Chereads / Cyberpunk 2077:Trauma team continuation / Chapter 10 - Fury and Jay part 2 (whit out editing)

Chapter 10 - Fury and Jay part 2 (whit out editing)

Dog Town. If Pacifica is the ass of Night City, then Dog Town is

the ass squared with the ass of a porcupine. Dog Town is a combat zone in which

there are no police, firefighters or any other social services. There is only violence,

survival and the right of force.You can expect that anarchy reigns in this place and everyone

is doing nothing but fighting each other like spiders in a jar. And so it was until

Colonel Kurt Hansen and his soldiers were here. While the Unification

War was raging, Kurt Hansen was able to capture a fairly large chunk of Pacifica territory. He

planned to make a strong bridgehead out of the captured territory, which would help,

capture Night City and thereby turn the tide of the war.But the mayor of Night City, Lucius Rhine, took advantage of his connections and was able

to gain the support of Arasaka, who wanted to take revenge for that shameful exile

after the 2023 terrorist attack. The arrival of a heavy aircraft carrier buried all plans to

capture the city. Realizing that further escalation of the conflict could destroy all

her achievements as president, Rosalind Myers signed a special

peace treaty.Many did not like this. Especially then Colonel

Kurt Hansen. Having sent to hell the orders to withdraw troops from Pacifica, he

deserted from Militech and the US Armed Forces, and so did his subordinates. And

then everything was quite predictable.Kurt Hansen took control of Dog-town, flooding everything

with blood and killing anyone who disagreed. He called his now either army or gang

Barghest and made them the masters of Dog-town. All more or less profitable and useful points are under the control of Barghest, and

the rest of the less

attractive places are at the mercy of a local bandit. But every resident knows that there is only one owner in the city,

this is Barghest, led by Kurt Hansen. If

the colonel wished, all the streets would turn red, and his faithful dogs would

tear up anyone their leader pointed out.This is the personal paradise of one embittered ex-military

man that we are flying to. And I really don't like it. I've only been to Dog Town a couple of

times, and even then unofficially, TT warns all its clients that they can

help a client in any area of Night City, even in Pacific, but not in Dog Town. There I conducted a couple of secret missions that

I don't even want to remember. It was

worse only in the Amazon forests, but what is there that here you feel like a

game that has entered the territory where everyone will want to kill you.Our aerodyne went as low as possible, unlike the

presidential plane, one rocket is enough for us to switch to the state of minced meat. But already on

approach, the radar began to irradiate us and we had to land on the move. When we reached the

wall separating Dog Town from Pacifica, we had to wait until Bartmoss and

Kowalski could organize a passage for us inside. Finally, they managed to hack the

security system, and we were able to use one of the hidden entrances.- So, everyone be on the alert. We work only with silencers and

knives. - I give an order and, having checked the weapons and equipment for the last time, sigh,

I give a sign to move.A strange atmosphere reigned on many streets, the best description

would be a picture of a fighting dog ready to rush into a fight. We came across Barghest patrols

that conducted a quick scan and went to another sector."It reminds me of the order of action to search for and capture

saboteurs." Rico said.-Yes. And this is the second patrol in half an hour. It feels

like the circle is gradually narrowing. Private supports his words."I see it myself. Shit. Kowalski, arrange for us to have a secure

communication channel with Mr. Blue Eyes. We've already entered Dog Town, but we have no

idea where our target is or if he's alive." Kowalski, hearing my

order, nods his head and goes online.- Greetings, Marcus. - Blue-Eyes greets.-Be quiet! No names! Have you forgotten? I swear at him.-Don't bother. The security and encryption of communications

are provided by a few of our friends, not just Mr. Bartmoss and Mr.

