A heavy knock comes on the door the moment they were about to leave.
???: mr. Dynomo are you there? It's the cutters.
Sonic:*annoyed* Just great.. *turns to Dynomo* did you call them?.
Dynomo,Rex and the younger brother melv all instinctively shrudders and back away.
Dynomo: I didn't. They probably came because I switched on the security.
Sonic: sigh. Get them to leave. *Snaps*
Sonic and Rex vanished before his eyes, he gasps and walks to door and opens it.
Dynomo: Yes I am. Anything you need?
???: We detected your house going full security mode, any problems? *Looks at the luggage* going anywhere?
Dynomo: ah yes I j-
Sonic: 'tell them you got from someone who says they can help heal your brother and show them your call history'
Dynomo: i just needed some privacy. just got a call from someone, apparently a person I hired to find a good doctor for my brother found a person, look.
Dynomo gives his phone to the cutter members and they just smiled and gave it back.
???: since there is no problem then we will leave you to your personal life thanks for your corporation.
Dynomo: Thanks and also do you guys have Rex's contact? I was gonna let him know.
???: We don't. But HQ might have it.
Dynomo: Oh okay then.
Dynomo closes the door and sighs in relief.
Sonic: Nice work there. You take your ship and meet us at this place. *Hands him a map* We will be there... Come on boy we gotta go.
Rex: Bye.
Sonic took rex piggy back and strapped him again and left for the hiding spot.
Olivia: He agreed?
Rex: He did.
Vanessa: Atleast one good thing happened.
Lupin: Hey nizo.. I have a question, what we gonna do after we leave?
Sonic: Hehahaha. We are going to become bounty hunters.
Gizo: Yup he went crazy. Somebody strap him down again.
Sonic: I am not kidding. We can make name for ourselves as a professional bounty hunting crew who just ended their military work. You guys technically count as military elites and with my knowledge and powers.
Rex: A near guarantee hunting success, we can train, have money, and reputation while moving from planet to planet.
Sonic: Smart as always. The government won't dare attack a mercenary squad who is a top ace and quite reputed in the fields. My teacher also had me do bounty hunting for 3 years.
Lupin: I can't complain then what is our destination?
Sonic: Planetary station 778, evolis. The big den of everything.
Lupin: You mean the outlaw territory where even elites Don't venture?
Sonic: Yes. Anybody who want to leave raise their hands.
Everyone looks at eachother's face and then raises their hands in defeat. No chance they can live if they stay behind.
Sonic: All 27,nice...*looks up at the ceiling* He is here.
Sonic made a portal into the stationary shop and everyone got on board together. He heads straight for the pilot cabin after entering.
Sonic: Quite a Decent ship you have,*sits down in the co-pilot seat* it must have costed a lot.
Dynomo: I had to sell most of my property to get it before I got into the archeological business. Was a big risk not gonna lie.
Sonic: Better that way, let's leave.
Dynomo: To where?
Sonic: Evolis.
Dynomo: Ummm you sure?
Sonic: Trust me bud, no place is safer than a lion's den if you wanna escape the tiger.
Dynomo: fine then.
In a instant the ship picked up speed and flew towards the sky, slowly and steadily it raised it's speed and came out of the atmosphere.
Dynomo: What about the scanning?
Sonic: Leave that to me.
Just as they said it, as if our of nowhere a bunch of spherical drones came near them and demanded a scan on the signal. Sonic used the ruby to hide everyone while Dynomo took out his permit and sended a document version to the drones.
Drone: Permission granted, proceed.
The drones again left to the giant ring that surrounds the planet.
Dynomo: Phew.. almost showed my tension.
Sonic: don't worry about it, I was influencing their scan to the point they only saw what I wanted them to.
Dynomo: Ooo.. Shall we go then?
Sonic: Hee Let's leave for now.
The ship activated its engine and stepped into the overdrive, Dynomo warned everyone to hold or sit against something.. a few minutes later, with a burst of speed the ship transferred into lightspeed.
After hours of staying in the ship during the travel, the ship arrived at one of the stop stations generally advised to be visited during travels. It was giant metallic space station the size of a many cities with many layers of area that has many docking areas and vehicles coming and going out non-stop.
Dynomo: Station- 1034, we will stay at the docks for about 2 hours before moving into overdrive again.
Sonic: Okay everyone we are out of the danger zone.. Hey Dynomo can you get us something better than a military ration? Those things hurt my appetite.
Dynomo: Sure thing.
The ship was docked and Sonic and others begin planning again.
Lupin: You know a bounty hunter group is supposed to have a symbol and a name right? We wouldn't want to be called faker noobies as soon we arrived.
Rex: How about avalanche?
Vanessa: Probably taken and pretty lame.
The people even had arguments over something like a name. Sonic has to come in and stop the fight.
Sonic: are you guys kids? Why fight over a name?
Lupin: Nizo why don't you give us your idea then?
Sonic: hmmm. *Thinks* Blades of avalon? With 8 blades in a octagon each pointing at a side with a crown in the middle?
Rex: that sounds good. Any special reason behind it?
Sonic: apparently my kingdom has something called a roundtable where loyal knights appointed by me or the past kings serve as the my trusted helpers and friends.
Rex: um guys... Did brother just say he is a king?
It took everyone a few seconds of realises the emphasis, they stare at Sonic wide eyed as if they have heard the biggest twist of their life.
Lupin: Nizo... You are a king?
Sonic: why are you all acting like that? Stop freaking out.*coughs to get back into character* Yes I am king.
Gizo: seriously? Of what exactly?
Sonic: Um about 3 kingdoms. Through they are behind in scientific technology but better in magical ones.
Lupin: Holy S**t.
Olivia quickly covers the ears of the 12 year old Rex.
Olivia: Not in front of the kid.
Lupin: Sorry my bad.
Gizo: Wait doesn't that mean he must have atleast 3 queens if we go by the stories about political marriages in those mediaeval stories?
Sonic: I a um.. have 2.
Olivia: really? Arrange marriage or love one?
Sonic: Well technically a love one b-
Lupin: And here I was mocking your singleness.. dude has 2 wives waiting for him back home while I just proposed to my girlfriend.
Olivia: You have a girlfriend?
Vanessa: Sigh that will be me.
Everyone on Olivia's team looks at the duo with jealousy and pure envy. (Olivia's team has no couples)