Chereads / Cyberpunk 2077:Trauma team continuation / Chapter 6 - white but not snow (unedited)

Chapter 6 - white but not snow (unedited)

Three... Two... One! Assault!Hearing the command, the Private kicks down the door, into which first stun grenades and

then ordinary grenades fly. A couple of seconds later, a small hell comes inside

the larger hall, noise, screams of the wounded, screeching bullets.I go into the room first with the Private, the Private, using a smart

pistol machine gun, opens fire on everyone who has taken cover or is in

an inconvenient place for me. My main targets were all those who were open

or still recovered from the explosion of grenades. Quick and accurate shooting managed to

take full advantage of the surprise factor and drive the bandits far enough

away so that the guys following us could enter the hall without unnecessary risks.The bandits, who had just begun to recover from the explosion and terrible

losses during the first minutes of the assault, decided to counterattack, but Manfredi

and Johnson were able to suppress them with fire, and Rico, taking a convenient position, began to

shoot the most dangerous and daring. Did someone want to throw a grenade? A bullet in the arm. Was there a leader

who tried to organize a rebuff? A bullet in the head, or better in the neck, so that the sight of

the leader drowning in blood would make the guys panic. Did a guy appear who decided to make a

flank detour? A bullet to the head or leg, and then a finish from the medics or from me and

the Private.It took less than five minutes to finish clearing the

hall. The floor, starting from the middle of the hall, was covered with blood, behind an

improvised shelter of sofas and tables, the corpses of bandits lay in a heap. And all thanks to a

powerful armor-piercing bullet. It pierced the shelter and retained enough power to

kill or wound the bandit. It was lucky that the bandits either did not have bulletproof vests,

or they were all light that could only withstand pistol shots.But there was one disgusting thing, but. Kowalski reported that the White had

decided to escape instead of counterattacking. One of the walls was shielded, which

prevented it from being scanned and hiding a hidden tunnel behind it.- Damn, this bandit still has brains. So, everyone

quickly replace, batteries and magazines. Check for injuries and damage

to each other. In 30 seconds we go in pursuit. - As much as I would like

to rush immediately after Bely, you need to be prepared that he could organize an ambush or

leave a barrier.Having finished with all the preparations, we went to Bely's

office. Kowalski had broken down the door beforehand, so we did not have to waste time and

we could immediately rush into the tunnel. When there were less than 300 meters

to the target, Kowalski shouted sharply, demanding to stop."What's wrong, Kowalski?!" I bark over the intercom."Bad news, Skipper!" I was able to connect to one of the cameras

and saw that the tunnel ended in a large underground warehouse. There were at

least ten bandits with a couple of machine guns inside, but the worst thing was that the White Man

had two Centaurs from Militech! – we all

tensed up from the information obtained by Kovalsky.This is not the first time we have stormed a position with machine guns, but if you are confronting

two bandits in exo-suits, the Centaur will be much more difficult.- Damn it, where did the bandits in the USSR get Militech's products

?"Fuck, I only have four EMPs.- We need to ask Kowalski to send information about the Centaur's

vulnerabilities.Instead of panicking, my guys began to look for solutions to this

unexpected problem. Another delay, which will give the bandits time to strengthen

their defenses, will not play a big role.- So Private and I go first and try to divert attention

to ourselves. Manfredi and Johnson, you go 30 seconds after us and start

throwing grenades at everything. Shrapnel, stun, EMP, everything except smoke. Then

comes Rico, who must try to incapacitate the Centaurs, machine gunners and

the rest of the bandits. Only in this order. Kowalski, can you hack or

damage something from the Centaurs? - I distribute the roles in a hastily invented plan.-Already have. But the Militech has strong defenses. The most I can

do is disable the cooling system of their cannons. But only one.