Martinez. So you don't have to worry." Blue Eyes says in a calm tone.-I hope so. But still without names. And now about the main thing. Do you

know where the target is and what is its condition? I

ask him, suppressing the desire to lecture him on the importance of secrecy

during a mission behind enemy lines.-Yes. It would be more accurate to say that we know her

approximate location. She is alive, but wounded, the injury is not dangerous, but it would be better to provide her

with the necessary help as soon as possible.- These are unnecessary details. Send us its

approximate coordinates and do everything necessary to narrow down the search. - I

open the interactive map on my interface."Don't worry, Marcus. The plan didn't go according to plan at all, but now

it's going to be a lot easier to do something. Target, though now you can admit that she's

actually an ally. She'll try to get to you herself." "That

news almost made my jaw drop.- Don't you think that you did something, at least very badly

, not to mention such an important detail?! What kind of games of secrecy at the last

moment? - I explode with cold anger."I'm sorry, Mar... sorry, I forgot about your request. We didn't want to

risk our ally, and we decided that secrecy as much as possible was

the best option. But I have to say that I didn't want to keep you in

the dark about it." His voice sounded like an apology.- I hope this is the last secret or is there some other seemingly

insignificant detail? - I ask him in an icy tone, hinting that his

voice against secrecy did not make me feel better.-No. By the way, we've been able to contact her, and we're

already creating an encrypted communication channel for the two of you. And now I have to end our

conversation. Maintaining two channels is too difficult if we want to keep you

safe. And I'm sorry again that we hid an important detail from you. Over

. He terminates the communication channel, which will immediately be replaced by another."Was it the man with the shining eyes who sent you?" Where are you? We

need to organize a rendezvous point." A woman's voice with demanding notes

sounded in my earpiece.-Silence. Yes, it's us. But first you have to send your

geolocation. I sit down the lady right away, not wanting to give her the initiative.-No. We need a rendezvous point...- she begins to talk and

tries to push her idea.-Silent. The goal, we're a

group that specializes in rescuing customers, so my guys and I know better than you how to deal with such

conditions. The idea of a rendezvous point increases the level of risk, especially for you. Plus

, you're injured, according to the informant. So don't try to leave your

hiding place and be self-willed. We'll come and get you out of Dog Town. Do you understand?" My

tone hints that I won't tolerate any disobedience or rebellion.-Ok. I'm sending you my coordinates. I hope you don't

screw up, otherwise I'll have to go to TT and hire their

famous Archangels. Her tone of voice became irritable, and finally

snide."TT don't work in Dog Town. We're coming to you. Over."

When I'm done talking to her, I think aloud. "But we'll still have to

work on the profile in this ass of the world.In a couple of seconds, we received its coordinates and, having laid an approximate

route, we begin to move towards the target.But after almost a third of the way, our progress slowed down. And the

reason was quite simple, it was on this stretch of the path that one

of the escape pods landed, around which there was now no crowd from Hansen's fighters

. Among them, a healthy blond man and a thin black-haired guy

whose one eye was occupied by an implant stood out. They were arguing about something, and even from here it could

be understood that this was not a conversation between a boss and a subordinate, it was

more like rabid wolves ready to grapple at each other's throats.I even thought about using Rico to kill a couple of Barghest's

fighters and wound the blond in order to provoke them to fight each other,

but I dismissed this idea. We can attract attention with excessive noise and then there will be

even more of the colonel's men.We had to make a detour and go to the goal, but it turned out that we

lost too much time during the stealthy passage and the forced detour

along the way. One large patrol squad began to scan the area and it seemed to me

that they were not just checking the territory, but looking for someone.And so it turned out, half of the squad was going exactly where

our goal was hiding. We would still have to make a lot of noise and try to

have time to get rid of them before even more enemies arrived.- Let's start distributing targets. Kovalsky, shut up their connection and

burn out the brains of anyone who tries to carry out an attack through the network. Rico is on you

