Oymyakon.- How cold! And damn it,
I had to get into the year when the winter was the coldest in the last five or even ten years. - I swear and turn on the heating system
built into the modern version of the fur coat to the maximum.We got to the special hibernation research center without
much adventure. The adventure began upon arrival.At first, local specialists exhausted all my nerves, demanding a
medical card and other information about the patient. I had to, almost threatening with a weapon
, force them to shut up and do their job without asking unnecessary questions. It is felt
that the staff of the research center is unaccustomed to control from the center and has little
experience working with individuals.In general, the history of this center is quite peculiar.
It was created back in the 60-70s of the last century. Even then, many people in power began
to look for ways to prolong their lives. But medicine was then underdeveloped
as it is now, and cyber implants were only at the level of drawings and
theory. Therefore, many aging leaders of the USSR decided that the way out would be
to freeze until the time when science would become sufficiently developed to
achieve immortality, or something approximate.A lot of money and effort were invested here. But there was a very long way to go
, and those who planned to use the work of the center
died much earlier than the really working methods
of hibernation appeared. Here one could expect that the center would be closed, but the new leaders were
not fools at all. Yes, cyber implants and modern medicine allow a
person to live long enough, but they are not omnipotent. New hard-to-treat
diseases and unexpected problems like cyberpsychosis have appeared. Plus, we must not forget that after all, the
human body has its own breaking point. But these are current problems, in the future
they may cease to be them, since science and progress do not stand still. You need to live to
see it, well, or just be well preserved so that you can be resurrected and
all health problems solved.Therefore, the center was not closed, but continued to give money and
resources, albeit in slightly smaller amounts. Such not burdensome insurance
just in case.The research center continued to work and develop.
They began to provide special medical services. Someone was helped to get out of hibernation, and others, on the contrary,
to go into it and stronger. What a crazy mix.Returning to the headache of local specialists.When they saw in what condition the client was, and what
exactly he was in, such a wave of curses poured down on us that even my instructors
at Fort Grim would begin to turn pale. According to them, everything was done so crudely and
unprofessionally that it would be better to stuff it into an ordinary freezer. Well, as it were,
so Bartmoss did. It was we who moved him to a more modern cryo container.
And Manfredi and Johnson did everything they could in conditions of time pressure and secrecy.Another headache was the need to preserve Bartmoss's
anonymity. I didn't really trust the doctors who were busy recovering him. Someone
would want to talk about such an unusual client. Kowalski constantly monitored the
doctors' actions, and the others, with the help of threats and partly weapons, helped the
doctors not to talk too much and not to ask unnecessary questions.A week passed in such a paranoid mode of mutual destruction of
nerves. Soviet doctors showed that they were professionals in their
field for a reason. In just seven days, they were able to restore Bartmoss's health
almost quite well. They even wanted to replace his implants with more modern options.
But this was, to put it mildly, not the best option. Bartmoss was a genius of non-runners,
and he could give us such problems that it would be better to put a bullet in our forehead right away.It took a few more days until he began to recover
. From that moment on, at least one of us
was always by his side, preventing unnecessary contact between the doctors and the patient. The doctors
tried to protest, but the money and the open holster were good at shutting their mouths. The
hospital room became a practical prison cell.The day came when Reich was well enough for
a long conversation.Entering the ward, I saw a middle-aged man shaved bald and pale as a
freshly raised corpse.- Hmm, now you don't look like the one who staged the digital
apocalypse. - I sit down on the chair next to his bed."Who are you? Where am I?...- he began to bombard me
with questions.-Be quiet. There is no need to rush. We have enough time. I
raise my hand and stop him.-Ok. But first, the answer is: do you work for the corpo? Arsaka?
Militech? SovOil? He asks, his
fists clenching as if he's about to hear something very shitty."Yes, I work for Corpo. But not for one of the ones you
mentioned." I smile at him and light a cigarette. –Going?"I think for someone who has frozen himself to the point of
ice cream, smoking is not the best way to calm his nerves. Even if you don't work for big
shots, you're still a corporator. And now I'm probably your prisoner and you want to eviscerate me
in order to get all the information you need? I wonder who betrayed me." He shakes his head and sighs."As you wish. You're right about something. You're practically my
prisoner, and I wouldn't mind getting access to your knowledge. But I won't
gut you. I'd rather make you my ally." I shake the ashes into
a portable ashtray."yes, but I'm still your prisoner. And you, by the way,
still didn't introduce yourself." Bartmoss frowns.-Oops. My mistake. My name is Markus Berkut. I work for Trauma Team. He laughed after my words
.-Ha ha ha. God! I was annoyed by nurses with guns. Ha ha ha.