-Ok. Then, after the doctors come in and start

working on them, you must disable the weapon of the one who starts shooting at them.- And if two people start working on them at once?"In this case, the Private and I will take the risk of getting a

machine-gun burst in the face, but distract everyone. And Rico will have

to deal with the operator of the disabled Centaur. Their armor, of course, is strong, but not heavy like ours,

so the main risk will be on me and the Private. Is there anything

else to add?" I turn to the guys."We've completely forgotten about stimulants." Private Private's

words make our faces shine.-Fucking. Because of these Centaurs, I completely forgot about them. So

everyone accepted a lively one!- Damn it! - swears the Private, for whom the use

of a living creature is a very unpleasant experience.Not that it was pleasant for others, but for the Private,

it was the living man who became a nemesis from the world of stimulants.When everything was ready, Private and I went in the first deuce. The Private's shield was first hit by

a flurry of bullets of various calibers, and with such intensity

that I had to prop it up from behind. And then the Centaurs hit us with their

thermal cannons. And then one of the errors in our armor came out. It was poorly

protected from heat waves."Argh." The Private growls muffled, who was not weak enough to get it

, even if he took the main blow on his shield."Don't stop!" On the double! To that container! I don't care about bullets, we need to take

cover from thermal guns! – and push Private towards one of the

containers that was closest to us.We are hit many times, but the armor holds, and we almost

manage to take cover behind the container when the Centaurs fire a second volley.- AHHHHH! BITCH! BITCH! - Private swears loudly, shaking his leg.

The shoe on his left foot looked like they

were trying to boil or bake it in the microwave."I'm going to kill those freaks in exo-suits first, and then those

fucking Soviet engineers who forgot about thermal protection!" He takes out a painkiller

injector and injects himself with a full dose through a special port.- Good whining, Private. Get up and shoot. - Looking out of the corner, I

fire a long burst at the enemies in order to distract them all."Phew, I'm feeling better. Well, creatures. I'll definitely shove this giant laser

pointer into the White." Private mutters angrily, and then, putting up his shield, begins to

pour fire on the enemy.Only thanks to chromium and stimulants, our reaction

speed is fast enough to have time to take cover behind a container a second before the thermal cannons

are fired.Those thirty seconds seemed incredibly long, and it wasn't until

we heard the grenade explosions that we realized that Manfredi and

Johnson had finally arrived. The EMPs weren't able to completely incapacitate the Centaurs, but they gave us

plenty of time to deal with the Heavies. Riko's original order

to prioritize the Centaurs had to be canceled. They managed to get into a position where

they could cover each other.It was not

difficult to deal with machine gunners and ordinary bandits. But the Centaurs had to be tinkered with. No, we could have just

shot them, but we needed live sources of information. So when

only White and his deputy remained, we decided to use the tactics of hunting

the mammoth. We aimed at the legs and hand manipulators, and Rico tried to damage

the cooling system. This lasted for about a minute, until finally the sniper's

bullet hit the right point. One of the Centaurs had longer pauses between

shots, and with each shot these pauses became longer and longer.-Private! Get ready to dash to the Centaurs. My one with

a damaged cooler is yours with the whole!"Skipper, do you want me to die?! The shield is falling apart anyway! I'll

run to it baked like a duck for Christmas!" The Private yells, trying to

block the roar of the unloaded therma cannons."Don't be afraid. At my command, Kowalski will turn off his cooling system

, and we'll have plenty of time." Checking the built-in stopwatch in the

helmet display. Nine seconds.At last, a double shot was fired.- Kowalski, knock him out! Private, we have only nine

seconds to run! - I break off and run to my goal.A bandit in an exo suit points a cannon at me and tries to shoot,

but the cannon is not ready yet. I shoot at him as I run, forcing him to cover himself

with a shield. Great, that's what I need.When there is a little more than a meter between us, I jump up and use the

shield as a ladder to climb onto his shoulders. The bandit tries to throw me off,

but my butt is already falling on his head. The blow with the butt is

strong enough to knock him out, and he falls to his knees.I turn my head and see Private holding the albino's

neck and hitting him in the face like a jackhammer. The albino's head is tossed from

side to side. After a few more blows, the albino finally loses consciousness.

But this is not enough for the Private, and he continues to beat him and I

have to intervene.-Stop it. We need him alive." I grab the Private's fist.

