Sonic: Here i thought it will be some good negotiations with the alliance but you power hungry bastards who throw away their own soldiers.. Can't be trusted.
Sonic sits in the minister's chair and looks at him disgust and disdain. The minister tries to crawl out of the room, tears in his eyes, broken teeth and legs.
???: Do you think you will survive after doing this? This base is fully capable of dealing with someone.
Sonic: Just like how I got in.. but i don't plan to leave just like that.. you are seeing this ain't you mr. Grandmaster?
Arier: They failed the mission and played for it, what is wrong with that?
Sonic: Don't try to coax me you slippery scum. They were given the nano-poison before you even connected on the call.. you never planned to keep me alive.
The main door opens and guards barge in only to get split in half with a swipe of argus and Sonic returns to seat in a instant.
Sonic: I don't care who you are and I don't care what you think you are... This base will today cease to exist and you just wait for the day I come for your head.. no mercy for traitors.
Sonic stood up and destroys the entire room and keeps moving, he comes across the legless minister.
Sonic: Scum like you are unworthy of life.
Sonic breaks both his arms as well and leaves him wriggling on the ground. He destroys everything that comes in front of him, drones, soldiers,defences, everything only to be cut apart by his swords.
Sonic: Infinite.
Infinite: At your service.
Sonic: How much can we feed ruby from this base? I want everything person accounted for.
Infinite: Based on what my senses say... 60% increase in current reserves. Over 4000 Soldiers.
Sonic: Then what are you waiting for? Begin the slaughter.
Sonic went up floor by floor, the core, the power generation one by one everything went down as Sonic dismantled the base in mere minutes. He reached the room where albatross and others were poisoned and look at their lifeless corpses with pity.
Sonic: Lupin and others will cry a lot.
Caliburn: That they will, loss and betrayal hurt worse than pain.
A soldier tries to shoot sonic in the back only to get his torso split in half as Sonic warps behind him.
Sonic: If they had knowledge of bloodline they may have hurt me but... Without them it is no more than fighting a toy gun with a steel blad- woah.
Sonic ducks and dodges a bunch of layers that came his way. He warps to side and looks at the soldiers coming in with different weapons.
Sonic: Elites.. I will just kill them.
Sonic brings Argus and activates the second form, The undying warmonger.
He charges at the enemies in rage, slaughtering them like lambs to a ritual. Their weapons couldn't match the power to negate any harm that argus wields. The lasers hit him but he just walked through as if with no care in the world.
Sonic: The cannon.. let's use that.
Sonic warps and used Talos to evade any detection, he found the anti-carrier cannon and switched up the power output after killing the soldiers in charge, the other soldiers begin bombarding the control room but the harm was already done. The cannon begin charging but without the launch command it won't fire, Sonic watched from the distance as the cannon overloaded itself and self destructs. The explosion engulfed the whole base aside from lowest floors where the minister scream for help as he lays down in the elevator that begins falling after the explosion.
Sonic: I hope they will be satisfied with their cremation ceremony atleast. We should-.... I didn't expect this.
Up above in the skies a giant fortress of steel makes its way, giant cannon aimed at Sonic and begins firing away like rain. Sonic hides behind a charred structure and charges up the warp. Just as the barrage hits, Sonic arrives in the deck of the carrier.
Sonic: Quite a party they sent to their deaths. *Looks at the batalion of soldiers that are aiming their guns at him* Will you people rather die instantly or die from a explosion?
Sonic switched for Oberon and activated the third stage, blade of devouring. Bullets and anything else that came in his direction had it's energy behind it devoured, the bullets bounce off the armor like rubber pellets on a tank. Sonic begins his rampage and begins ripping the ship inside out, the ship first lost its defences, next it's communication and finally Sonic arrives at the Core.
Sonic: So this is the power core? Looks like a reactor to me.
???: Why are you doing this? What did we do to you?
A dying soldier says as he looks at Sonic with fury.
Sonic: what will you say when if your enemy was in your place and you in mine?... It's nothing personal but you are just a pawn of my enemy I will take out to ensure my own goal, not personal.
Sonic spins argus and cuts the the control panel and supply cables of the core. He leaves as the core begins overheating and soon the area melted on itself. Sonic jumps out of the carrier after destroying all the aircrafts by the time the core explodes.
Sonic: The engines and thrusters stopped. That thing will probably crash somewhere near the base.. how much has the ruby upgraded?
Infinite: 'based on what we have right now, 67%. But if we wait for the carrier to stop we could ramp it up to 90% through I say we leave.'
Sonic: Right. If we stay here any longer there is a big chance their reinforcements will come and surround us-*warps onto a giant tree and slides down before kicking away and begins running along the ground* I can escape myself but the others can't.
Sonic: Everyone we must leave right now.
Lupin: Huh? What happened? Did the negotiations got ove-
Sonic: No time to explain, jump through.
With a wave of Ruby's power and some of ring energy, a swirling portal forms in air.through suspicious the group believed the words of their saviour and followed him in. One by one the Submarine got emptied in seconds alongside all the necessities, they arrived at a room that seem to be cut away recently in a cave.
Vanessa: What happen? Why are we in a hurry?
Olivia: What about albatross and the others?
Sonic: We all have been... Betrayed. Albatross and others were killed by nano-poison after their report to the arier.
As if the sky has fallen on them, almost everyone fell to their knees and stare at Sonic is disbelief.
Lupin: Oi Nizo you are joking right? *Grabs Sonic's collar* BECAUSE THIS IS NOT FUNNY.
Sonic: Do I look like a clown to you? I just killed the entire army base to make my way out.
Olivia: the entire base.. Did you really kill the entire base?
Sonic: Yes... We are somewhere in the southern point right below in a underwater cave with this room i cut out.
Vanessa: Nizo.. let me deal with this*looks at the panicking group* , you deal with our safety.
Sonic nods and makes a barrier with the ruby.