Run away from the fucking Arasaka and Militech to be caught by you." He leans back on the
bed and continues to laugh.-Hmm. I don't advise you to call us that, you may miss your
teeth. Trauma Team is not the small company that you probably remember from
2020.-Marcus. I know who you are. More precisely, I know a lot of what
happened to the world after my "death". At least by 2050 for sure. Then I started having
problems with the network, but I could at least know what was happening
in the real world. Although time feels completely different there.-Not bad. You don't have to sit next to you for ages and
reread an encyclopedia and an archive of newspaper articles. As for your question about who
exactly betrayed you, I can give you an answer. Your friends are on the other side of the barrier." He jumps up abruptly after my words.- What other friends? - he asks and begins to turn his head.
"Don't fool around, Bartmoss. AI, Bartmoss. You fell
into my hands thanks to the help of the AI. Or rather, the people associated with them." I look him
straight in the eye."And you're full of surprises.
What did you do to help you?" Bartmoss asks with surprise on his face."You'll ask them yourself. I didn't
expect such a 'gift' from them, though. You made me go through some shit, and I think it's
not over.- Beware of the Danaans, who bring gifts. - I nod my head to him."You can't say it better. In fact, I've drawn a
huge target on my back. And I don't really like it, so before giving you
a certain 'freedom', I'll set some precautions." I get up and
go to a small container, from which I take out a special syringe.- Do you want to keep me in a narcotic fog? Well, you're a freak. -
Bartmoss is angry.-No. There's a special implant inside that will kill you if
I give a special command or if I die. Give me your hand
to Bartmoss." I sit down next to him and stretch out my hand."Hmm, are the words about wanting to make me an ally
?" He mutters dejectedly and gives his hand.- No, Bartmoss. I'm just risking too much and I understand too
well what you can do. Now relax. It's going to be quick. - Once
I've found the right place, I insert the implant.- Uhh, it fucking hurts. - Bartmoss swears.-Just in case. I don't even recommend trying to crack it. Everything
except a regular scan can cause detonation. An attempt to physically remove it will also
cause detonation. And one explosion won't do: at first, such a poison
will go through your veins that it seems to you that acid mixed with
antifreeze is going through your veins. I put away the syringe and take out a new cigarette."You usually know about possible complications or side effects on the
patient before, not after. Well, that's it, I'm your prisoner now. What awaits me? Orders to
hack someone's brains or steal some database? What do you want, my lord?"
asks sarcastically, acrid as acid.- None of this yet. You still need to recover. You will be granted access
to the network in the next couple of days. Of course, my netrunner will accompany
you there, but he will only be there for your safety and
secrecy. As soon as you get access, it is better to contact the AI first and
only then start looking for your invisible Murphy. - I finish my cigarette and
get up.-A what? From where? How? Bartmoss
asks with confusion on his face.- From somewhere. From your artificial friends, who
now apparently are mine too. - I sigh and plan to give a light facial massage with
my fists to Mr. Blue-Eye."Now, for some reason, I have fewer doubts that I
can become your ally. But first, access to the network! I want to find her." He
tries to get up, but I stop him abruptly.-Slow down. All your netrunner
implants have been removed and new ones are still installed. There is no need to rush. And I think our mutual
friends will help you." Under my pressure, he gives up and goes back to bed.-Ha. Mutual friends. A corporator who works together with AI.
If I hadn't seen it myself, I would never have believed it. Are you sure you work for the Trauma Team, and not for the Network Watch?-No. I'm too conservative. I prefer physical
contact. Now I need to call Yerinobu."Yerinobu? Arasaka's heir?" What for? You seemed to want to
make your ally out of me.-Yes. The same heir. And you don't need to
remind me of my own desire so often. And the reason is simple. He is my friend, who I think will not
mind hearing interesting news about the legendary Reich Bartmoss. I will not be
surprised that upon arrival he will arrange a drunken meeting. - I start typing a message
to Yerinobu and go towards the exit from the hospital room."I'm tired of being surprised. First, a return to the real world. And
now a corpo who is friends with the AI and Arasaka's heir. For some reason
, I wanted to return to the network, it's calmer there." Bartmoss mutters tiredly."What about Spider Murphy?" M? I look at
him with a snide smile.-Oh. Stop mocking the patient. I need peace." Bartmoss
groans and waves his hand.Chuckling, I go to the VIP
meeting room shielded from surveillance and call Yerinobu."You won't believe Yerinobu! It seems that the world will soon become a little
more cheerful!Meanwhile, in Night City, a blue-eyed man poured a
glass of whiskey and saluted the rising sun."Welcome back, Mr. Bartmoss. We missed you very much." Leaning
back in his chair, he checks his communicator and rereads a special encrypted
message from the USSR, thanks to which he was in a
great mood today.Several different voices sounded in his head.- Still, the bet on the Archangel did not fail.- Perhaps now we have a chance to atone for many sins of the
past.- Fix everything for the sake of the future.