intermediate spells without the use of incantations now. I finally realised how useful intermediate level spells can actually be now.
A couple weeks ago, there was a really bad drought, the sun was blazing hot and there wasn't any rain for days. All the plants in the garden started dying and drying up from the harsh weather conditions. Normally mother would just use her healing magic and bring them back to life, 'reviving' them after the drought ended, but she would a lot of the time also scold the maids for not taking care of the plants enough.
But this time, the maids felt none of Mother's wrath, about halfway through the drought Rena asked one of the maids if they wanted some help with the plants, the maids of course agreed for Rena's helpful offer. With a flick of her wand, Rena made the sky turn gray, droplets of rain dropped down from the sky, moisturising the plants giving them another chance at life. The maids thanked Rena a lot after of course, after all Rena went out of her way to help them get out of trouble.
I heard all this for Claire, her description was vague, here was what I guess happened, to be honest this was probably how it went knowing Rena.
Maid A: "Ugh, if these plants don't get some time to cool off they will die pretty soon, mistress is going to be so mad at me." *sobs*
Rena: "Hey, don't you worry I'll fix it for you."
Maid A: "Really?"
Rena: "Just leave it to me!"
*Casts intermediate spell* (probably)
According to Claire's description, "Bang, and then— and then, the sky turn gray— Shaaaaa!"
Maid A: "Whoa! How did you do that? Now mistress is not going to be angry anymore. Yippee!" *jumps around and her skirt flies up.*
Maid B: "Thank you, Master Rena…" *sobs in happiness.*
Rena: "No problem."
*End scene*
That was how I imagined the scene unfolding, I might have added a little detail there…
"Miss, didn't you say you lived in the central continent?" I asked abruptly in the middle of class.
"Yes, I did, I was born in the central continent in a small fishing village along the east coast." Rena replied adding a little detail to make her sentence longer.
"Didn't you also say the people of the Luminis Church hated the demons?" I asked again.
"Yes, they do, they don't want to acknowledge the demons as an equal race, viewing them as inferiors." Rena answered.
"Were you hated by the people of the continent, miss?" I asked.
Rena sat there dead silent, it was clear that she didn't want to answer the question, but from her reaction, the answer was clear.
"Miss, can I call you master from now on instead of 'miss'?" I quickly changed the topic of conversation.
"I wouldn't advise you to do that… One day or another you would surpass me in skill… Well, it would be weird calling someone who is clearly weaker than you 'Master', wouldn't—"
"No, I don't think it's weird." I butt in, cutting her sentence.
"If you still feel like calling me that in the future when you become stronger than me, I'd be honored to have a student like you." Rena smiles warmly, patting me on my head. She looked pretty satisfied with herself, there was a sense of pride in her expression.
"Oh crap. Are you really sure you want to do that? People might look down on you, they might say you are just the student of a filthy half demon… Or something like your master is just some trashy devil of an adventurer and you are just some random rich man's kid."
Damn, that was a harsh statement to put on herself. I felt pretty bad for her, having to face all sorts of discrimination from something she can't change. Being discriminated against wasn't fun, it was like having a target on your back and people would just throw disgusting language at you whenever they wanted. But I guess the harsh reality is that whenever there are people there's always going to be a hierarchy.
"I don't care about their opinion," I say, "all I know is that Rena is my master, and nothing can ever change that fact."
Rena had a shocked expression on her face at first, which slowly transformed into a warm smile,"Thank you for that, Gryne…" She leans in for a hug, I guess girls are pretty easy to please when you just follow the lines from light novel mcs.
As Rena embraces me, drawing into a tight hug, her body pressing against mine, her breasts pressing against my chest.
I roll my eyes down… Yes I saw them… Rena's pink rosie nipples.
Oh damn, I might be getting hard… I'll be sure to remember this scene for future 'uses'.
It's been a year since Rena came. I'm now 4 years old, life has been good, I have been learning well, I'm getting a good grasp on not only magic theory but geography, mathematics and history also.
"Can magic do everything?" I asked Rena during one of our daily magic theory classes. It was a pretty broad question, like I knew the answer was no it can't but I feel like there's a deeper explanation.
"No it can't, you shouldn't rely on it too much, just always be aware of your surroundings, but I'm sure that if you hone your skills to a certain point, maybe you could figure out a way to do it in the future, you have great potential…" Rena's words are etched into my mind, but even still, I had images of loli hentai and naked sex scenes with schoolgirl Rena all floating across my head.
"Do you think you can teach me supporting magic?" I asked Rena as I tried to shake the eechi images out of my head.
"Yes, I can but I can only teach you up to intermediate level, I can't use any advanced level supporting magic myself. Are you sure you want to learn this? Supporting magic is quite hard, the concepts in order to use it are completely different to attacking magic and It's not required in the curriculum…"
`"Yes, Master Rena." I wanted to learn supporting magic, it was mostly because in most video games, supporting characters are always S tier for some reason.
I couldn't learn supporting magic before, in the textbook, there were only guides on how to use attacking magic and none on all the other categories. Now I can learn it…. I'm in a fantasy world. Why not try everything then, you never know if it would be fun before you try it out first, right?
So well, how about it? It's been only a few days and I'm already almost finished with elementary, even Rena seemed surprised with my speedy progress.
Supporting magic was exactly what I imagined, buffs, shields, barriers, and all that sort of stuff. Rena was speaking the truth before when she said that supporting magic is vastly different to attacking magic, not that I ever doubted her.
"Hmph…" I grunt as I slash my wooden sword at Claire's, with my newfound ability to use supporting magic and buff my own strength, I feel like my combat prowess is getting closer to Claire's. Of course, this is kind of cheating, but still in a real fight, a person is going to use all of his or her abilities to secure victory, no matter if they were 'cheating' or not.
"Hyuh!" I swing my sword again—
It has been about one and a half years since Rena came, time really goes by quickly when you actually have a life, doesn't it… I have grown quite a bit, my muscles are now more firm and my body a little more built, not only that, my mana reserves are basically bottomless now. I know for a fact that there is still a limit, but with the current spells I'm casting, there is no way I can use it all up within a single day.
I have gotten a pretty healthy relationship with Master Rena, her teachings really gave me a new way to live. I would want this life to last forever…
Rena has grown a bit also, I mean she's still a young girl, no, no, it's more right to call her a young woman now. Her body really developed in a way, if I had to guess she cup size should be about a D now. Just for a quick confirmation…
Father started coming back every week or two, everytime he came back it was like that, the house always became a bit livelier especially at night time… Aren't you like fifty? Every night when father is home the hall would echo with sounds of slapping skin and lewd moans. Back in the past I thought those porn videos weren't realistic, oh now I finally know how wrong I am… It might be an understatement when I say father was doing it like those porn videos.
Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.
Damn he's making me jealous… Maybe just listening in would give me some of his superpowers, maybe I can learn some of his techniques.
The wooden boards creaked as I tip-toed sneaking out of my bedroom. The clapping sounds continued to echo through the halls.
Hmmm, maybe I should act like I'm going to the bathroom, no, no, that's on the other side. Who gives a damn, I'll just use Conceal to hide myself.
Conceal is one of the intermediate supporting spells I learned from Rena, who would have thought this would be used against herself… I chant with a whisper, "May the heavens above allow me to hide my identity, protecting me against my enemy, concealing my allies in the shadows of the abyss… Conceal."
Conseal is a pretty sneaky spell, heh, you get the joke? Alright, allow me to explain, Conseal is a spell which can hide the physical form, although the physical form still exists, Conseal hides it, so in short it's just a basic invisibility spell… Imagine what I can do with this in the Japanese subways.