' Humph, did you think you could run away. Because of you and your selfishness I have lost all my wrist watches. Wrist watches which that I bought with a loaned money, just wait and see, you will be the one to pay back all the money ' The young man still dressed in his thug like fashion thought inwardly as he walked towards Emmanuel with his group of fellow thugs whom he had called. After finding out that all his wrist watches, both the damaged ones and the completely stolen ones had been stolen, he was beyond shocked. Anger surged inside his entire being as he shifted al the blame to Emmanuel. His train of thought went this way, if Emmanuel had just played along, he wouldn't have had to lose so many things. Now not only had he not gotten a dine from Emmanuel, but he had also lost the little goods which he had borrowed money from a thug far more notorious and dangerous than him whom he had promised to pay back the money with interest. He knew if he couldn't pay the money, he would be in deep trouble.
Out of depression, he just strolled the market with a downcast expression. He had used the last cash he had at hand to buy a pack of benson. He was currently smoking it why strolling down the market thinking about his life when suddenly he sighted a figure. This was a figure he couldn't forget. A figure that he believed had wronged him seriously and was the source of his current problem.
He saw Emmanuel, strolling down a small road in the market with his head held down. He seemed to be in deep thought. " It's him " The young man muttered. " Hahahaha " He immediately let out a heavy laughter. His laughter looked so crazy that it attracted the attention of the people nearby. They immediately turned their gazes at him. Once he was done with his maniac laughter, he immediately left the place ignoring the gazes of the various persons within the vicinity. He didn't run towards Emmanuel. Instead he ran towards an unknown direction. He ran for a short while and then reached a store that was currently closed. There were five people currently seated on a bench also dressed like thugs.
He immediately entered into a sort of discussion with them. They discuss for a very short while before the young seller returned his direction to the place which he just came from. The five young men which were about his age also followed. Quite a few of the men had smiles on their faces while the others carried indifferent expression. In no time, he was back to the spot where he had sighted Emanuel. On getting back, he couldn't see Emmanuel anywhere close, but this didn't make him all that surprised as he already knew that Emmanuel much have left that point. But then he didn't panic. He knew that Emmanuel couldn't have possibly gone that far, and was definitely still somewhere nearby.
He immediately went forward and asked question, and was soon directed towards the direction that Emmanuel had taken. And so he went after him with his gang of thugs. As they walked on the road moving towards the direction which he was directed towards, he suddenly laid his eyes on a figure. This figure was precisely his target.
EMmanuel stared at the fast approaching thugs as his chest started beating faster and faster. " No I have to leave here ", he muttered under his breath. And so he immediately turned towards the opposite direction to where the thugs were coming from. Once he took his U-turn, he immediately scanned the area. He suddenly set eyes on a passage where he could go through. And so with that, he speed walked towards the passage and immediately got into it.