"Phew-phew. Kharosho. But then I'll finish him." Private wheezes.-No problem. We'll just find out everything we need to know." I let go of his

fist and signal the others to come up. "Manfredi, Johnson, get everything

you need for the field interrogation. Rico, you're in perimeter control. Kowalski, you're

in charge of the outer perimeter and network.Having given all the instructions, together with the Private, I help the medics

get the bandits in deep knockout from the exo-suits. Time for an equally

bloody interrogation process.30 minutes later."Say carrion! Do you work for Militech?!" A dull

sound of a blow.- AAAAAAAAAAAA! NO! NO! – shouts Sasha

Bely, who is being beaten by Private.- Fuck it. Manfredi, another dose. - I turn to the doctor, who

injects a dose of a reaction stimulant, but without the painkiller.Thanks to the stimulator, the human nervous system works at

full capacity, but a side effect in the form of hypersensitivity makes it

a good tool for interrogations. Even a small cut is enough to make a person

start squealing like a pig in a slaughterhouse. And a slight prick from the injection feels

like a nail has been hammered into you.For almost half an hour now, we have been torturing and interrogating these freaks. It took

only three minutes for them to start laying out everything they know. And with each answer, bewilderment appears

on my face.I expected to hear that the bandits were directed at us by any

corporation or that our cargo became known to the intelligence of one of the countries. But judging by

the answers, everything is much simpler. Ordinary robbery.Sasha Bely learned that a group of incomprehensible personalities

with some kind of cargo had arrived in Sverdlovsk from a bribed customs officer. And when the

customs officer added that the guests looked like dangerous mercenaries, he thought that someone

was trying to encroach on his territory or wanted to carry a dangerous and valuable cargo

without his approval. He could not forgive this and decided to act as he

had always done. Namely, he would put pressure and force him to pay, or go to the grave.I wondered what was happening in Sverdlovsk that

the local crime boss behaved like a mad chain dog. It's all

about drugs. Sverdlovsk has become a kind of hub for drug trafficking. For

criminals, or rather for the Urals, Sverdlovsk has become almost a gold mine. In the

past, there were several bloody gang wars here, but the Ural Mafia

was able, albeit not without losses, to keep its hub under its control. To

further protect Sverdlovsk from new invaders, Sasha Bely was sent here,

who was allocated a lot of people and money to purchase heavy weapons. It became

clear where he got so many people and the Centaurs of Militech. And then we appeared,

looking like undercover mercenaries, and with cargo. What could Sasha Bely think

here? That we were just moving in transit through Sverdlovsk? Nonsense, this is a new

attempt by other bandits to seize its territory. Instincts have already worked here and

without waiting for the command of the face, Sasha Bely decided to attack first. But it didn't work out."Hmm. And I didn't think it was the intrigues of

Militech or anyone else. And everything turns out to be simpler." I shake my head and light a cigarette.- You're not the only one, Skipper. But it's still better to be on the safe side than

not to be careful. Plus, we've tested new equipment. So it's not all bad. -

Rico is smoking next to me.-Yes. We just need to send all the information to Nina, let her help

clean up all our tracks at the same time. Okay, let's get out of here. We already know everything we need. -

I throw down my cigarette and signal the others to get ready.- And what about these? - Rico asks.- Let's cut the throats and leave it outside. Set fire to the warehouse and everything else

. Let them think that this is a criminal showdown, during which one gang deprived the other of

a convenient point. - I take a thermal grenade out of the unloading and

throw it up.Some time later.Several fire trucks tried to fight the fire, but it was

too late. So all the efforts of the firefighters switched to preventing the

fire from spreading to other buildings. But in addition to the firefighters, there were several police

cars and their problems were no less than those of their fellow firefighters.After all, in front of the building, painted the snow red, lay the corpse of the

famous crime boss Sasha Bely. Even if none of those present

knew who did it, they knew that soon another bloodbath among criminals would begin in the

city.And those who provoked it were already on their way to their

ultimate goal. Oymyakon. Yakutia.