Sunny sighed as he looked up at the ceiling.
Till a second later he frantically turned around, his stomach on the bed, and screaming in his pillow.
He felt like a high school girl, if he even knew what that was. The things he did, the things he said to Cassie on that eventful night kept replaying in his mind.
'What the hell is wrong with you sunny?!'
He stopped his screaming due to a knocking.
Standing up abruptly, he headed to the door and opened it with mild anger.
"What?!" He shouted.
"What do you mean, what?! You're screaming in the middle of the damn night doofus!" Effie shouted back, causing Sunny to shut up.
"Oh.. sorry. I won't do that again." He quickly closed the door and placed his back on it.
As he slowly slid down, he recalled the moments.
"I.. Love you too.. I don't know when it happened. But I know I do."
How was he gonna face her after this, or rather how is he gonna face her in a couple of minutes?
Yes, Effie has the genius idea of inviting Cassie over to sleep for a bit, for more bonding.
"Ahh.." Yet again, he sighed.
'I'm just gonna shower.'
Sunny let the warm water run down his face.
The poor guy thought that it would wash away the thoughts swirling in his mind.
He sighed, pressing his forehead against the cool tile wall.
'Why did I even say that..?'
Everything he told Cassie last night had been true.
Truth dragged out of him by his own flaw, yes, but still was the truth.
And now, he was supposed to just act normal?
Pretend he didn't confess his feelings like some kind of idiot?
The worst part?
He didn't regret it.
Well. It wasn't so bad.
The moment played over and over in his head, every word, every touch, every second of that kiss.
That kiss.
He banged his head against the wall to remove that thought.
'Damn it.' He said as he rubbed his bruised forehead.
With another deep sigh, Sunny turned off the water and stepped out. He dried himself quickly, throwing on a simple black shirt and loose pants.
Comfortable enough to pretend he wasn't going through a crisis.
As he walked back into the living room, he immediately noticed Cassie sitting in the living room.
She was wearing pajamas too.
Light, silky, and… far too flattering.
Sunny barely stopped himself from looking too long, but the damage was already done.
His mind supplied thoughts before he could shut them down.
'It looks really good on her. Though, it looks a little too tight, meaning it's showing off eve-'
Nope. Nope. Nope.
He cut that thought off immediately, forcing his expression into something neutral as he approached.
Cassie tilted her head slightly, as if sensing his presence. "Thanks for letting me stay."
Sunny hesitated for only a second before speaking.
"I'd prefer if you stayed here."
The words slipped out before he even realized it. His eyes widened slightly.
Oh no.
His hand flew up to his mouth, as if that could somehow take the words back.
Cassie blinked, a small smile tugging at her lips. "…Oh?"
Sunny groaned internally.
Why was this happening.
"…Forget I said that," he muttered, his voice muffled behind his palm. She didn't even ask a question and yet he answered truthfully.
Cassie giggled. "I don't think I will."
'Where is she gonna sleep though?'
Sunny asked, "Where are you gonna sleep?"
Cassie paused. A faint blush appeared in her cheeks before answering.
"Can I.. sleep with you?"
'She wants to what?'
His brain stuttered for a moment, trying to process what Cassie had just asked.
Sleep with him? She couldn't possibly mean-
Before he could even open his mouth to say something like, "Are you crazy?", Cassie cut him off.
"I don't want you sleeping on the couch again."
Her voice was firm, as if she had already made up her mind.
Sunny opened his mouth again, about to protest, but then his flaw kicked in.
The truth dragged itself out of him before he could alter it.
"I was also thinking of wanting to sleep with you, I'd love to."
The words felt like it was stuck in the air.
His own words.
He felt his entire soul leave his body.
His brain shut down.
'Why did I say it like that?!'
Sunny's eyes widened in sheer horror. His hands shot up, slapping over his mouth as if he could somehow shove the words back in.
'I could of just said yes! Why did I say that?! Was that how I truly feel?!'
Cassie's lips parted in surprise.
And then-
A small, amused smile spread across her face.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
The embarrassment hit like a tidal wave, drowning him instantly.
He would rather save Cassie in the Dark Sea then this type of torture.
Before Cassie could react any further, he did the only reasonable thing he could think of.
With the use of his essence, he Shadow Stepped straight to his room, vanishing in a swirl of darkness.
His essence drained from the sudden use, but he didn't care.
He landed on his bed with a heavy thud, immediately burying his face into the pillow.
Why was he like this?
Why was he like this?!