, enemy shooters. I'll go on an assault and close combat with the rest. We work

quickly, stealth is no longer a priority. We take a VIP and leave as

fast as possible towards the nearest exit. - There is a plan and everyone begins to take

positions.When Kowalski cut off their communications, we went on the attack. The first

fighter in green armor with a symbol in the form of a dog's head

that came across in my sight was killed by a direct hit to the head. The second was a guy with a shotgun who

activated his chrome and managed to make a shot. The pellet did not cause any

damage, and I calmly stuffed him with bullets from the stomach to the neck. Rico's rifle

made itself felt loudly a couple of times, the rest also chalked up one enemy

to themselves.- Skipper, we need to hurry. I intercepted several

conversations and they talk about our sector. - Kovalsky's news made me increase the

pace of movement.We got to the apartment where our VIP target was hiding in a couple of

minutes.-That's us. Go out. We don't have much time." I contacted her via

a secure channel, while signaling the others to monitor the situation.- You made too much noise. - A woman of Asian

appearance came out of the apartment, holding her side with one hand and holding a pistol with the other.- The situation did not allow us to work in a quiet style. They have already

reached your trail. Are you wounded? - I put down my weapon."Injury due to rough landing. But I can walk." She

sighs and is about to straighten her posture, but the injured side. "By the way, since

I can contact you directly now, it's better to arrange a connection with

Mr. Blue-Eyes."Names again. I'm speaking for the first and last time. We don't have any names

or nicknames here yet. This is Dog Town and we shouldn't be here at

all. So keep quiet and let the medics examine you, and I'll arrange for you to communicate.

We don't have more than a minute." Hurry up. My words made Somi gnash her teeth,

but I didn't care."And Marcus. Since you've decided to contact me, I take it

you've reached our ally." Blue-Eyes was the first to speak."Yes, and we have problems. Can you arrange a route for us to the nearest exit

point from Dog Town?" We had to make some noise. And yes, the goal, to ask for a connection with

you.-Ok. I have already conveyed your request and now I will begin to prepare

a channel of communication with you.I finish the conversation and go to the nearest window in order to look around.

Behind me, I hear scolding, and turning my head, I see our target hitting the ground with his

fist.- Why was she not injected with painkillers? - I

ask the doctors over the intercom."Because she has a very unusual chrome, which is better not

to get into without knowledge and in the field. Therefore, only a weak anesthetic and that's it.

We'll patch her up somehow, but then it's still better for her to lie down on the operating table."

Johnson replied to me while continuing to bandage Somi's torso.We managed to manage in a couple of minutes and began to move towards the

exit indicated on the map, sent by the Blue Eyes. But we were not lucky.

When we left the building where the Somi used to hide, a

woman in a white suit ran in our direction, chased by the soldiers of Barghest.- Damn it. Everyone get ready for battle. Kill them and flee

from here as soon as possible. - Taking cover and marking targets for the others, I wait for confirmation

from the others.As soon as the last

green tick lights up on my interactive display, we open fire. In just a few moments, the situation for

the running woman changes. Instead of pursuers, only

cooling corpses remain behind her.-Leave. Let her distract the rest of the Barghests." "

But this woman continues to move in our direction, as if something is leading her towards

us.I was about to shoot her when a netrunner attack came

out of nowhere, which made me twitch.-Don't shoot. Must not. Somi says, and the mere fact that Blue Eyes needs her

saves her from being hit in the head with a rifle butt.- What the fuck are you doing! - I grab her by the throat."That's my boss. She can't be killed. If she dies, all our

plans will go to waste. We need to get her out of here."Then it dawns on me. Her boss. The President of the United States. Rosalind

Myers.-Shit. But the day started so well.I don't have the energy left for anything big. I feel that after

this operation, Mr. Blue-Eyes, I will lose one of his eyes. I will wear it

around my neck every meeting with him, as a reminder that I should not be dragged into any more

shit and hide anything."Yes, it's a great plan. But we have to live to see it. It looks like we'll have to

play the game of save the president.Then Rosalind Myers gets to us and

looks with surprise at her subordinate surrounded by unknown persons with weapons."Who are you? Why did you capture my man?"Instead of answering, I jerk the bolt of my gun and poke it with the barrel, forcing it

to go and not ask questions.Myers was smart enough to know that she couldn't

do anything to us, and all she could do was obey. As she felt,

she had trapped herself. And not just her.After all, now our way out has become much more difficult.Colonel Hansen hates the president and will do everything

in his power to put her head on a pike. Now all his dogs of war will be

unleashed.Damn President. Damn Colonel. Damn Dog Town.